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2 Weeks out no lose :(

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What Could this be from? Any one have this problem?

Sooo I have had my surgery on Feb. 21 2013 just 10 days ago. I had done extremely well in the hospital barely took the pain med' at all. Starting two days after i came home i had gotten bad dizzy/ nausea spells they would come and go till now. I then had my follow up with my surgeon who did tons of blood work, which came back normal. Within the first week i had lost 15 lbs what a great loss!!! The day after my blood work i started to not eat or drink which was a big concern so the nurse from the surgical office said go to the er if symptomys still occure after taking Zofran. The night before my two year old decided it would be nice and hop on mommy's belly! Not a pleasant feeling. So now Saturday rolls around (yesturday march 2) And symptoms still there nothing changed. I then decided to go get checked out at the ER they thought i had a leak because i had many symptoms. They started me on iv fluid because i was extremely dehydrated and did a CT Scan. They Ct came back normal Thank God! 3 Bags of fluid later i left. Since thursday i have gained 1.5 lbs which i didnt want to see on my scale! Was that from the dehydration ?? Today i have been trying to get some water down and my body has no interest still has any one had this prob????????????? I even bought popsicles and everything no interest in eating them. What could this be from????
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