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Had 2 big things happen today. First, I was able to get back to the gym for spin class for the first time since surgery and second, I saw my nutritionist.

Getting back to spin class was a big deal for me. Pre-surgery I worked out 4-5 times a week. Spin class was at least twice a week, and something I really love. I have been missing it for a while. I went to class like normal, but toned it down a bit. I'm normally really pushing myself to go faster and harder each time, but today I took it kind of easy. I'm sure that doesn't sound like a big deal to most people, but it is very hard for me to 'take it easy' with anything. My port got a bit sore mid class, but it was fine. It was so good to be back in the saddle!

I had an early morning appointment with my nutritionist today. She is nice, but it drives me a bit crazy that she looks like she has never weighed over 110lbs. She does know what she is doing though, and is very good at her job.

As many of you know I've been posting about not losing weight recently. I've been pretty frustrated and unable to determine what I am doing wrong. Well, I was told today that I'm not getting enough carbs! That is a first. I guess getting enough protein has been drilled into my head so hard that I kind of forgot to get carbs. She also told me I should be keeping my calories between 800-1100 and not eating my exercise calories. She printed up an example menu for me and I'm going to try to follow it the next two weeks and see what happens. I have my first fill on August 1st and I feel like I already need it. I ate 1000 calories today waaayyy to easily.....


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Granted this is strictly my opinion based on the advice of my own nutritionist, but some people's metabolism do need carbs. Carbs are energy. I just try to eat "good" carbs- like whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and potatoes. I try to stay away from carbs that are white (except potatoes) or anything with the words "bleached" or "enriched" on the label. For me, it works.

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This is my own opinion too, but I think that everyone needs some carbs. As Mis said, only good carbs, but.....carbs! Protein has always been the most of what I eat, but I do add a small amount of quinoa, 100% whole grain bread, yams, beans, etc.

Beanie - you're lucky that exercise isn't a chore for you. Given how much you do, I imagine that with the dietary adjustments, the weight is going to start melting off.

PS: The nutritionist at my doctor's office ALSO (appears to) never have had an extra pound on her. Same with the nurse who I do some of my follow ups with. Sometimes, when I talk with the nurse about different issues, I don't think that she understands quite the way someone who's been through it would. Just my feeling.... But as long as she knows what she's doing, I'm good :-)

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I agree with both of you about the carbs! I just didn't realize I was restricting them. I was eating my protein first, like a good girl :), and just didn't really think about carbs. I have absolutely no desire to eat bread at this point and would kind of like to keep it that way. I added black beans to my dinner last night and the yogurt I'm eating this morning has some carbs too. I guess I just need to pay more attention! Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to break out the quinoa and brown rice tonight.

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