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One week until my surgery with Dr. Aceves. I started my pre-op diet today. I'm ready... mind is set...and here I go!!!

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:confused: It's been 10 months since my surgery. I can't believe it. I met my weight loss goal last month, but I never thought I would be below it! I am skinnier now than I have been since junior high. What a feeling. I must admit, I miss sitting down for a big meal now and then:sad0:, but nothing can replace the thrill I feel when I go shopping with my daughter and try on the same clothes as her! Size 4! Wow! My biggest problem now is maintaining my weight. And I don't mean gaining it back, I mean stop losing. Did I just say that???? I've said it before, but I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!




New Me, New User Name

It's been 5 1/2 months and I am very close to my goal. A recent picture taken by my son just blew me away...I am skinny! (the picture is posted in my photo section). This has been a month of firsts. Being called skinny by people that rarely noticed me at work before; shopping for clothes and buying size 4 jeans!; confiding in a few friends about the surgery and being supported by them; going to the doctor and LOOKING FORWARD to getting on the scale; and weighing less than my sisters! (that's probably the best, as I was always the fatty in the family). What a high! No food or candy ever made me feel this good. I know this is a lifelong journey, but right now, if I don't ever lose another pound, I couldn't be happier. I know I've said it before, but I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!! Now, if I could just get my skinny butt off the couch and exercise!   My user name is no longer soon2bskinny...it is learned2bskinny. How appropriate:thumbup:




Going Public

4 months post-op now. Still loving my sleeve. The weight is steadily coming off and people around me are amazed. I decided this month to start telling some of my friends and co-workers about the surgery. So far, most of the reactions are supportive. Of course, what's being said behind my back I'll never know! Nor do I care! This decision to go public was made because I feel great about myself, and honestly, I'm tired of keeping it to myself. It's too good not to share! One of my co-workers even pulled me aside crying cause she is so down on herself about her weight and has been researching the band. I referred her to our wonderful website and introduced her to the sleeve. Now I can be an advocate. And that I love!




Some precautions for post-op scuba diving...learned the hard way!

This week brought with it some major milestones. First and foremost, I turned, argh!, 50! Second, 3 months post-op. For my birthday, my daughter, son and I went to San Carlos, Mexico to scuba dive with a few friends of mine. While we had a blast, I learned a few definite don'ts related to VSG and diving. First, you can vomit underwater.:biggrin2: It's not fun, but it's possible. On the flip side, it's best to eat WAY before diving, eat extra slow and eat extra small amounts. Second, when your friends say let's go for ice cream right after lunch, SAY NO!:mad0: But even with all the "reminders" that life is a bit different with VSG, I still had a great time. Weight loss is at 47lbs, doesn't get better than that. My daughter was amazed when she got off the plane and saw me! She knew nothing of the surgery or weight loss. What a great feeling that was! I'm loving my sleeve more and more.:cursing:




2 Months Post-Op

Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 months. I stepped on the scale, total 35lbs lost so far! WHOO HOO!!! How amazing. I'm about halfway to my goal. Eating is becoming easier. It's really important for me to concentrate on eating slowly...to keep the food from backing into my esophagus and being terribly uncomfortable for half hour or so. That's my biggest problem thus far. I can eat pretty much anything. And that really surprises me. I LOVE MY SLEEVE!! My original goal was to lose 30lbs by October 16th, that's when my daughter is coming to visit. She has no idea about the surgery. Now maybe it will be 40 pounds. Unbelievable! If anyone is considering the sleeve and wondering if it's worth it...ABSOLUTELY!:cursing:




Finally! The Scale: It's Alive!!!

Wow, I was beginning to think my scale just froze and died. It didn't budge for sooooo long! But I hesitantly stepped on the scale this morning and SURPRISE! My weight was down 3 1/2 pounds! :biggrin2: Okay, so maybe I've been a little hard on it. I won't throw it through the window-this time. And the other good thing this week is I'm absolutely learning how to eat normally, and I'm loving it! Every day gets better and better :cursing:




I'm Soooooo Frustrated!

Just a quick post to say, "I'm sooooooo frustrated!" I'm still at a stall. I'm doing everything right, (I think!) but the darn scale won't move, not an ounce! Well, they say patience is a virtue....I'll let you know about that. Hopefully the scale will move soon. Cause if it doesn't, I may just throw it through the window!:cursing:




Feeling Better Every Day

5 weeks out and feeling wonderful! I'm finally learning my limits, what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat. My only problem is that I like to drink while I'm eating and I'm finding it impossible to break this habit. Also, I've been in a weight loss stall for a week and a half, although everyone I talk to says that's common when you start "real" food. I sure hope to see the scale move again soon! I'm getting lots of compliments at work and that's really nice too :-)




One Month Update

Well, it's been a month, 23 pounds down, now on real food. Things are getting better. As long as I eat minute amounts, I don't get the nausea anymore. Of course Zofran helps. I hope as time goes on, I will be able to do without that. I still get tired easily. I've got to remember my vitamins! I was never much of a vitamin person before, so it's hard to remember that now. My doctor also mentioned B-12 supplements. Maybe I should try them. Sure hope things continue to improve. It's a great feeling when people notice my weight loss! New life, new beginning!




3 Week Post-op

Twenty pounds down! WOW! But I gotta say this hasn't been fun. I am in a constant stage of nausea right now. I'm in the mushies stage, but gotta admit, I've had some "real" food these last few days. Now I've chewed and chewed until it was mushie before I swallowed, but I'm not sure if this is okay or not. I just had to get some protein in. Work is way hard, it's physical labor and I can bearly get through the shift. I just wish I knew when the nausea would stop. I have a feeling I may be eating too much at a time. I get no clues from my body so I just guess, about a 1/4 cup or 1 oz. Then I just wait for the overstuffed feeling to pass. Time will tell, I suppose, but for now it SUCKS!




Learning to eat again!

I'm now just over two week post-op. At times I wish I hadn't done this. I'm having desires to eat foods that I can't. My co-workers have all sorts of junk food and it just smells sooooo good. But I know that this is best. My weight loss this week was minimal. Only 2 lbs. I felt like I would lose more since I have eaten practically nothing. Well, I guess things will get better. Mushies start in a couple of days. I'm looking forward to that, but worried that I won't know when to stop and be sick with each meal. I have that problem now, even with soups and shakes. I feel like I can eat a half cup or so, but then I get really, really nauseated, so I figure I ate too much. This is really a learning process. I hope this week is better....




One Week Post-Op

It's been a week...8 days actually...and I must say I feel much, much better. I am able to drink better, as long as I think about my swallowing I don't get esophageal spasms. The worst part has been being soooooo thirsty and not being able to quench that thirst. Clears are getting boring! Two more days till fulls liquids. I can't wait...smoothies, cream soups, yum! On the great side, 11 pounds down! WOW...I never, ever thought that kind of weight loss possible. It gives me such motivation to keep up. Also, I started back to work on Thursday, not easy, didn't think I would make it through the shift, but I did, and the next day was easier, the third almost normal. Now I have 4 days off, then back, but at least on full liquids then. I'm beginning to love my sleeve!!!:001_rolleyes:




Finally feeling better.

This is day six...and I'm finally feeling better. I have strained some veggie soup and tolerated the broth well. Sugar free ice pops are working well also. I'm supposed to return to work tomorrow but I think I need a few more days. I'll decide in the AM.




Home and Sleeved!

I got home from Mexicali without any problems. Right now my biggest problem is heartburn! Every sip I take of anything, and I get such horrible heartburn. I hope this goes away, cause I cant live like this. I am going to try 40mg Nexium next and see if that helps. The good news is I'm down 6 1/2 lbs already. Now thats encouraging!




2nd day Post-Op

Today I started on clear liquids. Did fine this morning, but this afternoon, wow...what heartburn with EVERY sip. I told the nurse and got some medicine. It helped but not completely. I hope this is going to get better. My epidural is still in, not sure why...doc said he was going to use it tomorrow, maybe for the drain removal. Not really looking forward to that :thumbup1: or the upper GI, gastrograffin-YUK! :001_rolleyes: Will continue tomorrow after all this yucky stuff is done.




Day After Surgery

Good Morning. It's Saturday and my surgery went well, no complications. Last night was rough, I couldn't sleep to well, the medicine they gave me made me itch and, as in most hospitals, as soon as I did doze off, someone came in for one thing or another. But this morning I feel great. No pain, passing gas, and walking frequently. Doc just told me I can start sipping water. Yea!! So as I'm typing this, I'm sipping and watching Love Boat on american TV. It's a good thing I brought my computer and some books. LOL. Today I met with Vegas Angel and her hubby Bearded Italian. He's getting ready for surgery this morning. RoseyandMusic and I met Thursday, and had dinner together. I'll talk to her this morning and see how she's doing. Gotta go, I'll post more later.




A Few Mix Ups, But Finally Here

Well, tomorrow is my surgery. Today was a LONG day. I worked last night and then left for Calexico from Phoenix at 8AM. My son drove and off we went to meet the driver (Ernesto) at the long term parking lot just this side of the border. We got there with plenty of time to spend, and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally I called Arisellya at Dr Aceves office, and lo and behold...they thought I was coming directly to the hospital and Ernesto didn't know to pick me up. (someone dropped the ball on that one!) Well anyway, over the border we went just to get sooooo lost. After several phone calls and U-turns, we finally got to the hospital. Once there, everything was much better. People were very nice, pre-op done, paperwork done and off to the hotel, which, by the way is very, very nice. I had a nice dinner at the restaurant (sirloin with mashed potatoes for my last supper) and now it's time for sleep.




Pre-op Diet, Day Two

So I know its only been two days, but I'm hungry! I roasted a turkey breast this morning. I think my kitchen is in shock. I've cooked more in two days than the last two years! I know according to Atkins, I can eat as much lean meat as I want, but that just seems wrong. How can you eat and eat and eat and still lose weight? Now I know this diet is just for shrinking the liver, but a little weight loss would be nice, right? Well, I will just keep up with the diet and see what the week brings. 6 more days till I'm a sleever!! Whoo hoo!!




Decaffeinated cold turkey.

No more Diet Coke for me. After years of drinking at least a 2 liter bottle daily I stopped, cold turkey, two days ago. Woke up this morning and the G_d awful headache is gone. Just goes to show that any habit can be beaten in time. So, today started my pre-op diet. Atkins type. I now have to break the carb habit. I have been a carb-a-holic so this is gonna be fun (not!). I'm not much of a cook, but I made bacon (no sugar in the processing) and eggs for breakfast. It smelled so good, my son woke up at 6am to eat with me! Hmmm, an unexpected benefit :-) Since I worked last night, I went to bed after breakfast. Now it's time for a protein shake. And maybe a bit of hard cheese. The thing I'm finding hard is thinking through, in advance, what I'm going to eat. Just another lifestyle change I need to get used to. No more running to MickeyD's, or BK for me.:001_rolleyes:



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