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Why oh why can't ice cream make me sick? Like some protiens do? Ice cream goes down so easily. I am having sooooooooooo much trouble beating back the ice cream deamon. I have fallen off the wagon into the ice cream sundae dish....


I have gone from 305 to 209 back up to 220 since Dec 2009. I want to lose another 60 pounds. I need some help or something to get me back in line.


I know put down the spoon....but it is kinda like an addiction. I want to be good until the deamon gets lose and then it is a nightmare in a real big hurry... I live 17 miles from town and do not keep it in the house...but I have secretly driven to the store late at night for Ben and Jerry's. I need a way to get thru the cravings.


Anyone else have issues....suggestions of things that work for you would be appreciated.



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My doctor was quick to tell me that if I drank my calories he could not help me. It is not kind of like an addiction, It is an addition and you are an addict. You need to determine if you want to be a recovering one or not. Perhaps use sugar free popscicles or a low fat frozen yougurt in moderation.

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dryers has low carb fudgecicles (spelling?) and ice cream, it does the trick for me!

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The first thing I would do is regroup...why did you do this surgery in the first place? Yes, there is a lot of mental issues that have to worked thru but I don't believe that none of us would like to repeat the surgery just to eat more ice cream. The protein shakes I drink (Myoplex EAS) you cannot freeze. I am very fortunate that ice cream does not like me. Prior to being banded I ate at least a pint of ben & jerry's a day...so I totally understand your addiction. I replaced the coldness with sugar free popcicles and the creaminess with sugar free pudding. This is a lifestyle change. I didn't stop eating anything while I was losing my weight that I wouldn't be eating after I reached my goal. I learned how to eat in small portions..the really bad foods..likes chips..I seriously eat 2-3 chips and that is it. I satisfy the craving and go on. I have learned I do not need (and can't) eat the whole bag..all I need is a bite or two and I am good. Yes, we are all addicts..when the craving comes on..take one or two bites or occupy your time AND hands until the craving has passed. I hope this helps..I wish you the best!!

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Thanks to all. I agree that I need an alternative. I think I will take up quilting again to keep my hands busy when the cravings start. I will try some version of a sugar free treat to help me out.

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I get so annoyed when I type a response and click "add comment" and it disappears into no where land!

Okay- my second time around writing a comment.

Don't beat yourself up about eating the wrong foods. Yes- we all have food addictions and some of us have over came them better than the rest of us. However, Mommy1558, learn to eat alternative ice creams that will not give you the same high calorie effect. I see several wonderful fat free- low calorie or sugar free ice cream products in the store. I am at the point where I can just about eat anything I want to, but in moderations and very small portions. I am very glad to still be able to have some control over what I can and can't eat without getting sick or things stuck like I did in the past. For me portions control is the name of my game, and honestly sometimes I do fall short by making wrong choices or eating a little more than I should eat. At that moment, I stop and regroup and get myself back on track. Keep your head up and stay focused on your prize!

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I feel your pain because ice cream has been my complete downfall lately. My husband is not home on the weekend nights due to work so when the kids go to sleep I am lonley bored and looking for some comfort int he ice cream! I need an alternative as well and have been searching around my dad said to try to eat pop corn instead..any ideas out there?

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