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Why do we sabotage our selves?



Have you ever really sat down and wondered how you got to this point in your life? You know how did you end up on a blog pouring our your inner most feelings to strangers. Well I know how I got here, how about YOU? I got here by lying to myself, telling myself that if no one saw me eat it, it did not count. I got here, by snacking on unhealthy foods, potato chips, candy bars, ice cream, soda, alcohol, bread, snack food, snack food, snack food. I got here by always making excuses as to why I ate something, why my diet failed. It was a dinner, a party at work, an outing with friends, I could cheat just once because, I COULD CONTROL THE BINGE! Well guess what I LIED, How about you? Have any of you ever lied to your self that you were in control? I did then and I do now and you know what I probably always will unless I learn to call myself on every morsal I put in my mouth that does not belong there. Have you ever wondered why the people who are successful are successful with lap band and weight loss surgery or diets? Why, because the follow the rules 99.9% of the time. I am not there yet, I still back slide, and I still beat myself up and promise I won't do it again. Why I am where I am today? I had to have surgery on my knee and this was just all the sympathy I needed for myself to start lying to myself. No I have not gained any weight but I have eaten things I know I cannot control. So I have spent countless hours trying to figure out how to make up for what I ate, so I'm hungry most evenings, not satisfied with my choices and feel like crap. Oh but it's OK. right, I had surgery, it is OK to allow myself a few days off for good behavior? WRONG, that is the thinking of an addict, an addict who has slipped and is lying to themselves again. Believe me I know what I eat, I log every morsal I place in my mouth, I am not eating enough protein, and I consistently eat too much fat. I have been trying to eat 40-30-30 and it ends up more like 40-20-40. (Carbs-Protein-Fat)So why am I bloging this today, because everyday I read about how one of us is doing good, one of us has back slide and one of us is searching for the right answer. We can not help each other or support one another if we do not hold ourselves and each other accountable. I need someone to call me on my bad behavior, I may not like it but, what good does it do me if I am allowed to continue back down a path of destruction. What good does it do any of us? We all made a decision or are making a decision to have surgery to help us control what we were not able to. So why sabotage our selves? Why go through all the physiological evaluations, jump through all the insurance hoops if we are going to continue to lie to our selves. I am nearing my one year anniversary this month, maybe that is what prompted this blog. I have lost 74 lbs and still have 34 lbs to go by the height and weight charts. I have been stalled for months; most days I eat right on target, I have restriction or "I am at my sweet spot" I have thought about a fill just so I eat less but know that is not the answer. So what is the answer? I guess that is a personal answer for all of us. To me the answer is learning to live a healthy life, make healthy decisions every waking minute of my day. To me it is hard wiring or rewiring my thinking so it becomes natural and not a daily chore. To me it is not allowing unhealthy foods into my shopping cart or on to my dinner table. I may not be able to control what my family eats but I can control what is brought into my house and I have a Rights. I have the right not to subject myself to unhealthy atmospheres, friends or family who do not support my choice to make a healthy life for myself. This may sound harsh but I have to be committed to this because every corner I turn there is someone or something there that if I allow it, it will help me to sabotage myself. So friends, take inventory of your life and YOUR cupboards because no one but US is going to help US make it.

So my question when I started this rant,"Why do we sabotage ourselves?" So why do "YOU" sabotage yourself, do you know?


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OMG, I can totally understand where you are coming from. I made excuses for years and years, and the pounds just get coming. I had been researching gastric bypass and lapband for about 10 years, and each time the door was slammed in my face. Finally, about 4 months ago, my husband (who has had gastric bypass 10 years ago) said he wanted me to do something about my weight, and he did not care even if we had to pay for it. That was the sign I was waiting for...had it does in August and have lost a little more than 40 pounds since starting my pre-op diet.

SABOTAGE - it seems like every where I turn people are trying to sabotage me. Telling me I am not eating enough, or to eat something else than what I am supposed to have, or saying just one won't hurt, etc.

I finally figured out what works for me. I just stick to the rules and have cut way back in my portions even though I have not yet reached the green zone. My reward is the numbers on the scale moving backwards.

I am so proud of you. You have done an awesome job in losing weight, and in sharing your story. I love reading your posts. You are an inspiration. Keep it up!!! Zil

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Your answer was in your question

may not be able to control what my family eats but I can control what is brought into my house and I have a Rights. I have the right not to subject myself to unhealthy atmospheres, friends or family who do not support my choice to make a healthy life for myself

There is no easy answer or magical answer. I know I do eat because I have such a negative view of myself, that I do not deserve happiness. How do you change that? by remembering, constantly reiterating, I am worth it, I deserve to be happy and trying to change a negative dialogue with yourself that has been going on for years! It happens Day by day.Take care of your mind and your body will follow.

Thank you for sharing this post, it is another reminder to me that once I have the surgery I will still have to remind myself everyday to keep moving forward.

I hope this helps!

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WOW! I love this post!! You've nailed it on the head!!! I play this detrimental games with myself as well!!! And I'm still searching for why I 'sabotage' myself...I know mine is due to my self esteem. It's like I don't think I'm worth it or something. I've let others make my decisions for me in regards to what I put in my mouth for far too long!!! I have a terrible TERRIBLE food addiction and I've been trying all my life to conquer it. It's not just the TASTE of the food, it's the feeling. I dunno how to explain what I'm feeling. Thanks for this blog...these are the kind of posts that I'm hoping give me the empowerment to continue on!!!! Happy new life!!!!

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