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I want to write about my journey.

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Day Two Pre-Op

Source: Any March Sleevers?   Didn't want to retype the above and saw I could blog it from the message. I truly am feeling pretty good. Scale was down three lbs this morning. I know that being on a total liquid diet that I am bound to lose a lot in this two weeks. The end result is what I am anxious for. I have been working out to make the surgery easier too. I am up to 30 minutes on the treadmill working toward 45 minutes before surgery. Who knows, maybe I will be running a bit by then. Since I am older I know that my skin is not going to spring back so I have to do what I can to help it along so it won't be so dang bad.   Every day I smile I little bigger. I know this is going to be an awesome adventure and I can't wait for March 7th to get here.   Upward and downward. :-)




Day One Pre-Op Diet

So far so good. I got up at 5am and did 20 minutes on my treadmill at level 3 with a 2 incline. Goal is to work up to 45 minutes before surgery. I also made arrangements with my trainer to work with me after surgery to minimize the saggy skin. Bless her heart, she is only charging me $30 a week. My goal is to run a 5k, then a 10k, then a 1/2 marathon. Of course this will take lots of time, but I am determined.   This morning is going well so far. Seems strange that I am not hungry. I had my first protein meal at 6am and will have my second at 9. It was orange cream flavored and I mixed it with Almond Milk. YUM. Been sucking down the water too. Since I can have Crystal Light with my water I mixes Sunrise Orange with it and it is delish. Brought some beef broth and jello with me to work so I will have some variety throughout the day with my five protein shakes.   I am not stupid to not know that this is not going to be easy, but like anything else, once I get through the third day I will be on zoom. This means too much to me to screw up now.   Follow up - it is not 420 pm and I am almost done with day 1. whoo whoo. My favorite part of the day was the jello. It gave me something to chew on. LOVED IT!! I think if I keep up my upbeat attitude it will go swimmingly to the end. I sure do hope so anyway.     Downward here I come.




Day Before Liquid Pre-Op Diet Begins

To say that I am doing the happy dance is an understatement. Tomorrow is day one of my pre-op liquid diet. Whoo Whoo. Not for the liquid diet, but that I am two weeks away from getting sleeved. It blows me away that my dream of being healthy is finally coming to fruition.   I have been overweight for over 20 years when I get right down to it. It has been a very horrid experience at times. This disease is treated so differently than anything else in the world. The hatred that I had for myself was devastating. Every time I lost a job, every time I lost an opportunity for something I dreamed of, every time I thought of going on a trip, I tried to lose weight, but my system would not allow me to do that. Between drugs I was taking, to the addiction I lived with daily (food adiction) it just never seemed to get any better. No matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work so I would suffer in silence.   For once in my life everything is sunny. I was pre-approved for starters four months ago. I went through everything that had to be done. Got all the approvals, did all the paperwork and got a pre surgery date of April 18th. Then a miraclehappened, I ws told that my insurance no longer required six months of dietician visits to be approved. My paperwork was turned in on February 12th, insurance approced on the 15th and now I am scheduled on March 7th. In addition my out of pocket has dropped by $400! Come on folks, nothing like that happens to me. It must be right.   Today I technically had my last supper so to speak. The office had lunch for everyone and since my birthday is this Sunday I can't have cake so I had my cake, and meatballs and potatoes and gravy and everyhting I love for one last time. Tomorrow is day one of the liquid and I will make sure in my mind it is like a gourmet meal. :-)   Oh and did I say I am excited. My hubby will finally have a thin wife and I will be able to see my grandchildren graduate from high school. What could be more perfect than that?   I will be checking in daily from this point on so I can record how things are going. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my perfect life!



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