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hmmmmm i wonder....

im starting to wonder if people lose weight with the band because it becomes a hassle to eat anything. XD   it took me 20 minutes to eat two chicken nuggets. :thumbup:




what the HELL

jello is on my doctors list of suggested foods for this whole post-op liquid stage. and even eating pea sized bites and squishing it around in my mouth until its in several hundred tiny pieces....doesnt cut it. it gets stuck. it hurts. and then after several minutes, it goes down. you know what? JELLO AINT WORTH IT. this is absolutely ridiculous. and painful.   im really starting to think that the swelling will never go down. i feel like ill be stuck with a super tight band forever and ill only ever be able to have liquids for the rest of my life. my doctor wants me to start mushies in 4 days. YEAH I DONT THINK THATS GONNA WORK OUT REAL WELL.     sorry. i just need to rant. im upset. and right now, i hate my life and especially my surgeon.




long overdue update (MUCH drama)

shortly after my last blog post, i ended up going in to have some of my fill removed. it helped for a short time. in june when my "girly time" arrived, my band ended up getting so tight that i was forced to go to the ER, was admitted and had my band fully emptied the following morning since i couldnt even swallow water.:thumbup:   my band has been completely empty since then.   i had a small fill yesterday (.6cc) and will be getting very small fills, about once a month, until i am in a good place with my band.   i wish my surgeon listened to me. he really doesnt and it has lead to a lot of frustration and trouble that could otherwise have easily been avoided.   anyway, after a fill, he insists on liquids for a week and then mushies for a week. kind of extreme, in my opinion but im sticking with it.   ive started keeping a food and exercise journal so i can keep track of my calories, eating habits and exercise. so far, so good!:tt2:




oh...by the way....

im 7 days post op. i lost 16 pounds on the 2 week pre-op diet and lost another 7 pounds in the week since surgery. im down 23 pounds total. gas pains are gone, only slightly sore when bending or being active.   i feel great! :tt1:




Omg is this restriction?!

i had a fill on the 2nd. total of 4ccs in a 10 cc band.   i was just eating mashed potatoes, nice and slow. was about to take another bite when i realize that i could eat it...or i could leave it because i actually feel FULL.   i left it. :thumbup:   this is a first! im so happy!!!




...so you didnt put a small fill in my band, eh? suuuuurrrre.

follow-up with Dr. Bui went very well. no sign of infection, minimal pain (and only occasionally), incisions are healing nicely. the port incision is healing a little more slowly but thats to be expected since its the largest. Dr. Bui says it looks good tho. steri-strips have been removed but he put 2 new ones over the port incision. i can take them off in a week. lol im sorta tempted to get a picture of my stomach. the scars arent anywhere near as bad as i thought they were going to be. but i doubt anyone wants to see my fat belly LOL! :bored:   we went over diet, exercise, wound care, portion control, etc. we also talked about fills. i have a 10 cc band and had 2 ccs in at the time of surgery (which would account for the crazy restriction i had at first. he said the band would be empty!). he is having his coordinator call me to schedule a fill for me in the first week of April.:glare:   im doing good tho! started solid foods last night. despite having 2 ccs in a 10 cc band, i no longer have restriction. so the hunger is back. and i dont feel full. :tt1: so itll be a struggle to make it to the first week of April without wanting to stuff myself but ill do it.:tt2:




is this normal???

im 4 and a half weeks post op. i havent lost any weight in at least 3 weeks. i can eat pretty much anything (tomato is problematic.)   is it normal to stop losing weight so early on? will a fill help this?   it seems like once i started mushies and then solids, the weight stopped coming off. :thumbup:




back vs side

im finally able to sleep on my side for short periods! 2 and a half weeks after surgery. its about damn time!   i cant stand sleeping on my back. most uncomfortable thing ever!   for the record, im a side/stomach sleeper.




ALL water weight??

i had a .6cc fill on monday morning. i was 279 then. yesterday morning i was 273. and just now im 270.   ive been on a full liquid diet (with protein powder added in) since monday. am i just losing water weight despite all the liquids im ingesting or do you think some of this is actual progress?:tt2:   whatever it is, im happy to see the numbers going down!:thumbup:




i found a new love

oh mushies, how i love thee!     especially you, pureed low fat cottage cheese. oh baby. ive missed you. i promise, ill never leave you again.     love, Harli:wub:





i had a Campbells soup at hand (creamy tomato) and 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes. im stuffed. i couldnt eat another molecule if my life depended on it.   are some people on mushies actually able to eat as much as they want? i get full really quick these days and i dont have much of an appetite.   its that time of the month too. is it just me or does the band feel tighter during this time of the month?




my 2 best tools are....

my band (obviously) and my Pokewalker!   yes, im talking about Pokemon. HeartGold and SoulSilver (for my Nintendo DS Lite) came with a Pokewalker....which is a pedometer. you can transfer a pokemon from your game into the Pokewalker and then walk around with it. each step you take gets counted and earns you points, levels for your pokemon and enough points unlocks new areas in the Pokewalker.   never before has walking been so fun! it hardly seems like exercise when you able to level your pokemon at the same time! heheh yeah im kind of a geek!




why staying off the scale might be best for my sanity and motivation...

ive gotten into the bad habit of hoping on the scale every morning. after losing 11 pounds between monday and wednesday, i was thrilled. on thursday i hopped on the scale only to have it tell me that i GAINED a pound! and that little bit of news resulted in a terrible day and a terrible mood. since then, despite counting calories and exercising, the scale wont budge from that cursed number!   ...i think the scale may have sentience. and it may be trying to drive me mad.




liver herniation

im a bit concerned that i may have a liver herniation or something similar. one spot an inch or two above an incision, is very tender, swollen (not red), and quite painful. its only painful when i bend, laugh, cough, sneeze, move too quickly or touch it. when it *does* hurt, id rate the pain a 6 or a 7. when i lay down and press on the area, theres no pain.   i called my surgeon to see if i should come in or something and was told it was only the stitches inside healing. um. im not sure i believe that....   so i asked if there was any chance of it being a hernia or something and get this...   ...I GOT LAUGHED AT and told there was NO CHANCE of it being a hernia. well....correct me if im wrong, but after surgery penetrating the muscle wall, a hernia is indeed possible.   im so upset right now. im in a fair amount of pain that my liquid oxycodone isnt even touching. my surgeon had a free slot this afternoon to see me but would rather i wait until our appointment on friday. how hard is it for him to just check this spot and put my mind at ease so im not stressed and worried sick all week?   i just want to curl up in bed and cry.:thumbup:




One month!

it has officially been one month since i got my band. <3 already its my best friend. even tho i dont have restriction yet, its teaching me how to eat properly. tiny bites, chewing well, eating slowly.   i hope my band will be with me for years to come.




here goes

im a little less nervous now. not sure how well i will sleep tonight. i had a can of beef broth this afternoon (doctor has had me on sugar free, fat free liquids only for the last 2 weeks), but i cant really handle anything tonight. my stomach just isnt up for it. probably all for the best but i know ill be starving tomorrow.   for now, im sticking with water.   since my doctor is making me stay in the hospital overnight tomorrow, i guess i should go pack my overnight bag.   ill see you guys tomorrow when im on the band-wagon!




randomness...2 weeks post-op

i will be meeting with my surgeon on friday. looking forward to that. maybe he will pull off these steri-strips!   tuna, turkey and gravy, and mashed potatoes are all that ive been eating his week. yummy tho! im going to try scrambled eggs for lunch tomorrow!   my husband says he can definitely tell im losing weight from the belly region. it makes me happy to hear but i wish i could see it.   anyway, im off to bed. just wanted to update so people know im still alive.




an open letter to my stomach

dear stomach,   i just finished eating applesauce. so why in the hell are you growling at me? you JUST ate! please settle down. youre being really unpleasant and i dont appreciate it one bit. ill make a scrambled egg for you a bit later...with ketchup! youll love it, i promise.   Harli




grrrrrr bad day

my port is bothering me/painful and i havent lost a single pound in 2 weeks. i have a fill on friday. i cant freaking wait. *grumbles*




first fill: DONE!

i just got back from my first official fill.   i had 2 ccs in my band, the surgeon wanted to put in 3 more. i told him id rather ease into it and just get 2 more rather than 3. he agreed that was fine.   fill was done with the fluoroscope. i felt a tiny pinch and some pressure. no pain at all. drank a cup of water and IMMEDIATELY felt the restriction! :w00t:   then i watched him pull the needle out. HOLY JEEZ! big freaking needle! it didnt hurt one bit tho!   im hoping this will help jump start my weight loss again.   im back on a week of liquids followed by a week of mushies before starting solids again.     and the journey continues!




getting stuck a lot after a fill.

i got a 2 cc fill 17 days ago, bringing me to a total of 4 ccs in a 10 cc band and i find myself getting stuck nearly every day.   things that go down okay: soft pieces of beef jerky (the dry stuff doesnt go down well even if chewed like crazy) egg salad tuna salad cottage cheese bagel chips (trying to stay away from these. too many carbs) chocolate (again trying to steer clear of this but its been tough this week as its my girly week and the chocolate helps my mood and cramps) shrimp cheese cashews and walnuts   turkey and chicken and beef dont go down well. even ground turkey breast, cooked and mashed into tiny pieces in gravy....yeah even the smallest most well chewed bite gets stuck. steamed summer squash gets stuck. string cheese gets stuck. most solids get stuck. i think i might be a bit too tight? ive gained a few pounds due to only being able to eat soft/slider foods. my surgeon thinks ill need a fill in a week or two. i think thats possibly the worst idea ever. i cant imagine being even tighter.   does this sound like a too-tight band?




day 6 post-op

i went to see my surgeon today for a surprise visit. one of my incisions had a bit of discharge and my post incision is a little red and starting to bruise. my surgeon looked it over, said its all normal, cleaned the weeping incision and put new tape on it.   on the ride home, i felt a sneeze coming on so i placed my hands on my belly and braced for it. unfortunately, it wasnt enough. because i felt an incredibly sharp pain followed by an all day long dull ache. i have no idea whats wrong. do i have a hernia now? did i flip my port? was the pain just caused by the port bouncing or something when i sneezed? i have no idea.   im worried but i dont want to bug my surgeon a second day in a row without an appointment. i hope the pain will be gone tomorrow. :tt2:   liquids are going own easy as anything. some mushies are going down fine as well. some mushies tend to stick a bit but they still go down after a minute or so. im making progress. im just worried about this pain. :smile2: i hope i didnt mess things up somehow! :thumbup:




one week to go!

i know its only a few pounds but i swear i can see a difference. ive easily lost a couple inches off my stomach. this makes me ridiculously happy.   also, apparently my stomach was making grumbly noises for an hour before i realized i was hungry. i was like, "what the hell is that sound? ooh that doesnt sound good. OH, im hungry!" LOL! time for another protein shake i guess.




thank you

thank you so much to the people who comment here in my blog. i really appreciate your insight and soothing words as well as recipes. :thumbdown: im so glad that there are so many wonderful, friendly, supportive people here.:closedeyes:   you are all fantastic. we can kick butt on this journey together!:tt1:




2nd fill in the morning.

ive got a fill in the morning. i currently have .6 cc and i think im going to ask for a total of 1.5 cc.   to top things off, its shark week. thats always fun. i have problems swallowing pills so im taking liquid Tylenol for the cramps.



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