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i f'd up....

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dumbshit me volunteers to make choc chip cookies for our thanksgiving thing at work tomorrow ...


what do i do?? yup ... 6-7 (maybe more) globs of cookie dough ... and 2 baked cookies..


dammit that just pisses me off ... and i know better so that makes it even worse!!


i just totally blew my loss. i was almost at 40 pounds gone and probably gained.


on a good note, i did work out today w/ Kary (my personal trainer) and she showed me a lot of great things that i can do. hopefully i can remember them!! ;)


ok ... i guess im just in a pissy mood, will write more when i feel like it.



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dumbshit me volunteers to make choc chip cookies for our thanksgiving thing at work tomorrow ...

what do i do?? yup ... 6-7 (maybe more) globs of cookie dough ... and 2 baked cookies..

dammit that just pisses me off ... and i know better so that makes it even worse!!

i just totally blew my loss. i was almost at 40 pounds gone and probably gained.

on a good note, i did work out today w/ Kary (my personal trainer) and she showed me a lot of great things that i can do. hopefully i can remember them!! ;)

ok ... i guess im just in a pissy mood, will write more when i feel like it.


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You haven't gotten on a scale yet, you don't know what it says. There is nothing wrong with a few globs of cookie dough. You have been doing a great job. Don't let this one day mess up your efforts. Today is a new day girl smile and look at what is ahead......a leaner you.

Take all that you learned from the PT and burn those cookies off. Cardio, running up and down the stairs at home, weight resistance to build some muscle to burn those cookes. Salad today, protein shakes, lots of water to take in less calories for the cookies that you had.

It is ok move forward, no one is perfect. If you are going to enjoy a treat enjoy it. Volunteering is a wonderful thing so don't stop.

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