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Let's have this colour for August shall we? Where does the time go? Summer is wending it's merry way and before we all know it, it'll be time for those leaves to change their colours and begin to fall. I have just less than 2mths to my 6mths since my operation. Things are going well but they could be even better. I feel like an executive in some state of the art business..."I have targets to meet...deadlines d'you hear!" Well in my case more like lifelines I hope. I am determined for the next two months to work my ass off and be the best I can be...why? Well I have 30lbs to lose for my 100lbs and if I can't make that (I know it's possible...hard but possible) then I want to be as near to it as I can...within licking distance LOL. How am I going to do this? Welllllllllll... 1. Walking 2x six days a week. I am at just over a mile each time I walk for 30mins and so I need to increase my speed as I go along. (I am on holiday next week and so it will be at least one hour swimming each day in the pool). 2. No bread. I love my toasted sandwich but am going to forgo it for the sake of 30lbs... 3. More water. I don't do bad with water but I think another half a litre a day will top the balance in my favour. 4. No getting down and depressed if the scale doesnt drop each week. I am finally coming to terms with this happening. That's about it. No big secret, no big master plan. I'll keep eating what I eat cos it's the right stuff. I may keep a better eye on my portions but not change anything else. And we shall see...





Haven't lost any weight this week...wasn't surprised after 9lbs last week figured my body might still be in shock. I have been walking and eating well but STILL I felt disappointed and in a moment of weakness I succumbed to some chips....felt bad as soon as I'd eaten them and they cost me my bonus on an almost perfect week with the Gone for Good club :phanvan Am really mad at myself now:mad: Oh well..lets start another week of trying! Going away for the weekend and so lots of swimming. I won't eat badly either cos if nothing else...Im determined! The one good from this "bad" moment is my attitude. Before my band I would have immediately thought...oh well diet blown now might as well eat...and now all I want to do is get back to feeling good! :clap2: So not a -complete- disaster then!?!?!??!




Whoo Hoo

My treadmill was delivered this morning! It's huge and fills my spare room but it was only one designed for my weight that we found and liked :biggrin1: So I did my first 15 mins to see what my back, knees, ankle etc thought of it and they were all absolutely fine :clap2: So that's me sorted then! Got new music on my mp3 and I'm soooo ready LOL




what's happened this weekend then?

Ha..surprise...fancied pink today I have had a very quiet weekend and have been pretty housewifey too. I got lots of jobs done that I have been putting off for a while and feel better now they are accomplished. I have eaten well and done the exercise I planned on doing. This means I had a day off today. I think everyone deserves a day off and I like spending Sunday with hubby doing not a lot. Not much else has been going on around here. My TOM is due and all today I have been feeling teary and headachy. I guess I should be thankful that I dont have many bad days each month and I know things could be a lot worse. An early night will cure the headache and hopefully tomorrow I'll be much better again and back on that treadmill. I peeked at weight today and am exactly the same. I wasn't expecting any loss, especially this week and so am not disappointed. I'm becoming much more resigned to my weightloss being in spurts here and there... Boring one today, sorry if I kept you!




Well hello there everybody...

Yo! I'm in a pretty good mood today :omg: -yeah- shock, horror, gasp! I haven't done anything special to warrant this, I must have just gotten out of the right side of the bed., I'm really happy and excited about going on the LBT cruise. I will get to meet some of you and it'll be a big adventure. It's a huge motivator too, simply because I want to be fit and healthy to both cope with all the travelling to get there and to be able to make the best of the whole trip. So it's on with the exercise and staying good with the food. Having it so far ahead of me gives me something good to focus on for those days when maybe I'm not feeling so motivated. I am doing well with getting lots of protein in these days and I am using my new shampoo and capsules that hubby got me and we will see if they make a difference to my hair. Right now I'm not sure if its staying the same or getting a little worse, depends on how my hair lies at any given moment. Still, if this is a downside to losing the weight and getting healthier then I will take it. My diabetes doc was chuffed to pieces last night when we told him my levels and how much I have lost :clap2: He said that once I can take 10units only of insulin a day and not have my levels rise above 150 then I'll be at the stage to cut the insulin altogether and have a general maintanance pill like avandia...he also said at this rate I'll be completely drug free at some point very soon :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: For someone who has had unstable levels and high levels since diagnosis 7yrs ago this is the best news and worth the band even if (and I know I will) never lost another pound. Oh happy me :biggrin1:




weigh day...

Think some things are taking their toll...mainly the sun. With going swimming so much I have been out in the heat 10x more than I usually do in the summer. Today after my swim and lunch I didn't feel 100%, not terrible but I was tired and had enough of the sun (even though was sat in shade!!!). Came home, had a nap and feel better now. No walking today though. After all the frustrations of last couple of weeks, I have now gone and dropped 8lbs...I suppose I should accept thats just the way it's going to be for me. fab on the days I lose and annoying as hell the weeks I dont! Anyway another 8lbs gone...:clap2: :clap2: and now only 1lb from 70 gone and 6lbs from twoterville...not been there in a long time!




Weigh Day

I got weighed this morning and was -6lbs which is good but only -2lbs from where I was a couple of weeks ago:phanvan Anyway, at least it's gone! :clap2: I'm hoping (she says not really believing it) that July will bring a more steady weightloss and that this yo-yo stuff can be put to bed once and for all. I upped my time on the treadmill again yesterday and am now up to 2x 30min walks. Not bad for less than a month to double both the time and the speed. I want to continue to increase the speed little by little so that in my hour walks I am walking further and pushing my body more but I'm not going to overdo it because my back and my knees are coping with this level...if I feel any pain I'll back off a little. We have reached the end of the GFG monthly challenge and I've posted my results...have been up since 6am and already walked 30mins and drunk 2 litres water and I know what I'm eating today! Will I do next months challenge? Right now I don't think so. I don't like being accountable for weight I can do nothing about and I know I am motivated to do this for myself (and a few friends who keep me on the right path). I'll think it over for today but I think the next few weeks I want to do it alone! If I make a mess of it I'll be the first to sign up again for August! Not much else to report really. It's hot and sunny and I'm thankful for air-conditioners! I'm in the week leading up to my time of the month and it's always the hardest for me 'cos my hormones are all over the show. Right now I'm fighting off those doubts that keep cropping up..."you can't do this...the weightloss will stop...you wont lose what you want...you Will fail"...countered with my "oh yes I will...look what I did already...why shouldn't 'it' work if I do?" kind of thoughts! By this time next week everything will seem all nicely balanced again!




weekend again

Another weekend! It's also the 2month anniversary of my getting my band. I'm down exactly 21kg or 46lbs so have nothing to complain about there. Only this last week have things come to a halt but then without exercise I didnt expect anything else. Considering how much temptation was in my path when my mum was visiting I didn't stray too far! I might have indulged in a few crisps (potato chips) here and there:eek: but nothing I'd consider tragic! Now my ankle is feeling much better I intend to start walking again. I do have one silly problem..it's gotten hotter still here...I don't do hot:phanvan I can postpone my walks until early evening I guess but that's not my favourite time to go out...ummmmmm?!?!?!?:Banane09: Have put myself on a strict diet for two or three days to try and kick start weight loss again...so far I'm doing OK - watch this space!




Wednesday is weigh day.......

Weigh day :gluck: ...well the official one cos I've been peeking almost every day recently! I am determined to not look for the next week I this week which puts me over 60lbs down...:wow2: :wow2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Can you tell I'm impressed with myself. Somehow being in the 60's makes that elusive 100lb seem oh so much more attainable. AND...I've only 14lbs left to get out of the 300's forever. :hungry: I made myself a sandwich today...which was planned! I decided today was the best day to indulge cos if my weight was up or stable I could commiserate with myself and if it was down I could reward myself and still have most of the week left to be extra good! What d'you mean:faint: ? I got up early this morning :bored so that I could get my walk in...and boy did it feel like work! I think because it was done after so little other movement. Usually I walk a little later in the morning. I have to do both my walks before 2pm on work days cos when I get home in the evening I'm tired and basically not in the mood. Still, only next week to get through and then I am free for the rest of the summer. I don't start again until the middle of September. Had my first ever web-cam conversation last night with my friend Maurine...was fun and we had a laugh!:biggrin1: I have a good time and smile and laugh a lot with all my new friends on LBT and thought while I was here I'd just say "Thank you":biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1:




we're all going on a summer holiday....

OOOh walking is hard when it's TOM :phanvan I did it though, just a lot more tiring than other times! How's your August going then? I'm feeling ultra positive which is good but could be hormonal and therefor prone to disappear with a poooft at any given second. I'll take it while it lasts though. I have absolutley no idea if I can make the targets I have set myself. Bodies (as we are all discovering) do weird and wonderful things and just cos you and your brain may be in cahoots that doesn't mean your body is gonna comply with a damned thing you want. Hey ho hum... I'm looking forward to my holiday (you guessed didn't you!?!?!?) and especially to having a pool to myself for a week. I can get in and out as I like and no-one to bother me-bliss. I will be walking when we go on excursions here and there but dunno if it will count as exercise since its more likely to be short bursts because of the heat. So the pool will be what I count as my main exercise for the week. I've thought through the eating situation while we are there. I am going to take some tuna and mayo light with me and a pack of protein drinks for breakfasts. Then I will take a tuppaware container and not go out to eat with the family each day...too much temptation and Greeks eat BIG...so hubby can take it with them and then bring me home some meat/fish and salad. I will go with them a couple of times in the week and then of course there is next Friday...Friday11th is my 5th wedding anniversary and I have promised myself for months and huge ice-cream. I havent had one all summer, so think of me then...slurping away and loving every single lick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dunno if I'll get chance to write before I leave so if not...see ya!




we're all back from our summer holiday

Hi all, Got home this afternoon after a 7hr trip so a bit tired. I havent dared go near the scale LOL. I ate well during the week but yesterday went mad...fries, calamarakia and my long waited for ice-cream! Will write tomorrow when I feel better about my holiday and what the scale finally said!




Waffle...not edible kind!

Am not in the best of moods as I write this.It's 12:18am, I've had a busy day and I cant get tucked up nice and warm in my bed.:phanvan Why? :Banane59: Well, I live on a pretty little square in Athens, it has trees and a fountain and makes me happy. It has a downside though...we live above a store. Doesn't belong to us. It was rented out before Christmas and the guy made a taverna! It didn't bother us too much until he decided, to drum up business, he'd have live music on a Saturday night.:think Drives me nuts. I'm on the 1st floor and his little stage is right below my bedroom. So I thought I'd come and waffle. (waffle to me being writing about anything, everything and nothing in particular.) I'm having a good time with my mum visiting and she is being really good at motivating me to get out and walk. We went shopping today..the first time I've ever been to the local shops with her. We were going to go into Athens to Monesteraki which is the place below the Acropolis but Athens was closed off today. :faint: There was a big anti war rally and no taxis would go near the place. We will try and go on Tuesday instead. I'm doing OK and the weight loss continues to be steady. I get weighed Sunday mornings (tomorrow) so I'll see what the new total is and if I'm happy with it. I haven't been an angel this week...nibbled a few chips and a piece of chocolate but I haven't been a disaster either. I have walked each day and my back is definitely easier. I wore some jeans today I couldnt wear before. They are still not perfect but wearable! My knee support bandage fits better now too which is the silliest NSV but hey I takes what I can get That's about it for now...maybe later!




waffle, waffle..blah, blah, blah

It's a waffle day today because I dont have anyone to chat to :phanvan :cry and nothing much newsworthy to say. I was walking on Arthur today and my back was killing me...bloody periods...and so after 20mins I gave up and said it was enough but am proud of the fact that at least I did something. In bygone days - like not so long ago - I would have been on the couch all day moaning. I made a nice pork dinner for hubby and I and then helped him get through some extra pharmacy work he'd been given by the hospital. Took about 4hrs so Im glad I could have helped or he would have been in a right pickle. Tonight I ate a couple of pieces of the cold leftover meat and am more than satisfied with that. I didn't walk again this afternoon but fully intend to do my hour at my new speed tomorrow. I'm also considering giving my aerobics video another go and see if my knees are any better. If I do it once and then wait for a day or two I will be able to judge what's going on. I finally got the guts to post some progress pics on the before and after page and apart from my expression LOL I'm happy with how they turned out. Until I saw them side by side I confess I was wondering where the weight I've lost had gone from cos there's still so much of it hanging around :biggrin1: That's about it for now. I'll be back...now where have I heard that before????????????????




utterly miserable

I haven't felt so sad for the longest time. It's like a huge weight in my heart and now it's gotten hold it doesn't want to let go. I went away for the weekend and had a lovely time. I ate out but didn't go mad and I swam and walked to make sure I kept up my exercise. Came home and this morning got weighed...both my analogue scale and my mother-in-laws digital say I gained 8lbs. Don't want to talk, don't want to eat dont want to exercise...what's the damned point? Just leave me to cry it out :think




Upbeat and Positive

I joined the Gone for Good club...was "persuaded" LOL! They post their weightloss on a Wednesday but I'm used to Sundays. Anyway it works out Ok cos I always have a peek day and that can now be Sundays. Plus, this week I really got going again on Wednesday after my fill so weighing in next Wednesday will make it a good week. The scale is moving in a downwards direction again :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: but then with what I've eaten this week and the work I've put in, I'd be real disappointed if it didn't. I'm gonna wait until Wednesday to see if I lose anymore...watch this space (or the GFG!) I'm doing well with my walking and building up my time. I'm at a good heart rate when walking and build up a sweat by the time I finish. Once I get to a happy walking time, I'll work on increasing the speed a little. Some days this week I haven't taken any insulin and when I have had to it's been minimal...10units most (from 90 before band). I'll chat with my doc next week to see what general revisions he wants to do. My BP has been great except for now..it's my TOM and each month it goes up? It can be 110/68 in the morning and get to 146/80by night. I dunno why other than my gyni said it happens because of hormones. So for now I still need help with this periodically (no pun intended! :cool: ) I'm doing well and feel really upbeat and positive about just about everything I can think of :clap2: Not much more to ask for really!




Told you so...

Told you I'd go swimming again...and I did- today. Hubby has moved to summer hours for a couple of months so this means I get to go swimming mid-week for a while. He is finishing work every day betweeen 2:30-3pm. I went in a taxi this morning to the hotel (it's about half an hour away) and it was virtually empty. My friend met me there and we sat and chatted, drank water and sunbathed for a while. Then the pool emptied and we got in. We were on the move for about an hour...swimming and doing arm work and having a good time just the two of us and a nice big warm pool.:biggrin1: Then she got out and I carried on with my wrinkly fingers for a while longer. She ordered lunch and I had a tuna salad. Then we moved to the lounges and chilled for an hour before showers and a light spot of reading until hubby came. All in all a most delightful day...until next week then:clap2: I came home and walked a mile on my treadmill...so if weight is still the same tomorrow it's not for lack of trying.




The moment I dread...

My mum flew back to England today. Actually as I type this she should be just about taking off. The moment I hate is when I come home from the airport and she's not here anymore...the house is so quiet and for a little while it really hurts :think We had such a good time together and because hubby works such long hours, it was lovely to have the company. Don't get me wrong, I was getting to the point where I wanted my house to myself too but that doesn't stop me missing her...I'll be fine in a little while :phanvan just wanna have my little cry out! All the temptation has gone from the house, so things will be easier now...no more chips and cookies lying around waiting for a possible low moment to scream their presence. The bread is finished too and I'm not gonna buy anymore because I know it's my weakness...Hubby can go and eat all he wants at his mums...(She lives two floors above us!). My ankle is feeling much better too and so from tomorrow I can gently kickstart the exercise routine again...another thing I'll miss mum for - walking is so much easier when you have a friend to talk to...oh dear:cry Anyway, I'll go and do some jobs around the house and catch up with you all later...




The here and now.

I'm 39! Nothing so strange or rare in that you say. Many people are 39, the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the rich and the poor. Aaah yes but it's my 39! I have been thinking about wls for quite a while I have a friend who had the band fitted about 18mths ago and DH as a pharmacist has seen a few others. I always saw it as a last resort. I wanted to "lose it by myself!" I didn't want to seem weak or a failure and so I tried everything I could think of. At one point I was hardly eating anything and still the weight stuck. Then came the insulin...I have been taking it for about a year and although it helped my sugar levels it most certainly did not help me. After Christmas this year I felt worse than I ever had. I had always managed to do what I wanted before and now I felt everything was too much of a challenge. If I wanted to leave the house I thought about it for ages first - where am I going, can I sit down, how will my back be? I cried a lot too. This was not how I wanted to live out the rest of my life. So one day I decided. I called DH at work and told him that I knew I had said I would wait until I was 40 and then do it, but I wanted to do surgery now...at 39 (t'was my birthday time), so that I could have a life to live at 40. That was that. We went to see a doctor on Tuesday 14th March and he scheduled my surgery (with gallbladder removal 'cos pesky thing had been playing up) for the 20th! No tests other than those I'd already had and just a gentle diet with liquids for 48hrs before going to hospital. And now I'm banded.




The games life plays...

I forgot to mention much about me yesterday...well except the 39 bit! I am English (very!) but now through the twists and turns of life I find myself living for the past 6 years in Athens Greece. I still find it a shock most days!!! :faint: There I was in 1999 looking for new friends. This 'guy' in Greece like photography and although only a snap shotter I liked the same and so I said hello. Simple as that! Few days later he sent me a pic and asked for one back...like you do. I always tried to wriggle out of this bit, but I liked him. So I sent a pic. He liked me too :clap2: He sends me a ticket to go see him - for a weekend! "What you doing this weekend Ali?" "Oh not much, just whizzing of to Athens!" - I had that conversation...loved it too The day I got there, he asked me to marry him! I came to live here that December and we married in 2001. I love him to bits and he's my greatest supporter. He adores me as I am but understands I need to do this for my health. So I find myself in a place where insurance pays the majority of your expenses for wls (they don't like paying for the expensive clinics the docs work out of) and where you go and discuss with a doc what you want and find yourself being operated on a week later. If you can't afford to contribute at all you can do it on full insurance but takes longer (dunno what waiting list is). So, next Tuesday I go and discuss my progress and fills. I get free fills for life so I reckon he'll be a plodder and take it a bit at a time - fine by me!




The dreaded Wednesday weigh in...

We got to Wednesday already, how did that happen:confused: ? I was more than surprised to see I'd dropped 2lbs this week. I guess the treadmill doesn much more of a job than swimming as a general rule..well for me anyway but am still gonna go to my pool cos it makes a change. I went for a walk outside today and enjoyed it although it was very hot. Then later I had an NSV...Jordan always does the shopping when I do my lessons because I could never cope with standing so long...my back would be killing me 10mins in. Today he needed to go see his kids and so I said drop me off at the supermarket and I'll see how I get on. I did the lot. Shopped, did the check out and packed the bags. Then I wandered around the little stores around the edge of the supermarket and in the bag store a new bag just jumped into my trolley and refused to leave...what could I do except buy it???????????????????????? Jordan despairs...he said was I gonna do the shopping every week now- until I asked if I could visit the stores too every week :eek: :guess :confused: That's all..see ya next time in Ali's wonderful world of complete and utter nonsense and ramblings...great place to visit but get out while you can!




swimming day...

Hello world, Had a really nice day today ) Last night was getting a pre-period migraine and thought it might linger but went to bed early and it left. So today I got up and did a few things and then went with Jordan's cousin and her little girl (visiting from New York) to my hotel. We were the only ones there :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: We had the pool to ourselves for an hour and a half and it was delicious....warm and empty!!! I swam and when not swimming I never put my feet down and I work my arms as much as I can. We ordered lunch and she was laughing that my eat ways...told her about band...made her think twice about she was eating too. I managed about 1/3 of my roast beef salad and enjoyed it. Jordan came to get us at 3:30pm and little Katerini (3) fell asleep in the car on way home- busy day I slept too for a while when I got back and now am just trying to get in the rest of my water for the day. Quiet day at home tomorrow and then we are going to have a goodbye family get together since they leave on Saturday morning. Jordan has a day off from pharmacy in September and since its a Thursday he's thinking of taking the Friday too and making a 4 day break. He wants to go hiking in his beloved Ipperous mountains. If he goes then Im gonna treat myself to a couple of days staying in the hotel so i can swim and the just toddle off back to my room to chill...good idea yeah?




Sunday got here again eh?

We went out for the day yesterday and it was a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng trip finally. We were out for 12hrs and travelling for 9 of them- poooft. So, I slept like a baby last night which was good because I was really, really tired. I had a mini lie-in this morning until 9:30am and felt good. Walked on treadmill and cooked Sunday lunch...chicken...and that's about it. Short and sweet today...oh yeah...peeked at scale and so far this week I'm like :biggrin1: :clap2: :biggrin1: :clap2: :biggrin1: Makes a change eh?





Hello world, I seem to be losing touch with everyone at the moment...guess they all have lives and I'm the saddo round here LOL. Oh well, we will catch up when we can. I have had a quiet day but feel much better then I did yesterday night. I'm never good when I'm over tired and so a good night's sleep did me the world of good. Today I got in both my walks with no probs and I ate very well. I made a big tuna and coleslaw salad this morning and split it in half for my main meals. For lunch I also had a yoghurt and with dinner I added a slice of low fat cheese. After eating chicken leftovers for last few days it made a nice change!!! Not long now to my holiday...we leave a week on Saturday and I can't wait. I am so looking forward to seeing Zakynthos and to just chilling out for a week....lots of swimming! Am going with the in-laws too..should be fun LOL!!!




Still in good mood..WOW!

Me again...well who'd you expect in my journal ummm? I got all headachy last night and though oh, oh, here we go...but no it went away like all good headaches should and this morning I was right as a bobbin. I wasn't sure what I was gonna do today but as soon as I got up I decided it was Swimming Time :clap2: So got a taxi and toddled off to the hotel. I got there around 11:30am and it was nice and quiet. I sat for a while and then went for my swim. I stayed in for about an hour and did lots of arm work and swam quite a few lengths. During this time it got busier and busier...by the time I got out the pool area was full. Still, it was a blooming hot day so don't blame them one bit. Just glad I got there early so I got a table to myself:) I ordered a chicken salad and read my book until it came.:hungry: I love the food there...simple but fresh and tasty! I confess here and now that I succumbed to a bread roll and it was bloody lovely :heh: I ate for about 25mins and then stopped. There was still most of the food on the plate and when the waiter came he thought I didn't like it! I told him it was delicious and I'd just had enough. Greeks don't do take out! Still (I know repeating myself...again!) blows my mind how little food I generally want these days! :phanvan Am still deciding whether to treadmill or not...my arms and legs ache but the spirit is willing...think I'll tell it to bog off for today and chill out with the tv instead!




soup, soup, and more soup...

Well, I stuck finally at 4lbs up from where I was. I dont know why exactly but there it is. So I gave the soup diet a go for this week. It was a delicious soup but after a few days I confess I got bored of eating the same thing each day. hey ho hum. I dunno how many lbs I'll lose but if I can get back to where I was I'll be happy I've been walking each day and upped my speed and my time so thats going well. I went swimming at the weekend too which always cheers me up very much. I have also been a really good girl and stayed off the scale so far this week...now if I can only hold off til Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!:phanvan I'll let you know how thigns are going by then.



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