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Just a blog of my post op meanderings

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Good bye boobs, hello water retention. I totes didn't miss you.

I am now a fully actualized member of my gym. I took my first class Wednesday - Body Works plus abs. Basically it was a fast and light weight lifting class. I'm still sore two days later. And keep in mind, I lift weights multiple times a week using heavier weights than the ones used in that class. I loved the class and must find a way to go to it every Wednesday. Tonight I swim. Also a big yay for me.   Weight wise, I'm down 62 lbs since surgery, over 80 from my high weight. I'm almost three months out from surgery (three months will be 8/5). I've gained a couple back this week with all the water retention my period caused. But I know its temporary and will go away in a couple of days. But I hate it because I get all swollen. I can feel it in my legs and ankles - they get so tight. Ugh. I'm not even a salt person either, And I get in my water. I guess that is just nature mocking me. This will pass though and the water will go away.   Lately, I've been noticing I have really been losing weight in the boobs. This makes me sad. I always had a nice shaped rack. No to big, not too small. And now.. its just sadsville up in there. LOL. You can't spot train your fat to disappear from places and stay on others. Even though the new boobs are smaller, the overall picture is smaller and I will just need to come to terms with what I see in the mirror.




Called out!

Every week, I take a class at my gym (LA Fitness) called Body Works Plus abs. It is what I term a fast and light weight class. Fast enough that you get a cardio effect while doing it, along with high reps (as opposed to the slow and heavy stuff I do in the weight room). The class has 2.5, 5 and 7.5 lb dumbbells in it. Stronger people (usually guys and super fit broads) can go out to the floor and get heavier bells if they want. Normally I take a pair of all three. Last night, Florence, the instructor, walked by and called me out about the 2.5s! She said I was strong enough to stop using them. The high reps do exhaust me! So I took that as a challenge, because normally I do use the 2.5s on some of the shoulder work because I am weak like a kitten in the upper body. I basically only used the 5s and 7.5s for the class. I didn't die. So I guess Florence was right.   If this is worst of the problems in my life, I have it pretty good.





I'm starting to feel and see bones. Like, collar bones, and I can feel my spine in the neck area (I seem to be losing from the top down and from extremeties - fingers toes lower legs and arms). My wedding rings no longer stay on my fingers. And my calves, which were already pretty muscular and not fat, have gotten an inch smaller - from 16 inches to 15 inches. It is such a weird sensation, feeling bones and seeing results. I guess the swimming is really working my shoulders/upper body and legs. Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of flesh around my bones, but the weight loss is getting noticeable. People who don't know I had surgery are asking what I am doing. I tell them I log everything I eat and go to the gym 5x a week for anywhere from an hour to two hours depending on what I am doing that day (this is all true - they do not need to know I had a surgical assist!).   I'm creeping up on my lowest adult weight - 239. I was 244 this morning. The smaller clothes I bought are getting too loose. I have a couple of work out tops I got from Old Navy that used to cling to my tummy which now drape gracefully - it won't be long before I need to get an XL instead of an XXL.. Hell, the concept of clothes draping gracefully on me is whole new sensation. When I was 312 or 320 or 335, there was never graceful drape. There was tugging and layering. Looking in the mirror and feeling like crap. Now, there is possibility. I know I've got a long way to go, but I feel like I've come so far already.   Tomorrow is my 3 month follow up with my surgeon. I am interested in seeing how is going to assess my progress. I think he will be pleased. I've lost right around 70 lbs from my program start weight. He thinks I can lose 100 due to the surgery. I have every intention of surpassing that number.




As American as Apple Pie...

OMG.. did you guys know that Yoplait makes apple pie flavored Greek yogurt? It totes tastes like apple freakin pie. My mouth was rocked accordingly. If you like apple pie, yours will be too. Why was I not made aware of apple pie flavored yogurt sooner?? I like coconut, and they make a coconut flavor, but I suggest - why not coconut cream pie flavored? Come on Yoplait, you can do it. For me. (Honestly, I like coconut everything. Coconut water, coconut scented shampoo and conditioner, lotion... toasted coconut candles. Coconut lime reed diffusers.. I could go on).   I've officially lost more than 40 lbs in the 8 weeks since my surgery. 40.5 to be exact. Last night I told my Dad that. They he had the nerve to ask me what I used to weigh. I'm a classy broad, and a classy broad never reveals her weight to people she knows, lest she have to kill them. Frankly murder is so messy what with all the blood and cleaning up afterward (For the record, I AM TOTALLY KIDDING AND AM NOT A KILLER). My husband doesn't even know my weight. I know my Dad is a big guy too but I'm pretty sure I'm fatter than him and I just cannot have him knowing that I am THAT heavy. I told him I would let him know once I was below 200 lbs what my weight is.




Almost 40lbs down..

I'm down 36.5 lbs since the surgery. This morning I was under 270. Yay! I seem to be losing faster since I edged my way up near 1200 calories. I was very much stalled after that initial 30 lbs fell off. Once all the swelling and fluid came off, I was like.. What now? I think my body just said "look Andrea, give me some more to eat, especially since you insist on burning off at least 300 calories every other day at the gym." Guess the body knows what it wants. Since I go to the gym after work, its nice to have a little something in the tank so that I'm not so tired. I've been lucky in that I do not get nauseated if I go longer than four hours without food. But sometimes I think that trigger would be helpful, so that I remember to eat something. Half a lean cuisine, some cheese.. something. I have lunch at 12:30 (scheduled because my job sucks). I get off work at 5:30. If I'm lucky, I get to the gym by 7. So that half of a lean cuisine at 5pm is helpful.   Speaking of the gym, I'm going to need new work out clothes. Everything I wear to the gym is too big - especially the tops. I think it would be most unfortunate if my pants fell down while on the treadmill. Gonna have to put out feelers for cheap cute but still plus size workout clothes that are not from Old Navy (because what they have on line is not that cute right now...)




A 6.5 month Progress report

At 6.5 months post-op, I am 218lbs. I want to be 212 by 7 months out (12/5). That will be 100 lbs gone from my program start weight of 312. I want to be below 200 lbs before my birthday (February 7th). I will do it. I think as a stretch I could be 192 by my 38th birthday. I've come so far, but the finish line (150 lbs) still seems so far away. The weight will go when it wants to go. In fits and spurts.




"Congratulations on your Lap-Band!"

So I play Words With Friends. I have a game going with my cousin Sharon. She starts a chat with me saying "Congratulations on your Lap-Band" OMG WTF?! First off, I did not have a lap band. I had a VSG, but whatevs. Second of all, since my cousin Sharon knows, this means that my mother told her sister (my aunt) who told her (and who knows else.. I'm sure my cousins Tina, Debbie, Mark and Nate Jr. all know by now as well). Great. My mom told my private business to her sister. She has no right to tell my business to anyone. I am not ready to deal with my extended family knowing all of my business. And they all will know my business. That would be like me telling my mom I was pregnant and her telling the family before I announced it. So I'm a bit miffed at my mom. What is funny is that I had to be badgered to tell my parents about it. Initially I was not going to. BECAUSE OF EXACTLY THIS HAPPENING. Why is my private business okay for the entire family to know about? I would never tell everyone in my family about some other family member's private medical procedure. "Oh hey Suzie, I told cousin Jeannie that you had an STD. Hope that is okay." It's not okay. Not one bit of okay.



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