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Found 3,896 results

  1. catwoman7

    No weightloss 1 month PO

    yep - it's the infamous three week stall! This question comes up almost every day. If you're interested in reading more about it, here are the 17,501 posts on it (and nope - I'm not kidding...): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  2. Arabesque

    No weightloss 1 month PO

    Welcome to the three week stall. Almost everyone goes through this & you’re not doing anything wrong. The first stall, yes the first, usually starts in week 3 hence the name but it can occur before or after that time too. They usually last 1-3 weeks. Frustrating but very much part of weight loss. Stalls are your body taking stock of your weight loss & reacting to the stress of the changes you’re making. The first is often in response to the surgery, reduced calories, etc.. Your body uses this time to reset your metabolism, hunger hormones, etc. & is a necessary part of your weight loss. Your weight loss will never be a consistently straight line in a downwards direction. It will waver up & down. At times is won’t move, move slowly or move quickly. Though the scale isn’t moving some people notice their body measurements still reduce. Stick to your plan. Don’t stress your body more than your plan advises. Your weight loss will start again when your body is ready.
  3. Here is my story. I spent years stuck at 210 (I am 5’2) and thousands of dollars on personal trainers, nutritionists etc. watched and recorded everything I ate to no avail and of coarse the only scale movement would be I ate a cookie and gained two pounds. Meanwhile I began collecting every co morbidity - sleep apnea, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes , sever scaring on my liver. After two seperate per ate unsuccessful medically supervised diets I was advised gastric bypass was my best bet. I lot 10 lbs in the lead up (5 days a week of boot camp and strength training and keto diet). I lost another 20 lbs on the per-op liquid diet. Had surgery on March 29th. Lost 5 lbs in the first two days and have had no movement since. Walking 3 times a day at 30 minutes each. Drinking 70 oz of water and at least 90 g of protein plus all of the supplements. I know there is a three week stall but I am on a 3 day stall (at the time when weight loss is suppose to be the easiest). This was my last hope and I am starting to feel hopeless.
  4. mcipanda

    I’m new here.

    Im two weeks post op. Started thinking about surgery a few years ago, but actually acted on it in late January if this year. Wrapped up my pre-reqs in a single week and cleared with insurance in one day. After that, had a week of food funerals (fun times eating things I wouldn’t be able to for a while), then started my two week high protein low carb diet. It was tough, not gonna lie. I weaned myself off caffeine during the same two week period and BAM it was suddenly time for surgery. By this point, I’d lost about 6 or 7 lbs. Rolled into surgery at 6am on 3/13, started on time at 8am, only discomfort afterward was nausea from anesthesia. No vomiting; they took great care to relieve the nausea immediately and sent me home with medicine to help. First few days, I felt hungry. Dreamt of food. Realized it was just gas in my tummy causing a “hunger” feeling. The gas went away within a week and so did the faux hunger. I tried to go off pain meds too soon, and that sucked. When they do the surgery, they will go through the abdominal wall with the scopes. I had pretty strong abs (yay…) and the scope caused a bleed that healed very slowly. Caused me some pretty serious discomfort especially without the pain meds. Went back on the meds and rested for several days, all the while working to get all my protein and fluids in. Lost 9lbs the first week and then stalled three days into week two. The stall just broke today, one week after it began. Total of 16lbs lost since the start of the pre-op diet. I’m three days into week 3 and just started soft foods. If I had to choose one hard thing, it would be the emotional response I had post surgery. I realized “omg, I cannot eat those things…” the choice was no longer mine. I was scared at first, almost grieving. And then I felt light because the pressure of making the “right” decision was out of my hands. Yes, I could still make a bad choice… and when I made brownies for my daughter the other day I was tempted, but I don’t want to hurt my body or deal with the backlash from eating so much sugar after barely having any for the last month. I can just imagine the sugar rush and terrible feeling I would get… it would suck. Not to mention, with VSG (my procedure), the first six months are critical. You’ll lose the most weight if you can just get through with as much discipline as possible. I’m thankful for my family and therapist; they’ve all helped me find my way in the dark. I’m so glad I did this. Even as I just ate my first egg in weeks, I still wouldn’t change a thing. It’s like experiencing food again for the first time but with a coach in my body helping out 👌😊 Good luck to you with whatever you choose!
  5. I had my first follow up with my surgeon last night as this week makes it 6 weeks. I told him all my concerns that I shared in this thread and he basically told me to stop comparing myself to everyone else, as people lose weight at different speeds. He also told me that I don't need to be juggling down the 50g protein shakes I have been doing as it's all liquid calories, and that now I can eat solid foods again, to concentrate more on food protein than liquid protein. He said he's very happy with my progress, although I don't know if I believe him? I've stalled for the last three weeks and put on a pound this week, but he seems to be happy that I've lost a stone since 31st January. Personally, I think it's very slow. But I guess that's part of the comparison stuff isn't it? I'm moving house so I've packed my scales away and am going to try and weigh myself once every two weeks.
  6. I would suggest something about the infamous three-week stall. It seems like there's a post almost every day from someone who's about three weeks out, frantic because they haven't lost any weight in several days. I really wish more clinics would tell patients about this early stall, because it happens to the majority of us, and most people don't know about it ahead of time so they freak out when it happens. also, something about how the rate of weight loss is dependent on many factors, some of which you have little to no control over, like genetics, how muscular you are, starting BMI, age, gender. And also not to expect to lose 30+ lbs the first month, because that's not common with people unless they're the size of the people on "My 600 lb Life". Just let them know that if they stick to their clinic's plan, the weight WILL come off. Their ultimate success is dependent on how compliant they are, not their rate of weight loss.
  7. Hey everyone! I was 5 months post op yesterday. I’ve been stalled for about three weeks now and it’s driving me crazy! I noticed I was slacking in protein and water. I’ve been meeting those goals consistently for the last two weeks. I eat around 1000 calories and exercise most days burning on average 400 calories. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  8. catwoman7

    4 weeks out and scale isn't budging

    yep. It's the infamous "three week stall". Most of us experience it. Just stick to your food plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks.
  9. Fred in Pa

    4 weeks out and scale isn't budging

    There is a three week stall that everyone talks about. I’ve thought about this and another fact that the body “initially” heals in 3-4 weeks. It makes sense to me that the 3-4 week time is when the body is slowing the heal and trying to shift back to maintaining the rest of the body. Then, coming from a calorie deficit, it tries to add weight back on. I’d also say 500cals is too low, your body may be sensing starvation. Did you team recommend this low of a calorie count?
  10. I totally agree with this. Don't stress too much about how much you have lost and if you look different or not. Focus your energy on healing and following the post-op diet. People lose weight differently. For me, I lost most of the weight on my thighs and lower body at first and for the first few months my face almost looked the same. 3 weeks is too early to see any noticeable changes to be honest and your body is still healing. That is also when most of us got the infamous three-weeks stall. At least that was the case for me. Good luck
  11. catwoman7

    Weightloss month 1

    liveaboard15 is correct. Most of us experience the "three week stall". Also, those weight fluctuations are just fluctuating water levels. With as little as you're probably eating, there's no way that's a true gain. It's just fluid levels.
  12. I'm in the same boat as you. I hit my three weeks and I gained three lbs. I keep reading and hearing everyone saying it takes time but I still feel frustrated af and like I am regretting the procedure. It feels so unfair to feel like I am going through so much and not losing anymore. A spoonful too much of soup makes me vomit but I am still stalled. The big goal I wanted to hit was to get under 200 even if it was just 199 and as usual as I got close to the goal my body is fighting it and I feel doomed to be big forever. I know that is not a great mentality and I constantly try to fight back on those thoughts but some days (more lately) I can't help but just to sulk and cry about it. If you are like me I don't think there is anything anyone can tell us to make us feel better until we can see tangible results. So here is what I can offer you. You are not alone in this feeling or regret and despite all the success posts you see or it feeling like all these people are losing but not you just know that there are probably just as many that are not losing right now and feels just like us. It's just so much easier to post success than perceived failure. Hang in there. Try to focus on non scale victories and celebrate that you are ultimately make changes to be healthier. Also just feel those feelings it's okay and they are valid. It's frustrating to not see the results you wanted and it's okay to be frustrated as long as you keep pushing forward. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall 3 weeks out

    here are the 17,501 previous posts on the 'three week stall" (and no, I am NOT kidding). Happens to almost all of us. I wish bariatric clinics would tell their patients about this, because we get at least one post every day from someone worrying because they're only a couple of weeks out, and their weight loss has stalled. It is normal and it happens to the vast majority of us. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  14. the infamous three-week stall (doesn't always happen the third week, but sometime during the first month, almost all of us experience our first major stall). Here are past posts on it that I just did a search for: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall 17,501 posts!
  15. catwoman7

    Not Eating enough?

    it's the infamous three-week stall. It happens to almost all of us (it's not ALWAYS the third week, but that's the most common time. It can happen any time during the first month to six weeks after surgery) I just did a search of this site on it for you - here you go - 17,500 posts! https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall p.s. it typically lasts 1-3 weeks, so you're likely very near the end of it. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you stick to your program, it WILL break, and you'll be on your way again.
  16. Sunshine Princess

    Weight loss stalling?

    Definitely a stall and they are annoying. I think I've hit one every 3 months. I get off the scale for a week, really look at my food journal to see where I am with protein and water intake, and maybe change up my exercise. I've gotten pissed with myself because the scale did not budge for three weeks but in the meantime, I had dropped a full dress size because I built muscle from adding weight lifting. To shift your mind and relax your body, I recommend yoga for stress and relaxation. Namaste.
  17. catwoman7

    Weight Stall

    they happen to most of us. The first major one usually hits sometime during the first month post-op. We call it the "three week stall" because it's most often the third week, but not always. mine was weeks 2 & 3. they typically last 1-3 weeks, but I've heard of them lasting longer (although USUALLY 1-3 weeks), Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it WILL break.
  18. catwoman7

    Is this a stall?

    sounds like the infamous three-week stall...
  19. catwoman7

    5 weeks post op

    the two week thing is the infamous "three week stall". Almost everyone experiences it. Here are the 17,501 posts on it on this site (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall weird color poop isn't uncommon the first month or two after surgery. I think paleness usually indicates fat malabsorption, which isn't a huge surprise. I think mine was normal colored after about the first month. as for the pain thing, I'd run that by your clinic. I'm not sure what that is- could be a lot of things, I think. They might want to do a scope or something to see what's going on.
  20. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    it's the infamous three-week stall. It happens to almost everyone. It's not always the third week - it's sometimes the second or fourth - but it's most often the third (hence, the name). It'll last 1-3 weeks (sometimes longer - although that's unusual - 1-3 weeks is pretty standard). Just follow your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll break and you'll be on your way again. here are past posts on this site about the three week stall. All 17,501 of them (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  21. catwoman7

    23 Days After Sleeve

    I was going to say the same thing - it sounds like the infamous "three week stall" (most of us have our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery - it's usually the third week (hence the name), but not always. Sometimes it's the second or fourth week (and occasionally even a little later). The best thing to do is make sure you're following your plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks, although occasionally they'll last a little longer. But it WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. as far as exercising, you might want to check with your clinic for their recommendations. I was allowed to walk (and ENCOURAGED to walk) right away. I was cleared to do most other exercise ( other than weights) at about a month out. I was able to do weights at eight weeks out, I think.
  22. catwoman7

    7 weeks post op stall

    your stall is actually late - most people have their first major stall around the three week mark (in fact, if you search this site for info on the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding...) actually, I just decided to do the search for you. Here you go - 17,501 posts now! https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  23. Arabesque

    weightloss expectation

    There are a few things you can rely on during this process. And all of them are okay. None are wrong or right. Everyone loses at their own rate. Some lose more quickly. Others lose more slowly. Many factors influence this including, age, gender, pre existing health conditions, medications, etc. Hence the range of possible loss your surgeon suggested in your first month. The more you have to lose, the faster you’ll lose at first. Everyone’s rate of loss slows as they get closer to their final weight. Stalls happen. You will have times the scales won’t move. The first often occurs around week 3+/- & they often last 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan & your weight loss will start again. Not every one reaches their goal & some exceed their goal. The average loss at the three year mark is about 65% of the weight you were to lose to put you in a healthy range. I’d expect that is where the 55lb weight loss your surgeon has suggested comes from. Like you, my BMI was 35. I’d lost all my weight by 6 months but continued to lose for another 11 months while sitting out my maintenance, albeit very slowly, to about where I am now. But that was my journey. Yours could be similar or different & that’s okay. All the best with your surgery & journey.
  24. it's probably the infamous "three week stall"; you're just getting it a little early. Most of us experience our first stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery - it's usually the third week, hence the name. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. It broke during week 4 and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and it'll break - they can last 1-3 weeks, but they WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. And as others have said, this will likely be the first among several - occasional stalls are very normal during weight loss. Stay off the scale for a few days if it's playing with your head too much - and keep in mind that it WILL break, and you'll be on your way again.
  25. Almost every one stalls, some stall early on some a little later. There are thousands of posts on here regarding stalls and it looks like you are a little early to the infamous three week stall...for some reason a lot of people stall at three weeks post op. It's hard not to be disappointed when the scales do not reflect the effort put in but noww is the time to make sure you have some non scale goals. Take some of the focus away from scales. Keep to your post op plan and weight loss will catch up. Edited to add, your body is still very much in the healing stage and there is still likely a lot of inflammation which can cause fluid retention. Some surgeons suggest not weighing for at least a month, there is good reason for that and now you are all too aware of it.

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