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Busy Weekend

This is going to be a very busy weekend. Yesterday I had my hair colored and it looks like s**t. Going back today to get the very dark red lighter. tonight is my nephews rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow my daughter-in-law's baby shower. Sunday is my nephew's wedding at a very fun type museum (in MA) and Monday morning an after wedding brunch at my brother's house. Non stop food the whole time but I didn't get a band to eat, eat and eat more, I got it get thinner and thinner! The more I look in the mirror the more loose skin I find. Like my bat wings (bingo arms) whatever you call them. The turkey neck which I over moisturize and the fat is leaving the face. When you get over 60 the skin doesn't go back into place like a 30-40 year old. Have a super weekend everyone in Lap Band land!





Good afternoon from blizzard Boston. In the local paper there was an article from Soma Intimates. They said that when women that leave their abusive person they usually forget bras. So Soma is collecting used and new bras for DOVE. I know having lost weight I have many large sized bras. Maybe some of you do to and we can all donate them. Enjoy your TGIF.




Boston is my Home!!

I grew up in Boston, on Comm. Ave. between BU and BC. I went to Boston public schools and I am very proud of being from Boston. I now live about 10 miles south of the city. My good friend works for the Boston Police Dept., 911. He just told me a woman from CA ordered a lot pizzas to be delivered to the head quarters and a person from KY sent fruit. This country is super, if you don't like it, there's the door. My 95 year old mother's nursing home was in lock down yesterday. She doesn't go out, so she wouldn't have known. My mentally challenged brother lives near the nursing home and the chefs and other workers couldn't go make and serve dinner last night. He lives in senior housing. So today when we are all out enjoying our freedom, let's all sing "Sweet Caroline". That was sung at the Boston Common last night by the people that could finally leave their homes and at every Red Sox game. Thanks Neil Diamond for a great song. I know this has nothing to do the weight loss or the band. Arlene





Happy Sunday evening. I wanted to tell everyone I really enjoy reading your blogs. They help to keep me going and show that anything is possible.   I am in stage 4 of my food plan. I make a super turkey stuffing with Ritz and cooked vegetables. Since I am allowed those, can I have some stuffing? Or is it too heavy? I am torn. I know I can eat the turkey. One food that I really enjoy and eat too much of is jumbo lump crab. Does anyone else enjoy this? I eat it as is, no mayo. Thank you fellow Banders, you're all great.




Being Bad

I was bad with my dinner last night. But I loved every bit of it. Today is another day and I will be better. I did not over eat, I just ate the wrong things. I had 3 coconut shrimp, great bread dunked in oil and cheese pizza. The local restaurant has a great football special when the N.E. Patriots play. Yes they won!!!   On one of my other WLS groups one person spoke of her friend and by pass. The woman had by pass about 10 years ago and was doing great for a while. She is now in the hospital for revision. She stretched out her pouch and when the doctor went to sew her insides it was like cotton candy, her words not mine. The woman is on ice chips for a few days and in the hospital for at least 10 days. If that doesn't scare the S**T out of you, nothing will.   ​I never was a drinker. In fact the last frozen Girl Scout cookie I had I broke out into hives and never had a drink since. That was over 15 years ago. So drinking was never anything I was going to miss with my journey. I never liked fast foods and yet I was and am obese. Fast food was always a comfort food but not for me. Give me bread and more bread, ice cream. I now have bread in restaurants and maybe once or twice a month in my own house.   I think we all went into this new journey to get healthy, be thinner and move our bodies that were just sitting around. No one forced us but we need to be smarter with choices. Like CG always says, Listen to your doctor!! Listen to your dietitian and finally listen to your body.   Have a great week. October is tomorrow and before you know it Halloween. I only buy candy I hate and I hate more candies than I like. I never had a problem with buying candy. Yes, I hate Snickers!!   Arlene




been a while since I wrote

Happy Marathon Monday from Boston. We are BOSTON STRONG!! Info about Boston. The Marathon is always run the closest Monday to April 19th, that is Patriot's Day. In MA it is a holiday and also school vacation. Our spring vacations are not around Easter but this week only.   The wheel chair racers started, then the women and finally the men. They have all started. This is a very important day in Boston. For WLS people, every day is an important day, why? because we are all running with our new journey.   I am far from a perfect Bander. I eat wrong but my band does say, Arlene, stop eating. This past week I had two stuck dinners. Ate too fast and too much. But I am the marathoner and I will not let this stop my journey. I have been too good with the gym either and my legs were tired yesterday. I thought I would do 5 minutes on the bike. My friend was there, so we talked and before I knew it, I did 11 minutes. It felt great!! Today is my MIL's 91st birthday and we are taking her out for Japanese food for lunch. One of the steak house restaurants. I will have shrimp, a filet, veggies and a little rice and I will feel good about my choices.   Well, I hope everyone in WLS land has a wonderful Patriot's Day. That was when the battle of Lexington and Concord happened. In June we have Bunker Hill Day. In March was evacuation day which was also St. Patrick's Day. Boston has a lot of history days. I went to Boston public schools and those were no school days.   Enjoy the spring day. Arlene





This morning got up early and went to my son's house. Last week my grandson was 13 and we had to bring him his b. day gifts. My son went and bought fresh made bagels. I was polite and asked for 1/4 of a bagel and he put Smart Balance on it. Nothing. That is how I felt about eating a former breakfast food. Nothing. I can live without them. I loved that. Some foods I can not go without but bagels are on the good bye list. On my never live without list is pizza, bread in restaurants, almonds, pasta and Chinese food. I think that is it. If you can't have what you really love and enjoy yourself the Band will not work with you because you will go after all these forbidden foods. Or that is how I see it with me. Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully no storms where you live. "Eye Candy"





Happy Sunday Since I bought a Fitbit the other day, I have been recording everything I eat onto the computer. I am now so much more aware of everything I put in my mouth. It was one of the best investments I have made since my surgery. Some people need a crutch and I have found mine, the Fitbit. For all of you celebrating Santa, it will make a great gift. Just came home from food shopping. Awful weather in Boston, rain maybe snow later during the Pat's game tonight. Then we are rain/snow the rest of the week. UGH! Enjoy your evening everyone.




another 'new' weight loss device

Good evening. I was watching the local news, Boston, and they showed a new device from England. It is a pill you swallow and it blows up into a balloon. The balloon stays in your stomach and takes up room for around 3 months and you lose about 20 pounds. After they deflate the balloon your stomach is back to where it always was. It cost around 5k!!! It will be tested in the USA soon. Bad idea, sorry, don't like it. This is as bad as sewing mesh on your tongue for a month. When are they going to stop with dumb s**t??????? But then that is how people make money, millions of dollars.   I love my band and today it really did it's job when I was bad. Thanks band for reminding me to stop and eat smart.   Now if the band could say, Arlene get off your fat ass and get to the gym, then I would be more in love.




an old Dr. Phil

I was surfing on the tv and found an old Dr. Phil. The obese husband wouldn't go near his wife unless she was under 200 pounds. They have not had sex or kissed in 2 years. She got under 200 and he still won't go near her. He is obese and had the nerve to say he wants his size 10 wife back. Dr. Phil told him off but good. That is a form of abuse according to the doctor and I believe it. I have heard of people that can not handle it when their partner loses a lot of weight and that they leave. That is sad. I know my husband and I have been married 42 1/2 years and have both been thick and thin but mostly thick for us. We are not going any where. Everyone enjoy the rest of your long weekend. Arlene aka 'Eye Candy'




all surgery pros and cons

I have 2 wonderful sons. Roger is the oldest, 38 and Frank is 34. Roger was born chicken breasted. He needed to have surgery to fix his chest at 2 1/2. If it was not fixed he could have had a heart attack by age 10, his heart was not in the right place and he was hunch backed from the chest problems. My husband asked the surgeon about risks (he was head of pediatric surgery at Boston Children's Hospital). The doctor said you can walk across the street and get killed. Since that time when any doctor has recommended surgery my husband don't really think of it. By the time Roger was 5 he had 4 different surgeries. He is perfect! Frank was born slightly chicken breasted but did not need the surgery because his heart was in the right place. So this leads to why I am writing. There are pros and cons to everything. Last week a young man around 24ish had his wisdom teeth pulled and died. You never know when it's your time to go. I love this site and enjoy reading about other's wonderful results, accomplishments and seeing their pictures. I am too computer challenged to put any pictures on, sorry. Writing that the Band is awful because you had a problem is sad but don't knock all of us. A Boston hospital many many years ago did a research drug, turned out to be Merida, I signed up. It worked great for me until I stopped. In the study, in Boston and England they said 2 women had strokes. You know what, I didn't think about quitting because out of the 2500 people they were over 60 and with that many people there is sure to be health issues. ​Let's all think positive thoughts, that we are going to beat Obesity and get healthy and fit. I know I am doing it. By the way I have had about a dozen different surgeries. From a small mole I got MRS. You never know what is going to happen. Have a wonderful evening and super Tuesday-spring has arrived!!!!!! at least in Boston. Arlene




a party

Today is my MIL's 90th birthday party, at a Chinese restaurant. Almost every one at the party has not seen me for over 6 months. Nervous does not explain my feelings. I know I am being crazy, but I feel like everyone will look at me and judge what little food I will be putting on my plate. My children and oldest brother have seen me eat and say nothing, it's all the others and they don't know about my new friend, The Band! There is an open bar, I don't drink, even before the band, so that is fine. I have not said anything to anyone even the hub about this. He would tell me I am crazy. ​Thank you for listening. Enjoy your day. The Red Sox are winning right now!!!!!!!!!!!! go SOX.




a new WLS

While most of you were sleeping I turned on Night Line around 12:30am and they talked about a new WLS, something Aspire. They hook up a device onto your stomach and 20 minutes after you eat your meal you hook up a vacuum type device to your stomach thing and it empties your stomach contents into the toilet. How gross is this? My husband said it is like throwing up. It is being used in Europe and tested in the US. They did mention the Band, Bypass and the Sleeve and said the Aspire is less invasive. Never would I ever think of something that gross.   I had an appointment with the doctor tomorrow for a fill but Boston is getting a blizzard so it is now next week. I am happy about that because my oldest son is turning 38 Sunday and we are going out for dinner. Now I can eat and not just have a hot tea. Have a super day everyone. Time for food shopping and the gym. Arlene





Good afternoon everyone. tonight on 20/20 they are going to have the People 1/2 their size on. Good program to get inspired! I got inspired this morning, less than one pound to go and I will be under 200. I haven't seen that number in many many years and I am looking forward to it. Enjoy your TGIF, all.




1St Fill

Just had my first fill. Back to liquids for 3 days, then soft mashed foods for 3 days and then STAGE 5!!!!!! Can't wait. I miss shrimp,lobster and salad. My husband misses us having Chinese food. Today really starts the rest of my life. I am making a promise to myself never to be obese again. I didn't go to this extreme (surgery) to be fat. I really enjoy this site and reading about everyone. Thank you all. You all give me encouragement that only Banders would understand. Have a great weekend. If you're from NE, stay dry.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
