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Fat Slob

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my mother desied i should not go shopping and told me she saved things from when i was a 12 i not a 12 yet. When i was a 12 i was 120 lbs i had 6 mouths of conrinc vommiting i thow up about 3 times a day due to a conic apdexicess it like have your apedeix inflamed for six mouth i could not eat i barly drank yes i was a 12 and i did gain it all back pluse. So she made me tryed them on and then she said well you did this to your self your just a fat slob. I wanted to eat so bad as that what i knonw but i am writing it down so i rember what she did . I hate pepole who want to hurt you and not help you i think it time to get rid of her and her negive ways she had no right to bring that stuff over and say hateful things. I am sorry if this sounds like a whine and complain but i just need to get this off my chest before i handle this the wrong way with my good old freind red velet cupcake and ice cream and chips

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Don't do it. Move away from the cake. It is not your friend! That being said.....That is one of the worst things you could say to a person. You should've told her, you would rather be overweight than have a black heart. Telling you to ignore her would be impossible but, don't let it rule you or your decisions. I am so sorry, you have to deal with someone like that.

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laura, my mom has called me that and worse........i understand what you are going through. food will pacify you but eating junk food will only comfort you for that moment. then you will fill bad. please dont do that.

i am sorry there are people in this world who are so hateful and cruel. since she cant say i am sorry, let me say that i am sorry. your gorgeous inside and out. now, then, forever. rise above ignorant people.

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What is it with our Mothers? Mine is that way also. I am 60 yrs old and my mother has tormented me all my life. I decided to get the lap band so I could lose weight and she could't tell me how fat I was. First I started by trying to love myself. ( They say if you love yourself, you can do anything.) Then I started to take care of myself, like it has taken me 60 years to realize that my mother only cared about herself. Don't get me wrong, she loves me, but she dosen't like me. So I have to like myself. They also say that females who are obese usually do not have a good relationship with their mothers.

Do things that make you feel good. Fix your hair and wear makeup, always put lotion on your whole body to make your skin soft. Rub your feet with lotion. Paint your finger nails and toe nails. Dress up, put on perfume Go walking every day, (that always makes me feel good). Plant some pretty flowers. Anything you like to do, do it , and tell yourself that you are beautiful and you deserve it. I hope this helps. Hang in there. Good Luck Lauracat.

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I totally get where u are comming from, I have a sometimes(mostly) toxic relationshiph my mom and other female relitives when it comes to the weight issues. I think alot of it is jelously and the fear that if we take care of ourselves then we won't be the fatest females in the family. Cuz lets face it when a morbidly obesse person stands next to someone who is overeight, or even average, that person looks normal compared to the obesse person. By the obesse person taking control and having WLTS they are saying to that person I won't be the largest person in the room anymore I might actually look better then you, so you better look out. And also wommen can be nasty to oneanother especially when it comes to weight and our looks. Laura cat I'm so proud of you for choosing surgery this was not an easy decision. There will be peaks and valleys with this plan of weightloss. I've been banded since this past december and it has been six months of pretty steady weight loss but there have been months also where the weight has stalled out or barely moved. This month the weight barely moved, but atleast I did not gain. --icestorm12132008

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sends you a hug.....because one of my last times with my mom was her lying in her hospital bed ....telling my dad i wouldnt take my coat off because I was so fat and trying to hide it.....i was 15...im 54 now and still hurts to remember that night...

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So sorry - people can be so awful - even to those they are supposed to love the most. Like my mother-in-law always used to say "Consider the source" and pity her - she isn't a happy person.

Sometimes we just have to find "another mother" someone you like and can look up to as a friend and mentor- and it doesn't have to be anyone related to you or anyone older - maybe just a good friend! Good luck my dear and hang in there!

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