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Trying hard to get ready

Today is Day 14 of my pre-op low carb diet, and I've lost 11.1 pounds. I feel great just having the carbs out of my system. I'm not doing so well on stopping the Diet Cokes yet. I'm hoping I can continue to decrease those before the 29th, or I'm in for major withdrawals.




Trying hard to get ready

Today is Day 14 of my pre-op low carb diet, and I've lost 11.1 pounds. I feel great just having the carbs out of my system. I'm not doing so well on stopping the Diet Cokes yet. I'm hoping I can continue to decrease those before the 29th, or I'm in for major withdrawals.




June 29!!!! It's A Go

I'm so excited! My surgery date is Monday, June 29 at 8AM. If all goes well, I can go home that afternoon. I'm nervous, excited, a little melancholy - all at the same time. I guess it is normal to feel sad about giving up my best friend...FOOD.   I've lost 8 pounds on my low carb diet and really feel very well. I have so much more energy when the carbs are out of my system. I feel like doing things; have energy; no hunger. I hope this has been good preparation for the LB.





This is day 7 for me on my preop low carb diet and I've lost 7.7# - not too shabby. Like I mentioned before though, I can't keep it off. But I do feel a little better just with that small weight loss - I'm looking forward to the main event to see how it will make me feel. I go tomorrow for my pre-op visit. I'm hoping to be scheduled fairly quickly - maybe the next week. I haven't told many people that I work with partly because I don't want to be on exhibit. I have a friend in another department that had the LB done in 11/07 and she has lost 110#. Not an hour goes by that someone doesn't mention it to her. She likes it, but I would be tired of answering all the questions. But that's just me. I stocked up on some Sugar Free Life Savers last night and had about 3 this AM. Well, the Sorbitol in them acts as a laxative. So I have to go now. Ahem.......:crying:




Diet Coke Weaning

Thanks for all the positive thoughts on the DC weaning. I am down to about 3 -12 ounce bottles now. The weird thing is that as I'm low carbing, the DC is not thirst quenching. So, that helps.   We had a graduation party for my niece last night and I did ok, or so I thought.....I had fajita meat, cheese, guacamole and the best cucumber salad I've ever had. Until, I found out it was so good because my sister-in-law "forgot" to tell me she made it with sugar instead of Splenda. (She never uses sugar, so not sure what happened there).:sad: I did avoid the chocolate cake, and did pretty well otherwise. Hopefully when I go in for my appointment on Thursday, I'll get to set a date for surgery.   One other question - has anyone heard much about how frequently surgery is cancelled once they get in due to a fatty liver? My doctor had a case last week where the nurse said the liver was so fatty, it would have been dangerous to proceed, so they stopped. Now the patient has to diet for 6 more months before it will be attempted again. I guess I'm afraid of that because I have metabolic syndrome with elevated tryglycerides. Just wonderin....    




Low Carbing

I can do this...again. Low carbing has always been my diet 'o choice. I've been very successful before, losing about 50# each time I've done it. So, I should weigh about my birth weight now, if I had kept it off. But, I didn't, gained it back, plus more, and yada yada yada. That's why I need my band.   For those of you who have never low carbed, let me tell you that the first two days must be what a drug addict feels like when they can't have a fix. I get nervous, shaky, dry-mouthed. sweaty, nauseous, irritable. I was supposed to work until 7PM yesterday, but my co-workers sent me home at 5PM. (They can always tell when I'm low carbing. They don't know why I'm doing it this time, and I don't have any plans to tell them about being banded until much later. )   So, i've stocked up on cheese, meat, nuts, and more cheese. I think it's worse this time because I'm trying to wean off Diet Coke at the same time. I'm not sure how I'll do that. I drink approx. 5 -20oz. bottles a day. I have raed that the phosphorus in soda sucks calcium out of your bones, erodes your throat etc. So, it's probably time to stop with that anyways.   Gotta get to work. Have a great day everyone.





I had all my testing done yesterday and actually learned quite a bit. The morning session was handled very professionally and smoothly. But I thought my dietician consult was a rip-off. He sped through the information, never smiled, seemed like he would have rather have been anywhere other than in that room at that time. He mentioned money several times in regards to him possibly not being paid, asked me to pay before I even knew he was finished, and referred to the procedure as "your 15K stomach." Maybe he was just having a bad day, I don't know, but it totally changed how I was feeling. Anyone else been treated that way? If I didn't so desperately need the consult, I would have walked out. Anyway, I'm starting my two week low carb diet today. I go back next week to check progress on that and then will see about having LB done the next week. Seems surreal somehow. I thought I would be more excited but I guess Im just scared and nervous. And my panties are in a wad a little yet from yesterday.




Diagnostic Testing Visit

I go tomorrow for lab, EKG, chest x-ray; visit with anesthesia; visit with exercise physiologist; visit with psychologist; visit with nutritionist - a busy day. I'm so grateful to get it all done on the same day. My BCBS plan has been wonderful and will pay all of the diagnostic testing and all but $50 of the surgery. I should have done this a long time ago. Does anyone know what the exercise physiologist will do?




Life is About to Change

A lot has happened to me in the past 2 weeks. First of all, my 73 year old aunt was beaten and raped in her home here in our small town, and her assailant stole her car. He has since been captured and the case goes before the grand jury next week. Next, my daughter graduated from the University of Texas. Then my mom got sick and temporarily lost the vision in one of her eyes, and she lives with (and takes care of) my 101 year old grandmother.   In the midst of all this, I have almost overlooked the fact that I AM APPROVED ON MY FIRST TRY WITH BCBS-FEP!!!! I am amazed. So, things are moving rather quickly. I go Wednesday, JUne 3 to get pre-op lab, exercise physiology testing, my nutrition counseling and a psych eval done - all on the same day. I have only told a few people about this. My family is very supportive, but I am soooo nervous. I think once I have the date set, I'll be OK. I think I will start my 2 week diet Wednesday and hopefully have surgery 2 weeks from then.   I'm really worried about my Diet Coke addiction - I'm afarid that's going to be a problem. Any thoughts on that?   I enjoy reading all the blogs and I get tremendous support and reinforcement from them. Now I'll need to "tech-up" and learn how to put a ticker on my blog, and how to upload pictures. I'm just saying, I'm not the brightest computer person. But I am a good nurse!!  




A Long Way To Go

I am Laura, and I'm a food-a-holic. I've been overweight since I was a kid, and I just turned 50. I don't remember ever feeling full in my life. I can eat more than a man, and still eat more. I eat when no one is watching; I eat when I'm happy, scared, lonelt, depressed = I need no reason. I know that if I don't do something immediately, I'll die before I'm 60. My dues (we were estranged) died in his 40's of a massive heart attack; and the youngerst of my 3 brothers has had several strokes. And still I eat. My blood pressure is high; I have a high-stress job as a nursing director; I have a gorgeous, fit husband and 3 daughters - all but 1 struggles with their weight. I am ready to be healthy. So, I've been to the surgeon. I've been told I am a perfect candidate for lap band. I'm waiting for a letter of denial from my primary insurance which does not cover the bnd before I submit my info to BCBC - Fed, which pays 100% after the first $100. I'm angry that my primary has already taken a month and still no denial letter, even though it will be denied. I want to get started. I want to quit eating enough for an 18 year old boy. I know I can't do it on my own. I'm 5'5 and I weigh 240. I'll keep trachk of my journey here. My surgeon is Briget Brady in Austin.



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