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Date and other good news...

Well, it's official...I'll be joining Bandlandia on April 2nd :clap2: All pre/post ops are the same as my mom's :-)     and the best news..................................   Instead of $1,000 due as my 20% I only owe $300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've already got that saved up in our savings acct :-D   So all sorts of good news the last day or so.....now i just gotta get that recliner.......:-D   I can't believe it's actually happening. It's just absolutely amazing and thrilling and just................WOW..............I still don't think it'll hit me till the day of the surgery, but that doesn't matter now....I'm on my way to being healthy.....((and thin, but that's just a bonus)).     THIS IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOL.





After 1 day short of 4 weeks of waiting and delays...........................         I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:     I almost can't believe it! I'm so happy i just can't describe it....2.5 years of research and here I am, finally. It's almost surreal.   No date yet, but I left a message that I want April 2nd with my mom. I heard it straight from the insurance office (while the surgeon's office was away at lunch). So I left the msg with the surgeon's office, and haven't heard anything back yet, but tentively April 2nd   I know it won't really hit me till I'm waking up in recovery, but I'm still SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     THANK YOU JESUS, WITHOUT YOU THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE!




tightness in torso...

Ok, well, I know why it's there, but I have an unpleasant tightness in my torso area. Wanna know what it's from??     I'M STILL WAITING FOR AN ANSWER!!! ugh..........:faint:   Nicole is supposed to be calling my insurance company today to find out what the deal is, but i haven't heard from her yet. I called and left her a message to call me back and let me know what they said even if it wasn't a definite yes or no...i'm just curious how much longer it's going to take.   When I'm here at work the last few days (the weekend it wasn't so bad...no phone to wait by cuz no one was at work)...anyway, so when i'm here, i'm scared to leave my phone at all...worried I might miss the call. So I have all my co-workers (in my general area) listening out for my back line in case it rings when I'm away from my desk....but it sounds just like the regular calls coming in (most of the people have a different sounding ring...mine doesn't .... ).   Anyway, it's been about 30 minutes since I left Nicole the msg and I haven't heard anything and I'm sure she won't check it till this afternoon, but I'm just wiggin out. I'm ready to know...ya know? I've been waiting almost 4 weeks now (different things keep holding it up...blahhhhhhhh).   Anyway, i figured if i vented here a bit i'd feel better. And sure enough, I feel a little better.   pray for me...




dum de dummmmm............**waiting**

Well, I'm still going a bit nuts, but JUST before I left work yesterday I got a call. I'd left a message for the lady at the insurance company to call me back and just verify that they had my packet there for review (too many holdups at this point, i wanted to KNOW they had it).   LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story short, I talked to her for about 10-15 minutes about all kinds of things related to the surgery, corrected my height (they had me as 5'7 and i'm 5'5) and I asked her at the end if it looked good, bad, what?   She said "well, it's hard to say because I just got the packet and have only thumbed through it, but it looooooks like it's going to be OK, but we still have to dig into it all the way and fully research it in our review process" and she went on to tell me they don't take long, but she couldn't guarantee i'd hear anything by today (((UGH!!! NERVES!!!))). but hey, that's at least a step in the right direction.   Mom's going to go ahead and wait another day (till Monday basically) if I don't hear anything today before she schedules hers. We're still trying to do this together, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. It's about 1pm right now and mom heard about hers at 1:30 in the afternoon...so maybe here in 30 minutes I'll hear something? who knows......((i know who knows- God knows :Banane10:....))   I'm just praying that Ann at Medcom (my insurance) can be nice and push my review through fast for a quick approval :-D That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:clap2: But if not, I'll be ok....it'll just be a REALLY nerve-wracking weekend!! lol.   Anyway, so that's where I'm at right now......going bonkers! LOL.   NEED MORE PRAYER! God is the one in control - :pray:





Ok, I'm going absolutely insane now. :Banane10:   they FINALLY got all my info on Friday (over 2 weeks behind at that point). And here it is, the following Thursday and I still haven't heard anything. I know I need to give them time. I know God is working on this. But i can't help but obsess about it! I just want an answer dangit!   It's eating me up inside....and I'm trying to forget about it...but...I can't! :help: :help: :help: :help:   We were going to get a house (which would've taken my mind off surgery), however that's not gonna happen (thankfully - long story). So now I'm back with this being the dominant thing on my brain and it's hard to put down. I'm not reallly 'worried' anymore....i'm just anxious and curious, and ugh! Where I should have been over 2 weeks ago!   I think that's what's got me SO bad like this....the fact that i was held up for 2 weeks...so I've really been waiting over 3 weeks now, and it should just be 1 week. :faint:   I need lots of prayer....:pray:





wow...so much has happened.   Well, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story short, it took until YESTERDAY for the pshchologist to get my paperwork to the surgeon's office. And there was a lot of rudeness and ripping into people (not by me -- Nicole at the office took care of that for me - she let the shrink AND her receptionist know that their behavior (and delays) were UNacceptabe).   So As of yesterday, I'm finally where I should have been 2 weeks ago! WAITING       I'm still keeping my faith though. I know God will come through. But it's hard not to obsess about it!   Great news though!!! MOM GOT APPROVED!!! So half our battle to get this done together is completed! :confused: just waiting on me now.... But Nicole said she's expecting to hear back by next week. :nervous   It's been rough though. I've had my slipups (though not allowed to beat myself up over them according to the nutritionist). But I'm doing good still. Though I had a dream last night that I was eating the most delectable (sp?) chocolate cake with the thickest, smoothest fudge icing I've ever had...and it was huge (think the one from the movie "Matilda"). It was so good.....ugh :faint: ....anyway, so it's been rough!! lol But robert's being 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% supportive. Eating only what I can eat mostly (he still eats bread and drinks coca-cola though). I love that man 'o mine :-D   anyway, that's my update...   ~out~





I made a post today "Not changing mind, but wondering if they're right?".   LONG story short...coworkers tried to talk me out of surgery this morning when I told them I'd lost 7 lbs this week.   Yeah, by the way, I've lost 7 lbs this week!!! :-D Gulping down those nasty protein shakes (and green beans) at lunch is working! This gets me to a total of 11 lbs since seeing Dr. Cywes the first time :clap2: :mad: :biggrin1:   But...it just kinda bothered me that they just don't get it. And it got me wondering if they were right. That I could do it on my own. Well, I realize now that I could probably do it on my own, but I'd never keep it off because what i'm doing (1 shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch with green beans, regular LOW/NO carb dinner and as little snacking between as possible) is not something i could continue for the rest of my life. And I know it. (((plus, it's probably not very healthy long term))).   Anyway, i just had a rough start to the morning. But I'm down to a size I haven't been in at least 3.5 years, possibly 4....!!!! :mad: :first: :whoo:   So i'm out :mad:   -Panda-




Minor setback...

Ok, so I found out some bad news today (not horrible, but irritating). I got a call from the surgeon's office asking me which psychologist i went to. I told them and they said that my packet hasn't been sent off yet mainly because the girl who does them at their office had been out sick, but also because the psychologist hasn't sent the info from my evaluation yet!!!   That irritates me because I saw her 4 days short of a month ago!:faint: I mean, come on, how long does it take to fax over some paperwork? NOT THAT LONG. *sigh* Anyway, so I've had a minor setback, but it's still bugging me. I was hoping to hear I was approved when Jody called today, and I heard that it's still pending. My mom's packet probably hasn't been sent out either and she's a bit bummed/irritated too, but again, we understand people getting sick...heck, i missed a whole week of work a few weeks back (i had that major cold everyone has had).   But I'm going to try to just keep looking forward and I'm just going to remind myself again that God will get me through this, I have faith in him.   Anyway, that's enough for today...just wanted to document my latest update     -Panda-:straight




Here we go (hopefully)....

Well, I just discovered this journal here on LBT. I've been being told by countless people I needed to start one specifically for this surgery. I'm not so good with the paper and pen though. My mom bought me a beautiful paper journal...but..it's still empty :-(   So, right now, I'm at the stage where I'm waiting for approval from my insurance company. Even though I have faith in God and I know he would not get me this close and cut me off, I'm still worried I'll get denied. He made me this way, so I hope he understands that I just can't help it, but when things get too bad, I just tell myself over and over again, "Have faith and God will provide." Other times I remind myself of Phil. 4:13 (i believe that's the right scripture number)....."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It helps, but it's hard.   My mom and I are both going through this at the same time. So she's waiting for approval as well. However, we know hers is going to get approved and it's going to get approved fast. The surgeon's office even told us that. Mine on the other hand is some off-the-wall, hole-in-the-wall company and everyone i work for says that if i get approved it'll be the first time they've seen this insurance work for someone. So that's why I'm just a tad bit nervous. But even right now, I keep tellin myself "No! God is going to get this approved for me because he's brought me this far". I know I have to show faith, it's just that the wait is nerve wracking and Satan knows how to push my buttons.   Anyway, other than that, I've been trying to find one of those protein shakes I can actually stand! I've tried Advantage, Advant Edge, and Slim Fast-Low Carb Diet. Several flavors of each...and YUCK! *sick* They may be hard to get down, but I'm forcing. And so far, I've lost at least 4 lbs. Possibly more. Which is even better because If i weigh more than I did at my first appointment by pre-op visit, he won't do the surgery :-( But considering I'm at a weight I haven't seen in at least 3-4 years...I think I'm doing good :-D Over the last year I've lost about 15 lbs. on my own...so I'm excited :-D means I'm doing something right!   So, here I am, waiting...........and waiting.................jumping every time my phone rings. I'll be alright. Hopefully the next time I write an entry it'll be about being approved :-D:clap2:   -Panda-



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