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Monday - band fitted and home.

Well all done. Unfortunately they couldn't fit the telemetric but the upside to that is I get a one thousand pound refund!! Very swolen and bruised but not in any pain. Back home and feeling quite fit really. Amazed at how much I have drunk since the op but very thirsty.




Last day

Well band is fitted tomorrow. So nervous today. Don't even want to eat - even if I could. Can't wait for it all to be over now and to be back home Monday.





Can't believe how I can stick to this soup and shake diet but I can't stick to a diet when there is plenty to eat. Cheat all the time. Guess it's because I know there is surgery at the end of it. Have all my work finished now so have nearly two weeks to myself to totally relax and recover from the banding. Less than 48 hours now - really excited, and scared at the same time.




Wed and Thurs

Headaches and hungry. But sticking to the liquid diet - only two days to go:thumbs_up:




Pre-op Mon and Tues

Getting pretty boring really. Managing to stick to shakes, soups, fresh fruit and veges. Just waiting for Sunday to come. Paid for band yesterday [mon] so no turning back now.




Pre-op Sunday

Really really hungy today but have managed to get through it.   Vanilla shake with banana for brunch   Soup and steamed veges for evening meal   Strawb shake with fruit as a snack   Coffees here and there




Day 3 pre-op Saturday

Saturday -   Had a strawberry shake with fresh strawberries for breakfast.   Lunch had Chicken soup and some steamed veges.   Mid afternoon - vanilla shake   Evening meal - steamed brocolli, sprouts and carrots.   Feeling really pleased - funny knowing you HAVE to do this pre op makes you stick to it. I thought last night - so why can't you stick to a strict diet like this all the time???????   Supposed to have four shakes and two soups - along with 5 portions of fruit or veg. Stuggling to fit in all of the soups and shakes.




Day two - pre op

Day two   Breakfast - Vanilla shake with raspberries and blueberries   Plum   Lunch - Chicken Soup   Mid afternoon - Vanilla shake with banana   Evening meal - Chicken Soup with steamed veges added   Apple Strawb shake - little water so very thick with blueberries and rasps.   Well so far so good.




Day one pre-op diet

Day one of pre-op diet. Breakfast - Vanilla shake with banana added   Lunch - Chicken and herb soup. Afternoon - Vanilla shake with extra water and spoonful of coffee to make thick coffee drink.   Evening meal - Steamed vegetables.   Strawberry shake made with little water to make pudding with raspberries and blueberries. Apple.   Good day - just realised how many times I nibble at things I don't really need.



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