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Last Appointment

OK tomorrow is my last appointment with my primary care physician for the 3 month supervised weight loss attempt. I am a little nervous about it. I haven't had much of a weight loss even though i appear smaller. I am afraid they will deny me because of this. I've done all i could do, so now it will be a waiting game.





OK I'm logging off for the day and I am going to force myself to have a good outlook. I just spoke with BCBS regarding a claim they didn't pay (turns out they don't cover nutritional services at a hospital or outpatient clinic) and while I had them on the phone i asked about the process. The customer service rep was really nice. She told me her friend had the procedure done in November and how great she's doing. She gave me encouragement, stating the plan doesn't require you to lose weight in the 3 mnths just to go through the program. She also said not to freak if by chance I get a rejction letter. Most often its becuae some piece of info is missing and once they receive it, the procedure is approved. So I guess I can sleep better at night. Enjoy the weekend!




T-7 Stomach feels odd

Good Morning all   Well its offfically one week away! I can't believe it myself. I have so much to do before the big day, i guess I better get busy, but its been a little hard considering I don't have much energy. I'm still losing 2 pounds per day (down 12) but I noticed I am no longer hungry. I don't rely on the raw veggies as much, if at all. My stomach however does feel as if it weighs a brick whcih is odd since there's no food in it all. Has anyone else felth like this? What should I do? Also I'm belching all the time. I had hiccups yesterday, but now i'm just belching. Perhaps my stomach is empty??




Tonsillitis & My 1st Fill

Hello All I am sorry I haven't been around lately but as the title hints, I was stricken with tonsillitis. OMG that was worse than the surgery! To swallow took a prayer and a scream and a day after my diagnosis was my appointment for my first fill. I was going to reschedule at first becuase I didn't want to infect a surgeon and risk him passing it on, but he said it was OK and he went ahead with it (I voluntarily wore a mask during the apppointment).   No one warned me about the needle. I hate needles as it is and that thing is huge. He had a little trouble finding the port but not too bad. Once he hit it the fill went nice and quick. Now I don't feel right about posting my new weight becuae I know a lot of it was from being sick and not being able to swallow/eat/drink, but I do know that I'm probably down another size! I feel the journey is beginning. Next fill appt is 4 weeks! New Years here I come!:bored:




The Process

Well here we are at the end of July and in about a months time I should hear if I will be approved for surgery by my insurance company. I have one last apppintment with my primary physician on 8/19 then all the paperwork will go to BCBSIL for approval. I pray that it goes through. I can't wait to go to the gym and have people stare becuase they admire my body instead of wondering what I'm doing there. I'm looking forward to my skinny jeans becoming my fat jeans, and most of all I'm looking foward to being off of high blood pressure meds. I tell you this 3 month waiting period is racking my nerves.





Good Morning All   I made it through the weekend on the liquid diet! It wasn't easy. Friday there was a card came at my house complete with chips, pop, pizza but a good friend of mine brough me a veggie tray so I had something to munch on (i admit to having dressing). Saturday I sort of cheated by staying in the house all day. Didn't even leave the bed that much just chilled and watched TV.   Sunday was a different story. We had two services at church and in between I went wtih the group for lunch. I was already feeling week and my doctor warned me I may not be getting enough to eat so I had some veggies (cabbage) and baked chicken for protein. I was suprised i didn't get sick! No dessert and no sweet drink, only water. Even though i wasn't 100% on the diet I felt good over the choices I made. Anyway its Monday again and back on the grid iron. I'm drinking my water and eating my raw veggies, only 9 days to go..wow!



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