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Another good day, I ATE MY FIRST REAL FOOD

While I am still on mushes for this week I decided I would sample some real food tonight. I had made a simple casserole of egg noodles, cream of chicken soup, cheddar soup, broccoli, and chicken, topped with a little cheddar. I actually made this for my friend, but decided I would have a little. So I got our my appetizer plate and fork that I bought pre-band and served myself a very small portion, about a 1/4 of a cup. Thinking I would not be able to get it down. I took my time chewed well and poof it was gone. I now have more confidence that the band and I will work together. PLEASE NOTE, I have not had a fill other than the little he put in the band at surgery. I could probably eat anything. But still no hunger and I only ate that as a test of real food. If I get on the scale tomorrow and I have gained an ounce, I will just die :thumbdown:. But I also know I can't continue eating baby food the rest of my life. First step, I know it should have been all protein, but it was not planned. Tomorrow I plan to try some fish for dinner. Thanks to all who commented on my blog, I am glad it helps. You can also read my chain in the "Men's Room" Men of March. Thanks all:smile:




What a difference two weeks makes

Two weeks ago today I had my LB. Now I am treating my scars with Mederma and pretty much life has returned to normal other than I am still off work, won't go back till the 13th, (I have great benes). Today I begin to incorporate LB into my life, I bought a container for my counter to put my protein shake mix in, yes my doctor is a fan of the shakes past recovery. I made room in my spice cabinet for my supplements and made room for my scale. The interesting thing is I still have no desire for food. Two weeks ago that was all I thought of. Tomorrow I see the doctor for the first post-op check-up. I will update after that visit. If you are thinking about this surgery, stop thinking and do it. I believe I am down about 30 pounds, but will give the official weight tomorrow.




Two full weeks, life is good

Today is the completion two weeks. I cooked my first LB meal today. Cooked some ground turkey, with a little beef and tomato bullion, then added some tomato soup. Had another good day, I did not bandage my wounds today since there has not been bleeding for the past two days. I am really trying to move on with my life and "Life is Good". Food is not longer the center of my life, I use to plan the weekend on where I would go to eat and what I would cook, now that is not even a thought. Not to mention my food/dining bill has basically ended. Let's see my shopping list was Silk Light Soy Milk, Special K protein Water mixes, and some 2% string cheese. I get my protein shake mix from the doctor "Chike" it is good. I plan to continue two shakes and one meal a day till I get my weight off. I am still not exercising enough, that will come with time.




Good News

I went to my first group support meeting last night at my doctors office. I was able to weigh and had lost an official 24 lbs. Group was a nice collection of people in different stages of LB. But it was good information the doctor was there so we could ask anything and got some great advice. I will plan to make these monthly since I know people lose more when they have a peer structure. I am feeling even better today and went to a movie, setting in the chair was a little uncomfortable. I actually made myself eat 3 meals today, two protein shakes and one cream of mushroom soup thinned with beef broth. I still have no hunger. My wounds are looking better and maybe in another week they will be healed.




Much Better Day

I am having a good day, I went to Walmart and did a little shopping. I had someone with me to do all the bending, loading, etc. I just pointed and paid :thumbup:. I wanted to get some soups since I did not have any. I got tomato, cream of chicken, and cream of mushroom. I plan to begin adding these in slowly. I also got numerous pureed fruits for next weeks when I am on mushes. There was a good sugar free selection from Mott's and some creamed potatoes. I have a group meeting at Dr. Luttrell's on Thursday and actually looking forward to it. Then I have my first follow-up with him on Tuesday. I am approved till April 13th so I will have a full month to cover. This is very good. I really felt for the people who had to go back to work on Monday, I don't think that was a possibility for me. But again, I had hernia surgery as well. My swelling has gone down yet one of the incisions is still bleeding just a spot. Other than that the incisions look well. I guess when the hair grows out no one will ever know. I have not lost any additional weight but am doing good to get in 500 calories a day. I need more protein to create weight loss. I am so glad I shaved in advance, one of the guys in Men of March (Men's Room) is having to treat the rash caused by the shaving. I am sleeping better and that is very good. I got so little sleep the first week. Hope these post help. I know they helped me.




It's been a week

I was banded last Monday, don't remember much about that day. But here a week later I am feeling much better. I did leave the house today just for about 30 minutes and maybe that was not such a good idea. I am sure it is just a matter of time. The good news is I am still not hungry. I make my 3 protein shakes each day, now off of broth. Next week is mushies, but at this time that is no big deal. I am having to learn to bend at the knees and not at the waste and that was the issue with my trip out today. I want to go to group support on Thursday, I think it will be good for me. Again thanks for reading my blog.




5 Days Post Band

I put away all my pain medicine today as I have not used it in a few days. I tried to return to normal. Also I begin to add back in my protein. I had one 20gm protein slim fast this morning and then broth for the rest of the day. I was able to do a little around the house, but by afternoon I was exhausted. It gets better everyday. Still no hunger and the dull headache has begun to go away.




Three Days post band

Good news to report today. I was able to sleep in the bed some last night, only about two hours at a time,then I would have to get up and walk around to get the gas off my stomach. But this is a huge improvement and I feel much better today. Yesterday evening I begin to belch a lot and begin taking Mylanta. Not sure it is working but it helps, yesterday the belching was painful today not so much. I was also about to go to the bathroom for the first time since the band. So it looks like by body is beginning to adjust and get back into the norm. The best news of all is this morning my scale was below 300lbs for the first time in a long time. :sneaky: My abdomen no longer hurts like it did the first couple of days when I would get up and down out of the chair. Looks like a brand new day to me....




Two days post-op

I have completed my second day post-op without any issues. I don't feel bad, I just don't feel good. I am moving around more and more so that is a good sign. I don't know how much of that is because of the hernia repair, but all in all I think I am doing good. I am drinking broth, water and Gatorade. No hunger, in fact I have to make myself drink the broth. I have not taken a shower yet, even though I was told I could. Just not enough energy. I am down about 20lbs since I begin the pre-op diet. Thanks to everyone.





Well I am now banded, it was interesting. I drove the two hours to the hospital, never nervous as I knew I was making the right choice. Once they put you under you know nothing. Once inside me the doctor found I had a serious Hiatal Hernia, which he had to repair. that took about an hour from what I was told. Then he did the BAND and I had a hard recovery again from what I was told. The worst part for me was the drive back, every move the jeep made I felt it in my midsection. I did have some gas pain in the shoulder on the way home and the first night. But today it has not been an issue. I walked all night, at least what I could. The whole process was not bad I really can't say anything was too much to handle. I did heave in recovery and was a little concerned about that. My doctor called to check on me today and I have an appointment in two weeks. The pictures of my insides are interesting. I had lost about 15 pounds in my pre-op diet. Since the surgery I have peed a lot, just it is from the Iv's. Today I have had about a half a cup of both and some Gatorade. Not really wanting anything but know I need to keep my strength up. I still have on my TED's but they are beginning to bother me. Will write more tomorrow. Thanks for this site and everyone who came before me. I actually knew more than some of the nurses who were helping me with expectations,




12 hours away

Well, I have already stopped eating with a nice Lean Cuisine as my final pre-ban meal. The two week diets was not that bad. I shaved my chest today in prep for tomorrow. Yes, I know they would do that, but I had a dry shave for my EKG las week and I thought this would be better. An interesting experience I must add. That had be a a pound loss :thumbup:. Anyway I am surprisingly not nervous. The only thing that was pressing was getting everything I wanted to do done before the surgery. I have my bag packed and will leave about 6am for my 2 hour drive. I will post again as soon as I am able. Thanks for everyone's support and this site.




Life is to short to be FAT

I just completed my first week of the pre-op diet, not to bad. One week to go. I have a pre-op exam by my primary tomorrow. My surgery has been moved up an hour to 8:30 Monday 3-16. I watched the Emmi program yesterday, then sat down with my other half and watched it again to make sure we were both on the same page. This time next week I will be wanting to leave the hospital to come home.




Feel better already

I made it through my first day of fatty liver reducing diet, that sounds so sweet (NOT). I had two protein shakes and a lean cuisine. I really did not struggle at all. Lets' see what today brings.:w00t:




First Blood

Today I had to run by my doctor's office to give a final blood panel meaning I had to fast all day. Two weeks from today I will be home from the hospital, counting down the day. Told my friends by next summer vacation I would be wearing a thong :smile:, ya me 50+ in a thong.




Band Date March 16th

I band date is March 16 at 9:30am. I started my protein drinks for the next two weeks. Two meal replacement shakes and a light meal. Fun, Fun, Fun. Ready to make this happen.:smile:




After 14 months two insurance companies and much headache I AM APPROVED

I started this journey years ago, but started the Lap band Journey as my 2008 New Years resolution. The year was trauma and drama, I fought BCBS of Arkansas all the way to the Arkansas Insurance Commission, who would not even acknowledge I existed, much less assist me. Moved my insurance to United Health Care and changed my Lap band doctor and today I got the call that I have waited 14 months for, I AM APPROVED. So here I am 51 years old male at 320 pounds. I go to the Shrink on Monday, not a insurance requirement but a doctor requirement since he had to remove a band from someone who was not prepared. I will then go on two weeks of liquid diet and Monday we will set a date. This may sound odd, but I am excited that someone is going to invade my body and implant a foreign device,but I am. I appreciate all of your entries since that has got me though this process. Thanks to all....:cool2:




Brand New Day

Here is the deal, I am out of control. I have been dieting since 1980. Each diet brings new weight, so after 29 years it is time for me to take control again. I am going to be as open as possible on here so it might be a little real for some.   With that being said please help me on my journey to a new me.



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