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Saturday after Thursday Surgery

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My surgery was Thursday. That day I was only able to have ice chips. I did really good. Found that if you go ahead and get moving you will feel better. The worst part of the surgery is the gas they use to inflate you. It causes the bloat and the pain you feel after surgery to lessen. The more active you are the better you feel. I would like to know more about people's port. Where my port is there is some swelling. I would like to know if it feels like it is protruding from now on. Friday I had the upper GI. Wasnt as bad as the pre op UGI.....I guess. At least it isnt chalky and you dont have to drink as much. Slept good Friday night. Doesnt hurt to lay on my side which is a good thing. Ate creamed etoufee today that my husband cooked. It was SOOOO good. He is a treasure to be so creative. Best meal in 10 days!!!:smile2:

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I had my surgery on September 29. My port is still very close to the surface and I can feel it easily. The Physician's assistance said it's good so they can fill it easier, but that there are low profile ports that could have been used. Darn. Didn't know to ask that question. I worry that it will protrude when I lose more weight. Mine's still sore.

Sounds like your husband is a good cook!!! Hope he knows lots of liquid recipes for the next week or so.....

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i had the band 3 weeks ago and i can feel right round my port it was sore for a few weeks but has started to settle down am sure with time we wont even notice it and if we do it will jus give us a quick reminder of all the reason we are doing this good luck with your weight loss x

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Had my surgery November 2, I agree the more you move the better you feel. Glad you are feeling better, good luck

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