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dark days

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O.K I have not posted for some time now and have to say I hope this helps as it has done in the past for me.

Oh god i need some help right now. Am really struggling with a lot of things going on in my life at the moment and my one truest and oldest friend of all has come knocking, actually both of them have. Depression and my bestest buddy in the whole wide world FOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

What is wrong with me???? This moodsettles over me like a big dark cloud and nothing shakes it,well something must cos it comes and goes but this time it's bad.

I have a fill tomorrow but for what???? Igotto goaldid the ttuck, got the cthes holiday and all the other stuff but the peace withmyself??? no. I dont thinkI ever will, my head is just whirringall the time, non stop and it is exhausting. I actually feel like ihave absolutly nothing, nothing at all worth doing at the moment, work , kids house nothing, would just like to stay inbed and wait this out insteadof carrying on outwardly while falling apart slowly inwardly, Is it the best bit or the worst bit that nobody even knows???

The thought of work, school run,footy, dancing getting up is exhaustingand i dont think i can keep this up, i would love a few days by myself i thinkjust to get through the next few days of this and then i'll beright agian, Sposed to be going to a concert saturday night but its caouple of hours drive there and then back again, soo I am sposed to start work early sat arrange baby sitters got to work sunday, act as if i am married to hubsand of the year and go but the thought of it all is horrendous all i can think of is icould be inbed. Just go to bed cause another huge row over what is sposed to bea thoughtful gift but in reality is dreaded, and 2 hours in the car there and then back and work and I cant do it. I really just want all the responsibility taken away for a couple of days and all i want is the bed and to sleep.


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Your post breaks my heart! It sounds like you need some help with your depression. Do you have a doctor you can go to? If not, maybe your lapband people can refer you to someone, I am sure they have run across this before, I have seen lots of posts like yours.

I pray that you find a solution! Please keep us posted!

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I was very sad a while ago, I went to my doctor and I was crying for no reason, in school getting a second degree, no kids, not married I was a MESS!!!!! My doctor wanted to put me on a med but I wanted to beat this, funny thing is, I was so sad, I actually thought of driving off a bridge, so I let him help me,....good luck and listen to your doctor :)

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wow...i get those moods. I am a mother of 3, stay at home mom..work 16 hours on weekends and it seems like the work never stops. All my good friends are out of state and family is far too. I rely on my husband alot... I think you should let your husband know what is going on inside you. It seems to be eating you up and the guilt of not wanting to do what you "think you should " be doing is making it worse.

I also have times when i open my eyes in t he morning and just want to stay in bed and let my responsabilities fly away. BUt we know it can ot be done. I have 3 little ones that depend on me...i joke to my husband that i want a "day off..or a vacation"...and by thid i mean with no kids no husband. It has not happend yet, but i do get out of the house once ia week for a 3-4 hours and just do nothing. Its a beggining.

I suggest you get help... Talk to your Dr? talk to your husband?.. just get it out.

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