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Bad news

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Drake alp


I got my esphogram today with barium. Radiologist said there is no pouch above my band. He said it has slipped. He also said the band is not positioned the way the doctor wants it to be.


However, I had my surgery at another hospital so he wanted to compare my post-surgery placement to today's pictures. He also said that sometimes when the swelling goes down the band can move back where it's supposed to. I'm not a doc and my intuition isn't buying that.


Called my doc's office. Advice is there is nothing I can do so do not get worked up about it. The doc will call me Monday. Maybe the radiologist isn't seeing it correctly.


I am really really sad. I am down to 198# and can fit into size 16. I don't have to go to the 'fat store' to buy really ugly clothes that I have come to hate the past 8 years. I joined a gym, was feeling positive, getting out again, and all my relationships are better. I felt like I had my life back.


I don't want to go back to being 240 or my highest of 266. My goal is 140. I am only 58# away. I am under the 200's, which is when I felt my weight got out of control.


I have been so good and so disciplined. I am tempted to go watch Lifetime, throw a pity party and cry Why me? I hear and read so much that people get away with and I wasn't even trying to test it.


I would appreciate prayers. I don't know what is next. I'm generally a happy optimistic person but I'm in a dark place.


Thanks for listening. Let it be used for good for someone.

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I may be in the same boat as you, I'm scheduled for an upper GI next Friday and with a total empty band its seem like a long time from now til next Friday. knowing that I'm able to eat way more than I have.But this is my time to challenge myself with my meals and going to the gym.I pray there is no slippage and I also pray for you.This our time to step it up just a little bit more then we have been doing. I'm down 80lb and feeling awesome and sure you are also.I have faith and I know everything will turn for the best.Best of Luck too you Blondi452

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Hang in there!! I had an endoscopy done by a non bariatric doc and she couldn't even find the band!! I flipped out and called the surgeon..he started laughing!! (I had been in the hospital for 5 days already) So he came in to see me the next morning and looked at the pictures and showed me exactly where everything was..our pouch is SOOOOOOO little that non bariatric doctors look "right past" it and say it isn't there. None of the other drs could figure out what was wrong with me so he signed my discharge papers and out the door I went! 6 weeks later we figured out it was extremely low potassium. My surgeon also told me to never again have an endoscopy done by any dr that wasn't a bariatric doctor..they could damage the band. I hope your results come out good!!! You will be in my prayers!!

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You have my prayers! You're doing so well and whatever's up with your band I believe you'll continue to meet your goals.

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