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Milk Sherbert-- Easy Substitute for Ice Cream

I can't believe it! I found not one, but two substitutes for ice cream, just when the weather is warming down here in Florida and I'm missing those cool, creamy treats. Here's the lower calorie and carb one: Jell-o Milk Sherbert. (Bless you, Grandma!)   By simply using sugar free Jell-o and Splenda, I can make this practically a "freebie" on my diet. Woohoo!  




What a Difference a Year Makes

On Saturday, Dante, my DD Susan, and I went to the Jacksonville Zoo. Not that big of a deal, right? It was for me. One year ago, I couldn't have hauled my badly overweight carcass around a grocery store, much less acres of walking trails. I would have been humiliated and restricted to one of those expensive rented electric carts, unable to ride the train or get "up close and personal" with the exhibits. I'd have been in my black stretchy knits, hoping no one noticed how sweaty I was. My swollen feet would have been crammed into my black Crocs, just so my feet could breathe and cool me. A few years ago, I would have jonesed for a cigarette and been unable to satisfy my craving because the electric carts would have been difficult to get to the few places where smokers could be.   This year was radically different than all years past where I sat in my wheelchair while Dante and Susan had fun. This year I was in size 18 jeans and a pink tee shirt, bouncing all over the zoo in my white tennis shoes, with my energy level equal to a power plant. I was the one hauling Susan and Dante hither and yon, running to take a picture here, ooohing and ahhing at the lovely creatures, while they struggled to keep up.   This year, Dante leaned on his cane, sweated, and begged for a chance to sit down. I graciously found places for him to sit and rest while Susan and I bounced around like both of us were 24 years old instead of just Susan. We got him cool drinks and held his place in line while he limped off to rest or smoke. The zoo is smoke free, so he took only one smoke break out on a dock on the Trout River.   Susan and I yanked the camera out of each others' hands to take pictures whenever we saw a great shot, depending on who had the best angle. We finally had to leave because DH would get off work soon, so we missed the Australian/African portion, but we did stop long enough for a quick visit to Stingray Bay to pet a stingray. :crying:   You can see my pictures in this album:   http://s516.photobucket.com/albums/u323/voiceomt2002/Home%20and%20Family/ I'm proud that I was the one who walked and didn't get tired, didn't blow my diet, and enjoyed myself. Next time, I think I'll take DH for a romantic stroll. He can keep up with me. (Big Grin)




Do I Hear an Echo?

I've uploaded a few recipes recently, but I've gotten very few comments about them. I do appreciate feedback.   Do you like them? Would you prefer I didn't do this?   Any requests?   Lena




Stress Management and Emotional Eating

When I first began my journey toward having a LapBand, I was told an odd fact: a fair percentage of bandsters often end up with other issues such as alcoholism. I thought that rather odd, and considered myself very well-adjusted. I couldn't imagine developing such a horrible problem back then.   I can now. What's more, I now understand why.   I'm a stress eater. When I get under stress, I run to the refrigerator, not a bottle. That is, I did until I was banded. While I can still swallow those naughty treats, I don't keep many around anymore. Even ice cream, which slides past my band like it wasn't even there isn't available as much anymore, long as I avoid temptation while in the grocery store.   But where does that leave me when under stress? I don't smoke. I can't eat sweets and junk because I don't keep them around the house. Booze? Yes, it's here. I keep a small stock for cooking.   Now I can see how some bandsters, deprived of their usual comforts when under stress, turn to booze. Oh, yeah. I have to admit, thanks to recent events here at home, I've had a few glasses of wine and actually considered going for the (yuk!) bourbon. I hate bourbon. But I was desperate for any tranquilizing feel-good effects.   Okay, so clearly that's why my doctor has a shrink on staff. She may spot potential issues like OCD, or stress management issues long before they become irrepairable. I can see that now. Scary. Very scary.   The trick has been to find new methods of calming down. Walking has worked. Working, like cleaning house, helped. Doing my crafts rather obsessively has helped. Finding a job that got me out of the house has helped. It's the little things.




That Which Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

It's been a stressful two months with my husband out of work. We saw financial ruin at every turn and panicked daily at 3 AM. I'm a stress eater, and for awhile there I tested my band and hovered at gaining weight despite a band with close to 9 cc's in it. I gained and lost, adding more unnecessary stress to my life. Even when I thought I was watching my carbs, I refused to keep a food log. I truly believed I was limiting my stress by allowing myself some freedom. (Self-delusion time! Call me Cleopatra, Queen of Denial!)           This weekend, I decided “enough is enough” and went back to my doctor's advice about keeping a food log. Immediately, I got results. The two pounds I'd gained dropped off me, and I was shocked to discover I once again –quite deservedly, I might add!-- had to go through with withdrawal from my carb addiction.     I'm now back on track and less than one pound away from where I was when all my troubles and stress began. I now know the value of my food log and I will not stray away from it again. Someday, perhaps in the not-so-distant future, I'll be able to maintain a decent weight without logging every morsel I put in my mouth, or perhaps occasionally forgiving myself for a slice of birthday cake on my birthday. But today is not that day, and I love my smaller body size and healthier lifestyle too much to consider a quick stroke of a pen a hardship.




Timesaver Mushy Recipe Part Two- Chicken Salad

I'm going to assume you read yesterday's post about the chicken, and you now have in front of you the meat you liberated from the bones. Meal #1 was the Roast Chicken. These are the leftovers and meat removed from the carcass frame and stored while you made Chicken Broth from the bones.   Time for a meal from those scraps you almost threw away. I recommend not bothering with a tomato cup or lettuce leaves when on the mushie stage, unless you feel like the extra work. Certainly I did indeed enjoy my chicken salad rolled up in a romaine lettuce leaf and consumed in a similar way to a burrito, but the choice is entirely up to you.     Okay! Tomorrow, we'll make the ubiquitous soup that shows up in almost every casserole in America-- Cream of Mushroom (or several other cooked veggies.) To save yourself time and trouble, I suggest you do a fast inventory of the fridge. Any leftover cooked veggies hanging around? I found two-cup container filled with broccoli! What'd you find?




TimeSaver Mushy Recipe Part Three- Cream of Vegetable Soup

I assume you did read the previous posts and you now have your cooked veggie collection in front of you. I happen to have 2 cups of cooked broccoli. I had two cups leftover from a previous meal, plus a bag in the freezer. I chose to use the leftovers. No matter what, you need two cups of the cooked veggie.   I also thawed out my chicken broth I made the other day. I had measured out 10 oz in each container, so I have a little store-bought chicken broth leftover from a previous recipe to augment the homemade to make the necessary amount called for in the recipe. Next time, I'll know to freeze about 12 ounces, not 10. Okay, so I'm not perfect. LOL!   Now I can just follow the recipe below:     Before serving, I ladled 10 oz into a storage container and labeled it carefully. I stowed it in the freezer. The rest, I'll serve tonight with a sandwich on the side for Dante. I'll have a spinach salad.   You might want to make up a Cream of Mushroom Soup recipe. It's the most used recipe in casseroles. It'll keep up to six months in the freezer, and it's a darn sight better than all those calories, carbs, sodium and preservatives in the cans of condensed cream of whatever soups you buy in the store. Tastier, too.   Note: I highly recommend using cream or half-and-half for this recipe. Milk is just too weak. A pinch of salt also helps. Go ahead and put it in a mug. If you love it like I did, you'll slug it down.   If you need a hand knowing what veggie and what seasoning, here's a link to my chart:   http://s516.photobucket.com/albums/u323/voiceomt2002/Recipes/?action=view&current=CreamofVegetableSoup2.jpg   The chart is also where I put the calories and carbs for each veggie soup.   I'll post some more soups over the next few days for those who still need mushies.




January 19, 2010 One Year Later

My bandiversary was January 2. One year, 75 lbs lighter. I'm no longer a size 26, but a svelte (for me) size 18. According to my doctor, I have another 50-70 lbs left to go. Is he insane? Okay, I'll play along. After all, he's not been wrong yet.   Funny thing is, I'm still a size 26 in my head. I still slink through the lingerie section, expecting to be chased out by the sales clerks and sent to Lane Bryant.   I'm still shocked when some man ignores my wedding ring and (gasp) flirts with me.   On the other hand, I'm doing things that just wouldn't have been possible a year ago. I exercise three times a week and think it's fun. I bowl with my family, and we're talking about hitting the beach when the weather warms.   My husband wants to go on a second honeymoon (technically it would be a first. We were too poor back then) and scuba in Bermuda, and I actually think that's a great idea. I proposed taking up water-skiing too.   I fix my hair and put on makeup, and I smile at the woman in the mirror, even if I hardly recognize her without the bags under her eyes from sleep apnea, the puffy cheeks, and triple chin. Who is that woman with high slashing cheekbones, full red lips and smoky eyes? Me? Are you sure? Where's the dumpy old broad who spent half her life in a wheelchair or leaning on a cane?   I'm learning to see myself as a thinner, healthier person. I guess it's just going to take more time. Funny thing is, I now have that time. :confused:




Confessions of a Stress Eater

I used to be a stress eater. I'd suck down anything in my path like a Hoover whenever stress struck.   Only a month and a half after my surgery, my DH lost his job. For six months, we struggled while he desperately searched for work. Finally, for six months we thought he had a good job, but the economy hit us in the face again, and he lost that job too. My DH now has a "long term temp" job. It's something.   During all that stress, I had to keep working. I'm a writer, and that means I work at home. It's even more difficult to meet a deadline or stay on a strict food regimen when there's a bored, depressed man around. Even though I can only write for a few hours a day before my brain explodes, he still made my work difficult with constant interruptions.   Needless to say, at first I learned to get around the band. No I won't tell you how. Just accept it can be done. When I stopped losing weight, I knew I had to find an alternative to eating.   What did I do when there was no money for extras? I became a stress quilter. I belong to a quilting guild, and one of their main functions is to make quilts for charity. When I couldn't afford fabric, I could always ask the guild member in charge for another quilt set to make for charity. At one point I had two sets running simultaneously!   Anyway, my point is that if you were a stress eater before surgery, you'll still be one after surgery unless you find alternative means of handling stress. Clean house, garden, take up a craft, or train for a marathon. Whatever you choose to do to handle stress.   Like it or not in this world, stress happens. I've been forced to get very good at handling stress. I've quilted, embroidered, sculpted polymer clay, and walked off nearly 100 lbs from when I stepped on the scale at my PCP's and nearly fainted to learn I was 297 lbs. Now at 198, I've still got a way to go, but I'm closer than I've been in 25 years.   DH has a job. We still have our house, and now I've got to go mow the lawn. I'm happy to do it, considering I once was in a wheelchair because of my weight. :thumbup:




My Doctor Wants Me to Post This

Many folks have a fear of flying, or arachnophobia, etc. Common phobias. Other than a fear of heights, I considered myself fairly fear-free.   Then I lost 75 pounds. That's only halfway to my goal weight, but with everything in my closet falling off me and not enough time to tailor anything but my favorites, my daughter said, "Enough is enough, Mom! You can't make a bra, okay? Time to shop!"   I sighed and gave in. Until we came to the threshold of the lingerie department. My feet wouldn't move further. I stood there, paralyzed with fear some snobby salesclerk would give me the usual contemptuous look. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. We don't carry the larger sizes. May I recommend Lane Bryant at the other end of the mall?" You know, the dismissive flick of the hair, the turned up nose and presenting her back as if you're unworthy to even set foot in her department?   My daughter had to literally trick me to get me in the area by asking me if a certain sexy little bra would work with her wedding gown we'd planned.   Then, because I wasn't the victim/shopper, I could go to her. I was relieved and hoped she'd pulled a fast one, hoping I'd buy her some lingerie for her wedding. To get out of buying for myself there and hoping to go back to buying my lingerie online where I didn't have to be snubbed by salesclerks, I was happy to shop.   My daughter pretended to shop for herself, casually asking my opinion, and eventually she slipped in the question about what size I thought I might be these days.   I fell for it and told her my estimate. After all, I am proud of my much smaller size, even if I'm only halfway to goal.   Quick as a wink, two packages of my size underwear and bras hit the basket. Susan grinned in triumph. "Gotcha, Mom. I saw you admiring these. You can wear them now, you know!"   I gulped. I glanced around furtively, hoping I could make a mad dash for the registers before the salesclerk had me burned alive for sacrilege.   It took me two days to open those packages and try them on. They fit. In fact, they're comfy! My fear is gone, and next on my shopping challenges will be (gulp) buying a pair of jeans in the Misses section, not the "Women's" department. Pray for me!   I decided I'd better mention this horrible fear reaction to my doctor so he could warn the shrink to warn the pre-ops that they might have to face the challenge of a fear of shopping in the normal stores. It's freaky, and I never thought it would happen to me, the clothes horse.   Doctor Baptista said he'd heard of this from several of his patients, but no one had explained it to him until me. He promised to tell the shrink if I'd blog about it.   Save yourselves and shop early and often. Learn to buy one or two pieces as you shrink, or you may face the phobia yourselves. You have nothing to fear from the salesclerks, really. (My mantra.)   All laughter at my expense is welcome. Thank you.




Cashew Chicken

Because I'm allergic to nuts, I substituted water chestnuts. It worked very well.   New bandsters-- be very careful. I had problems with chicken every time it was overdone and stringy.




The Moment When I Hit Bottom

A friend (Thanks, BG) just mentioned on her blog that Moment in time when she hit bottom and realized she needed weight loss surgery.   I had that moment when I hit the rocks at the bottom of a very long fall off a cliff. Sure, there'd been times when I saw the jagged rocks below and tried to stop myself, but the slow-motion downward spiral was inexorable. I was going to spatter, I just didn't know when.   The day finally came when I realized I'd begun to stick a finger down my throat at odd times, hoping to --I can't believe I'm saying this now-- make myself into a bulimic. Was that a sick plan, or what?   You know you've hit bottom when you would prefer to have a life-threatening mental condition rather than live as you are now. I would throw up any time I could find time and privacy, just hoping I'd either lose weight or maybe at least get to need to do it. Maybe there should be a new mental illness with a long name that means, "being desperate enough to wish you had X, Y, or Z illness."   When did you hit bottom?




Bacon Cheddar Meatloaf

I may have posted this before. If I haven't, I'm sorry. This may be the ultimate bandster food-- ground meat, cheese, and tasty enough to keep feelings of deprivation as a distant memory. Now, I have to admit I've skipped buying different kinds of ground meat and stuck to 2 lbs of ground beef. Sorry, it's cheap!   Also, to "dice" the bacon, I cheat and use my kitchen shears. Someone told me to only partially defrost the bacon and chop it then, but I'm not too bright in the morning and handing me a sharp object before noon isn't wise. LOL! Enjoy!  




Mushies-- Italian Vegetable Soup

BG http://www.bhg.com/recipe/soups/italian-vegetable-soup/   I printed this one out for myself! However, I may omit the barley, because I do find my banded tummy doesn't care for starchy things.   Lena




Another Online Journal Convert Right Here

Julie.Ann and several others told me about online food journals like sparkpeople.com, thedailyplate.com and fitday.com.   I've been keeping a print food journal for over two years, but the ink and paper costs were eating me alive, to be honest.   Finally, I looked at the three I mentioned and decided on fitday.com. That's a personal choice! I don't advocate any one brand. However, I'm now totally converted to online food journals after just three days.   At first, I was frustrated by searching for my specific food I'd injested, especially when it came to recipes. Finally, I started using the Custom Food option when I couldn't find what I needed or wanted to use a recipe's nutrition info. Whew! Much better.   Funny thing is, I'm staying on my diet better now. Maybe it's that whole "I know nothing on the net is truly private" paranoia, but I'll take what works. I never fudged on calories or carbs in my journal, but this way ensures a certain level of honesty.   Today, I'll probably break my diet --again. This time, in a good cause. I'm driving down to St. Augustine to visit my Mom. Mom's a underweight very eccentric retired artist. (Yes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in the creativity department. She painted with color and glass, I paint with words.) I'd better take notes of what I eat. Better put a notepad in my purse.




My Replacement for Stress Eating

This is my cure for stress to replace eating-- crafts! I'm very proud of this wall hanging, because it's not just a small quilt. It's a wall safe. On the back are pockets where you can hide small valuables and money. Not a lot, but enough to keep your most precious things safe but ready to use.   Yes, that's an applique of a red dragon in the center. Now I just have to decide whether to sell it on the internet or give it as Yule gift.




Dumpster Diving in the Back of the Closet

I ran a very unscientific poll among my friends. Most of us have what I call "the dumpster pile" in the back of the closet somewhere. It's that pile of clothes you can't wear because you gained weight, but you refuse to give up those beloved bits of wardrobe.   I had four outfits in my "dumpster" along with assorted jeans and a few shirts my fat arms were too uncomfortable to wear. Driven by desperation, I rummaged through that pile yesterday, hoping against all hope that I'd hidden a few pieces of warm clothing in there. (We're having a hard freeze here in Florida --something few of us are prepared to face.)   I pulled out a much-beloved denim duster and jeans combo. I bit my lip and tried it on. Not only did the jeans slide on, I had to adjust the belt! (Faint) Warm, warm, warm!   The doorbell rang. I had a moment of panic and slipped on my clogs before racing to the door.   Whew! UPS man delivering another package of promo items. "Wow, Mrs. A! You've lost weight! Looking good! I know it ain't clean living, ma'am. My wife reads your books."   I laugh, sign his electronic thing, and tell him I have a new LapBand.   His jaw drops. Seems his wife wants one. Now he's anxious to tell her and pulling out his cell as he hops back in the truck.   I go back to my fashion show in my closet and reap two more outfits out of the dumpster pile. A darn good day.   Lena




I Never Thought of This!

All total, I've lost about 50 pounds from last year at this time. I was happy and proud to wear a brand new gown I had to have for the Scottish Festival here locally. My old ones were either so huge as to look like tents or too hot for the Florida spring-like 80-degree temperatures.   Dante, Karen, JJ and I walked around all day from opening until late afternoon just before closing. I've never had the energy to walk, dance, and shop all day before. I'm still considered obese at a 39 BMI, but darned if I didn't feel wonderful!   That is, until my feet let me know that they weren't used to this kind of abuse. I expected them to hurt. After all, they're still carrying around a little more than 75 pounds more than they should.   What I didn't expect were blisters. OMG! I've got blisters in places I've not had blisters since childhood. I had dirty, blistered feet from all that fun I had. :smile: I can't remember the last time I exerted myself to the point where my feet were dirty and I had big blisters from my shoes rubbing through the stockings! That takes some serious abuse!   I'm proud of my blisters and sore feet. I'm grinning as I wear my flip-flops so my shoes don't rub those very tender spots on my toes and heels. I earned them by walking, shopping and dancing! Woohoo!   I'm also sunburned. I wore something that showed lots of shoulder and didn't have to be hustled into the shade or a cool building to recover when my heaving, fat, sweaty body couldn't bear the awesome job of walking around the merchant booths another moment.   I'll swallow the aspirin and rub aloe on my burns with joy today. I earned these blisters and burns in the best way possible.




When the Going Gets Tough

Well, still no jobs for DH or I. (sigh) Man, this hurts. You'd think one of us would be sweeping floors somewhere by now, at least.   Now another blow. When my DH came home from losing his trucking job, he was so sick we took him to the doctor. She ran all sorts of tests, and we expected to hear something like diabetes, which runs in his family. That would have been bad enough.   We didn't expect to hear, "possible prostate cancer." (gulp) Yes, I had hysterics and permitted myself 24 hours of a pity party. :tounge_smile:   Didn't we have enough to worry about with job loss, and possibly losing the house to foreclosure because of the job loss?   Learning to cope without stuffing myself with food has been interesting. I've never been a drinker, but twice now I've consumed a glass of wine. That may not seem like much to some folks, but for me that's the equivalent of a binge drunk.   Do you know what happens when your tortured mind tries to compensate with food while your stomach has a LapBand? Yeah, you develop an intimate relationship with the porcelain toilet. Funny how you have more incentive to keep the darn thing pristine white when you hang your head over it so much your knees are calloused. :thumbup:   But an old dog can be taught new tricks. After hanging around my bathroom for two days in a row, I tossed the empty wine bottle in the trash and rolled up my sleeves.   When the going gets tough, the tough get cleaning.   That's always been my fallback method of dealing with stress. You'd be amazed what you find on top of the refrigerator. I think I'll use some of those old classifieds to protect the top of the fridge. Today I'm rearranging the living room. I think I need to hold another garage sale. I may lose my home in a few months if the mortgage company and I can't arrive at an agreement, but it'll be scrubbed and sparkling!   There are just some things in life that aren't fixed by losing weight, but it darn sure helps when you have the energy to get up and do something about it! I'm not crying Uncle yet!




The Last NSV?

I've just returned from my monthly visit with Dr. Baptista, whom I still adore. However, I finally realized I don't care what my weight is anymore. I'm losing weight, though it comes off in about 5 lb increments.   I'm wearing size 18, down from size 26, jeans. I'm wearing a 38B bra. I mowed our 3/4 acre lawn a couple weeks ago. I've not gone to the beach yet, but that's in my future when warm weather returns.   The biggest change is in my head. I'm no longer obsessed with food, or my diet, other than watching what I eat so I don't throw up and waste food. It's just fuel so I can get back to the business of living.   I never thought I'd say that. This year, I don't care if there's candy in the stores. The thought of eating the whole bag like I did on a previous Halloween isn't there. I don't want it.   It's the non-food stuff I care about now. Gee, the grandchildren are going to need new warm pajamas. I'd better go make them some. Let's carve the polyurethane foam pumpkins and string some spooky orange lights! Gee, my DH is so tired on weekends. I'd better go mow the yard and mulch that flowerbed. We're going dancing on Thursday night? Super! Where are my shoes?   Food? Uh, no thanks. Not hungry. No really, no thanks. Want to go for a Ghost Walk?




My Sweet Spot At Last

For someone who's scared to death of needles, I have to say I almost enjoy my fills. This last, however, was perhaps the most challenging. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy! I've already dropped a few more pounds since my doctor visit two weeks ago. This has produced some interesting clothing mishaps.   However, I'm still wary of attending the upcoming holiday events with my loving family. Bless them all, they don't understand and can't seem to "get" that I can't have ANY carbs-- no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, no sugars, no corn, peas, winter squashes and sweet potatoes. No, not "just one bite or just this once" (frustrated sigh) I've repeated myself explaining until I'm blue in the face and annoyed.   Well, I'm done. I've turned down the family dinner invitation in favor a peaceful evening with my DH, brother, and daughter. They get it. They're benefitting as I can now take on and share household chores without getting out of breath or limping because my feet and knees couldn't take my weight before. Now I mow the lawn, pull weeds, scrub floors, and wash the car. It's fun to be healthy!   Next goal__ One-der-land!  




Need Low Carb Diet Opinions Please!

I'm guessing my bariatric surgeon, Dr. Michael Baptista, is getting more and more successful. He's moved from his partnership with another doctor and into his own spiffy new office MUCH more conveniently located for me, in Arlington right off 9A and Monument in the Brooks Rehab Building.   Now, I'm not saying his former partner was a bad doctor-- not with that many awards-- but I didn't like the other doctor and that's the honest truth. I'm allowed my opinions, and my two experiences with the former partner were unpleasant.   Now I feel much freer to help Dr. Baptista with his newer patients! I'm pleased to say Dr. Baptista asked me to start attending the monthly support group so I can provide cheerfulness and inspiration to a group that has recently begun to focus on negativity in his opinion. One subject he mentioned specifically I could help with was the low carb diet. Many have difficulty in going beyond what's on the face of low-carb living and consider it bland and without joy.   Do you think I can change that? Yeah, I can. Especially since it's official-- I lost another 7 lbs, and I'm now within 10 lbs of One-der-land! I can do it!   Now the question to ponder is-- what issue with low carb life do people have the most trouble with? I found it easy, so I have no clue where to begin. I need opinions, here!




Day 7 After Banding-- A Clothes Conundrum

OMG, more weight has fallen off me like I’m a melting snowman or something. For the first time in at least two years, when I stepped on my bathroom scale I didn’t have to do the math: “Hmm…Okay, when it passes the zero, that’s 260…so add what the scale says to 260…” Okay, so the scale says I weigh 257 lbs as of this morning. That’s still a significant loss since my banding. Call me vain, but I’m most concerned about my clothes. I’m still swollen enough to need my “fat clothes” yet they hang off me like a clown suit anywhere but up front. Perhaps I’d better take a bit more time choosing my outfit today, since I have a visit with Dr. Baptista and a weigh-in. I’d love to wear a certain suit I’ve not put on my body in two years, but I’m scared of being disappointed and humiliated again. Last time I tried to don this beloved denim suit, I couldn’t slide the pants past my thunder thighs, and the duster couldn’t get around the granny flab in my upper arms. Can we say "humiliation?" Yeah, I know. We all can. (sigh) Maybe I’d better resign myself to a personal fashion show with three piles: 1) Too big, 2) Too Small, and 3) What do you mean it fits?




Moving My Blog

Well, I'm not Band Groupie, but I am having trouble keeping up here on LBT, especially my blog. So, I've moved to an old blog I kept while preparing for surgery and now it serves as my Bandster Cookbook.   http://fatfrogdiary.blogspot.com   Please come join me there. I'll still post here now and then, but mostly there.   Lena



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