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messed upd

I messed up today and ate a little I can't do that or this will not work. I have to be commited to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgive myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




How hard is this

I'm having a hard time today I was so hungry. I need to get on this sight right away when I have doubts and look at my success. I will do this




the diet

Hi I hope that you're doing well. I'm doing alright a little hungry but, it's worth it:) My Dr. put me on a high protein low fat diet right away and no carbs. *veggies, meat (Chicken,pork, fish, eggs, lo-fat chess), squash and beans are also okay. *3 liters of water (one of the hardest things). *liquids : No caffeine no tea, crystal light. **NO bread, No milk, No carbonation On this portion I lost 7-8 pounds 10-days before surgery **NO caffien your not supposed to drink it or herbal teas without after surgery so, my doctor said to quit now so I didn't get headaches while I was recovering. *protein shakes made with water x3 to equal 90grams make sure there is less than 6 grams of cabs. *Clear liquids: broth, juice 50/50 with water (there is a new Ocean Spray drink that has less than 5 carbs per serving and is alright so, you don't have to dilute it), *Sugar Free Popsicles, Sugar Free Jell-o **Supplements start here too 1,500 mg of liquid Calcium (Costco) 3 children's chewable vitamins; Flintstones. (Because my labs came back I also started b-12 injections that I do at home once every 2 weeks and Vit D that I chew the liquid out (pre surg you can swallow the pill. Post-OP ***No caffien and no soda the carbonation can stretch the pouch and then it can bloat and be very painfull (I had a friend who suffered becasue, she tried) One week clear liquids (same as above)only try and get in 80 ounces My r. as me us 1ounce cups 10 at a time to help get it in and counted. and supplements Supplements change to 4,500 mg of Calcium and 4 children's chewable vitamins Week Two Post-op Same supplements, same clear liquids and x2 protein shakes (60mg protein) made with only 3.5-4oz. of water. But, you can't drink anything 90 minutes prior to or after the shake. He said to absolutely not drink any pre-made ones, they have to much fluid in them. *Continue to try and drink 3 liters of water but, really there is no time for that I'm just trying to do my best. Week 3 Same as week 2 except you can have two ounces of pureed food (no drink 90 minutes before or after these either) I haven't gone past this week mentally but as I get there I will let you know. In the next day or so, I will scan everything for weeks 4-9 and send them to you but I hope this is a good start. GOOD LUCK Alanee



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