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" I Just Realized ME!

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:rolleyes:I always knew I was big and just went on with my life, and no one ever said anything fearing they would hurt my feelings. So I covered up all the pain with of course "Pain Pills".So this goes on for a while and life goes on. I had recieved a little extra change so I wanted to paint my apt. (which havent been for yrs), and had to move my china closet which is made with glass.So to make a long story short, I was forced to look at what was sitting with me.....I have never been so hurt as to how I have let myself neglect Me....Maybe if I would have listen to my doctor instead of the pain, well to be honest maybe the Mirrior is what I needed.Things happen in misterist ways. So, I meant my surgent on Oct.1st. and I was 352.2 lbs.,2 weeks later I went to my primary doctor and weight 343lbs. Then I meant with my nutritionest Oct.15th and weight 342lbs. I made sure and cleaned my refrigerater and put in all healhty food, and look at the weight I lost.I just have to express myself to someone even on here, for I live alone and going throw this by myself. So if anyone can understand where I am comeing from , please reply....Elite53 and loseing..... P.S.- my surgery is in March 2011... Good Luck All

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Its so hard when we realize how we have let ourselves go.Me included. I think a big wakeup call for me is pics!! oh gosh.....I think I look swollen.lol But no ;its fat!!I feel like I am going through this alone cause my family is against it. So I dont talk to them about it.I wish u luck and my prayers.I go to my nutritionist class tomorrow and have my psychology referral already.And then I see the surgeon. Talk to u later. Keep in touch!!

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Thank you, I was wondering if anybody understood what I meant. I need to chat about the nutritionist and how much he charges. Good luck and I will be keeping intouch.....elite53 :mellow:

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I too think that pictures are the thing that makes me realize how fat I really am, I hate to look at my pictures. I cant wait to get this fat off

of me, I too take pain pills for the pain and I hope after I loose all this wait I will be able to stop my pain meds. I think most of my hurting is from being fat.

Take care and I hope you have a safe journy.


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Oh thats ok for I make a lot of era's. I am so tired of takeing pills, they don't seem to work anymore. My nutrionist says I havew to pay 159.00 a month for food, drinks and visits to see how I am losing. WTF, its really like paying for the operation myself, all together it is 4,500.Oh and the major part is I would have to get someone to co-sign? OMG, is this a bank loan?lol I am going to call the Doctor tomorrow and find out about this....I will give you an update , oh and I am still loseing... have a nice evening...elite53 tnk u fior being here... :mellow:

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Well girls, I am going to have my teeth done tomorrow. I am scared like chit, but I have to have it done.I can't eat like I use to for that full effect makes me want to throw up. So I know I am loseing. I just had to tell someone . I need to be ready for that new life comeing my way....Ok, I will fill you in on my experince with the DENTIST...lol elite52...P.S.- hope everything is well with all........ :unsure: -

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