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1/18/10 - 1 month Post-Op, first fill and OMGOSH They FIT!!!

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So today is my 1 month post-op and I also received my first fill, and let me tell ya, it came RIGHT ON TIME!


So the first fill was easy, lay back, pillow under your back, cross your arms, do a lil' crunch, relax and done.


The weird part was when she took all of my fluid out to make sure how much I had in me, then added a cc to it.. I could feel it "flush" through my body/band, what I imagine those lil' canisters at the bank would feel like as they get fed through those air tubes. It didn't hurt, it was just a weird sensation.


Moving on to better news... So the other day I had my first non-scale victory (NSV - yeah I'm learning the lingo lol) on a whim I decided to try on my ever so expensive seven jeans that I bought 4 years ago, when Lane Bryant first started selling them. Yes the ones Kimberly Locke modeled with the rhinestones and crystals and tears on them.. Yes those ever so fabulous, expensive and I'm glad they're still in style ones.


Let me say when I bought them in 2005 I was at the smallest I had been in YEARS or almost like ever. When I tried the jeans on I had to POUR myself into them, do the tight jean jump up and down, wiggle and finish with a deep breath in to button them. But I got them to fit, they were tight but they fit, and I figured I would keep working out and they would fit better. They were cut VERY small... I was an 18 or 20 in other jeans but in these jeans I had to buy a 24. The sales girls just smiled and said yeah they're cut REALLY small, be lucky you can fit into them, most people can't. I wore them once, I got "stuck" in them and had to have my brother free me with a pair of pliers as he carefully jimmied the zipper down so I could get out of them.


So back to my "on a whim" moment. So I decide to try the jeans on, as I do every couple of months, in hopes that one time, just one time they'll magically fit. The last time I tried them on they were about 6 inches from buttoning. Hmmm maybe if I wear a long shirt, some rubber bands or my big 80's belt I can pull them off... Yvette you BETTER not walk out of the house in jeans you can't button.. sigh.. the years go by the gap grew from an inch or two to the most recent of 6 inches from closing..


So I decide to check my progress and put the jeans on....THEY FIT... OMFREAKINGOSH!!! THEY FIT!!! and not just FIT but FIT COMFORTABLY!!!!


I have been wearing them pretty much every day since I tried them on on Saturday night. Ok so it's only Monday, doesn't matter... they FIT and I'm wearing them to get my money worth! lol


But all of that being said brings me to what I was told at my appointment today....Drum roll please...


  • Waist is down 7 inches since surgery one month ago!
  • Weight is down 22.7lbs since surgery one month ago.
  • I've lost 12% of my 66% of "extra weight" and am 90lbs from my doctor's goal for me.
  • My BMI is now in the 40's high 40's but still 40's!


My doctor says my progress puts me at the 3-4 month post-op mark, and this was done in a month. She was VERY happy for me, and I was VERY happy as well as I fastened my fabulous jeans after my fill lol


I came home and had some soup, then a couple of ours later some applesauce.... about half way through the applesauce I felt I had had "too much" so I know the fill worked...YAY!!!


I'm SO glad, because after eating 2 big tortillas yesterday (bean & cheese burrito and a quesadilla - took me 3 hours or so but I ate it) and the mini loafs of bread that come from the cheesecake factory a couple of days before I was starting to feel like I felt before surgery, so this fill definitely came right on time.. I'll see how this one goes, I think she could have put in another CC, but I'll go back in on the 8th and get another one, I honestly think that will put me in my sweet spot...we'll see. Either way I'm feeling great and I'm loving life. This is THE BEST THING I could have ever done for myself!


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So today is my 1 month post-op and I also received my first fill, and let me tell ya, it came RIGHT ON TIME!

So the first fill was easy, lay back, pillow under your back, cross your arms, do a lil' crunch, relax and done.

The weird part was when she took all of my fluid out to make sure how much I had in me, then added a cc to it.. I could feel it "flush" through my body/band, what I imagine those lil' canisters at the bank would feel like as they get fed through those air tubes. It didn't hurt, it was just a weird sensation.

Moving on to better news... So the other day I had my first non-scale victory (NSV - yeah I'm learning the lingo lol) on a whim I decided to try on my ever so expensive seven jeans that I bought 4 years ago, when Lane Bryant first started selling them. Yes the ones Kimberly Locke modeled with the rhinestones and crystals and tears on them.. Yes those ever so fabulous, expensive and I'm glad they're still in style ones.

Let me say when I bought them in 2005 I was at the smallest I had been in YEARS or almost like ever. When I tried the jeans on I had to POUR myself into them, do the tight jean jump up and down, wiggle and finish with a deep breath in to button them. But I got them to fit, they were tight but they fit, and I figured I would keep working out and they would fit better. They were cut VERY small... I was an 18 or 20 in other jeans but in these jeans I had to buy a 24. The sales girls just smiled and said yeah they're cut REALLY small, be lucky you can fit into them, most people can't. I wore them once, I got "stuck" in them and had to have my brother free me with a pair of pliers as he carefully jimmied the zipper down so I could get out of them.

So back to my "on a whim" moment. So I decide to try the jeans on, as I do every couple of months, in hopes that one time, just one time they'll magically fit. The last time I tried them on they were about 6 inches from buttoning. Hmmm maybe if I wear a long shirt, some rubber bands or my big 80's belt I can pull them off... Yvette you BETTER not walk out of the house in jeans you can't button.. sigh.. the years go by the gap grew from an inch or two to the most recent of 6 inches from closing..

So I decide to check my progress and put the jeans on....THEY FIT... OMFREAKINGOSH!!! THEY FIT!!! and not just FIT but FIT COMFORTABLY!!!!

I have been wearing them pretty much every day since I tried them on on Saturday night. Ok so it's only Monday, doesn't matter... they FIT and I'm wearing them to get my money worth! lol

But all of that being said brings me to what I was told at my appointment today....Drum roll please...

  • Waist is down 7 inches since surgery one month ago!

  • Weight is down 22.7lbs since surgery one month ago.

  • I've lost 12% of my 66% of "extra weight" and am 90lbs from my doctor's goal for me.

  • My BMI is now in the 40's high 40's but still 40's!

My doctor says my progress puts me at the 3-4 month post-op mark, and this was done in a month. She was VERY happy for me, and I was VERY happy as well as I fastened my fabulous jeans after my fill lol

I came home and had some soup, then a couple of ours later some applesauce.... about half way through the applesauce I felt I had had "too much" so I know the fill worked...YAY!!!

I'm SO glad, because after eating 2 big tortillas yesterday (bean & cheese burrito and a quesadilla - took me 3 hours or so but I ate it) and the mini loafs of bread that come from the cheesecake factory a couple of days before I was starting to feel like I felt before surgery, so this fill definitely came right on time.. I'll see how this one goes, I think she could have put in another CC, but I'll go back in on the 8th and get another one, I honestly think that will put me in my sweet spot...we'll see. Either way I'm feeling great and I'm loving life. This is THE BEST THING I could have ever done for myself!


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CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting!!! I am only 11 days post op and hope to be telling a story similar to yours soon. Keep up the great work and enjoy those jeans... you can send them my way when you shrink out of them :rolleyes:

How many cc's did you get for your first fill? and how big is your band?

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I felt the "flush" as they put the saline in too and it was totally BIZARRE!!! I told my nurse practitioner it was like a big worm wiggling and she thought I was a freak....okay, maybe I am a freak. Isn't it nice to not be starving???? and Congrats on the progress.

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Woohoo!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I can also fit into my nicer 'go out' jeans now so I totally get it. And, I soooooooo need a fill. Mine is on Friday and it cannot come soon enough!!!

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting!!! I am only 11 days post op and hope to be telling a story similar to yours soon. Keep up the great work and enjoy those jeans... you can send them my way when you shrink out of them :rolleyes:

How many cc's did you get for your first fill? and how big is your band?

After the adding of the cc today puts me at 4 cc total...I *THINK* I have a 10cc band, I may have 14 they're supposed to send me that information as they didn't have my paperwork back from the surgery center yet when I asked. But I'm pretty sure it's 10.

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I felt the "flush" as they put the saline in too and it was totally BIZARRE!!! I told my nurse practitioner it was like a big worm wiggling and she thought I was a freak....okay, maybe I am a freak. Isn't it nice to not be starving???? and Congrats on the progress.

OMGOSH isn't it??? see glad to know i'm not the only one who felt it lol.. and thank you for the congrats!

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Woohoo!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I can also fit into my nicer 'go out' jeans now so I totally get it. And, I soooooooo need a fill. Mine is on Friday and it cannot come soon enough!!!

You know what's weird though.. I was "full" most of the day but tonight I just ate entirely too much.

*note to self sherbert/icecream is a slider food and should be avoided!*

I ate an ice cream bar on the way home from the store, some crackers while I was cooking and then had 3 eggs with pico de gallo and avocado in them. I know I haven't eaten all day but MAN... they say it can take a few days to feel the full effect of the fill...

I'm totally full right now... TOTALLY full but I've got head hunger for those veggie thins...

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So glad you got into the Jeans, I wore a suit today that I bought several years ago when I was thinner too. I had never taken the tags off! I have lots of nice summer things, that I will be too small for this summer tho, and it is TOO Cold to wear them now. I know what you mean about the fills, I think I have 4.7 in a 10 or 11 CC Band. I am at a sweet spot. I only could hold .6cc last fill and totally skipped one in Nov. You still have to control the Head Hunger! I am going to start water color paintings after my dinner meal so that I get distracted and take my mind off food. You look great, so keep it up!

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Congrats! live it up and keep up the good hurt. I've been following your success and getting inspired. I rescheduled my surgery and will be getting it done next friday.

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what a great story!!!

I'm tearing up for you over the jeans! THAT SO ROCKS!!!!!!!!


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Nice story so glad I read this one!! I am just so happy with my LB and I am as full as I ever want to be. Having a good day. Best wishes, imaluckydog

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OMG! I felt like I was reading my own blog. I, too, had my 7 jeans moment just last week! Surgery was on 12/28/09 and I am down 35 lbs and just had my first fill today. So, last week, I couldn't find my one and only pair of "fat" jeans that would fit prior to surgery. I wear scrubs at work and have been wearing track suits and stuff since surgery so I hadn't really been looking for them. Anyway, I tried my Lane Bryant 7 jeans (circa 2006) and they fit! I called pretty much everyone I know (that knows I had the band) to share in my delight. I hadn't worn them in about two years. Back when LB started selling them, I bought like 8 pairs and it has been making me ill to think I have like $1000 worth of designer jeans in my closet that I couldn't wear but now I know holding on to them was the right move!

So, congratulations, girl! Rock those jeans!

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OMG! I felt like I was reading my own blog. I' date=' too, had my 7 jeans moment just last week! Surgery was on 12/28/09 and I am down 35 lbs and just had my first fill today. So, last week, I couldn't find my one and only pair of "fat" jeans that would fit prior to surgery. I wear scrubs at work and have been wearing track suits and stuff since surgery so I hadn't really been looking for them. Anyway, I tried my Lane Bryant 7 jeans (circa 2006) and they fit! I called pretty much everyone I know (that knows I had the band) to share in my delight. I hadn't worn them in about two years. Back when LB started selling them, I bought like 8 pairs and it has been making me ill to think I have like $1000 worth of designer jeans in my closet that I couldn't wear but now I know holding on to them was the right move!

So, congratulations, girl! Rock those jeans![/quote']

LOL girl you KNOW I am.. LOL I'm about to take them in and get them tailored to fit me better, they've actually gotten a lil' too loose now.. but I'm getting my money's worth! LOL YAY US!!!

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Congratulations on everything. I'm jealous.

Thank you so much and awww don't be most of that was water weight lol.. but i'll take the 7 inches lol.. thanks again!

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