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It's Been a Long, Long While!

Wow...it's been quite a while since I posted here. I'm doing just fine - continuing to work out, working my way through head issues and the occasional setback, but doing really well.   I'm hovering at 190 lbs - I'd like to be smaller, I think - perhaps 10 - 15 lbs, but I'm not 'beating myself up' about it. I'm wearing primarily size 12 and 14 clothes, down from a 24 at hy largest. I feel great - I continue to run (weather permitting - I'm still a wimp about winter!) and have created quite the home gym. I have a gym-quality rower, an home-quality elliptical, and a Bowflex Ultimate for strength training.   I'm up to 50 min solid on both the rowing and elliptical, and I know the last 10 percent (or 10 pounds) would come off if I dialed in my eating a bit more. I'm at a great fill level - I can eat normally, just in smaller quantities, and I'm not hungry all the time.   It's been a little over 2 years since my surgery - actually, April will be my 2 1/2 year bandiversary, and I still LOVE my banded life. I know without the band, I'd either be the exact same size I was before - at 265 lbs - or I'd be regaining the weight I lost. This is my solution for LIFE, and I'm nevery going back to that unhealthy lifestyle I had before.   This site was SO helpful to me during my journey - I could not have done it without all the people here who helped me, commented on my posts, or just let me know I wasn't alone. I'm going to be a more regular visitor, because perhaps I can help someone else be successful on THEIR banded journey.   So I guess what I'm saying is...I'm BACK...and this time, I'm staying! :-)




Running, Size Changes, and Getting Adjusted

Hi Everyone!   I'm happy to report that I started and finished the Couch-to-5k running program, and on Saturday, October 17th, I ran my first 5k race! It was called the Penguin 5k, and raises funds for the Penguins at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut.   Since I'd completed the Couch-to-5k program - a 9 week program that takes you from walking and no running to running 3 miles - I figured I was ready for a race. I took longer than 9 weeks to complete the program because I repeated some weeks when I felt I wasn't ready. That was one of the smartest things I've ever done - it let me complete the program injury-free.   The race was fun - a bright, clear day, lots of other runners around. The course went from asphalt (roads) through a field (plowed / cleared but still bumpy and a bit muddy from recent rains) and then up a hill (tree roots, rocks, and more soft dirt - oh my!), through a subdivision (killer hill there) and into a cul-de-sac, where we turned around and ran back. When the race started, I kinda figured I'd be at the back of the pack, so to speak, and I was right! :eek:   The "rabbits" took off in a bunch - they were really fast compared to me. There were some people who walked the course, and there was me and a couple of others, running slowly and chugging along.   I finished the race in 45:10 - slower than I'd thought I would, but I was happy to finish! I was second-to-last, but the cheers from my fellow racers along the way and the thumbs-up I got from the volunteers along the route helped me to feel great about finishing. :wub:   I'm going to continue to run, and while I may not do another race before Winter sets in, I'm already thinking about next spring and what races I'd like to do. I have a goal to reduce my time by 10% for the next 5k.   My weight is pretty stable at 191 lbs, and I'm okay with that. My size keeps dropping, though - I am now fitting into size 14's (depending on label) and some size L clothes from Target. I'm so excited I can barely stand it - these are wonderful NSV's! I think my body has to have time to adjust to what I've done to it :huh2:   I'm able to control the hunger so far - though I know that's as much a function of my band, "Jillian" as it is of my "willpower". I'm eating more protein and trying to balance the carbohydrates. I'm close to getting off my diabetes meds and I'm hoping November will be not only my 1 year Bandiversary, but also the month I leave the meds behind.   I'm also adjusting my "head" - occasionally I am still surprised when I walk past a mirror and see the new, thinner me. I still think of myself as "plus-sized", though I really don't fit that designation any more. I've been a Big Girl for so long that when someone refers to me as "skinny", I often don't know who they are talking about!   The head journey is going to be the longest part of this - while my body is adjusting, my head also needs to adjust, and so far, my head is lagging behind...   Right now I am nursing a sore right hip - think I overdid it a bit on the race but that's not going to stop me from continuing to run and continuing to run this race to fitness and health.   If you are not yet banded, I encourage you to do your research and determine if this is right for you.   If you are banded and struggling, talk to your doctor, your nutritionist or a counselor, and get yourself back on track - you CAN succeed at this!   If you are loving your banded life as I am, and making progress toward your ultimate goal of health and well-being, then GOOD FOR YOU and keep up the good work!   Till next time...:wub:




Made it to Onederland!

Good afternoon All!   I finally made it - I am down to 196 pounds - officially in ONEDERLAND!!!!   I got a fill recently (that's what helped me make it) because my weight had been stuck for 6 weeks at 205. The hunger was back, I was starting to be able to eat more (and badly) and I was not ready to quit losing yet.   Some friends and even a couple of family members said I was small enough - since I was now wearing size 16's and even a few 14W's, and they didn't want me to get "too thin". I really don't know what "too thin" would be for me, since I've been fighting my weight since I was 9 years old. Yep, you read that right...   When I was 9, my mother took me to the doctor for a normal school physical and because she was concerned about my weight. My father and mother (God rest their souls) were both heavy. What I did not know at the time was that heart disease ran in my family and my mother was worried about the path I was on. The doctor told her (and me) that I needed to be careful about my weight gain or I would be at 200 pounds when I turned 18.   Overachiever that I am, I made it at age 16...some of you will understand this - it was very HARD going through high school being overweight. My height saved me a little, but not enough. I could never wear the same clothes that my friends wore, could never seem to get the attention from the same guys that my friends talked to, etc, etc, etc.   Now I'm at my lightest weight since I was 16 years old, and I'm ecstatic! :huh2:   I went shopping for new pants last night, since the smallest size I had in my closet was an 18. Thank goodness for belts - I could make sure they didn't fall down, but they were really baggy! I went to Lane Bryant, because I knew they carried tall sizes pretty regularly, and since I'm 5' 11" tall, I definately NEED tall pants! I fit into their new Right Fit sizes at a Yellow 2. That means approximately a size 16, made for a body that is straighter from waist to hip. That was a revelation - I'd been buying the Red pants - sized for a body with more of a waist-to-hip difference.   Getting the right size was amazing! Most pants had been baggy in the seat for me, totally not flattering, but these fit beautifully! No bagging, no sagging, and I could BREATHE in them! I'm in such a giddy state at the store, I bought two pairs of dress pants and a pair of jeans!   The wonderful thing about the band is that I know I'm not done yet - I want to get down to around 165 (100 lbs lost) before I say I'm done...that, or to get off all my diabetes meds, which ever comes first. I was so happy about the new pants - I ran right home and showed my husband. His enthusiastic reaction let me know I had found the right size!   I also got measured for new bras while I was there, since the store wasn't very busy. When I started this journey, I was wearing a 40K (yes, that's a K) and had to buy my bras overseas because very few places in the U.S. carried them. I left the store with a brand new size - 38DDD / 38F size prescription! :tt1:   I'm not going to go hog-wild crazy buying clothes just yet...I'll get enough to carry me through, because there is definately plastic surgery in my future...I believe my true size right now (sans extra skin) would be around a 14, maybe even a 12, but I believe I need to hold my weight loss for a while before investigating plastic surgery. I'll definately post again when that process begins!   If you are reading this and you're not yet banded, please do your research and make a quality decision on what's right for you. The band was definately the right choice for me!   If you are reading this and you are struggling with your band, don't give up! Talk to your doctor, the nutritionist, whoever you need to in order to get the help and support you need to make the band work for you - and you have to work WITH the band.   If you are making good progress and loving your banded life as I am, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I was banded in November 08 and it's now September 09 and I've lost 69 pounds. Allowing for recovery time from surgery, my weight loss really started in January 09 - that's when I got serious. I'm planning to be at my goal weight before the end of 2009, and with the help of my doctor, my family and my friends online and offline, I know I'll make it!




Closing in on Onederland, Wogging, and Wardrobe

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, and a LOT has been happening...   Summer has finally arrived in New England! The rainy and cool June gave way to a slightly warmer July, but August has come in hot and humid. I do like summer (mostly without the humidity) and since I'm not as heavy as I used to be, I'm enjoying it a LOT more this time.   Amazing how NOT sweating all the time makes warm weather more enjoyable, plus the fact that I feel I can wear shorts and tank tops without being embarassed.   I never had the sense of body acceptance that some people considered 'overweight' by mainstream society have...I always envied that sense of confidence they had. I say that because I know of some women who are perfectly happy at their larger size and strut their stuff on a regular basis. They made me smile, but it was a sad smile because I did not share their confidence.   It took me losing the weight to regain the confidence I had when I was younger. Having been heavy a lot of my adult life - shoot, ALL of my adult life so far - and not being accepted makes for low self-esteem. I'm happy to say I'm recovering from that.   Happy news - I am closing in on Onederland! I'm only a few pounds away from breaking the 200 pound mark (203 as of this morning) and I can see it in front of me...somewhere I haven't been since before high school!   I know part of the reason I'm losing at a decent rate is my activity level - I walk a LOT - 6 days a week is regular for me. The Couch to 5K program ("wogging") is making the difference. My legs are shaping up, I feel stronger, and I've developed an addiction to the activity. I WANT to run - I NEED to run - and when I don't go, I feel rotten.   Even 90 degree humid weather doesn't keep me in the house any more - I just bring water with me, drink as I go, and run on!   My wardrobe adventures are continuing. Some of my 16's are getting looser, and I've got to go through my closet and get rid of the 18's and 20's - I'm not planning on going back there EVER again! I'm going to try on some 14's this weekend to see how THAT goes...I wasn't even sure I could fit into a 16 not too long ago, so now I'm hungry for more.   I have been noticing early morning tightness with my band - partly due to stress (I'm trying to change jobs within the same company) and partly due to dehydration, I think. Another LBT member, RestlessMonkey, posted a message that a banded friend had issues with being tight in the morning and when she increased her water intake earlier in the day, it got better.   I've done a limited trial on my own (recent lunch with co-workers) and drinking more water DID help...I'm going to keep it up and see what happens. I know I'm not getting enough water, so that can only help me.   If you're new to banding, do your research and talk to as many people as you need to in order to be comfortable with your decision - but don't wait until you have ALL the answers, because you might never get to that point.   You CAN do this - the folks on LBT and in your doc's office will help you. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions about anything I've posted - I'm happy to try and help! :wink:




Halfway there, Clothes and Happiness!

I'm officially halfway to my weight loss goal!:biggrin:   My goal is to lose 110 pounds - and just before my vacation, I was getting close to the 50% mark - 55 pounds gone.   I stalled for a while, but kept following the bandster rules - lo and behold, I got on the scale and it showed my 55 pound loss. I was so excited I wanted to jump up and down!   I even weighed myself a couple of times to make sure I wasn't "interpreting" the numbers incorrectly :eek: Nope, there it was...a 55 lb loss and halfway to my goal!   Now I see why people can get stalled at this point. I'm really happy with my progress to date, I can fit into a lot of clothes in a size 16 (smaller than I've been since my teens) and I feel tons better than I did when I was at my heaviest!   Don't worry - I'm not going to stop (or even slow down). Having had this taste of success over the long term (I've been banded for a total of 8 months), I'm hungry for more. I want to see what it feels like to be below 200 pounds - Onderland, they call it - for the first time since I was 15 or 16 years old. Yep, I've been overweight THAT long...   Wearing size 16 clothes is a revelation. I should clarify - that's a 16W, not a standard misses 16. There seems to be more room in a 16W - it's sized for a grown woman's body, as opposed to a straight 16, which seems to be sized for a slimmer (perhaps younger) woman. Junior 17's and some 15's are close, but they don't fit me the way I need my clothes to fit, so for now, I'll leave those alone. I may never get back to wearing "Juniors" - they didn't fit me well when I was younger, and there are so many more options out there now.   Happiness is...having to get rid of lightly-worn clothing because it's all getting too big for you, less than 3 months after buying it! All my business clothes are getting loose - and some things (like dresses) I can still use, but skirts and such are getting dangerous. I have a really cute black-and-white cotton skirt with a lovely print that I bought at the Talbots outlet near my office. I put it on this morning (it's always been a bit tight in the waist) and if it were not for the "bump" at my hipline, it wouldn't stay up on me!   I've had to keep checking the skirt all day to make sure it doesn't fall off of me, and this will probably be the last time I wear it unless I get it tailored or replace it.   It's a really good feeling - may seem superficial to some, but I enjoy clothes shopping, and to NOT be restricted to shopping at Fashion Bug, Lane Bryant or Catherine's only because of my body size is a wonderful feeling.   I've started "wogging" - the jog/walk program known as the Couch to 5K. There are links on LBT about it, or a Google search will turn up the program. There are many versions, including one for the iPod / iPhone which lets you use your own music.   My hubby and I have started the program, and I'm (surprisingly) enjoying it! I wanted something to give me more of a calorie burn than just walking (which I do a lot) and jogging was the next logical step. When I tried it before, my knees and back hurt, not to mention that I got winded really really fast. It just wasn't fun - more about pain than gaining fitness - so I stopped.   This time around, sans 55 pounds, I'm enjoying it a lot - so much so that I even went out in a light drizzle to get my "wog" in...totally different mindset for ME!   I love the program so far - and now I'm getting quite the collection of activewear to go with my wogging - some of it quite form-fitting, which I NEVER would have done 55 pounds ago.   I am truly loving my banded life - I still have my challenges when I try to eat too fast or eat something I shouldn't, but overall, I am doing quite well. My blood sugar numbers are good, and my primary care doctor is very happy with my weight loss.   If you are researching the Lap-Band, I encourage you to do as much searching as you can on this site and others so that you are prepared for the experience, but don't wait too long. There may not be a "perfect" time to get the band - but your health is too important to delay a permanent solution forever. I feel the band is a permanent solution for me - as long as I don't have any physical problems with it, I'll have it for life.   Good luck to all and feel free to pm me if you have further questions for me...:thumbup:




Vacation, College visit and a major NSV!

It's the first few days of July, and I'm getting ready to go on vacation!   We are traveling to Florida for a family reunion / vacation - and I can't wait! A whole week with my beloved family, seeing some relatives I haven't seen in a year or so, and no work stress!   Don't get me wrong, I do like my job, but...getting away is ALWAYS fun!:crying:   I'm going to have an active vacation - do a lot of walking, some water sports, eat good food (lots of fruit and veggies) and be sure to drink my water. My band "Jillian" will help me stay on track, and not suffer the usual 5 - 10 lb gain I USED to have on vacation.   In my previous blog post, I mentioned a new swimsuit I had bought for the occasion - well, that suit is staying home. An unintended side effect of losing the weight has been the 'tummy hang'. When it was more solid, it stayed kinda 'up', well now, it's very soft, and so it hangs...not cute in a close-cut swimsuit! :sneaky:   I'll be okay, though, because I have two other swimsuits that fit me great now since I've lost the weight.   I am officialy down 50 POUNDS! I'm so happy that I started this banded journey.   At the end of our vacation, my DD and I are visiting a college she wants to attend. It will be fun to hang out with her for a couple of days...then I drop her off in New York for a convention with the youth branch of our NAACP, and I return home.   And the major NSV? We went shopping for summer clothes during a recent sale at Old Navy, and just to see what happened, I decided to try on a pair of size 16 shorts. I didn't honestly think they would fit, but I wanted to see how far I still had to go.   Lo and behold, THEY FIT! I stood in the dressing room grinning like a total fool, and then crying because the last time I wore a size 16 was when I WAS 16!   So to prove it wasn't a fluke, I went to Target yesterday and tried on a pair of cropped pants (also for my vacation). THEY FIT! :thumbup::thumbup:   I am LOVING this banded life, and I'm so glad I made the decision to become healthier, stronger - and oh yeah, slimmer through this method.   Much love to all my banded peeps on the site, and if you are considering being banded - do your research, visit the threads on this site to get some different perspectives, and then make a quality decision.:thumbup:   I would do it again in a heartbeat...:blushing:




Happily moving along...slowly but surely

It's been a few weeks since I posted, so it's time to get back on the stick, so to speak...   I'm enjoying my banded life...I still feel as if I have an optimal level of fill, since when I do eat, I can't eat very much before feeling full. If I eat too fast (old habit - hard to break) or take too big of a bite, I get a little stuck and have to wait for things to clear.   I've been avoiding 'sliders' like ice cream and chocolate, but have an occasional slip. Where not so long ago, that would have meant a 'I'm feeling sorry for myself' binge, now it's just a slip, and I get back on track.   Weight loss is slow, but still moving. I'm guilty of wanting it yesterday sometimes ...for instance, this past weekend I tried on a new swimsuit that I bought in anticipation of a family trip to Florida in July. I bought the suit at the size I wanted to be, not necessarily the size I was at the time. Not too far off, but still...   It's a really cute suit - kind of old-fashioned in a way, because it has a 'skirted' look to it like ones I've seen in old catalogs. Fits really close to the body, not a flared skirt, more like a mini-mini-mini pencil...scuba gear is what it reminds me of, without the length in the legs.   It's white, and fully lined, with a halter neckline. I tried it on the day it arrived, and while I wasn't ecstatic about how it looked, I wasn't horrified either - first time THAT's happened in a very long time! LOL   I knew I had some work to do, but had a month to do it in...now it's about 2 1/2 weeks before the vacation, and I'm not quite where I wanted to be, so I'm second-guessing myself and my decision to buy the suit. Normally (my pre-banded life) this would cause me to give up and just eat the first sweet / salty / crunchy / fattening thing that crossed my mouth.   Instead, last night I got on the rowing machine and did 25 minutes...I haven't rowed in a while, so it was tough, but I figure MORE exercise is the best way to get the scale moving again. I've lost nearly 50 pounds as of this writing, and I think my "easy losing" time is over. Now, I think I'm getting to the more "entrenched" fat, and it's going to take real WORK to get it off.   My tummy is so soft now...where it used to be firmer with all the fat cells packed in there! It's not a pretty sight, but I look at it as a marker of my progress. My DH said he could tell from my legs that the muscle is fighting for dominance over the fat I'm trying to lose...LOL...makes me think of a scene from a kids' cartoon where germs moves through the body and are attacked by antibodies - except I'm attacking the fat cells with exercise and eating right! :thumbup:   I'm going to focus on burning as much fat and building as much muscle as I can from this point forward - I know that will get me where I want to be, and the only way to get there is through hard work. I have a goal to be down another 10 - 15 pounds before my trip, and I'm going to make it! Increasing the intensity of my exercise will help, plus watching even more closely my portion size and protein content.   My walking is going well - I love to walk, and with summer approaching, I do more outside walking than ever. We're on summer hours at work, which means I have a shorter lunch hour, and therefore less walking time. I think that's why my weight loss has stalled somewhat. I didn't realize what a difference that 10 - 15 minutes would make (a 25 - 35 min walk versus 15 - 20), but it obviously makes a difference. I thought I was walking 'harder' to compensate, but I guess there's no substitute for time and distance...   For all those working with their band, congratulations - keep up the good work! :wub:   If you and your band seem to be at cross purposes, I encourage you to go back to the beginning - re-discover what made you certain that the band was for you, talk to your doctor or your nutritionist, and get back on track - you CAN do this, and the band can be one of your tools! :mad2:   If you're not yet banded, I encourage you to do the research, get the answers you need, and make an educated decision. I did, and it was the best decision I've ever made for ME!   NSV (Non-scale victory) - I was kidding around with my DH this past weekend, and he grabbed me in his arms, fell backward onto the bed, and proceeded to tickle me. I laughed and laughed - he loves to tickle me and most often, I love to be tickled.   After a short while, he stopped and got this contemplative look on his face. After I stopped giggling, I asked him what was up - he said simply "You didn't cough". I had forgotten that when I was heavier, I could not be tickled for long periods of time without losing my breath and starting to cough. Sometimes the coughing would bring tears to my eyes, and my DH would apologize for tickling me. It was an uncomfortable feeling - knowing he wasn't trying to hurt me, yet knowing something was wrong - why would I be coughing from being tickled?   His statement brought it home to me - whatever my weight was doing to my breathing capacity, whatever it was doing to my body to cause the coughing, it's now gone! I can be tickled like the rest of the normal-weight women out there and not worry about losing my breath or having a coughing fit. :w00t:   Perhaps a little thing, but one more piece of evidence that I'm claiming my ability to live a normal life with the help of my lapband. :wub:




Post-vacation: Not the usual result!

I took a mini-vacation with my hubby this past weekend over the Memorial Day holiday. We spent a total of 5 days traveling and having fun...   My hubby is a private pilot, and belongs to the Black Pilots Association. He flies small planes - Piper Cherokees and such - and the organization has an annual get-together called Skyhook in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. We went for the first time last year and had a ball, so off we went again this year...   We flew out on Thursday - now normally flying is not a big deal for me, but for some unknown reason, during the second leg of our flight from CT to Arkansas, I had a problem with something I'd eaten. I spent the flight sliming and had a couple of minor PB's. People thought I was airsick - not entirely untrue - but since this had NEVER happened before when I flew, I was at a total loss.   After we got to Arkansas, I was fine - go figure...   Spent the next couple of days flying with hubby - Arkansas, a short hop to Mississippi to visit distant relatives of his, and then back to Arkansas. No problems the rest of the time.   I felt a bit guilty because with our hectic vacation schedule, I wasn't getting my walks in, and I was a bit worried about how my body would react. Normally when I go on vacation the combination of lack of exercise and unfamiliar food makes for a 5 pound or so gain of weight. I ate a few fruit-and-yogurt parfaits from McDonald's and tried to concentrate on getting my water in and eating enough protein. Salads were relatively easy to get - even though I can't finish them, they still make for good protein and veggie content.   There was a barbeque on Saturday night, which ordinarily would have meant waaaay too much food and dessert, but because I'm banded, I again focused on protein and veggies, plus a small amount of ice cream for dessert with fruit for a topping. I was amazed to be so satisfied with so little food compared to what I normally would have eaten - in fact, what I ate the previous year!   The rest of the weekend went without a hitch - and even the ride home via commercial flight was uneventful. I don't know what caused my initial upset, but I'm certainly glad it didn't repeat itself!   Flying is much more comfortable for me now that I'm down 45 pounds - I fit more comfortably in my seat, and even though my hubby has wide shoulders, he and I can sit side-by-side without feeling squished because I now take up LESS ROOM! :wub:   We returned late on Monday night, and when I got up the next morning, I weighed myself - thinking the worst, but hoping I had at least stayed the same.   Hooray! I actually LOST a pound! :sad:   That was definately NOT what I expected...and I can only attribute it to my band. Never before (well, at least since I became an adult) have I gone on vacation and come back LIGHTER than when I left. It's all due to the great restriction I now have with my band - I have definately hit my sweet spot, and I'm on track to make my goal of being at 200 lbs by July 4th.   I've just got to keep up the good work - consistency for me is the key - and with regular workouts and eating right, I'm certain I'll reach my goal and be able to wear the beautiful new swimsuit I bought for my July trip to Florida.   Side note - I recently had to buy new clothes because I've lost enough so that my existing garments started to look funny on me, and I'm now wearing a size 18! I'm out of the 20's for good and I'm NEVER going back - at least, not as long as I have my band!




What I Wish I'd Known Before Being Banded...

A recent post by JazzyMom17 got me to thinking...she asked me what I wish I'd known before being banded.   Very good question - here's my response to her, plus a bit more information:   Your question is a great one - what do I wish I'd known before having surgery? I wish I'd known (I mean really KNOWN) that the weight isn't just going to fall off of me. The band is a tool - on an intellectual level I knew that, but on a heart and soul level initially - not so much!   I needed to figure out how to work WITH the band instead of expecting it to do the work FOR me.   I wish I'd known that eating slowly and focusing on protein first would be my eating style for the foreseeable future. Because we eat so much less, getting the protien in is essential.   I wish I'd had more "adjustable" clothes, or at least plans to make them adjustable. Elastic waists, while not exactly fashion-forward, are easier to deal with and adjust while you are losing.   I wish I'd known that my shoe size would change! I guess we don't realize we gain weight in our feet too!   I wish I'd known that I needed to replace all my underwire bras! I am full-busted (extremely) and underwires were my saving grace before surgery. I cannot wear them now, they rub against my surgery scars and irritate them. Don't buy too many though, because depending on where you lose your weight, you may need new ones within a few weeks!   I wish I'd developed a better exercise habit before I was banded. I used to be a regular exerciser, but fell off the wagon and blamed my "busy" life for it. Exercise is critical to your success as a bandster - just WALKING can bring you great results! I've been walking 30 minutes (minimum - I often get in more than that) since I was cleared to exercise after my operation, and I'm now making really good progress on my weight loss. Took me a while to figure it out, but...   I wish I had started eating according to the bandster rules (protein first, count portions, track everything that goes in my mouth) before I was banded. You don't necessarily have to limit your portions to post-banding portions (although if you can, that's great too), but get into the habit now of writing down what you eat - it will help you keep the habit once you're banded.   I wish I had started a regular exercise habit before being banded - even if you only start with 5 minutes, because each week you'll get stronger and by the time you're banded, you'll be in better shape, come through the surgery better, and be ready to start your new life!   I wish I'd planned for wardrobe changes earlier. I work in an office, so I must keep up a certain standard (at least I think so). I've never been one much for 'business casual' clothing - it's too hard to define and can be so subjectively interpreted. I love the principle of Capsule Wardrobing - taking 8 - 10 pieces and turning them into 20 different outfits. Between EBay, consignment shops, friends and family, I can minimize my clothing expenses and still look polished and professional. Once I get to my goal size, though - It's on and shopping!   I wish I'd thought more about journaling or keeping a diary during my transformation. I missed the first few weeks of my change in thought because I was too busy living it. Now, like with childbirth, it's tough to remember what it felt like initially. There are so many 'lightbulb' moments where I had flashes of understanding and I wish I'd written them down.   I wish I'd taken more progress photos - the recent finale show for the Biggest Loser showed progress photos taken every week by the contestants. There were little incremental changes, but WOW what an end result! I think a monthly schedule would be okay for a bandster, depending on their loss rate - perhaps someone losing more quickly would take photos more often - but as of right now, I'm taking photos on a monthly basis.   That's it for now - I think that's quite enough - but if you are reading this and have suggestions, please feel free to add them as comments so everyone who reads this post can learn and benefit from them.   As always - take good care of yourself, follow the bandster rules, and never forget that you are starting a Brand New Life! :thumbup:




Brand new Mother's Day - minus the binge!

Another potentially dangerous holiday has come and gone...Mother's Day!:w00t:   Normally, this day (who am I kidding - the entire weekend!) would have been marked by breakfast at a local restaurant, some type of pleasant activity, lunch at another restaurant, the food coma for the afternoon, and then more food at night, plus something like an ice cream cake for dessert.   Now, because I'm banded - and a woman with a goal to be under 220 by the end of the month - my day was very different. My family made me breakfast - a little scrambled egg, 1 sausage link, two bites of a pancake, and juice.   Went to church services and enjoyed them, but passed up the baked goods and treats after service in favor of fresh fruit and yogurt...went to the movies and then home for dinner, which was some of the food I didn't eat for breakfast! :cool2:   Far fewer calories, and because I also went for a nice walk with my daughter and our dog, I was in better shape at the end of the day than at the same time last year. :biggrin:   I made the decision to get the band because I wanted to change my life - I was tired of getting what I had been getting and tired of gaining a few more pounds every year.   I've done what a lot of people have done...Weight Watchers, liquid diets, just plain diets, exercise, fasting, etc, etc, etc. Not until I made the decision to qualify for the Lap Band did I really take the steps necessary to be successful. The length of time for me from start to finish (banding) was not that long compared to some, but the time was important for me to review and renew my commitment to the process. Now I've been banded for nearly 6 months, and while I haven't lost as much as I might have imagined I would, I know this time the loss is permanent.   It does not depend on my willpower, a overly restrictive eating plan, eliminating certain food groups, or exercising 6 - 8 hours per day. It does depend on me following the bandster rules, moving more than I sit still, and being careful (not obsessively so) about what I'm eating.   This I can do for the rest of my life - and I plan to!:crying:




Newbies, NSV's and Living the Banded Life...

Our normal monthly lap band support group meeting in New Haven was a good one this month...two new people who were looking for information, one lady who was newly post-op (about 2 weeks out from her surgery), one lady who is scheduled for surgery within the next 2 weeks, plus our session leader and myself.   We stayed past the regular 8 pm stop time, we were having so much fun talking. :cool2:   It's really cool to meet new people who haven't yet been banded and help them through their journey. The band is so individual and everyone's experience is a bit different, but having that support is so valuable.   I really like sharing the ups and downs (mostly ups) with others...I learn something every time I go to the support group. I've told everyone who I meet there about LBT - hoping that they too will find their way here and get additional information that will help them on their banded journey.   Some wonderful NSV's have been happening for me lately...I'm a fan of Lane Bryant's clothing, and my sizes keep dropping. I'm sitting here right now wearing a pair of Right Fit Jeans (taking advantage of Casual Friday) in a size Red 2. When I started my weight loss journey, I was wearing size Yellow 5's. That means not only am I down three clothing sizes, my body is reshaping and my waistline is gaining definition.   Beyond the obvious aesthetic benefit, it also means that one of the determining factors in heart disease - carrying excess weight in the midsection - is going away for me. I've read articles that say the "apple" shaped body is one that has a higher potential for heart disease because the excess fat surrounds your vital organs and can affect your heart and lungs more than when you carry your weight in your hips and thighs.   It is mostly men who carry their weight in the "apple" shape - more women are shaped like "pears" - at least that's the theory. I have noticed over the years that I am seeing more and more women with apple-shaped bodies rather than pear-shaped bodies and it scares me. I did not want to become a statistic, hence my becoming banded.   Losing weight in my waist also means that I can experiment with belts more...I just bought a dress at Lane Bryant (on sale - I try never to pay retail!) that has an elastic belt that goes along with it. In the past (my pre-banded life) I would have just snipped off the belt loops and worn the dress without a belt - they never looked good on me.:crying:   Now that I've lost 37 pounds, however, and because I am active and working out, I can wear that dress with the belt and it looks good -at least that's what my hubby has said! I'm thrilled that I think I look good in the dress as well - we are always harder on ourselves than anyone else in our lives.   I'm just finishing up my lunch - one half of a turkey sandwich on wheat, with lettuce, tomatoes and provolone cheese. In my pre-banded life, I would have scarfed down that sandwich and been looking for seconds. It was an exercise in patience to finish half of the sandwich. I'm so happy I could just scream! :w00t:   I am looking forward to summer for the first time in a LOT of years - because I know I'll be in better physical shape and be able to enjoy it more. I'm looking forward to traveling and having fun this summer without food being the major emphasis.   It's funny in a way - I referred to my relationship with food in the past as an obsessive (and abusive) love affair. No matter how badly the food I ate treated me, I kept going back for more - I couldn't stand for someone else to get more of it than I did. I equated food with love - that started in my early teens, and funnily enough, so did my weight gain.   Now that I must truly make choices with food that allow me to "eat to live, not live to eat", I am making better choices. I do sometimes mourn the comfort I used to be able to find in food - now I have to find it within myself.   I am looking forward to finding out more about ME - all the things I wouldn't allow myself to experience because I was afraid I might stand out too much because of my weight and size...how much life have I missed? I can't get that lost time back, but I can commit to never hiding from life again!   For those of you on this banded journey, take time to reflect on who you are becoming...your interactions with others, the "inner voice" you use to talk to yourself, and what you truly see when you look in the mirror.   If you're not yet banded, I encourage you to keep up your search for information, but realize there will never be a perfect time to be banded - LIFE will always get in the way. Don't wait so long that your options are limited - do something for YOU, for your health NOW.   As always, email me if you have questions, or just want to talk...I'm here for ya! :biggrin:




Hang in there until...

It's finally happening!   Had my monthly appt with my band doctor yesterday (the awesome Dr. Duffy at Yale New Haven Hospital's Bariatric Surgery office), and I was down 11 pounds! :w00t:   I update my ticker in my email signature more often than every month, so it reflects my total loss, but I was so excited that I'd lost 11 pounds in one month I was ready to scream with joy! :thumbup:   And guess how I did it? By following the bandster rules! Being careful to choose nutrient-dense food instead of calorie-dense food, chewing thoroughly and eating slowly, not drinking my calories, and avoiding "slider" foods that don't stay with you long enough to indicate a feeling of fullness.   Amazing how well the rules work when you follow them LOL   Combine that with a few well-placed NSV's regarding clothing, and it's been a really good period. My latest weigh-in this morning has me at 230 lbs, a number I haven't seen for at least 10 years...I'm really excited about that!   Next mid-range goal - making it to 200 lbs by the time of my family reunion in Florida in July.   Next short-range goal - dropping another 15 pounds before May 30th to put me at 215 before Memorial Day.   Swimsuit season is looking like it's going to hold a lot less terror for me this year than in previous years - that's a definate plus!   What made the difference? Regular exercise and eating correctly. Mostly the eating correctly, since I already walk 30 minutes 5 days a week, with longer walks on the weekends (weather permitting).   Now I'm going to add some weight work back into my schedule - nearly done with this semester's classes, which will give me more time. I need to keep 'tightening up' my physique, which I know weight training will do.   Check in again in a few weeks - until then, if you are already banded, follow the rules and move more - that's the "secret" to success!   If you are not yet banded, get the info you need to make a quality decision, and then GO FOR IT!   Your life, your health and your happiness can all be enhanced by losing the excess weight. I know it's happening for me...:thumbup:




Exercise, progress, and NSV's

I'm in love with exercise...specifically, walking!:wub: I've been active before - worked summers during high school and college as a lifeguard, which meant being able to swim 500 yds, 4 different strokes, in less than 12 minutes - but never had the results I'm getting now.   Since my last fill, I've had good restriction, and I'm off the plateau that I was on. I'm down a few pounds and feeling really good about my progress - though, of course, I wish it were faster! :tongue2:   I attribute my good results to my lovely little internal enforcer - the lap band. Never before have I been able to control the quantity of food I eat like I can now with the help of the band.   I also started wearing a Bodybugg fitness band the past few weeks and have noticed a difference. I log my food intake faithfully (and honestly) and I get immediate feedback on what I'm doing right and wrong. I never go anywhere without my Bugg - it's a constant reminder of my goals and what I'm doing to reach them.   I drove past (yes, past!) a Wendy's the other day and realized that in my pre-banded life, I would have probably pulled into the drive-thru, ordered a double Baconator (1/2 lb of beef, multiple strips of bacon, cheese), a Biggie french fry, and a Biggie diet soda ('cause I'm diabetic, dontcha know - can't have all that sugar :ohmy:) and finished it all, plus a Frosty for dessert (never mind all the sugar that was in that). :smile2:   Thanks to my band, I don't even bother pulling in any more - I know it won't go down! :wub:   I've had some wonderful NSV's (non-scale victories) lately: 1. My insulin dose has been cut in half with approval from my doctor. :w00t: My blood sugar measurements in the morning have been so good that I think I'm really close to getting off all of the medication! 2. I've dropped several clothing sizes, and have to buy new clothes. :w00t: This is a big deal for me, because I love to shop, and because I love clothes! I'm really looking forward to a new wardrobe when my journey is over. 3. More stamina :thumbup: I don't get out of breath when I go out dancing with my husband as easily any more - heck, I can hang with some folks 10 years younger than me now, where pre-band, it was one song and out.   I'm actually looking forward to summer this year, because I know my new slimmer body will look better in summer clothes than I've looked in years! Even the prospect of swimsuit shopping doesn't hold the terror that it used to for me - I can't wait to see what new things I'll be able to fit into and wear!   If you're reading this and you're not yet banded, do your research, talk to your doctor, and then make an educated, quality decision. For me, there was no other option, and I don't regret it one bit.   If you are already banded, but struggling, please don't give up - if you haven't been to see your doctor lately, go back and get an adjustment or a fill if needed. Talk to them - they are there to help.   A new, healthier life is the payoff for taking this very serious and important step. You can do it - if I can, anybody can! :thumbup:




2 Fills down, challenged by exercise

I recieved my first fill in early January, right after the holidays. I felt restriction for about 7 - 10 days, and then it loosened up and I was able to resume my formerly bad eating habits with a couple of exceptions.   This is harder than I thought, but then, why am I surprised? If it was all about my willpower (and if I had any) then I wouldn't be in the position of NEEDING a band to help me lose the excess weight. That said, I am hopeful that this second fill will help me gain more control.   I am hungry all the time, and crave carbs like nobody's business. It's tough - knowing that I am a type II diabetic means that I shouldn't be eating as many carbs as I am, but somehow I don't seem to be able to stop. It's something I think I'll have to work on for a while.   The PA / Nurse yesterday gave me a great idea - eat more bulky veggies to help give me that "full" feeling that I'm so used to and craving...it will also help me stay on my calorie goal. Gaining 2 pounds from January to now (appt was yesterday) didn't make me happy at all - I had a worse reaction than my doctor, but still. :confused::cursing::frown:   Gotta keep plugging away - walking is helping me to feel more energetic and stronger, and I just got a rowing machine in my house so that will enable me to work out longer. Had to give up the gym membership for economic reasons - everyone seems to be struggling nowadays.   Following up with the doctor in a month - I plan to have MUCH better results this time. I'm going to fight the head hunger with everything I have, and I have to win - my life and my quality of life depend on it.




Weight Loss slowed a bit; Still Enjoying Banded Life

My first checkup was great...this week I checked my weight, and I'm only down a pound (25 total for the entire journey). I wanted more, but then, that's my personality. :thumbup:   I want it gone yesterday :biggrin:...now that I can see the end of the 'obese life' I want it to be done and over with so I can get on with the new, healthy life I've planned for myself. Realistically, it will probably take the better part of a year. :blushing:   I'm shooting for a healthy 10 pound loss per month - I feel it's doable if I watch my calorie count and work out like I know I should.   Winter is tough - my walks outside are getting a little harder due to weather. The only do-or-die walk I take is with my dog every morning. He can't take a day off - that's when he does his 'business'...and he's a great reason for me to get off my lazy duff and get out the door, no matter what.   I do like the gym - that's one of my saving graces...even when I was younger, and eating WAAAY too much, I had the gym and physical activity to help keep me under some semblance of control. :wink: When I stopped being that active was when the weight really came on.   That, and having children. I was heavy when I got pregnant with my son Ron, but only gained 15 pounds under doctor's advice. My son weighed over 9 1/2 lbs, so I did really well. Of course sitting around at home and gaining 50 lbs after he was born did NOT help...:scared2:   Now I'm dealing with the head hunger, but it's getting a little better every day. I've transitioned out of mushies and am getting slowly acclimatized to "regular" food again.   I still don't do well with sandwiches, and I think I'm still drinking too much during the meal - though it's way down from what I used to do.   It's a process, and I've got to be patient with myself. I have currently lost more weight since beginning this process than at any time in the previous 5 years...I've got to remember that, and not be too hard on myself.:cursing:   I decided on this process BECAUSE it did not promise "instant" results and BECAUSE I had more control over the process. Now I just have to relax a bit and let the process continue to work for me...




2 Weeks Post-band and Loving it!

Monday was my two-week anniversary of being banded...I go for my first post-op appointment today. :biggrin:   The banding experience was a good one - I arrived at the hospital a little early to ensure I wouldn't mess up the schedule. My check-in time was 9 am.   I checked in and was sent up to the post-surgery floor shortly thereafter. I changed clothes and talked with the hospital staff. The nurse who took my info was the same one I saw when I had my pre-surgery blood work done - nice to see a friendly face. :car:   I watched TV for a short while and reflected on that day being my last one as an 'obese' woman...though I know the weight will not magically disappear, I know that after surgery I will be on the road to a healthier me. I was (surprisingly) a little teary - I didn't expect that at all!   My hubby was on the midnight shift and we live an hour away from the hospital, so I drove myself there and parking in valet parking. Hubby planned to take the train into New Haven the next morning to get me, and then a taxi or shuttle to the hospital.   Once my transport arrived, things went fast. The orderly (cutie pie with shoulder length dreadlocks) :wub: and I joked about trying to get tickets to the Obama inauguration and our lack of dollars to do so. I arrived at the surgery floor and met the OR nurses and the anesthesiologist who would be with me during the operation. My surgeon also checked in with me and everyone was all smiles and confident - they really eased any leftover nervousness I had.   Surgery was at 10 am and when I woke up I was in recovery. That was around 12 noon. I had a coughing fit shortly thereafter :eek: - felt like I was coughing for 5 minutes, though I'm sure it wasn't that long. I am glad the anesthesia hadn't worn off yet! :eek:   It took a few hours to find me a bed - I guess they were quite busy that week, and I slept off and on while waiting. They found me a bed and moved me there. I was able to move myself from the gurney to my hospital bed and proceeded to sleep the rest of the day away. Apart from the occasional visit to draw blood or check on me, the staff left me in peace.   I got up at 4 am to walk - I had slept so much that I couldn't sleep for a few minutes, but by the time I did two laps around the floor, I was ready to go back to bed. I think I used the morphine pump a few times, but not often - it made me really sleepy.   The next morning, I felt pretty good. I hadn't urinated yet, so they were a bit concerned, but after they gave me some water, things started moving again. I guess I was a bit dehydrated - though with the IV, I'm not sure how THAT could have been true! I was scheduled for the 'swallow test' that morning, so I couldn't have anything to eat until after that.   I was ready when they came to get me - got up out of bed with no trouble and walked to the gurney. Down to the radiology suite I went, and the XRay tech was terrific. The stuff they gave me to swallow was pretty bad-tasting (the brown stuff) but that was followed by white liquid that tasted like a vanilla milkshake - not bad at all.   All was well with the band, and I was returned to my room. I got to "order" breakfast, and settled on broth, tea and jello. They weren't sure about the jello, but it went down very easy. The broth tasted very good as well. :scared2:   Shortly thereafter, my hubby arrived, I checked out and went home. I slept most of the drive, and had already filled my post-op pain medicine prescription, so I was ready.   Felt a bit weak (no food, I think) and slept a lot the first couple of days. I did get up and walk each day (slowly at first) and by day 4 was back out walking the dog with my family, though someone else had to hold his leash (he pulls a bit).   My incisions are healing well, and I have very little discomfort. :thumbup: It's a bit odd to feel the port, but not painful. The first couple of days at home I noticed the 'head hunger' and wanted to eat EVERYTHING! :biggrin3: The stories about restriction and pb'ing (Projectile Burping) on the site helped keep me honest.   I followed the 'don't lift anything over 10 pounds' rule and was glad I did! Picking up anything even remotely heavy was uncomfortable. :eek:   I continue to walk every morning - at least a mile with my family as we walk the dog. I also walk during my lunchtime at work and went back to the gym last night for the first time. I did 35 minutes on the treadmill, but won't do any weights until I'm cleared by my surgeon. I've got my first post-op check-in with the doctor's today, so I'll post again afterwards.   I've been eating well - strictly liquids the first week, a bit of thin cereal the second week, and lots of sf Jello, popsicles (for when I want to chew something) and pudding (thin). Broth and clear soup are good too.   Hope all those who are recently banded or scheduled have an easy recovery like I did - no gas pains in my shoulders, no difficulty with anything, really. :party:   I'm down 14 pounds since surgery, a total of 24 since starting the pre-op diet, and really enjoying being banded.:wub:




My journey to Bandland - prelude

It's been a long haul...being overweight, that is...:biggrin:   I was told at age 9 that if I (and my parents) didn't watch my weight, I'd be at 200 lbs before age 18. Overachiever that I am, I made it before age 16!:thumbup: Made high school kinda tough...:wink_smile:   Struggled with my weight throughout my teens and young adulthood, though I was fairly active - worked summers as a lifeguard, lifted weights, etc. Never was thin, but not dangerously obese.   The birth of my first child saw me complete a healthy pregnancy (gained only 20 lbs, baby was 9 lbs 9 oz) but sitting at home afterward saw me gain 50 lbs. I never took it off, and that was the beginning of the end.   Over the years, I developed type II diabetes, borderline high blood pressure, and with my family history of diabetes and congestive heart failure, I decided my "willpower" alone wasn't enough and looked into weight loss surgery.   Gastric bypass scared me - the permanent change to my intestinal system, plus (at the time) the extensive potential for scarring. I tend to develop keloids (raised, puffy scars) and having more of those (I have one from a cesearean) wasn't my idea of a good time.   I have good friends who have been VERY successful with the bypass, but it wasn't for me. Then, thank GOODNESS I found LapBandTalk.com!:thumbup: I have learned so much here that I decided the band was the procedure I wanted.   The process of approval was faster than some, but not fast enough for me! :confused:   I completed my nutritionist's consult and the psychiatric consult in September, and I was hoping above hope to be banded in October. An info session with the surgeon and I was approved for the procedure. :girl_hug:   Now I'm scheduled to be banded on November 17th, :tt2::biggrin::wink_smile::biggrin: hence my decision to start a blog. I post to the website forums quite often, but this is a more concise set of posts that will describe more of my state of mind as I approach this life-changing and life-saving procedure.   I'm thrilled to be headed for Bandland, and can't wait! :w00t:   I'll post periodically as I move forward - at least once a week, maybe more. For those considering the surgery, I advise you strongly to DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Take as long as you need to get the answers that will help you be secure in your decision.   Try to get impartial opinions when you can - not every procedure will work for every person and you deserve to have the complete picture before making the decision. I decided the band was my choice because it CAN be reversed if necessary, and because there are far fewer issues with malabsorption of vitamins and minerals. Most bandsters I've seen don't have them at all...that appeals to me because I've had my share over the years - most notably with Iron.   That's enough for now...thanks for reading!



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