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Space & pics

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What a wonderful weekend at the NASCAR races! We always have a good time, but this weekend seemed particularly fun.


I have noticed something interesting about thin people vs. fat people. Now don't get me wrong, this is going to be a generalization (and honestly, there is no good or bad) but just something I noticed. Overweight people (especially women) are typically very aware of the space around them and how they fit into that space, more so in my opinion than thinner people.


Example #1 - My BFF Cori is not only thin, she is petite. At 5'0" tall and small build, she doesn't often have to worry about much in the size department. There were four of us at lunch the other day sitting in a booth. Cori & I both scooted in to each end. I put my purse on the floor and my jacket on my lap to make sure that the other person in my seat (a super petite person) had plenty of room. I was sitting with my arm touching the wall so I was as far over as I could be. I noticed that Cori put her purse by her side against the wall of the booth and was seated more toward the middle. They seemed to have plenty of room, so it certainly isn't a big deal. But it did make me realize that I think about the space that I take up (even though it is WAY less now) more than smaller people.


Example #2 - I was at a company event and we were all in a big room standing in a circle. There were these desk tables around the room and I decided to sit on one. I precariously perched on it and settled in with as little weight movement as possible. A guy I work with who probably weighs 60 pounds less than me came over and jumped on it with the full force of his body. I cringed as I waited for the desk to settle. It didn't break and I was so relieved. It is funny because Chris didn't think anything about it, but if the desk would have fallen down, I would have been mortified. I would have felt that people would have been looking at me...not him. Again, he didn't do anything wrong at all. I just noticed that we approached doing the same thing very differently.


As a fat person(for I will always be that in my mind, I feel), I think I will always be more concious of my surroundings. I think sometimes that will be a very good thing and sometimes I think it will be a bad thing. It is just something that will make me a little different from someone who has never experienced literally not being able to fit in.


Now...picture time! Today I will post my spandex pics and tomorrow I will post my casuals. Changes are way more subtle now, but I can still see them.


I have attached my front pics from last month and this month. And I included side pics from the start, last month and this month. I think I'm actually feeling better about my arms. :-)

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You look amazing and I love the new hair cut! And you're right about the spacial thing. I am very aware of how close furniture is for fear that I won't fit! Keep up the great work!

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I love the pictures and the comments. I have noticed the same thing with chairs and booths. Here is a fun one -- doesn't it feel good not to have to worry about "fitting" in the booth, period?

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You look great! The other day I went to a restaurant & asked for a table, they only had booths left. The whole way to the booth I nearly had a melt down...what if I don't fit? Thank goodness I did fit, but I bet skinny people never think about this. Here's to getting over these fears!!!

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I think you are looking great, and I agree. No matter how thin any of us gets, we will always be space concious. Those sometimes I am the opposite, because I am a skinny person in a big girls body, I bump people with my rear end all the time thinking I had enough space. LOL

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well done u look amazing!! i feel the same i always check to make sure theres enough space around me before i take a seat without even noticing i check to make sure people can walk past. i hate having to get up during going to see a film as i feel i have to push past everyone to get out :) but am sure with time all that will change good luck with the rest of your journy! x

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Again Great Post, True! I got to the point that I am the one jumping up and sitting on the tables, etc. That fear will also leave you soon, you will transition in your mind, I did but made up my mind never to get complacent with it!!! I forgot the other day about the routine in the mornings I USE to have with meds, that I don't have to take any~~~anymore. You will change and life will change only for the BETTER!!! Love and Hugs!

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