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Not Enough

Last night I went to my nephew's wedding. It was super, at an industry museum. I got up very late yesterday to start my day. I had my protein shake around 2pm. I know very late. I went to the wedding and wore my new suit, size 18 misses. I looked great! After the ceremony we went for the reception. I didn't have any food because of the choices. It was hot and I guess I went way too long without eating. The room started to spin and I felt faint. My daughter-in-law got me a chair, an oj and a roll. I will never go that long without food again. When dinner was served I ate. Awful feeling. I usually have a protein bar with me but thought the veggie platter would be good but the choices were not for me. The pass arounds were not great either for me. The dinner was great for me. I had wonderful melon for my dessert. The dj played a great mix of music. Must have been about 50, 25-30 year olds. Made me feel young again. There was a photo booth. That was fun. I finally have my first and only niece.





My daughter-in-law sent me a copy of Santa talking to my grandson. The site is PNP home page. It is really cute. Santa talked to him and his picture was used a few times. Great for all the young at heart for Christmas.





I love the old cartoons. Warner Bros. use to have retail stores and I bought everything, clothes, gifts, dog toys and art. Yes I have cartoon art all over the house. About 18-20 years ago I was thinner and purchased a pair of jeans with the Taz, Bugs Bunny and others on them. Today, they FIT!! A super duper NSV for me. I even have the matching 't' shirt. I own a few long sleeved shirts with characters all over them. Like I said. I love the old fashioned cartoons. ​One of my favorite prints is called 'Speechless'. It is a microphone and off to the side are the characters that Mel Blanc did the voices for. It was when he died. That is my all time favorite. Yes I am a 63 year Grammie who is young at heart and I show it off.   Do other young at hearts have cartoon people in their life? Have a great weekend. The weather in Boston is great today. I went to the gym in shorts.




new NSV

A new small NSV for me. I needed a white belt for my summer white jeans and shorts. Being that I had a massive huge waist I bought an xl. Too big and they didn't have a smaller size, so took it and had holes made. Was in Kohl's the other day and bought 2 size large belts and they fit and past the first hole. My weight has not changed in about 1 year but I guess inches are changing which is wonderful for me. Yesterday I wore a size large maxi skirt from Gap and I looked great. I don't know how to down load pictures, that is why you never see any of me. Needed to share. Thanks for listening. Arlene





I am from New England, home of great lobster. I was told by many banders that after surgery food can be different. I guess tonight I had my last lobster. It was just too chewy for me. I am sad. I do eat a lot of jumbo lump crab and that agrees with me. I have had shrimp and that goes down fine. The only way I would eat clams is fried, so that is out and I don't do scallops. I find salmon does down super. Tomorrow I am making a pot roast. My husband does not eat meat, only poultry and fish. I guess that means about 12 pot roast meals for me. Everyone have a great weekend. Arlene




Toxic Love-Dr. OZ

Hi Everyone, I am watching Dr. Oz right now and the show's subject is Toxic Love. Very interesting about what loved ones do to each other when they have health issues. Dieting together, a mother telling her daughter, you're fat etc. and cooking the wrong foods. Right now is a couple and the wife wears an insulin pump and the husband cooks all the wrong foods. The therapist is trying to help all the people. Great show. I know of people like that, that make and feed the wrong foods to the diabetic, the WLS person, like all of us etc. Who is the the toxic person in your life? Mine is ME!!!!!!




new type of surgery

I am in Boston and right now I am watching the Doctors. They just showed a new WLS for the person who needs to lose 25-60lbs. They put a tube thing down through your mouth and fold part of your stomach. It has been used for about 4 years but not approved by the FDA, yet. They use this surgery for other things. Very interesting. I would say to go their web site and see the video. They explain it better than me. My husband likes the sound of this surgery because his heart doctor wants him to lose about 30 pounds. Another thing they spoke about was the WLS cards to show in restaurants. The doctors said why can't anyone order a smaller meal.





Am I the only Bandster that hates fast food? my grandsons always want it and I always take them to sit down restaurants because I think fast food tastes awful. At McDonald's the only thing I would eat are salt free fries. I don't use salt. to me fast food is pizza and we have a love story. I can't go without pizza. That is one thing I have to have. I know it's not the best to eat but I was told there are no, no foods by my dietitian. ​tomorrow my son will be 38 and his wife is having a surprise party at a pub and ordering appetizers. I don't know if I will eat any of them, though but I will be there to celebrate with everyone. Have a great Sunday everyone.




another 'new' weight loss device

Good evening. I was watching the local news, Boston, and they showed a new device from England. It is a pill you swallow and it blows up into a balloon. The balloon stays in your stomach and takes up room for around 3 months and you lose about 20 pounds. After they deflate the balloon your stomach is back to where it always was. It cost around 5k!!! It will be tested in the USA soon. Bad idea, sorry, don't like it. This is as bad as sewing mesh on your tongue for a month. When are they going to stop with dumb s**t??????? But then that is how people make money, millions of dollars.   I love my band and today it really did it's job when I was bad. Thanks band for reminding me to stop and eat smart.   Now if the band could say, Arlene get off your fat ass and get to the gym, then I would be more in love.




yesterday-I was a bad girl

Yesterday I started my day perfect as I do every day, with my shake. Then I was very bad! I went for monthly 'free' Godiva chocolate but bought an extra plus some almond bark. I like having a small piece of bark when I have the urge for dark chocolate. Then I went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, bad, very bad. Had 2 biscuits. I was walking around the outlet stores again, so I did get in some walking, Then I went food shopping with my MIL. She is 90 but the world's slowest walker and never has a list and had me walking all over the store. My Fitbit said I did about 4000 steps shopping with her. She only bought about 20 things. I text my husband from the store, you owe me big time. I can do a month's worth of shopping in less time without walking 4000 steps. Today my older grandsons are coming over. We are taking them to the Children's Museum. Should be another great walking day. The weather sucks in Boston, so we have to do something indoors with the boys, ages 5 and 13. The science museum would cost over $100. for 4 of us, what a rip off!!!!!!!! How do families afford to have a great day out. My mother will be 95 on the 10th and she finally lost her last tooth the other day. The same day my 7 month old grandson got his 1st! His other great grandmother (mother's side) lost 2 teeth last week too. Weird. Everyone enjoy your day. Arlene





My husband gave up meat 35 years ago for dieting-no he quit the health kick-but still no meat. Many years ago I made meatballs and turkey balls. He eats the turkey ones. My oldest son's friend ate over and I asked do you want meatballs or turkey balls? Eric, answered, I didn't know turkeys had balls. He was a senior in high school at the time. I love dumb kids.




my doctor/your doctor

Happy Sunday night. As most of you know last Tuesday was my one year banding. On Friday I saw my PCP and then my surgeon. They are both happy with me. My surgeon told me I am perfect with my under 2cc's in my band and said I don't need any more. When I was banded, my band did not have any saline in it. Very interesting how every doctor does their 'own' thing and we can not compare. I see so many people complain that they need another fill, another fill next month, why? Are you doing the right thing? This past week I ate too fast, 3 times and had to go walking. My fault, no one else's. I do not throw up ever, even with the flu, I don't. The doctor told me I really need to exercise more. I had complained that my muffin top is still big. He is very happy with me and I see him again in 2 months. I would love to be around 180-185 by then. I just need to move my fat ass and muffin top. This week I am going to a cousins reunion on Cape Cod, Wednesday. I live about 1-1 1/2 hours from there. Then Thursday, Newport, RI to visit a cousin from my husband's side. Great places to visit and Newport is the best for walking around. Have a great evening. Arlene




don't be scammed

Happy TGIF to everyone. yesterday I got an email from a Lap Band person and they wanted me to be their friend and after some thought I sent my email. It was a SCAM! I told her/him to lose my email or I would call the FBI. I also sent am email to LapBand Talk about this. The person had her LapBand Talk name as:Lizza22. Be careful everyone!!!!!!!!! Time to go to the gym. My FitBit said I have walked 50 miles since I got it and that was in December. For me that is great. Enjoy your day. I am dog sitting this weekend, in the cold and tonight's snow, ugh!




I'm here

Hello everyone. I have been reading everything but just haven't written much. I am busy with my family. My 95 year old mother's mind is getting worse. Last week she didn't recall my name. That sucks. My mentally challenged brother, he is 6 years older than me, is a handful. Tomorrow we are looking into adult day care for him. I hope it works.   Today my oldest son is 39. Can't believe I have a child that old. I baby sat his son, Max the other night. Max is 14 months and priceless. Laughs, yells and loves to eat fruit.   I belong to a gym and Friday was my first time there since November. I went yesterday and today and I feel much better about me. It was like starting over again. I went slow and didn't push myself but loved it. Do you know what you call people like me that pay and don't go to the gym?, profit! My husband won't get off his fat ass and go with me.   A high school friend posted this, funny and dumb: I want to die like my grandfather, in my sleep, no pain not yelling and screaming like the people in his car. I have a weird sense of humor.   Before the band my tops were either a 2 or 3 xl plus size woman's. Yesterday I bought a new sweat shirt, size misses large! Yeah! me! Now to just get rid of the muffin top which is my largest part of the body.   Everyone have a great week. Thursday, Boston is either getting lots of snow or rain. They don't know yet. Arlene





Well I finally joined the gym yesterday. The doctor told me to join in September, better late than never. So I went today and rode the recumbent bike for 1.3 miles. That is a lot for me. I felt great that I moved the body. I tried the elliptical but it hurt the left knee too much. I will try to go again tomorrow. My fat went on slow over the years and now the gym will be slow too. Some days I look in the mirror and see fat me and other days I say, WOW, I look thinner today. After reading other's blogs I think my size goal is around a size 12. My husband thinks I could go smaller. Never been smaller than 12-14 when we got married 42 years ago. I was thinner then because of diet pills. Nasty way to lose weight. Have a great day all.




weird eater

Hello I am a very weird eater. Recall the movie, When Harry Met Sally? Well I eat worse than Sally. My food never touches, I use a different plate for each item, in my house. I dislike more foods than I like. I hate fast food restaurants, my poor grandsons, they get sit down restaurants with me. I never use condiments, never tried salad dressing or soups, so why am I over weight? I love bread!! I could eat 2-3 bread baskets full of wonderful breads in a restaurant with either oil or butter. Then eat my meal. Since having the band, I am so good. I do try the breads but a very small piece and stop. I also would always have ice cream either in a restaurant or at home almost everyday. I have had maybe 2-3 small tastes of my husband's since the band. I am really trying and so far so good. I guess it took me 62 years to wake up and say, STOP, being the overweight Arlene. I can move much better. Because of back problems, I can't stand in one place for more than a few minutes, weight loss will not cure that. I am not as tired as I was and I still have a lot to lose. I hope to be a onederlander within the next week or two. That would be F'n awesome. Yes, I have a potty mouth, that comes with me where ever I go. Have a wonderful Boxing Day, all.




Last Night's Dinner

Yesterday was my 42nd anniversary. My husband and I went out for dinner. I did have some bread dunked in oil. For my main course I had the filet with mashed potatoes and butternut squash. I am not and never will be a vegetable eater. Dinner was super. I ate the small filet and some of the others. My husband ordered dessert, wrong thing to do. He is over weight and a diabetic. I did taste the chocolate torte. It was super. Just a small taste. And then this morning I was down 1 pound!!! I try to move my body everyday. I over drink tea, hot and iced with Splenda. I don't leave the house without my iced tea. Today is cut and color day. I have my daughter-in-law's baby shower Saturday. And Sunday my nephew is getting married. Very busy weekend but fun nice things to do. By then the weather will be wonderful. Snow last night. Rain today and this weekend 60-70. Don't you just love NE weather? I live in the Boston area. Tonight at my support group meeting we are having a clothes swap. I have about 10 pairs of Lauren jeans in sizes 18w and 20w. I hope they find a new home. Enjoy your day and evening Lap Bands!




the blame game

I was reading about how some people give up and then go back to their doctor for help, which is wonderful. Then there are the people who blame. I have a cousin, Ilana (real name) a know it all RN, who had bypass surgery about 8-10 years ago and is now over weight, again. She blames her surgery for failing. She likes to snack, have her afternoon wine and a cocktail when dining out. Her mother had the bypass over 25 years ago and she also gained all her weight back. (she passed away from cancer). Why do people have surgery and then blame the surgery for failing and not themselves. Ilana went back to her doctor and said the surgery failed, could he re-operate. He said, no. Good for him. We are given a TOOL and we have to learn to use it and respect it. If we don't then we are back to being over weight and it is our fault, no one else. Yesterday I had Chinese food for lunch, had a few other bad choices during the day, my fault, I gained or retained fluid from the sodium, my fault, can't blame anyone else for me, failing. I got the Band 8 months ago today and I think I am doing ok. Not a super fast weight loss but a decent one. I see my doctor in a few weeks and I do lose every time which I like and he does too. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates. Arlene




surgeries going bad

Surgeries going wrong/bad has been a topic lately. This can happen with any kind of procedures done by the top doctors and hospitals. About 3-4 years ago my dermatologist didn't like a small mole I had. I went to a top Boston hospital to have it removed. Because it was under the belly fat they had to tape my fat belly. I don't do well with tape and got tape burns, aloe took care of that. The mole was removed and I got an infection from the incision. The infection turned into MRSA (I hope I spelled it right). It took 3-4 different antibiotics until the right one was found to get me healed. I was at the hospital every 2-3 days to have them look at it. My husband had to clean it for me 2-3 times a day with saline and medicines. That was suppose to be a no brainer removal. So you just never know. I have had zero problems with the BAND!! Everyone is different. Please stop knocking the Band, I love it, it helps me be under control of my intakes etc. Yesterday I had a stuck moment, it sucks when that happens. I walked and then burped and was fine. My fault, not the band, it just reminds me to be more perfect. No one is perfect. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Stay dry-Boston is heavy rain for the next 24 hours. Arlene aka Eye Candy




had a fill

Saw the metal monster, the doctor and the dietitian. I only lost a few pounds but it may be from doing exercise the doctor said. He is happy with me. Said I lost 50% of my fat. That doesn't suck. The doctor said the reason he does 3 days liquids and then 3 days mushies after a fill is because the fill has to settle into the band. Also, I asked about straws and he feels that straws put too much air into your body. Makes sense. The dietitian suggested eating beef or turkey jerky for protein. I bought beef teriyaki. I will try it next week. She also said to eat protein first, then veggies, then fruit and then the carbs. I don't do that exactly. I will try. Enjoy your weekend everyone.




sweeteners ????

Happy Monday everyone. I always use Splenda in my hot and iced tea. I was watching Dr. Oz and he and a dietitian said to use Stevia. Does anyone know any thing about this? They said that sweeteners make you pee more than you should. I know I pee a lot but then I drink about 10-8oz. teas or water a day. Thanks for the help. Enjoy your Santa day tomorrow.





Merry Christmas to everyone in Lap Band land. I went to my son's to see what Santa brought my grandsons. Santa was very nice to them. My son has a Texas BBQ/smoker, from Texas. He does catering, also. He was up all night smoking beef brisket. OMG!! it taste so good. I am going to my other son's for dinner and he is serving one of the briskets. Can't wait. The burnt ends are the best. Now that I am finally having the brisket, 3-4 oz. isn't too much food. I hope I can have a doggie bag. I hope everyone gets to eat wonderful food with wonderful people/family today and always. Enjoy the day. "Eye Candy"/Arlene




the trainer at the gym

Good afternoon, ​I was on the stationery bike at the gym and the trainer came and talked to me and my husband. He said to really get in shape, no bike, no tread mill but cardio. Do exercise where you move and use weights is the best exercise. At the gym there is a back room where all the body builders go and he said they may be able to lift weights but most are in terrible shape because they don't move their body. Thought I would share this. He also said walking is not good for a lot of women with bone problems. My advice is also ask your own doctor first about everything.




Smaller Sizes

I don't see too much change except in clothes. Today I have on a long sleeve 't' in size xl from the regular misses department! I was wearing a 2 or 3x before. My gym pants are also a size xl from the misses instead of 2xl from the men's department. I feel great today about this. I hope others enjoy a smaller clothes day, also.




Dr. Oz

Hello everyone, On Dr. Oz today Lisa Lampanelli is going to talk about having the sleeve surgery. She did it in the spring and has lost 80lbs. Great weight loss but way too fast. That is why I think the Band is so much better and safer. her husband also had the sleeve done. I can't wait to hear Dr. Oz's opinion on the sleeve. Enjoy Happy Hump Day, all!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
