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Third time lucky!! I HEART MY BAND!!!!

Third fill and finally I understand what it feels like to have restriction!!:blushing:   I LOVE my band!! Course it doesn't suck that I had a REALLY good loss this week but I feel great and I have been able to get by on eating not much at all.   Taking things slowly so I don't PB and worrying also now about foods I've eaten easily enough previously! But it is all good so far!   Nearly halfway there!! I have nearly lost the 21 kgs I put on over the last 3 years in 6 months!! WOOHOOO!!! Which would technically be classed as a success but I don't plan on stopping there! :thumbup:




I'm Hungry!!

Coming up on 4 weeks out from surgery! Feeling pretty good except I am HUNGRY! The days I can manage ok but the nights SUCK! I WANT TO START ON THIS FILL JOURNEY!!   Damn having to wait another nearly 4 weeks for my 1st fill!!!   SIGH I will manage!




2weeks 2days post op

I am just over two weeks out and am feeling a LOT better. Staples are out and i only have about 5 more days of mushies before I should be able to start real food!! Yay!! Started back at work this week (well for two days anyway) and I have been VERY Tired by the end of the day. Concentration is a little skewy but I'll get there! Dust at work though is causing sneezing! ACK! :thumbup:   Should be getting my first fill about 20 October which I can hopefully last until. Lost 1.2 kilos this week so as long as I'm losing and not starving I'll be ok




Four days out....

So dad and I were done the same day and dad's recovery is going a LOT better than mine. I ended up staying 2 days at the hospital so they could manage my pain a little better and to ensure that I didn't react to the pain meds. Although I am feeling a little better everyday but still have pain in the port site!   I am not really overly hungry whereas dad is and I have been trying to get down more water but am finding it hard!   I am getting up and walking though the gas pain hasn't been that bad. I just wish the Port Site pain would go and I wouldn't feel so tender!!!




Twas the night before band day.....

So my day has finally arrived!! I'm heading into hospital tomorrow at 7AM with my dad as we are both being banded tomorrow!!   Had today off work so I spent it cleaning and washing dogs, dog beds, clothes etc, I mowed the lawns and filled in a HUGE hole I my dogs had dug almost into next door which I lined with bricks!! (glad I found that one before tomorrow!!) Packed for a few days at mum and dads which involved packing up the dogs too, the car was chockers   I'm not feeling nervous yet, in fact it doesn't seem real. I'm excited about the future though!!   :tt2:




Preop Mid Way...doing good

So I am 9 days out from surgery and have been on the preop (3 meal replace Optifast, one piece of fruit, 2 cups vegies) for 8 days now. I am doing well, haven't gone off it and have lost about 5kgs (11pound) so far on it!   It is getting easier though my tummy does growl a bit from time to time. I just tell it to shut up and deal with it. I seems to be working.:crying:   A work colleague decided to heat up their lunch and eat it RIGHT near me today and it was some Thai dish that smelled AWESOME :w00t: and my tummy started up. I went and made my shake....not so tasty but I stayed strong.   Appt with the surgeon tomorrow and preop nurse Friday! It's happening! :confused:




Then it begins....

Started my preop today a few days early.   Stupid me though decided to also concrete a 5mx2.5mx0.15m area. Dad helped too, but Barrowing 1M of concrete myself and then helping to level it. Then edging it while dad troweled it on not much food wasn't the smartest thing I have done!!:tt2: Looks great though!:thumbup:   Didn't think the headaches would start this early and I am really tired (but this could be contributed to by the concreting). I have been cranky too..luckily not too many arguments whilst concreting, well not due to my crabbiness anyway   I think I'll be sleeping really well in the coming weeks so I can get over the hunger!!:thumbup:   18 days until surgery!   The Positive of starting this diet is it brings the surgery closer and makes me feel excited that this is really going to happen!:thumbup:




Realisation of what a half cup of food looks like!

So I was cooking some pumpkin soup for my lunch for the next few days before preop diet starts on Sat.   I cooked up all the pumpkin I had so it wouldn't have to be chucked out and the extra I thought I would freeze for after surgery when i move to the thicker soup stage. So I made it up in half cup batches and couldn't stop laughing at how little there was in the containers! But hey, I now have a few meals in the freezer   No wonder we lose weight




Are we there yet??

So I am due to be banded on the 27th of August and wish it would hurry up and get here already! I am going to have it on the same day as my dad so we will be going through all this process together.:redface:   It really is a good time too, birthday just having passed and a bit of time between now and Christmas to get settled into the new life :eek:. (and due to the fact I am cooking Christmas dinner this year for 20ish :thumbup: I am glad I have this time to get into a routine!)   I am excited about the future with a healthy dose of apprehension too. Will be starting the preop this weekend which I am not looking forward to but hey, i can manage!   Have only told one person at work. Have told close friends and the whole family knows (dad can't keep secrets and given he's told everyone about himself, mine can't be kept quiet but I am ok with that!). Mostly positive feedback from everyone which is great!!   Bring on August 27th!!!



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