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Okay today is three weeks post op and my BMI is down from 41 to 36!! I had to go and buy new bras and my jeans are so loose now but why get new ones until my weight stabilizes...unless they fall off when i walk haha.:wub::lol:

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Congrats to you! Do what I did, purchase some inexpensive tops at Kmart and get a belt! Everytime I say to my husband something is too big on me, he says

"you're not complaining are you?" Of course not, I am thirlled. and You will be too. Keep up the good work.

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Girl, and they will! LOL I kept putting off buying new pants then one day I was walking up the stairs with my hands full and bammmm...pants on the ground pants on the ground...looking like a fool with my pants on the grounds! LOLLOLLOL

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