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2 weeks out and I feel amazing...Long

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Good morning,

I wanted to take time to update everyone on my progress thus far and to share a bit of my experience following my surgery. I attempted to post this a few days after my surgery and forgot to save as I went along and lost everything. This time, I've learned. I'll start with the day before surgery. My boyfriend had been off work for the past three weeks and had to return to work on the 3rd, so I knew in advance that he would not be able to take me to the hospital that morning. I thought I had secured a ride to the hospital with one of the members of the support group I'm in but after not hearing from him I had to be pissed and mess up my chi (smile) or make other arrangements. I secured a car service to drive me to the hospital.


I woke up on the 3rd in a good place, mentally and spiritually. I was overly concerned with what I was about to do, because for almost a year I had been preparing and prayparing for this time. Upon arrival at the hospital, I went through the admittance procedures. I was informed that they needed a urine sample (code for pregnancy test) and to draw blood (I hate needles). Once I completed those procedures I went to the waiting room. Within 20 minutes I was called to the back. I have to tell you I had the nicest surgical prep nurse ever. Her name is Bella and she took time to explain things to me as she went along which helped calm my nerves. Bella even mentioned the fact that I was a "pleasant patient to work with". At weigh-in I was 232lbs. This showed a 5 pound weight gain since my last pre-op visit with my doctor. I asked Bella if I could remove my shoes and the other extra clothes I had on. She re-weighed me and just by removing those items I weighed 229 1/2. I know weight can fluctuate a few pounds given the time of day etc, so I didn't worry so much about the extra two pounds. Once I got changed into my hospital gown, the doctors and technicians entering my room seemed unending. When Dr. Forrester arrived he asked me, "What are we here for today"? to which I replied, "to change my life". IV intact, I was ready to be wheeled into the operating room. I remember praying for myself and for my surgical team. Once I was inside the operating room, all I remember hearing was "sweetie, take two deep breaths" and that's all she wrote. When I woke up I was in recovery and my boyfriend was standing beside my bed talking with the doctor. I had no concept of time. Later I learned I had been in recovery since approximately 12:15 P.M. because my fluid levels were low and they were trying to get them stabilized. Once this happened I was ready to go to my room, but then I had to wait until they got it together as other bariatric patients were discharged and they had to wait for a room to be cleaned. I finally made it to my room about 9:30 P.M. and I was exhausted. I went to sleep and around 12:30, the nurse came in and told me I needed to walk a bit. I didn't complain and although I would have much rather slept, I got up and walked with her as instructed. At this point, I still have in the catheter and loved it. Not having to get up to go the bathroom was wonderful. I cannot say this is the case the next day when they removed my portable potty. I could not stop going to the bathroom. I knew it was because of the amount of fluids I got in recovery. A few times I almost had an accident, but was able to make it. Just had to time it right.


Day one following surgery is when they bought me chicken broth, an 8 oz bottle of water, jello, and crystal light. I managed to take a few sips of the chicken broth, a few bites of jello and maybe one sip of water. I did keep the water on my tray and promised myself I 'd get to it later in the day. Lunch came with the same foods with the exception of beef broth instead of chicken. Didn't even attempt to sip any of that (not a big eater of beef or pork anymore). My visit by the doctor went well. He looked at my incisions ad said things looked good and that I would be discharged on Wednesday. The next day I was excited to get up and go home. When the covering doctor came in to remove my port, he asked why I had so many bottles of water (3 1/2) on my stand. I told him the water hurts to drink. He said if I did not drink the water I might not be able to go home, so start to sip I did. I managed to drink 16 1/2 oz of the 24 I needed to drink. I put the last bottle in my bag and took it home promising myself I would drink it later.

That was January 5, 2011. I can say that while setting here typing I just downed my first 16 oz of water this morning and I feel great. In a few days I will graduate to soft foods and will see how that goes. I am so happy with the way things have progressed. For anyone that has not had the surgery, I know you may be second guessing yourself about the decision to take such drastic measures to make a change, but for me, it's worth it. Since my surgery, I have not had any pain medication (thank you) and I learned the more I chew and sip the easier it is to get foods down. If you have not already done so buy some sugar free popsicles. They helped me greatly. As you embark up on this journey know that you are not alone.

In loss and love


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Thanks for the encouragement. I still have my last 2 nutrition classes one is tomorrow. Then after the Feb class we can get me scheduled. I am excited and nervous. I am glad to hear you are doing so well, I will be watching to see how you progress.

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HI Theresa,i am glad to see that you are doing well and to let you know how encouraging your blog is,

I still have atleast 3 months to go,my insurance require that i have 6 months of weight management to complete,i've started getting my appointments setup i am done with 2 and have 4 left which I know that it will go fast,seing that friends on here are doing so well it lifts my spirits,congradulations on your progress and keep bloging because it helps me to see what I have to face soon,....thanks sleevless4now

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Thanks for the blog. My surgery is tomorrow so i'll keep the 'must sip water' to be able to go home.

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GO T! This is great girl! As time passes, there will be some rough days and some great days! Just know that everyday it gets easier. I am praying for you. Keep in touch!

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