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So now I'm gonna be rude

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Out of many thousands of members that are part of this community I do not believe that any one of you know me personally, have been my best friend, my family, my children, or my coworkers. I am sick and tired of those of you who think the things I say, are because I am mean. No one has the right to tell me to apologize to anyone. When I answer any post I am not saying it mean but that is the whole darn point. When two people read a book or even a stupid three word sentence neither one will interpret that book or sentence in the same manner.


I have been in the medical field for 30 years. I have never had a patient, coworker, boss, best friend say that I am mean or complain about me and you know why???? Because I am not. I am not a coddler or tell you what you want to hear type of person. I tell the truth. I am not a class act but a very bright intelligent woman. I have two degrees in healthcare administration, have published 6 books, taught child birth education, parenting. I have worked as a case manager for pregnant women, taught nutrition classes for pregnant lap band patients. I have worked everywhere from surgery to med surg, oncology and telemetry. I dont think that if I was mean I would still have a job in the health care field.


I think the problem does not lie within me but those of you who feel that I am mean or so you say. When I post something that you dont like and you ream me out, then are you any better. Then you get your few 3 friends you have on here to do the same thing. None of this is about me but about your own insecurities that you feel the need to jump all over me because you feel some kind of way about yourself.


Like I said earlier look in your own mirror because the problem lies within you not me. I won't lose sleep tonight because you think I am mean. I won't have any less friends in my real life because of a handful of people who think they know what I am thinking at all times. I can imagine it would be sad that you are thinking I hate her when you don't even know me. That is why people end up having such a lonely life because they think too much about how other people are when in all reality what you are thinking is farther from the truth.


If you are obese like we all are and I say the word obese then forgive me for using the proper medical terms instead of saying you are fat. I just do not get it how any of you can assume anything about me. You are reading words that are typed. You don't know what I was thinking or feeling when I typed it. You don't know anything about me. You just assume. So before you judge me and my character look at yourself and figure out what it is that makes you so upset with what I say. It's you not me. I don't take offense to anything anyone writes on here you know why? Because I do not know one single person that comes here. I don't live with them, don't sleep with them, or even know where most of you live.


So before any of you tell me I am mean, please look at yourself and figure out what it is that is wrong with you. I don't have a mean bone in my body but truthfull yes I can be called that.


So let me tell you who I am. I am a 50 year old happily married woman with two sons and two grand daughters. I am loved by my family, friends, coworkers and my patients oh and let me not forget my animals. I am well respected by a ton of people. On my days off I teach nutrition for lapband patients in different surgeons offices here where I live. Yes I teach nutrition classes. Imagine that I know what I am talking about. I think I have enough knowledge to give people advice and unless that person is complaining about me being mean then why should you.


When you know me personally then you can say what you want but until then, don't judge me. If I was not answering to your post then why are you getting offended? Must have a guilty conscience.

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"That is why people end up having such a lonely life because they think too much about how other people are when in all reality what you are thinking is farther from the truth." This is so true! I always try to tell myself, "nah, that person couldn't possibly be that rude." Of course it helps that I live in my own delusional world. lol. p.s. I'm with Domika... I love that you teach nutrition classes!!

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Woot, woot! Now that I know you teach nutrition...I am blowing up your inbox!! Just kidding. I am sorry you were pushed to ever write this post. I agree.....if one is upset about someone's post......it's time to do some internal inventory and figure out why.

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