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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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My first fill

Okay, I admit it, I was nervous, scared and anxious to get my first fill. I can't believe how wonderful the nurse was.   My doctor has my fills done by the radiology dept at the hospital right next to his office. I got my fill from a Dr. Dennison. He was so nice. Anyhow, he found my port very fast, but did have some problems sticking me, the port kept moving. He first cleaned me with some alchohal, then stuck me with some novocaine (sp), and numbed me up. He finally started my fill, very painless after the first stick to numb me. Which it was only a tiny sting. Anyhow, he filled me up to 2.0 cc's, and then the worst part of it all, the drinking of the barium - chalky stuff, NASTY.   The 2.0 fill showed MAJOR restriction, my esophogas started having spasms, then he had me relax, take another swallow, and still was going thru the band really slow. He then took .2 cc's out, which brought me down to 1.8 cc's, and there was no restriction, he put back to 2.0 cc's and it was going thru really fast, He then raised it up to 2.2 cc's and I felt restriction. He had me swallow again, and I could see and feel the fluid sitting there. Then it would slowly go thru. I hope I'm not too tight, but he said it loosens up a bit, and my Esophogas was having spasms, more than usual he thought, but didn't seem worried about it. He did say if I'm too tight and find it uncomfortable, to call him and he will take some of the fluid out.   I am to be on liquids for FIVE days, then soft foods for 2 or 3 days, then back to regular foods. I hope the weight loss will start back up again, I sure hope it does.




My fill is working! 10/12/07

Exercise yesterday - notta, my knee was throbbing so I thought I should take it easy.   Menu yesterday   Bfast - coffee with SF cream Lunch - roasted chicken, 1/2 of a chicken breast Snack - a few more bits of my chicken breast Dinner - Made some homemade hamburgers with 98% lean beef, whole wheat bread, light mayo. I split one with my daughter, and took 3 bites of it and was full. Gave the remainder of it to my DH. Had about 4 chips with some spinach dip on it.   I think my fill is working. I haven't this full by eating a few bites since my surgery. I love it! I hope it continues to work......   Wt this morning 173.8




My fill history - updated

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's) Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more! Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter. Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince 11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital and the Doc had to take me back down to 3.0. grrrr. Now I'm back where I was in November, barely restriction again. Fill #9 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.:thumbup:




My fill history

Band type 4cc band 10cm Surgery date 1/18/07   Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's) Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more! Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter. Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince 11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN Fill #8 - Scheduled for 1/18/07 - and man do I need it! So hungry and no restriction. Fighting hard to eat right and make good choices.




My experience with the sleep study center

Thursday night I headed back to the sleep study center for the test with my Cpap machine. I started off with a full face mask, I tried really hard to get used to the mask. But finally after much tossing and turning, I could not handle it and rung the bell for my tech. I told them I just couldn't do it. I felt like someone was trying to suffocate me, then I started feeling like I couldn't breath, and then I felt like the mask was making my face sweat (which it wasn't) They then brought me in a mask that was much smaller and didn't cover my entire face, it fit right underneath my nose.   Ahhhh, so much better. It was hard getting used to the air blowing up my nose, but I decided that I would do it. It is suppose to help you lose weight too, so I'm all about that! The night started off good, there was just a light air blowing from the machine. At some point in the night, I woke up to go the bathroom. I noticed the air coming out of the machine was much stronger than it was earlier, I ran for the tech to help me "untangle" the wires that were plastered all over my body and head. I came back and went right back to sleep. It turns out, they kept adjusting the machine thru the night to give me just the right amount of oxygen to make my sleep apnea disappear with the machine.   The tech came in at around 5:15ish to wake me up, they unhooked me and told me the results would be in either Monday (today) or Tuesday and they would schedule me to come back again to pick up the machine. I noticed as I was driving home that this was the first time I woke up without a headache. Anyhow, I went home and crawled back in bed for a few more hours. When I woke up again at around 8:30ish, my headache was back. I'm interested to get my machine and sleep with it and see if it cures my headaches or is just my imagination?   The benefits of having a cpap machine if you have sleep study are, I should feel a lot better sleeping with one, I won't feel as tired as I usually do in the mornings, and it should help me with my headaches. Also, the doc said that the oxygen will help speed up my matabolism and should help with weight loss - I LOVE THAT. I am really going to try and stick with the machine and see what happens. Also, my DH will love the fact that I won't keep him up snoring! Although I'm worried the sound of the machine might bother him, but we'll see.   In about a year, I will have to do another sleep study and if I lose weight, I should be cured from the sleep apnea.   Well, thats my experience with the sleep study test.........




My butt looks good

Okay, I have to say, my butt looks so good today! I know, maybe thats weird to say but my butt and thighs are the worst part on my body.   I went to the bathroom and I noticed how good my butt is looking these days. I'm no longer worried about people snickering at how wide it is.   I am wearing my size 11 Jr. low rise hipster, cruel girl jeans today. I have a pink silky blouse on, its tucked in and a very cute belt and tan boots. I feel like I look as good as I feel good. Does that make sense?   Anyhow, I usually feel fat. I still feel like the 250 lbs woman I was last year, but today, I actually feel skinny. Its weird, somedays I feel fat, and somedays I feel skinny.   Today is a day I'm walking around with my head held high and know that I look good! :whoo:




My 6 mo results

I weighed on 7/18 and weighed 174, then I bounced back up to 176 or 177, then down to 175 and today I was back down to 174. I want to keep track of my progress so here is what I've done so far. I'm happy that 74 lbs are LOST FOREVER!   My results below Beginning Weight = 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178.0 6 mo post op - 174




My 2nd Fill experience

I went to the radiology dept at the hospital for fill #2. I got the same doctor who did my last fill (I really liked him). He was shocked I was back for another fill. He is very aggressive with the fills and tries to get the right fill on the first visit to start the weight loss.   He first checked the band to make sure it was in the right place, he showed me on the xray how it is suppose to look and mine looked perfect. He then decided he would take all the previous fill out to make sure I still had 2.2 cc's, and to make sure I lost none. I still had 2.2cc's which was good. He filled me up to 2.8 cc's, I drank some of that chalky stuff, it went right thru the band, he said "wow, your body has really adjusted to the band". He filled it up to 3.0 cc's, again, went thru pretty fast, so he moved it up to 3.5cc's, thats when it just set there. So he lowered it down to 3.2, again, the stuff just set there. He lowered it back down to 3.0 cc's and it started going thru the band again, a little slower. He decided he would leave it at 3.0cc's. He told me if I am having problems to call him and he might have to take some more out, that I was pretty tight.   So far, no problems. He wants me on liquids for a few days, I am drinking some liquid calories right now (having a caramel light frapocino from Starbucks - YUM). I'm having a hard time drinking it, really full, can only drink about 1/2 of it.   So, time will tell if this is the right fill, but I think it is.:clap2: 180's - HERE I COME. I can't wait to say Good-bye to the 190's!   Wt this morning was 195.0




Menu today

Bfast - 1/2 banana pureed with Nectur Pinapple protein shake   Snack - 1/2 cup cottage cheese   Lunch - Refried beans   Snack - 4 almonds - chewed very well   Dinner - Not sure yet, will update later after I eat.




Menu 2/13/07

Yesterday I ate:   Bfast - protein shake - 4oz Lunch - 1/2 container of refried beans with cheese dinner - SF pudding with protein powder mixed in   I figured I got around 35 G of protein yesterday - around 450 calories 30 oz of water - I'm sucking at this, but working so hard at it too!   No walking :cry





Bfast - 1 egg with cheese   Lunch - 1/2 container of Taco Bueno refried beans (203 calories)   Dinner - 1/2 cup instant mashed potatoes




Me time......9/6/09

My entire house is empty, hubby and son are on a "guys" trip, hunting and camping. My Daughter went to spend the night with her best friend, so I have the entire house to myself. Even our dog is gone, lol. He went hunting with the guys (he's a pointer)   I LOVE IT! I don't get it often, but when I do get it (on a very rare occasion), I sure do enjoy it. One of my big regrets in life is I never lived on my own. I went from my parents house, to college dorm, to getting married. Oh well, it makes me appreciate my alone time.   I made a wonderful salad for dinner 4 oz turkey breast fillet - baked 1 cup of organic salad greens 3 home grown cherry tomatoes 1/2 michigan apple, peels and sliced 2 baby carrots 1 TBSP of lite honey mustard   Mix all ingrediants and enjoy....it sure was good and satisfying.   Wt this morning - 166.4   Exercise - 30 min on elliptical house cleaning, laundry, etc etc etc. The back of my legs are hurting.




Maximum results from Telly

How to Lose 22lbs or 10kgs in 28 Days Without Starving or Training Like an Olympic Athlete!' By Stephen Smith BSc   If you seriously want to lose 22lbs or 10 kilograms in 28 days then you must perform all of the principles exactly as recommended. Unlike the recommendations in my book, ‘Look good, feel great!', where you can pick the principles you want to use and ignore the rest and where you can even modify the principles to suit your lifestyle, these principles must be followed exactly as they are outlined. If you want extraordinary results, then you must be willing to put in an extraordinary effort!   I realise that some people may be thinking, ‘But it is impossible to lose 10 kilograms of fat in a month!' I agree- it is! However, the truth is, it is impossible to only lose fat on any type of weight-loss program. You will always lose a combination of fat, water, stored carbohydrate and some muscle.   Furthermore, most people who want to lose 10 kilograms in the first place are generally retaining excess fluid anyway, so a system that helps get rid of the excess fluid is certainly going to accelerate their results.   Perform 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise morning and night. Yes, you read that correctly, morning and night- 2 sessions a day… every day! No excuses. We're all busy, we all feel tired some mornings, but if you're serious about getting amazing results, then you must be willing to do everything necessary.   When we talk about aerobic exercise, we're talking about exercise! Not walking around the shops, doing the gardening or doing housework. It must be exercise, which means your breathing rate increases, your face goes red, you sweat, you get tired- simple!   Some examples of aerobic exercise include: walking (pounding the pavement at a brisk pace- not dawdling), cycling (stationary bike is ideal), swimming, rowing, stepper, cross-trainer, aerobic classes, boxing, etc.   Use ‘thermogenics'.   There are several very effective thermogenic supplementson the market that can accelerate your progress towards your goal. Those containing caffeine, green tea extracts and an extract from a plant called coleus forskohlii are the most effective. They will boost your metabolismand promote the release of fat from the fat stores. ‘Scorch' by MAN Sports is a good example. It contains a combination of 7 powerful herbal ingredients specifically designed to boost your metabolism, burn body fat and increase your energy.   Unfortunately though, thermogenics are not ‘magic pills'. You can't expect to take a couple of thermogenic capsules and then go home and eat pizza and drink alcohol and expect to get results. Thermogenics only work when their use is combined with a good nutrition and exercise program.   Take 1-2 capsules twice a day; once prior to your morning exercise session and once with your lunch. Don't take them later than 4:00pm in the afternoon because they may keep you awake at night.   Before using thermogenics, see your doctor first and obtain their approval.   Do not eat anything for 30 minutes after the completion of any exercise.   As a result of using the thermogenics combined with the exercise, your metabolism will remain elevated for some time after the exercise session is finished. This means your body will burn fuel at a faster rate than normal.   Any exercise causes the body to use carbohydrate (muscle glycogen and blood glucose) as a fuel source. This means that after the exercise is completed the carbohydrate stores in the body are low and the body will be forced to use fat as its fuel.   If a meal is eaten immediately after the completion of the exercise session, the blood glucose level will rise, inducing the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. One of the effects of insulin is to stop fat burning in the body. Therefore, wait 30 minutes (but no longer because cortisol will rise) before having your next meal.   Perform a weight training workout 2-4 times a week.   Lifting weights is the most under-estimated way to lose fat fast! Now, before you start saying, ‘But I don't want to get big muscles!' or ‘I don't want to look like a man!', consider the following.   The main purpose of lifting weights when your primary goal is to lose body fat is to preserve the muscle massyou already have. You see, muscle is the ‘engine' within which the fat, or ‘fuel' is burnt and maintaining or even increasing your muscle mass slightly will help ensure your body fat is burnt off efficiently.   If you don't lift weights, your body will quite happily lose both fat and muscle as you drop the kilos. Lifting weights forces your body to maintain your muscle mass, therefore keeping your metabolism elevated and turning your body into 24-hour-a-day fat-burning machine!   Incidentally, it only takes two 30 minute sessions a week to obtain the muscle preserving benefits of lifting weights.   Have 5-6 small meals a day.   One of the most common strategies people use to lose weight is to skip meals. Whilst reducing food intake is certainly an effective way to lose weight, having fewer meals is not the way to go. Many overweight people say, ‘I don't know why I'm overweight, I only eat once or twice a day!' Unfortunately, this is exactly why they are overweight.   Having a mild calorie restriction is effective because if you consume less calories than you burn each day you will lose weight- simple! However, skipping meals forces the body to invoke its ‘Starvation Mechanism' because it thinks it is entering a famine. As a result, the body slows the metabolism to preserve energy. It also increases cortisol output and cortisol is the most powerful catabolic hormone in the body, which means it goes around the body breaking down lean tissue, particularly muscle. A loss of muscle slows the metabolism even further. Skipping meals also results in an increase in appetite, which forces you to eat larger amounts of food when you do eat. In addition to all these factors, the body also increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes, lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and fatty acid synthase (FAS), so when you do eat the food gets stored as fat. All of this results from simply skipping meals!   By having a small meal every 2-3 hours throughout the day, your metabolism stays elevated and your body will happily burn fat all day long. Unfortunately though, most people are conditioned to having large meals and they automatically assume they will put on weight if they have 5 or 6 meals a day. The fact is, the ideal portion sizes for most people are actually quite small and in order to lose weight fast it is essential that you never feel full from a meal but you do feel satisfied.   Also, most people find it difficult to have a meal every 2-3 hours throughout the day because they are so busy with work and/ or family commitments. Here are some suggestions to ensure you get your 5 or 6 meals a day.   • Plan and prepare your meals the night before   • Use meal replacements (protein shakes or bars)   • Select foods that are quick and easy to prepare and consume   Ensure each meal contains protein.   Protein is a component of all cells and makes up over half the dry weight of the human body. Furthermore, the human body is a dynamic structure, which means it is constantly building up and breaking down tissue. Just imagine a bath full of water. At one end of the bath the plug is pulled out and at the other end the tap is turned on full. The water level in the bath doesn't change but there are ‘new' water molecules entering the bath and ‘old' water molecules leaving the bath all the time. The human body is exactly the same. If the body breaks down more tissue than it builds up, then it is said to be in a catabolic state. This results in the metabolism slowing down due to the loss of muscle tissue.   Having a portion of high-quality protein every few hours throughout the day provides the body with a constant supply of amino acids- the building blocks of the body. This prevents the catabolic state, promotes an anabolic state (tissue building) and therefore keeps the metabolism ‘fired-up'.   If only carbohydrate or fat is consumed for a meal, for example a piece of fruit (carbohydrate) for the mid-morning meal, then the body will still enter a catabolic state because it doesn't have the building blocks (amino acids) to re-build body tissues. Protein, as its name suggests, is of primary importance.   Reduce your intake of high-density carbohydrates.   Most high-density carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice and cereals cause a rapid rise in blood glucose. This invokes the release of insulin from the pancreas, which in turn stores the glucose. The body stores glucose in the muscles and liver as glycogen and once these sites are full, the remaining glucose gets stored as body fat. Not only this, but insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat for fuel (burning fat).   So if you want to maximise fat loss, you need to keep insulin to a minimum and the best way to do this is by reducing your intake of starchy carbohydrates without cutting them out altogether. Cutting them out totally is a philosophy of many low-carb diets on the market. However, these are very hard to sustain long-term and may lead to nutrient deficiencies.   Each day, have a small amount (1-2 serves) of high density carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, cereals); a moderate amount (2-3 serves) of medium density carbohydrates (starchy vegetables and fruits); and a large amount (5-6 serves) of low density carbohydrates (fibrous vegetables). [For a complete list of carbohydrates, see pages 136-138 of the book, ‘ Look good, feel great! ]   Do not have a Treat Day.   Since you are expecting an extraordinary result, it is essential that you put in an extraordinary effort. Accordingly, for the next 28 days you must follow the plan exactly as it is outlined without deviating. This means you can't allow yourself to indulge in any ‘forbidden foods'. This also means avoiding alcohol for the entire 28-day period. I know this may be hard for some people but let's face it, it is only for 28 days!   By committing to the plan and disciplining yourself to see it through, you are ensuring that the results will follow. Plus, the disciplines you create to help you achieve your physical goal will have a ‘carry-over benefit' to other areas of your life as well.   I wish you the greatest success in achieving outstanding results!   * Before using any nutritional supplement, speak with your health care professional.




Keeping your Mojo

Okay - so we all get motivated and we are gung ho about losing our weight. We're going strong, nothing can stop us now, or can it? You finally hit the dreaded "I don't care attitude". You realize 3 months later, you've gained weight, your no longer exercising and your eating crap. You wonder, what happened? You were so excited and doing good, then you stopped? Well, you lost your motivation, otherwise known as MOJO.   So, I'm on a qwest, how do we keep our mojo going strong? I've been asking the experienced bandsters this question, what motivates you? What keeps you motivated? Here are some tips -   1) Have some goals and write them down! Make sure they are very clear and precise goals. Don't just say, I want to lose 50 lbs, ror 60 lbs. What are you going to do to hit that goal? Have some short term goals - and work toward your bigger goals.   2) Have some NSV goals. It's not all about weight, maybe you want to wear a size 10, or maybe you want to no longer touch the sides of the bathtub with your thighs when you are in it (one of my NSV goals).   3) Measure your success - thats right, get out the tape measure and measure! You will be amazed at the results (I've lost 8 inches off my hips - that to me is amazing!). Also, measure your success with pictures, take your picture every month, you might even take it nude, this is just for you to measure your success. Or take it in you undies, or bikini, however you want. Look at the before & after pics and check out Foodchamps - you can really see the difference in her tummy area, but if you just took the pic fully clothed, you wouldn't be able to see the results.   4) You have to be tough about the scales. Yes, this is hard to do, I know from experience. But, realize your body water weight changes all the time, some days its retaining some days it is now. So the best thing to do is measure your results weekly or monthly.   5) Look at your before pic often and then look at your latest pic, see how far you have come, don't stop now. Keep telling yourself this. Vision yourself smaller and fit and heathy.   6) Fake it until you make it......I'm talking about exercise. The dreaded word. I hated it, I faked it, went to the gym and walked slowly on the treadmill faking it, then after about 3 weeks, I started increasing the speed, and finally really started pushing myself, I made it....get it? Fake it until you make it! I promise, keep doing this and you will make it, but its hard in the beginning so push yourself to the gym or to go for a walk.   7) Keep track of what you eat, don't just say, I'm doing good, why am I not losing....if you keep track of EVERY bite you can look back on it and say "Wow, it must be the bite here and there of the M&m's i'm consuming, or that piece of candy I grab everyday off my desk etc. Keeping track of what we eat will keep us on the losing path, it will keep us motivated.   8) Buy yourself some new clothes! it will motivate you, promise. I bought myself a size smaller and now am wearing it. It motivates me to keep going smaller. We deserve to reward ourselves, so lets do it, but no with food!   9) Don't look at your flaws (I do it, its easy to do) look at your accomplishment and what you are doing - keep thinking about how much better you are going to look, this helps me stay motivated.   10) After you reach your goals, mark them off your list. It motivates me to keep checking off goals. It keeps me motivated!   Below are my goals I wrote back in December (see my first page of my journal) - So I'm going thru them and checking off what I have done -   1. I want back in my bikini! I haven't worn it since, well, 14 years ago. Not yet - but working toward it   2. I want a fit body, not just healthy but toned, I want my atheletic shape back - the one way to do this is EXERCISE (note to self, get off the couch and MOVE) - I've started exercising, so I'm working toward this goal, I can see changes in my body and I feel better so 50/50 accomplished so far.   3. I want to buy sexy clothes again! and not only buy them, but be able to wear them and feel good in them. - I bought a few sexy shirts, and I will be wearing one next weekend. So, I'm going to say this goal has been reached!   4. I want to be able to bend down and tie my shoes without the breath being knocked out of me. - DONE!   5. I want to be able to get in the tub and not have my ASS take up the entire tub, side to side - oh this sucks. - DONE!   6. I want to be able to cross my legs. - DONE!   7. I want to be able to wear shorts without them riding up my crotch. - hmmmm, almost but not quite.   8. I want to be able to walk without my thighs rubbing each other and sweating in the summer and leaving that horrible heat rash! - still working on this one.   9. I want to be able to push food away and not feel the need to clean up the entire plate.- I say - DONE.   10. I don't want food to be my focus in life.- DONE! 11. I want my kids to be proud of me.   12. I want to feel beautiful again and not 40 & fat. - Working on this, but not quite there.   13. I want to be able to buy a low rise pair of jeans without my stomach hanging over. my current jeans go clear up to my belly button. - My most exciting goal of all that I reached! I bought my first pair last week and they look good!   14. I want to be able to have sex with my DH and not feel the need to "turn the lights off". - Well, almost.   15. I want to become where exercise is a part of my life, where I crave exercise like I crave chocolate.- Becoming more and more part of my life! OMG - I've reached this goal!   16. I want to inspire other people to lose weight. - I was just told the other day that I inspire them. So I am going to say DONE!   17. I want to become a personal trainer. - This is a long term goal of mine - so not there yet!   18. I want to buy attractive Teddies to wear instead of my sweatpants and tee shirts to bed. - I forgot about this goal, so I think next week after I complete my 6th week of BFL, I will by myself a new nightie, to celebrate my 1/2 mark with bfl.   19. I want to be proud of my weight, not ashamed. - almost, but not quite   20. I want people to be shocked that I am 40 because I look younger, not shocked because I am 40 and I look 50. - working on this, the more weight I lose, the younger I look.




Keeping my promise

Wt today 184.6 - down .1 of a freaken pound.   Tom came yesterday which explains my headache, bloat, fatigue, and cranky attitude.   Did pretty good until last night, ate the rest of the choco chip cookies (3 of them) and now no more is allowed into the house. I threatened my family once, but slowly the junk food has crept back into our house.   Focussin on me and only me for the next 3 months.




June 12 -

Okay - time to get focussed and get this challenge finished. I've been over at the BFL tracker website, looking all the before and after pics of the 12 week progress photos, WOW is all I can say.   Its got me pumped to finish the 12 week challenge and start another one! I finish in July, and I leave for vacation August 4th, so I probably won't start the next challenge until I get back. I will just continue to exercise in between the challenges.




Its my 2 mon Banding Birthday, and I'm finally to ONEderland!

I am so excited, I woke up (by the way - TOM is here and going strong) so I didn't want to weigh, but decided I would anyhow and not get depressed if the scales showed way up. But since its 2 month band birthday, I will weigh and measure - below are my results   Beginning weight - 248, todays weight (drum roll please) 198.0 I have reached the 50 lbs mark!!!!!!!!! YAY!   Before /1 month out/ 2 months out Waist - 41 1/2" / 38" / 36 = lost 5 1/2" Hips - 51" / 46 1/2 / 45" = lost 6" Left Thigh - 28" / 26 1/4"/ 24" = lost 4" calves - 17" / 15 1/2"/ 15 = lost 2" left arm - 15 1/2" / 14" / 13 = lost 2" breast - 43" / 40"/ 39" = lost 4" under breast - 37"/36 1/2" / 36" = lost 1"   TOTAL INCHES LOST = 24 1/2" (One month post op was 17 1/4", so I've lost an addidtional 7 1/4" in the last 30 days!)   BEGINNING WEIGHT = 248/198 = lost total 50 lbs (pre-op & post op)




It's time to quit breaking my promises!

I Keep telling myself, okay, today I'm going to be back on track! Then, I do good, then fall off the wagon.   I weighed this morning and I am up to 185 lbs! I weighed at one time 167! I am so disgusted with myself. I feel like the biggest PIG! I keep waiting on that "restriction" and it isn't happening. I get some, then lose it, or I get too tight. I'm so mad at myself that I screwed up, I used to have pretty good restriction at 3.8, but then tried to get tighter, and well, now I'm still trying to get that restriciton back! Sucks.   I am using it as an excuse to eat what I want, when I want etc. Well, it was a major wake up call. I feel bad to keep typing in my journal how - I'm going to start and how good I'm going to do, then I don't. I keep breaking promises to myself. I have to be true to myself so I've got to take control - for good.   It seems I do good for a week, then blow it for 2 weeks. Its a vicious cycle. The weight is creaping back on and I must stop it now! I must! I must!   I was in tears this morning, but I am not going to "feel sorry" for myself, or beat myself up anymore. I can't change the past, but I can change the future. No more sweets, no more sugar! No more!   Its time to pull my head out of the sand and quit doing the self destruction like I've done with every diet in the past. I am hoping to get my restriction back at my next fill - 4/7/08, but until then, I need to focus, really focus. I need to THINK before I eat, I need to plan my meals! I must exercise! I don't want to be a Band Failure, I want to be a success!   Okay - my life will change. I will report my weight everyday on here. Good or bad, I'm also going to report my menu - good or bad!   Wt 184.7   Exercise -   Menu Protein shake - chocolate Whey protein, with added coffee   Coffee with cream - no sugar   Lunch - Roasted chicken, few bites of green beans and some corn   Snack - 1/2 container of strawberry no sugar yogurt with a little grape nuts added in it.   Dinner - Roast, few carrots




It hurts, but it has to be done!

Yes, it hurts, but it has to be done, I'm talking about taking my measurements. Since I start my pre-op tomorrow, I had my daughter take a before pic and I took my measurements. Man, they are BAD. I'm as big as a Dallas Cowboy linebacker! I decided that the pre-op is ever bit a part of the lap band, so I am counting every pound I lose, and every inch I lose from this point on.   I also probably will count the 20 pounds I already lost, I have worked for those, and I believe I deserve them. lol.   Okay, here goes my measurements:   Waist - 41 1/2" Hips - 51" ( ) Left Thigh - 28" (this is what the waist is suppose to be) calves - 17" left arm - 15 1/2" breast - 43" under breast - 37"   OMG, I can't believe I am this fat! My before pics makes me look prego. My belly is huge! But all this is going to change!




I've hit the 60 lb mark!

I am down 60 lbs now, I weighed in the morning at (drum roll please.........) 188.6!   I was having so much problems trying to lose weight in the 190's, and now that I broke the plateau, its falling off. I've lost 4 lbs since Monday! I'm eating and exercising just like before. I'm not complaining, I'll take it, I just find it strange! Heck, I might be out of the 180's sooner than I think.




I'm so happy

I went to my seminar Saturday and yesterday the doctors office called me to see if I was interested in getting the band, and ofcourse I said yes. So they scheduled my appointment for November 22, 2006. I will meet with the doctor and they will file my insurance. I am hoping to have the ban in place in January.   I am just hoping my insurance will approve it because there is no way I would be able to be self-pay.




I'm really a little scared

After researching a lot about my sudden restriction, I fear that I may have a slipped band. I am scheduled for a fill next week on the 17th. I will go ahead and go, I DO NOT NEED A FILL, however, I want him to look and make sure my band is in the right place.   IF it is, then I will have him do a slight, very slight unfill. Hopefully it has not slipped and my unfill will cure my acid reflux I am having in the evening. I have not gotten any sleep in days..............   Wt this morning ----177.1




I'm losing ........

I weighed this morning, yes I know, I said I wasn't going to, but I felt thinner so I thought I would hop on the scales. I was shocked when it said 229.6, I was 234 3 days ago.   I think I will reach my goal of weighing 215 by my surgery date.




I'm headed to ONERLAND

Okay - I admit it, I weighed this morning. Only because I felt skinnier, and my DH told me I looked skinnier. So I decided to "test" the scales. I was happy to see that they have dropped 5 lbs since last Monday. I weighed in at 210.8. I'm almost to the 40 lb mark! But, More exciting than that, I'm almost out of the 200's - I'm headed to onerland!   I'm feeling good these days, feeling more confident and still I have a lot of restriction.   Menu yesterday   Bfast - poached egg with grated cheese Lunch - 1/2 container of refried beans dinner - 1/2 container of refried beans late night snack - Inside of a crabcake




I'm going to to Cancun!

Yay, my cousin called me yesterday and she won a trip to Cancun. She was top sales and gets to go to Cancun for the awards ceremony and wanted to know if I wanted to be her guest. No charge, completely FREE. uhhh, let me think about this, Free trip, all you can eat and drink, on the beach resort, uhhh, hell yes! So, I leave for all inclusive trip to Cancun for 4 days on April 23rd! Yay!   This gives me some motivation to keep exercising and lose more weight. I think I can lose 5 more pounds by then. Its a little over 5 weeks away I think. I might be able to lose more, but I'll take 5!   The resort we're staying at is called the Cancun palace and its a 5 star resort with all the luxeries you can imagine. I'm getting a seaside massage, under an open-air palapa! Thats what I call WONDERFUL! All drinks and food are included. And they have a state of the art gym, so I'm telling myself now, just because I'm on vacation, no reason not to exercise! So, I'm planning on exercising while i'm there too.   Anyhow, I'm excited, can you tell? My cousin first asked her mother to go, but her mother has no desire to go, then she asked her husband, but he recently had surgery on his shoulder and he hates the sun. So even though I was her third choice (lol), I am totally pumped over it!   Now, on the exercise note, I set the alarm this moring, and I could've gotten up, but my body was just worn down. I have not been getting in bed until after 11, and getting up 3 or 4 in the morning. I could feel how worn out it was, so I decided to go back to sleep. I tell you, its just what I needed. I feel so much better today and so much more energy this morning that I haven't had in a long time. So I'm glad I didn't get up this morning. I plan on going to the gym after work, and I will get back up tomorrow morning, but for today, I needed the rest, so no guilt about sleeping in.   I stayed off the scales, but will probably weigh tomorrow morning. I put on my size 10 jeans and they are actually a little loose. hmmmm. Maybe inches are melting?   Last night, we had our meeting at church, came home, and I had recorded the Biggest Loser, my friend came over (she lives around the corner) so she could watch the Biggest Loser. So we were very mad at the end of the show when it said "To be continued...." Grrrrrr.   Next week, I think I'm going to have her come over on Wednesday nights and we'll watch it then. Getting home at 9:30 on Tuesday nights,then trying to watch the show, puts me in bed toooooo late.   Well, looks like I'm a chatter box today, but I'm just so excited, Cancuun, my clothes feeling loser, I feel skinnier, and I have energy today!   Gotta get to work......   Menu today - I get 21 points a day:   WW muffin - 3 pts coffee with cream - 1 pt bannana - 2 pts   Lunch salad - 0 pts Meatloaf made with Turkey breast and extra lean beef - 3 pts   Snacks yogurt - 1 pt apple & WW cheest - 2 pts   Dinner Egg White omlet made with spinach, turkey, peppers, salsa (yum yum) -5 pts   WW ice cream bar - 2 pts   I'm still 2 pts short today, but maybe I can add a point in or 2. If not, I'm not too worried about it, however, they tell me to make sure I eat all my points.   Exercise - 40 min on Elliptical - 8:00 pm.



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