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Stop! Put Down The Potato Chips And Walk Away!

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Ok so I'm sitting at my desk playing on the computer and I have a bag of Lays Keetle Cooked Original Potato chips laying beside the mouse. I've been munching on them pretty much the whole day and I know they were supposed to be for the boys but somehow they've landed on my desk when suddenly I realize the bag is almost empty. At first I think maybe the boys have gotten into my stash but then I remember I've been eating some just about every time I've sat down. I immediately trash them but feel so bad. and maybe even a little bloated...


I've been doing pretty good about cutting the junk out of my diet in order to be better prepared for surgery (hopefully in August) but today seemed to drag on and on and I was so bored.


Why do I do this to myself? Am I really that addicted to food that I didn't even realize I was stuffing my face with not only horrible food but I wasn't even hungry. Will my will be better after surgery? So many questions in my disfunctional head. . . I know I want to do this but what if I can't? What if this addiction is stronger than me?

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Ive been feeling the same lately. Im almost 3 yrs post band, but tsill have those bad habits to break. Until my unfill about 2 mths ago due to a slip,there was no way I could physically overeat. It literally gave me pain and i learned pretty quickly when to stop eating. But since my unfill (Ive had 2 1cc fills so far), I feel that I have decent restriction, but overeating doesnt cause me discomfort anynore. I go past that "full" feeling often. I think that I might need therapy for addicito n to food. It'd be smart to do it before I gain all my weight back becasue I'm not feeling pain when satiated. Oh to have that pain back! Especially at nite. Ive been snacking alot. Too much. Ive already gained 13a lbs and I really dont want to gain anymore.

Good luck with ur therapy. Let us know how it goes. At least you figured it out before being banded.


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Sounds like mindless eating rather than food addiction. One of the tips with the lap band is to concentrate on eating so that you experience it fully and appreciate it. Plus, you will hear/feel your full signals better if you are not doing anything else but eating. That includes the computer, television, games, reading and sometimes even just talking with friends.

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These habits and addictions didn't occur overnight and they won't go away that fast wither.....in fact, this will probably be a life long battle. It will be hard, we may falter, but in the end we must prevail! I say to myself every morning when I wake up "This day I battle...this day I will fight hard, this day I WILL be the victor!"

You're already working on your eating habits, which is good, but work harder to fight the boredom and the mind hunger. Instaed of chips...keep a hand tensioner that will work out your fingers, wrist and forearms while sitting at your desk. It has helped me.

Good luck and always look to the LBT for support!

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If "the boys" really NEED potato chips, could they not eat those necessary potato chips somewhere besides your home? If I keep stuff like that in the house, it's way too easy to eat it. But if it's truly essential to have potato chips in the house, go ahead and eat them...but do it this way:

1. Read the nutrition stats on the package. If one serving is 13 chips, count out 13 chips, put them on a small plate or bowl. Then close the bag and put it away where you can't see it.

2. Take the plate or bowl of chips to the dining table.

3. Sit down at the table, all by yourself with the chips. No computer, no TV, no magazine, no radio, no distractions.

4. Eat the chips one at a time, concentrating on their texture and flavor, so you get the maximum enjoyment out of them.

5. When the chips are gone, put the empty plate in the sink or dishwasher.

6. Go back to doing whatever you were doing before the potato chip attack hit you.

The point of all that is to put you in control of the food, instead of the food in control of you.

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If I want potato chips, I get the single serve packets. We are not without faults, and I try to avoid putting too much temptation in front of me.

Like Jean said, use mindful eating practices when you are eating so that you know you are eating to enjoy every aspect the food and not because it is there. Sometimes you will find you don't enjoy the food at all if you really think about it.

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thanks everyone for the help and advice.

"This day I battle...this day I will fight hard, this day I WILL be the victor!" ~ xsentrick

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