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Found 2,095 results

  1. Does anyone have any favorite products or suggestions of stuff I should try from the bariatric pal store? I have quite a few points saved up from posting on here and I was gonna order their vitamins to show my dr next month but I need to order more to get free shipping.
  2. I was searching the Bariatri Pal Store and found my favorite Quest Protein Bars. They have various. sugar alcohol amounts. Is it ok to eat one of them with 5 sugar alcohol?
  3. I’ve been going back and forth and have decided to go with the sleeve because it’s covered by insurance and the procedure I had wanted, the sadi-s would cost me $20,000 because of my BMI. I hope this is the right choice.
  4. Good evening my fellow Bariatric friends.

  5. Hey everyone. I am new to here and my gastric bypass surgery is on December, 13th, 2023. I have been very nervous but thankful to have found this page with such wonderful people. I recently subscribed to this gentleman on youtube as he went through gastric bypass. I just wanted to share my frustrations over this as I feel it is important not to fantasize WLS surgery. This guy recently posted about surgery risks, death, complications, etc. He also asked people to share their concerns and stories to which I shared my concerns. Sharing his response to my concerns. I just feel it worth sharing how insensitive he was and that just because his surgery went well, does not mean others are so lucky. Bariatric surgery is not all butterflies and rainbows, so there is no harm in trying to prepare for the unexpected as a way to help you get through this big life altering surgery. I personally felt it worth writing letters to my kids who are 11 and 8 and my husband. They will not see them unless something bad happens of course. My hope is they will never see them, but I rather have them for them just incase than not. Never let anyone tell you something you did to prepare was "not needed".
  6. Adipocyte Apoptosis

    Wegovy vs bariatric surgery

    Hi all, I had been on Wegovy for weight loss, and it almost completely silenced my food obsession. I stll got hungry and enjoyed my food, but I wasn't thinking about it all the time. My insurance no longer covers wegovy, so I've started on the bariatric surgery pathway. My question is, will surgery work in the same way? Will that voice be silenced? TIA!
  7. Dr. John Morton, Division Chief of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Yale School of Medicine, discusses if the new injectable weight-loss drugs are having an impact on people choosing bariatric surgery. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/yale-doctor-discusses-differences-between-bariatric-surgery-and-weight-loss-drugs/3145715/?amp=1
  8. HI All! I'm on day 3 of liquid diet and surgery is set for 11/30/23. I'll be taking off all of December from work as that is what doctor suggested for recovery time. My job is physically and mentally demanding. So, where did you/everyone get their bariatric Vitamins and calcium chews? My doctor recommended chewables for first 3 months, and honestly, I'm not a pill person anyway, if I can avoid it. Trying to watch my pennies, aren't we all, so thought I'd ask and hope for some good recommendations. The Kaiser Program I am going through recommends a couple different Vitamin brands to choose from: Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. Still, would like to hear the vitamins you are using even if not the brands I mentioned. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
  9. Hi All! I'm on day 3 of liquid diet and surgery is set for 11/30/23. I'll be taking off all of December from work as that is what doctor suggested for recovery time. My job is physically and mentally demanding. So, where did you/everyone get their bariatric Vitamins and calcium chews? My doctor recommended chewables for first 3 months, and honestly, I'm not a pill person anyway, if I can avoid it. Trying to watch my pennies, aren't we all, so thought I'd ask and hope for some good recommendations. The Kaiser Program I am going through recommends a couple different Vitamin brands to choose from: Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. Still, would like to hear the vitamins you are using even if not the brands I mentioned. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
  10. Hi All! I'm on day 3 of liquid diet and surgery is set for 11/30/23. I'll be taking off all of December from work as that is what doctor suggested for recovery time. My job is physically and mentally demanding. So, where did you/everyone get their bariatric vitamins and calcium chews? My doctor recommended chewables for first 3 months, and honestly, I'm not a pill person anyway, if I can avoid it. Trying to watch my pennies, aren't we all, so thought I'd ask and hope for some good recommendations. The Kaiser Program I am going through recommends a couple different vitamin brands to choose from: Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. Still, would like to hear the vitamins you are using even if not the brands I mentioned. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
  11. I read this article in the New York Times this week and thought it brought up a lot of interesting issues. With the alarming growth of obesity in young people, including children, there are a lot of questions about when should a patient become a candidate for WLS. With my upcoming surgery, I've had a few conversations with my teen/tween daughters about nutrition/healthy eating, as well as some of the possible genetic components of weight gain. Both of my girls are active and not currently at risk, but I know that my younger daughter is physically a lot like I was at her age, and I would do anything for her not to ever have to deal with weight gain the way I have as she gets older. I hope I can teach them both good habits now that they can carry with them. But what happens when a kid is already so large at age 16 that their quality of life is impacted? What's the responsible/ethical thing to do with regards to a surgery that can't be reversed? This is a very interesting read. In case you didn't read it, here's a link (it should bypass the paywall for non-subscribers until the end of November): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/31/magazine/teen-bariatric-surgery.html?unlocked_article_code=1.7Ew.M7l-.QaJi8BjntPW_&smid=url-share
  12. The MBSAQIP Bariatric Surgical Risk/Benefit Calculator (A tool clinicians are using to estimate progress) Hope it helps someone! https://riskcalculator.facs.org/bariatric/?_ga=2.112690692.1282950073.1698781773-393992475.1698781773
  13. After surgery did you get the “bariatric burr” did you feel colder than usual?! If so when did it happen, right after surgery or a few days/weeks after?
  14. Does anyone know if Kaiser will cover plastic surgery after Bariatric surgery?
  15. Has anybody had surgery in Mexico bariatric Center in Tijuana Mexico? Could you share your experience? Thinking abt getting a revision DS there.
  16. Hi! I am scheduled to have gastric sleeve surgery in September. I have diastolic dysfunction grade 1 and the idea of going under anesthesia makes me nervous. My surgeon is aware, as is my cardiologist and all have given me the green light. I realize that weight loss will likely improve the diastolic dysfunction and hopefully prevent full blown heart failure, so I am leaning towards going through with the surgery. I had a previous lapband (removed in 2014) and multiple surgeries which has caused adhesions/scar tissue, which will likely extend my total time under anesthesia. Has anyone had WLS with heart disease? If so, did you have any cardiac complications during or post-surgery?
  17. So excited to be a part of Bariatric Pal. If you want to chat, drop me a line. I'd love to get the conversations started.


  18. Hi everyone. I'm still looking for new vitamins, especially chewable (no soft gel). Is it me, or are these bariatric vitamin brands super weak? Fusion, ProCare, etc. have low amounts of vitamin B's, etc. I've always invested in high quality vitamins (Brain MD, others). The vitamins recommended by Cleveland Clinic even recommend a good amount of vitamin nutrients, but I don't find them in these bariatric brands. I realize I'd need to take numerous amounts of vitamins/day, but I'd have to take more than 10 multivitamins in these brands. Thoughts?
  19. Success at the surgeon visit! I met with him as well as the Bariatric Dietician and an MP. I have just have a vitamin lab, a gallbladder ultrasound, and an EKG to do and once those are all clear, I can get my surgery date!!

  20. Does anyone have a Bariatric counselor they’d recommend, online preferably? I’m four weeks out and struggling with the mental barrier of not being able to turn to food to deal with emotions.
  21. Good afternoon Have diabetes 2 and obesity for many years, now endocrinologist consultant recommends bariatric surgery, most likely Gastric bypass. Since 2015 keeping balanced diet and portion control, doing walking, swimming, lost 20kg in 2018-2020 but unfortunately not much weight loss recently. It would be interesting to hear from people of similar age and health profile who had bariatric surgery 4-5 years ago - is weight loss sustainable in long term? Any side effects - short and long term? Male in early 60s with sleep apnea and high blood pressure. BMI 49. Angiogram found no cardiac blockages but chest tightness happens often especially in warm humid weather. Physical activity is mainly walking, average 5-6 K steps daily, also swimming, outdoor stretching and breathing exercises Thanks
  22. Good afternoon community, I hope you are doing well! I finally started my journey April 2023 after years of it being put on the table by my primary care doctor. It was hard seeing the scale reach 293 at 25 years old. I have days when I am really excited about the journey and finally being comfortable in my body but there are other days when I have doubts. My doubts don't usually center around food. I am ready for the lifestyle change and am researching the best proteins and recipes for when the time comes. I think about how some who have the surgery can't consume water the same. I think about the side effects, the nausea, the vomiting, dumping syndrome. I'm scared of possibly regretting it and think about the worst happening. I wanted more information on your journeys if you don't mind sharing. Your pros, your cons, if you had doubts and what helped you get over those? For those who had the surgery, do you have any regrets? is there something you would do differently? things you wished you knew before the surgery? On a positive note, what are the milestones and the good things that came with the surgery? I want to know, if anyone regretted it? Thank you in advanced for your replies!

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