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Things I've realized since being sleeved...

Sleevie WonderLand


Disclaimer:  These are strictly my opinions and in know way mean to deter anyone from pursuing VSG.  

I was sleeved on October 18, 2011.  In addition to my new stomach, I've got new realizations about things and would like to share...

This sleeve thing is MAJOR surgery.  I knew that when I was going in, but you dont fully understand the magnitude and seriousness of it until you wake up with that pain in your gutt.


I was not mentally prepared for this surgery.  Yes, I had the psych eval.  Yes, I researched every possible thing I could think of to make sure I was prepared.  I read posts from people who were newly sleeved and complained of pains and troubles during their recovery, but I definitely lived in that "That wont happen to me" world.  I figured those people had to be doing something wrong to cause them so much grief.  Boy did I get a wake up call after my surgery.


Getting sleeved removed 85% of my stomach.  My desire to eat for no reason in massive quantities is still very strong.  I wish I could sleeve that part of my brain.  I havent stopped wanting to have some steak and fried chicken since my surgery.  If only they made lobster flavored ice pops, I might find some of my desire to eat real food quelled.


"Sharting" is no joke.  Dont take your gas for granted, it may be more than just air in that bubble.


You will question your decision to get sleeved.  You will feel trapped when you realize that there is no turning back.  Unlike conventional diets where you can cheat just a little and get back on track; if you try and cheat with a new sleeve, you could kill your self.


There are an awful lot of food commercials on tv.  No wonder our country suffers so much from obesity.  While in the hospital most of the commercials I saw were about food, cars, and Kim Kardashian's wedding.


Learning to read my new stomach is still kinda hard even after 6 days in.  It gets frustrating, and at times it makes me angry.  My old stomach would growl, I'd overfeed it, and all would be well.  This new stomach is so picky...sometimes what I think is a small sip will piss new stomach off, and new stomach will give me the worst spasm ever.  New stomach dont take no s***.


Coughing, sneezing, and laughing are tools of the devil.  Boy do they hurt like hell.


I thought my couple of days in the hospital would be good for me because I'd be able to get some rest.  WRONG!  I didnt get more than 4 consecutive hours of sleep at a time because there's always an injection that you need to get, or some kind of medication, or a doctor needs to see your incision sites, or the nurse needs to check your vitals, or they need to deliver your nasty fluids for you to try and ingest, or someone needs to clean your room, or they want you to walk, or you gotta go to the lab and drink that nasty stuff so they can check for leaks, or you gotta go pee, or someone wants to offer you communion, or your roommate's family comes to visit and is loud and smells like cigarette smoke and cabbage and stays until visiting hours are practically over in addition to that hospital bed being hard to get totally comfortable in.


I cant stop thinkin about food and what the first real spoonful of food I'm going to have is.


Someone asked me if I would do this again.  I havent had any weight loss yet, so I'm not totally sure.  I'll have to revisit this post and answer once I see the difference in a couple of months.  I just hope this pain and discomfort and food craziness in my brain is all worth it.  I think my biggest problem is that Im throwing a tantrum because i havent had real food in over 2 weeks.  I know restriction is the only way i will lose weight, but I really resent not being able to do what I want to do - be in control of what I want to eat and when.  For now my sleeve is calling the shots, and that's a harder pill to swallow than the Prilosec the doc prescribed for me.








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Hang in there. It /is/ worth it. You are too soon out to see the benefits yet through the pain and post-op misery. In a few months you will be able to eat almost anything you want in small quantities, which is when your active decisions to eat healthy will make the sleeve work for you. Best of luck, and don't give up yet. The 'buyer's remorse' stage will fall by the wayside as soon as the weight starts coming off!

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I agree with Caitlyn. It is way too soon for you to enjoy the benefits of the surgery. Just get lots of R&R at this time and try to distract yourself with other things to fight the "brain hunger". I struggle with that also but I am almost 7wks post op and I'm down 31lbs...woo hoo!!! I'm feeling well and trying to keep up with the exercise regiem.

Not back to work yet..that shall be the ultimate challenge! I can't tell you how nice it feels to have looser clothes. Way better feeling then being stuffed with food!!

Good luck with your journey...Don"t give up, give yourself a chance to heal and change your mindset. Remember, the sleeve is a tool and you need to use it with a program that fits your lifestyle. :rolleyes:

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Thanks yall. I know this was the best decision I've made concerning my health. I'm just being a big baby and promise I will get outta this funky mood soon...lol

The great thing about this blog and writing posts is that I can look back in a few months and remember that all the issues Im dealing with now were so worth it!

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You deserve to have your funky mood. Thank you for sharing it actually. You still had a sense of humor about it "new sleeve don't take no S***". That head hunger must be especially bad because they are starving you. Hang in there and try to read a good book (they don't have any food commercials). Best of luck to you. Hope you get home soon, hospitals are tiring places :)

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:D I just had the same thoughts today on "do I or don't I" want my surgery that is being done on 11/30/2011.

I was having second thoughts yuk, but I think every one is right. You did the right thing. Read my post called "what a day" :rolleyes:

the best to you.

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If you are convinced that this is the best way to get you to a thinner and healthier place in your life you should def do it. Just prepare yourself mentally now because it sounds like a walk in the park until you actually go thru it. As the days go on and my woes lessen a bit i am less resentful and my tantrum is subsiding. Im happy to be sleeved but i still cant stop wishing that i could eat some real savory food. Food was my baby and i am trying to get accustomed to the fact that my visitation rights have been taken away lol.

I cant wait until the judge (my sleeve) lets me have supervised visits in a few weeks.

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Wow, I here ya , your words of exactly my thoughts too, yesterday I was one month post op and i still am having little regrets, but day by day it does get easier!!!! I keep telling myself that I want to live healthy, I want to see my kids grow up in to adults and have their own familys, when you start feeling low and down just take out a piece of paper and free write all the things you want to do once your weight is down and you are able too, I want to go hiking again and camping in the mountains, I want to fit in a air plane seat confortabley and not have to get a seat belt exstention, I want to fit on carnaval rides again !!!! This isn't easy but we have made our choice and now we just need to take it one day at a time and this to will pass, we once again will :D and enjoy our food, Keep your head up and shoot me a message anytime !!!!

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I know the feeling I was sleeved one day before u and have been going through the same thing. One day at a time I await the day I can eat what I want without over eating. Hang in there. I'm rooting for you!!!!

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My daughter had her"s on the same day as yours and today she wanted to eat chicken wing popsicles. LOL.... Hang in there, when she weighed herself today she is down 14lbs so she gave up on the chicken wing. It does get better, I did it two months ago and I am down over 40lbs. It does get alot better, hang in there....

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Im feeling your pain and still feeling pain from my sleeve and 2 corrrection surgeries with one more to go. I'm down 30 lbs and I still feel buyers remorse. Just taking one day at a time and praying my mind will come to terms with my new stomach.

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I am 6 days from surgery! I get on here several times a week to stay up on the latest and greatest news on the sleeve surgery. I love the comments, warning, postive thoughts and prayers. I can see how the pain would make you second guess your decision. Most of us have zero tolerance for pain...me included. However, I know the pain is coming....much like pregnancy and childbirth...we have to metally prepare for the pain. I gave birth to three 9+ pound kids...so I think I got this! :)

Check back with me next week to be sure....LOL

Pain is more of a mental disability than a physical disability...so that is how I plan to cope. Keeping a clar mind...stay mentally busy and pray A LOT!!!

I wish you a fast recovery and the same to all of us who are waiting to have our "new stomachs"!

God bless!

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Sweetybabs, for me it wasnt really about the pain. I had to come face-to-face with my problem of grazing. The sleeve does not allow me to just eat because I'm bored, or in a greedy mood. I was resenting the restriction aspect of it all, and threw a fit when I realized that there was no turning back. I'm doing much better now, and have come to grips with the fact that this is THE ONLY WAY i will be able to lose this weight. I'm still craving my favorite foods, but am finding consolation in the fact that I will be able to indulge in them (tho in very small quantities) in due time. The physical part of me is healing, and I"m still massaging the mental part of me to match my new sleeve.

Sheesh...3 nine pound babies huh? *bows down and fans SweetyBabs feet*

Recovery will be a breeze for you because you are probably one of the most positive people on this site, and a positive attitude will def get you thru with flying colors. All the best to you!

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I don't know how much this helps but I actually found a picture of a womans before and after shot in the photo's that was my same weight at the beginning. She actually made it lower than my origional goal was. I am only 5 days post op and I have three copies of that womans picture (no head shot) to encourage me at the BIG Picture ( or I guess I should say Smaller picture) that I am heading towards. As soon as my belly goes down from excessive swelling from revisional surgery, I plan on making my own pictures- just have to find a bikini big enough to start. I am a very visual person. I can't see my size while looking in a mirror, but show me a picture of myself and I am totally "shocked" at how big I let my self get.

Start looking at the big picture of where your headed when those urges come up. Find a picture of someone close to your size in the before and after pictures and try my visual methos. I have one on my refrigerator, my bathroom mirror and in my purse.

The thought of borrowing my daughters clothing is exciting. Even if I don't get to that point, I will be so much healthier and happier.

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Wow. I just re-read my post from October and had the best laugh. All my grief and bit chin was hilarious, but the process was definitely worth it. YES, i'd do it all over again.

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