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Feeling more hopeful today



My surgery was the 7th of jan, so i'm three weeks out.


Last thursday i had gotten under 350 (349) and then after thursday i had gained four pounds that i had to widdle back down. It didnt seem to be coming off like it should so i was/still am frustrated. then i get up the courage to way again today and i was 348.8! so i'm down at a low again i just hope this one lasts and i dont have to go back into the 350's again. i want to be done with that number forever! anyway just writing this to remind myself that your weight fluctuates and if u dont get too discouraged and if you stay on track it will come down again.

i'm doing ok so far since my surgery. could be more hardcore, but compared to what i was doing before this is hardcore.. if that makes any sense. i'm just worried about how hard its going to get to maintain (thats what im hopiing for) or lose until my first fill. which is Feb 18th, it's my valentines day present to myself :) Btw how much is the usual first fill? i know the size of the band and stuff is different for some people. but i'm just curious.. also how long do u have to wait before getting another fill if you need it?


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Do not get discouraged. The same thing is happening to me.

I lost the most weight during the Pre op shakes.

I am 6 weeks post op and the last couple of weeks,I lose a couple and then gain a couple.

I was told it has to do with fluid/swelling and it will kick start soon.

Good luck!

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your weight goes up and down all day long....and in the first 4 to 6 weeks, you really shouldnt get so hung up on (losing a set amount) your body is healing....and the band is working even if you dont feel/think it is...also, i dont have any fills so just having a fill (doesnt guarantee) you to lose weight..so eat your allotted amounts (protein/veggie/fruit) and drink alot and watch what happens...and def stop weighing all the time...find that want power and stick with it..

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