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I went on a road trip last weekend and did pretty good, even having to eat out. I turned down apple pie and icecream when every one else was eating it. Back at work this week, I turned down a awesome looking chocolate cake and donuts. I am eating what I am suppose to, drinking water even exercising, but am I losing weight, NO!.


I know everyone hit plateaus, but this is ridiculas. Last week my weight got down to 216.4 on Wed, this Tuesday I was 218. Tuesday night I worked in the yard, push mowed the lawn and the raked the yard- out there 3 hours sweating. Wed morning I was down to 216.2 then this morning I was back up to 217.2. WTH??


I went through surgery and all the test, and I still can't seem to lose. The first few weeks things went great, but now it seems like I am losing less than a pound a week and sometimes not even that. Why am I eating like a bird just to stay fat?


Ok, before I get a beat down. I know it's worth it, I am just frustrated and afraid. There are people out there that the band doesn't work for, what if I am one of those people. What if I went through all of this for nothing.


I realize that the weight didn't come on me over night so it won't fall off over night, but geez. I was so hopeful and excited to begin with, but now I am losing hope and just feeling fearful. I am not stopping the band why, I am still eating healthy, because I have learned to like it. I just want to see results on the scales for all my efforts.

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weighing yourself so often in a short time doesnt help your positive thoughts. your body will go up and down and up and down and so on all the time on a daily basis. (eating, drinking, peeing, etc). and for a variety of reasons. how about you just weighing (once a week)? i think that would take some ease off your thought processing.

(eating like a bird wont make you lose weight. eating lean protein and not over a cup at a time will).

and lastly, are your clothes looser? are they? have you bought smaller sizes? are you feeling better? why dont you judge your weight loss success by that instead of scale numbers....

you are doing great. just stop beating yourself up please.

:) all the best my friend.

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I am heating healthy. I eat good lean protein. I eat chicken, turkey, fish. I eat salads- with healthy stuff. I have stopped making meatload and such with hamburger and instead use turkey. I eat my protien first and a few veggies with. I am staying fairly satisfied. Only in the mornings do I get hunger pains, I eat breakfast at 6 and snack about 9:30, but before noon I really hungry again. I have been exercising, I did great up to this week. It's the first week the kids came back to school and I have worked late a lot and had work to bring home and been exhausted. Took one night off to get the yard taken care of, but other than that work has taken me over.

I have to get back on track.

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