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Weight Loss Question

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Lovin my band!!!!!!

Its been over a year for me and i am at my goal weight!!!!! i had my band placed in December 2011. The one thing i can say that I dont like is the amount of food I throw away!!!!! I try to put it in the fridge and save it, but I usually dont end up going back for it....and end up throwing it away...But it seems like the weight that i lost my husband found!   I love the fact that he starts to get a little jealous when i go to work, shopping, or anywhere because he can even see the difference now...I went to get more scrubs/uniforms for work because im in the medical field ...and Im in a medium and its LOOSE!   But i can honestly say for me anyway is that I set a goal weight got there and then say ok 5 more lbs ok now 8 more lbs...and keep wanting to go on and on....but my man loves curves ....cant lose too much!




Guys Don't Hate Me......

BUT ........I want to be thin (size 10 or 12) already! ***I know a size 14 is not bad **** but its been 7 months !!!!! I thought that I would be sexy by now, but im not! Its summer and I want to wear.....(stuff) I want to go to the pool with my hubby and kids, and I dont want others to see old "Thunder Thighs" comin. For those who have seen the movie "Norbit" I feel like her at the swim park!   My mom and a few people say they see a diffrence, but of course I cant .... What is wrong with me????? I know its a tool, not a magic fix...BUT COME ON!   My BMI was high, but I guess I just carried it well for being 5'5 and 220 lbs. I noticed that for those people who were larger to start lost a whole lot more weight faster than me.   Is it because i was a little smaller than them?   Then my hair was thinning, Im taking biotin now so Im startin to notice a diffrence now in my nails and hair ....... oh well Im done complaining now.




Protein Question??

Has anyone noticed that the more protein you take in the less sweets you want? Or your cravings just stop... Just wondering I think that I have noticed it in myself and I was just wondering if it was just me ...




Nasty Ex-Coworker Still Spilling The Beans About My Wls!!!

For those who read my post a few months ago about the Medical office manager telling the whole office (Right in front of me) that everybody "Knows you had Gastric bypas surgery" ....No I did not!     To get caught up you may go to my profile and read about it there in my blog.....but anyway I never worked for this particular Doctor. I work for a very large well known lab, and i was just in her office to service her patients. Well after the above event took place, I asked to be moved to another location, and I was moved the next day or so.......   Well, in my line of work we have what you call "flaoters" which means when someone is out on vacation or call in sick these "floaters" go and fill in at that location. Well after I left, my company sent a floater to my old spot until they could find a permanent replacement.     Well rightr after i left i came across one of the "floaters" that i dont even know that filled in over where I use to be, and guess what.......She found out about my WLS from the big mouth office manager..When I found out I was mad, but I said thats ok Im not there anymore who cares ......   Well YESTERDAY...I came across a diffrent floater that I dont know and never met. Now this time it came about because when I saw her I introduced myself which meant I gave her my name, and then she said "Do I know you"? I said no I dont think so. She said where did you use to work and I gave her the name of the doctor's office where I came from ....and she said "OH" and I said what do you mean "OH" ...and as politely as she could, she began to tell me that when she was at that location covering, the office manger began telling her about my "PROCEDURE"   Thats when I called Human Resources, the account representative for that location and my supervisor. Enough was enough! I hope she gets fired !!!!! All my company told me was that the would give her a "Firm" talking to. And who am I kidding I dont really have the money to do anything legal. But this is ridiculous she has to be stopped. And at this point if she finally does shut her trap she has already told 2 diffrent floaters that cover multiple large areas for my company and there is no telling how many people these people have told!




Im Ashamed Of Myself.....not Really!

Kind of funny and very short story.....   I eat my kids food!   They are only 1 and 2 years old and they are both boys.....and when I tell you they can EAT! OMG....Yes even at that age ....the two year old likes to feed himself, so he sits at the dining table and eats ...the 1 year old sits in his high chair and eats off of the little table thing or sometime I will put it in his little plastic spiderman bowl and he eats .     And what ever is left over I eat :ph34r: I guess that is good because sometime its only about a cup or less when I combine it together     This is because I eat lunch at work around 12:30 or 1 pm ....so when I get home at 6pm im still not really hungry ...but I have to make dinner for my husband and kids.....sooooo when i eat thier left overs im good ...........




Things I Can No Longer Eat Comfortably....

Ok here it is, no scrambled eggs, and no kind of potato! I had two episodes of being stuck after months of reading about being stuck, it finally happened to me. I went to Denny's with husband and ordered a veggie omelette after one bite and chewing and chewing with more chewing I swallowed and lord.....I though I was having a heart attack! I could not hardly take a breath and my chest right between my breast felt like something big was "stuck". The scary part was not really being able to breathe, then I started to get hiccups and felt like I was going to throw up.   Next episode I think was a few weeks ago I had just one teaspoon of potato salad....same thing     I was banded 12-01-2011 and I have a 10cc band. I have had 5 fills, and now have about 7.5cc in band now and I think Im good for a while. Never really experienced untill I had my last fill last month. But the scale has started to move finally...I was losing inches but no pounds. now im losing pounds




Short And Sweet

There is a little more work to be done on love handles and abs, but if felt darn good to go into the store and try on a medium and look good in it. 6 months post op.....and still kicking!




Humiliated At Work Today! Omg!!!!!

Ok I had my surgery December 1, 2011....The only people that know are my mom and dad, the ex-co worker that had it done, and moved on ...so there is no real communication anymore, and 2 of my current co-workers who were sworn to secrecy. MY OWN HUSBAND DOES NOT KNOW.... Either way I was talking to a coworker about the light progresso soup that I had been eating, and she said oh I tried that I didnt like it because it was bland....and I said thats why its a light soup because it has low sodium and low calories. And then I said "take a look, cant you tell it's workin for me"     And out of no where another co-worker turned around and said really loud "Come on Dee, the whole office knows you had gastric bypass" .......Which she was wrong I had lap-band thank you very much!   I was taken by surprise and at 33 years old I wanted to run out of the office crying, but I stood there and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "No I didn't" She turned back around with a smirk on her face and I said one or two more things about my eating like the crystal light flavors that i like to add into my water, then I scurried back to my lab area.   How did she know, did one of my favorite co-workers spill the beans? I was horrified!!   A Little history: I work in a medical office with 2 female doctors and 5 other females EVERYONE of them is on this freakin Paleo diet as of November 2011 They are all caucasian and thin. I did not want to be the only large and black female in the office, ....dont get me wrong i did this for me and so that i can have energy for my 1 and 2 year old sons and my full time job and my husband... but walking into work everyday hearing about this freakin paleo diet and watchin them jump on and off the scale was making me sick...i wanted to show them that I could lose weight too, and mabey faster than them! I guess the jokes on me...I really dont want to go into work tommorow ....how could she be so mean? This really changes the way I feel about her as a person.




I Need Honest Opinions Please

Ok, I am five months post op.......at first I was feeling good because my clothes were getting loose.....but when I look at my pics i look the damn same...I never really like taking pics because of how i look, But I said what the hell its been five months ....so I upload a few pics and then looked at the old ones and started feeling bad....that why I hate taking pictures ......     Can you guys look through my small gallery and tell me if you see a diffrence?




Throw Out Your Scales!

Ok, so im four months post op....and at first i was getting depressed because after surgery I immediately lost 17-18 pounds.then nothing for weeks! But then i began to notice that my clothes were getting bigger ...BUT no change on the scale (weird) ...anyway at the start of surgery I was a tight 14/16 ...now Im a 12/14 comfortable.....When I went to the store to get a few new things to wear because everything was just too baggy, I was so excited to get into something cute.       I have a 10cc band and have a little over 5cc in it now......All I can say is protein protein protein ! It makes you want to keep up the good work when you see results




Need A Fill Quick!!!!!

I am starting to get hungry, and look for food!   I had surgery on December 1st 2011 ...I had only 1 fill on January 5th....I am hungry....but when i feel that way I just eat a bowl of special k red berries and that usual takes care of it but im getting scared....no weight gain, but no loss either in 2 weeks ????   I am so ready to call pizza hut an order a thin crust veggie pizza right now....     HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Getting ....sad??? Not Sure What Im Feeling

Ok eveyone can tell im losing weight. I know for a fact im losing tons of inches and have lost a total of 17 pounds ONLY since my surgery on December 1st ...I have only had 2 fills, I have a little over 4cc in my 10cc band. I try and walk on my lunch breaks, since I have a 1 and a 2 year old at home and I work full time.   I have not had sodas or fried foods, I eat m&m's ONLY around that time of month or i will kill someone! i dont eat nearly as much food as i did before the band..... For example I had a protein shake in the morning and a bowl of soup for lunch with a salad and i most of it, but there was still some soup and salad left! When I got home I was not hungry but I had some popcorn Thats it!   I have noticed my hair getting thinner.....I do take my vitamin EVERYDAY.....NO WEIGHT GAIN ....   I asked my office for more fluid but they only give 1cc per visit ......SAD SAD SAD .....BOO HOO




My First Fill !! Did Not Hurt....oh And Some Of You Guys Were Right..(read On)

Ok ..So I was banded December 1, 2011 and i kept talking about how I was not hungry and able to eat only small portions, even a month after surgery......   Well come to find out, I had 2. (something) cc in my band ??? At the time of surgery they said that they did not put anything in my band WRONG!   The procedure is that once it is implanted, they put fluid in to make sure it is working properly or something then remove the fluid. BUT i guess they left some in ...   Anyway on yesterday they put in 1cc so now I have a little over 3cc. i drank my water and I was fine and I left. I even went home and ate a coffee mug of light low sodium vegetable soup with no problem.   I was SO SCARED of what i though was going to be a huge needle.... NOT   I layed down on the bed and she started to clean the area with an alcohol swab....At this time I ws sweating bullets and breathing like I was having another kid....i had my eyes closed tight and was biting my bottom lip so hard I think I tasted blood...   She said "ok, now pretend you are doing a small situp" i did it and said just tell me when you are gonna do it.....she said I did, I opened one eye and looked at her then I opened the other eye and said is that it ? She said yep, now sit up and sip this water and tell me how you feel (all while this needle thing was still in me (just in case she needed to remove some) I took a few sips and was fine, so she removed it, and told me to go back to the lobby and drink half the bottle if i did with no problems I could go. I had no problems so i left!!!   So all you first time fill people dont worry! Well I take that back every facility is diffrent, so I just hope you guys have people that know what the heck they are doing because True Results here in Houston is GREAT!




Oh No! My First Boo Boo : ( & Question About Smart One /healthy Choice Frozen Meals

Well Ladies mother nature rolled around since surgery and i just had to have my M&M's I dont feel too bad though I look darn great for 1 month post op, PLUS I was cramping so bad I did not eat anything else besides a protein bar for breakfast and some water and a BC powder for pain (YUK) .... I must take a pic and add it....but anyhow just thought I would share ...   Oh ...is anyone else using weight watcher frozen dinners when you dont feel like cooking anything and you know those days of driving through a fast food place are over? I find myself just grabing a weight watcher frozen dinner or a healthy choice dinner I try to grab the ones UNDER 300 calories....mainly I do this for lunch because breakfast is usually 2 scambled eggs, or a protein bar and for lunch DRY lemon pepper tuna, and dinner a frozen dinner or a protein shake.     I am going to have my first fill Jan 5th so .....Just wondering if anybody else is using anything else with thier band to achieve maximum weight loss .....Example: Lap Band, Excercise, Weight watcher meals & snacks




Did This Just Happen To Me?

OMG! I put on my drawstring scrubs to go to work this mornin got out of the car and my pants started falling off! For those who dont know, scrubs are what people in the medical field wear to work, and drawstrings fit the waist because you have to pull and then tie them current pant size: XL new pant size: Medium........Its been almost 1 month on Jan 1st and people can tell already !!!!!!!!!!!!     So happy ......Oh and the pictures I took over christmas, look great, I dont look like a "chocolate puffy marshmellow" I look normal!     Great Day




Weird Feeling In Chest

I had some grits for breakfast and a small cup of coffee that I did not even finish, and all day I have had this feeling of having to thow up...not gagging, not even nauseated...just a weird feeling like something is just sitting there and then at diffrent times it feel like it wants to come up ...but again im not gagging neither am I nauseated.   Whats going on? Im almost 4 weeks post op..Help please




Gross....i Know..im Sorry

Since my surgery, well I should say since I have started eatin, I have to immediately go to the bathroom within 10-20 minutes after i eat???? All I had was 1 strip of fajita chicken meat and 1 strip of fajita beef meat and serving spoon of mashed potatoes and I am full! I have not had a fill yet I am almost weeks post op. I can definately stop eating and say im done! I love my band ..I wonder how it will be when I get my first fill??   And I feel like I have to go to bathroom....this morning I hap my protein shake for breakfast with a little dry lemon pepper tuna (not blended together)...just trying to get extra protein in..   oh and big cups of cystal light water through the day   Is this happening to all you bandsters too?




Nobody Ever Responds To My Posts!

Did i do or say something to offend anyone? I ask simple questions to help me along in this journey, yet nobody ever replies but all the other blogs have at least 2 responds ......   Whats up with that?




Am I Doing Ok For Being Almost 3 Weeks Post Op?

i have only been banded since December 1st 2011 and the first few days after surgery i had no hunger whatsoever, but I still did my chicken broth and crystal light, and my protein shakes, and sugar free jello and pudding   Now I am doing soup in the blender, grits, oatmeal, jello, puddind and my protein shakes.   My day is this:   MORNING: Protein Shake blended with a sugar free chocolate pudding for flavor (GREAT)   Water   AFTERNOON: 1 pack of instnat Grits   Water   EVENING: Mashed Potatoes......Crystal Light or Water   The day of surgery I was 215 now I am 207....Im thinking I should have lost more, what do you guys think ....Oh my Dr. also said he did not put anything in my band during surgery




America Is Calling A Few Female Olympians Fat! Omg!

Jessica Ennis.....(REALLY) ...I came across an article on yahoo this morning calling a few olypian champs fat...amongst the names was jessica.....(OH COME ON) I dont even want to think what they would say about my jelly rolls running around a track in some panty like shorts jiggling all over the place....This girl looks awsome and toned.....And some people want to know why a lot of us go to "extremes" to just look normal!     Oh and another thing, I got really sick, dont know what it was, but I had (sorry to be so graphic, well I will change it up a bit)   I had the "works" coming from the front and the back for two days, not eating anything because my stomach was gurgling, I had a headache, and the only thing I had to eat were a few saltine crackers and a piece of toast......and stupid me said "well there has to be a bright side to all of this...so I step on the scale and low and behold I lost 10 pounds!!!!!!! Ok but wait!   So I started to feel a little better and i started to get a little hungry I ate (some) salad and a few spoonfuls of vegetable soup....not right away, but later on when I got up I went back to the scale stepped on and said "###***#$#" how the "###**^%^**" did I gain back 10 pounds from freaking salad!   But today I weighed myself again just to see and I did lose about 6-7 pounds...... It is official ...the scale is nuts!



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