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hey everybody !

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just hopped on this website a few days ago, didn't realize that it existed ! i'm looking to hear other people's stories about life after band :) my name is annemarie. i am 7 months and 9 days post op today :) i was banded on 1/10/11. since then, i have lost around 97 pounds. hoping to hit the big 100 soon ! i am finally NOT considered obese which is amazing ! i would just like to meet some new people on here and hear their stories and see their pictures to gain some inspiration/motivation. these last 30 pounds are killing me ! school is about to start on 8/29 and i am not looking forward to it /: i am also interested in talking to younger members with the band (since i am young myself, 20 years old), i would love to hear what their journey has been like :) hope everybody has been having a great day !

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Hey Annemarie! Congrats on the weight loss!! Well I may not be turning 20 today (my birthday is Sunday) but I am 20 in my heart! I would have to say that our stories must be similar..I lost a total of 130 lbs in 10 months. I was banded 11/23/09. I really didn't have any difficulties. I had one month where I had a potassium issue and that set me back but it had nothing to due with the band..it is strickly a medication issue. I am so so happy that have my band I would do it again today if I needed to. Being on this website helped me as well. There are so many motivational people on here. I also felt that having a positive attitude played a huge factor...if I was down and out I either didn't lose or gained weight...if I was happy and had a go gettem attitude i would lose 1-3 lbs no problem! Well I hope that you have a new outlook on school this year! I have a 4 yr old that starts VPK and he is super excited! Please take care and I wish you continued success!!

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Hey Anne, Seems your losing the weight pretty fast. I got the band June 27 and I cant wait to reach the 100 lbs mark. Keep up the good work. Also im not 20 only in my heart, lol

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Wow Congratulations on your weight loss any secrets you would like to share with me??? I am getting banded on Oct 7th and I am hopeing for the great results you have had, awesome job!!!!! I know you said you are 20 and looking for younger members I am 32 and very excieted to start my journey!

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