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One Day At A Time

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Day 5 Post Op

Only 5 days and it feels like longer. The nurse had said I could have mashed potatoes this weekend. I did and it was like waving a red flag in front of my nose! It tasted so good, and went down so well, I decided to slowly move to Stage II (a bit). I had a scrambled egg on Sunday. I made sure that I ate it slowly and chewed as thoroughly as I could (it's not easy to chew scrambled eggs for a long time!). The rest of the day I stuck with the protein drinks and water.   Today I had 2 Tbl. of ricotta cheese, thinned with skim milk and made that last 20 minutes. That is the most difficult part of this--taking my time eating something instead of shoving it down my throat. I know that I can't let myself get too hungry or that's what I'm able to do. I'm trying to keep my diet as structured as possible. I'll talk to the nurse tomorrow and let her know where I'm at.   Down 10.2 pounds so far. That's pretty good. I'm not noticing too much change except maybe my skirts aren't so tight. Feeling better with a bit more energy. Started extended hours at work today (so I can have Fridays off) and was able to get through the day and come home minimally tired. I guess carrying around that extra 10 lb.s of fat can really tire you out!   That's it for today. ODAT!




Day 5 Post Op

I had my first tase of "real" food today! it was heaven!   I had to go to a wedding this weekend and the nurse had said I could have some mashed potatoes. The closest I could find was some cheese potatoes. I had to cut them up really small and mash them up. I took my time chewing and swallowing and put my spoon down in between bites. I had about 2 tablespoons and it was enough to fill me up. The hardest part was not drinking while eating. I tried to concentrate on the flavor and chew a bit more. It was amazing to see how much food everyone put on their plates (it was a buffet) and know that I was one of them a short time ago! Kind of felt good not to sutff myself like normal.   Surgery incisions feeling good. The most pain I am having is my knee and arm. I don't want to do anything about the knee just yet. I want to see if the weight loss helps first. I am going to make an appointment with the Orthopedist to have his look at my arm. It's been about 4 weeks and it's not getting better. I think I hurt it using one of the weight machines at the gym.   No scale update today. No scale in the hotel room.   That's OK. I know I'm feeling really good ODAT!




Day 4 Post Op

Much better day yesterday. Was able to shower (hallelujah!). Felt like a new person! Also got out of the house and drove. I'm not on any pain meds and still feel a bit weak, but I took a friend with me just to make sure. I upped my liquid intake, which is supposed to help my weak feeling and also the constipation. Walking around with a water bottle always! Went and got some Benefiber--hope it works! I'll probably lose another couple pounds once that kicks in!   Going to NJ for a wedding tonight. The nurse told me that I could have a couple of spoonfuls of mashed potatoes. I am really looking forward to that!   The only time that the "munchies" seem to be bad are at night, when I'm watching TV. I substitute an Edy's ice pop for my craving. It's not perfect, but it gets me through!   Down 7 pounds since Wednesday! Exciting journey! ODAT!!  




Day 3 Post Op

Day 3 and feeling much better. Incision is feeling a lot better. I took a pain pill last night but probably didn't really need it.   Last night was a bit hard. Kept wanting to eat something that crunched in my mouth. I kept hearing the pretzel sticks calling my name from the kitchen! I finally had a whole Odwalla protein drink (12 oz.) and felt better. Probably more than I should have had, but it was that or the pretzels!   Dropped another 2 pounds! Very exciting and motivating! I keep picturing the fat "melting" off of me! Great feeling!   Found a lot of recipes for protein shakes on one of the forums. I'm going to try a couple of the more liquid ones and save the mushie ones for after Tuesday. Going to a wedding this weekend and the nurse said I could have a couple spoonfuls of mashed potatoes! Sounds like filet mignon, at this point!   Hanging in and hanging on--ODAT!  




Day 2 Post Op

Yesterday was a strange day. I never realized how many food references there were on TV! In the shows, the commercials, even the news! I knew it was bad when I saw a guy on Man vs. Food trying to chow down a triple-decker sandwich with about a pound of cheese on it and it looked good! I think I probably ate (drank) a bit more than I should have. Feeling a bit bloated and gassy today. Went to the doctor's about the bleeding. He said it was OK. I had bumped the port site on the kitchen counter, which probably aggravated it. Feeling a bit stronger today. Found out I wasn't drinking enough water to keep hydrated. The post op instructions had said 3 oz. 3 times a day. I didn't know that I was suppose to constantly sip water (or juice or Crystal Light). Having my 3 oz. of Special K Protein drink (strawberry) for breakfast. Down 2 pounds from yesterday (positive sign!)  




Day 1 Post Op

Yesterday was kind of a lost day. Took a Vicodin when I got home and crashed for a couple of hours. Some discomfort but manageable. Drank 3 oz. protein shakes at 5:30 and 8:30. Had jello at 10. Sucking on ice cubes in between. Also found that chewing gum helped get rid of the dry mouth from the surgery but I have to keep reminding myself NOT to swallow the gum (I am a habitual gum swallower!). Tossed and turned a bit last night, even with taking a Vicodin before bed. Soreness at the entry point of the lap-band and also a bit more swollen in that area. Found some bleeding when I woke up (at that site). Changed the dressing and it seems OK. Waiting for the doctor to call to discuss this with him. Had a 3 oz. protein shake and some coffee so far this morning. OK with the liquids so far but my mind tries to play tricks on me and tells me "go have one of those deviled eggs you made Monday". Luckily have enough fear of what could happen if I do. I know it's my head, not hunger, speaking to me.



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