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OK so I'm only a few weeks post op and I know I've received some crazy comments from people. 1 guy told me he can see me sliming and I will have a husband by July, my mom made a comment to my nursing staff that I was the 2nd person in my sisters wedding to opt for surgery (as if that was the reason) which got me to thinking, what are some of the crazy comments you've received about your weight loss so far? I know for several of my coworkers I am the guinny pig. They are watching me close as they decide what they want to do about their health and weight. :thumbup:





OK I'm logging off for the day and I am going to force myself to have a good outlook. I just spoke with BCBS regarding a claim they didn't pay (turns out they don't cover nutritional services at a hospital or outpatient clinic) and while I had them on the phone i asked about the process. The customer service rep was really nice. She told me her friend had the procedure done in November and how great she's doing. She gave me encouragement, stating the plan doesn't require you to lose weight in the 3 mnths just to go through the program. She also said not to freak if by chance I get a rejction letter. Most often its becuae some piece of info is missing and once they receive it, the procedure is approved. So I guess I can sleep better at night. Enjoy the weekend!




back into the swing of things

Hello All   Well today's my last day of freedom. I return to work tomorrow. If it wasn't for short term disability paying only 70% I would stay off longer, but let's face it, we all need 100%. I had my 2 week appt on last week and I was told i'm healing fine and doing oK. I also attended my first post op support group, and I would recommend that everyone become a member of a local lap band specific support group...the info is phenomenal. Haven't lost much weight, but I was told I'll get my first fill at 6 weeks post op so I guess that's when all the fun will begin. My bariatric coordinator was suprised that I can eat anything. I haven't been sick once, and so far I can tolerate all meats including beef! So I guess I'm one of the lucky ones...hope you are too.   The one drawback is that everyone's first question is how much weight have you lost. I chose to believe they are being supportive but it can become tiresome. I understand word has gotten around the office about my surgery so when I go back I'm sure all eyes will be on me. That's OK I can take it. Talk with you later.





Yeah I received my approval letter from BCBS today in the mail. A copy was mailed to my doctors office as well, so once they receive their letter the coordinator will call me and I will get scheduled! Can't wait. I'll keep you all posted. :tt2:




A new mindset

OK today is a new day. Instead of thinking of what I cannot have on this diet, I have changed my mind to be grateful for the things I can have. I am able to drink 4 protein shakes that allot me 680 calories a day, more than enough to survive. I am also able to have veggies while some can only have liquids and dream of being able to chew something. I've been drinking tons of water with sugar free wylers shakers (taste much better than crystal lite) and I can have decaffinated tea with splenda. Everytime I think that I am suffering by not being able to eat what I want, I think about Job and all the suffering he endured. There are 40 chapters in the bible detailing Job's suffering in which he didn't know when it would end, yet I know mine will be over in 12 days. I can say its getting better as the days go by, and in combination to the workouts I've had this week, I'm losing 2 pounds per day, so really what do I have to compain about? As a man thinketh, so is he. So I am changing my mind to one of greatefuless for what I can have and knowing it is temporal, and that afterwards a new life awaits. Be blessed!





OK today's a better day. I apologize for my temper tantrum yesterday but I was just frustrated. Anyhoo my mom and grannie are coming and wouldnt have it any other way. I begin my liquid diet on Tuesday so until then I'm just watching what I eat and trying to prepare myself. The official countdown has begun, 20 days and counting. :wink:



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