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  1. Not sure if you would like it but you could add high protein/greek yogurt to the jelly, before it sets, so that it sets like a pudding texutre. You would get a higher protein amount if you also included some protein powder into the mix. This is how I have made it; 1 packet of sugar free jelly 250ml boiling water 300g greek yogurt 30g protein powder (I alternated between vanilla and natural) To make: In a just/bowl add the boiling water and jelly sachet. Mix until well combined and set aside, just to let it cool for a couple of minutes. In a blender add the yogurt, protein powder and jelly mix. Blitz until smooth. Pour into ramakins /small bowls and cover, let set in the fridge for at least 3 hours. One large bowl is about 50g protein so it will then just depend on how you portion it out but MyFitnessPal (or similar) can calculate that for you. I found the above one on Instagram and I am sure you could find similar if you wanted to have a look. The rest of the time I just had broth, made out of stock cubes with protein powder in it. The liquid phase isn't that bad or too long (if you only have to go through it once, I had to do it three times) so I just had the yogurts. puddings and broth/soup.
  2. Hi everyone. Soooo, here I am 6 months post VSG. Started at a BMI 33, reached goal at 3.5 months so kept changing goals and here I am at the 6th month mark having lost much more than anticipated and ready for maintenance (at a BMI 20 as of today, 126.7 lbs/57.6 KGs). I don’t want to bore you with too many details, other than that I bounce between a fear of becoming sickly thin (currently feeling that) and an all encompassing fear of gaining weight and going back to what I have become, it is kind of mind boggling. I read many many stories of how WLS patients gained all the weight back and then some, about them seeking revision surgeries or GLP treatments and it really freaks me out and my mind starts telling me to keep losing weight just so I don’t end up back where I started. I want to change that and start focusing on success stories. I have come across people with successful outcomes many years out but there isn’t many of them to be honest, and what I have noticed with successful WLS patients is this: - They made 360 degree changes in their lifestyles (cut all the junk, took up exercise and became very “clean” if you will). OR: - Still have fun but track their calories and weight DAILY. Very few have just lost interest in food and don’t do any of the above and remained successful. Given my history being at a low BMI and athletic my entire adulthood and only becoming overweight the past few years I can be very disciplined and committed. However I am human and I love going out to eat and trying new foods and restaurants, so for you the successful lot please enlighten me on the following: 1. What are your golden rules to successful maintenance? 2. How did you manage the mental shift (navigating fear and uncertainty) while transitioning to maintenance? I can’t seem to quiet my thoughts and anxiety around WHAT IFs? 3. How much indulgence do you actually allow yourself? I really need to strike that balance right now. Every single tip would be helpful. And to celebrate my 6 month anniversary, here’s a little before and after for y’all:
  3. Get your protein up to your recommended intake. That should always be your focus. Then ensure you reach those fluid goals. Are you having regular blood work taken? Is that indicating you are lacking in anything? Actually there aren’t any rigorous scientific research into the benefits of collagen on hair growth or strength. The studies that exist are funded by companies that produce collagen supplements. Best to get all your protein in so you’re getting all the complete amino acids your body needs not the few in collagen. Hair is made of keratin, not collagen, and you need the complete range of amino acids (protein) for your body to produce the necessary keratin. The different lengths of your new growth hair could just be from the different times it starts coming in (it doesn’t all grow in at the same time). But maybe give the bleach a rest for a while until things settle. Have a chat with your doctor &/or maybe a dermatologist to check your scalp & hair health. Has your hairdresser said anything?
  4. I agree with the others, it’s too early to make calls about what your final stabilised weight may be. Don’t make decisions based on the number on the scales. It’s not uncommon for your weight to bounce about a little before it stabilises. Bounce back regain is real for many whether that be your body resettling or you making adjustments to complement your lifestyle. And don’t forget your remaining weight resettles itself, even though the scales don’t move, so how you look now may not be how you look in a couple of months. I initially lost my curves and was sad about losing my hour glass shape. A few months on & there it was again - smaller ratios but there. Body dysmorphia comes into play too: how we. See ourselves & how others see us. I thought I’d be too thin & gaunt if I got lower than my goal but here I am 11+kgs less and I’m far from gaunt or skeletal. And like @ms.sss, people who said I was too thin many kilograms more than I am now, think I look fine now and don’t say anything. Remember your goal is not necessarily your body’s goal (new set point). Working out your maintenance isn’t always easy. It wasn’t for me. I was still adjusting to how much food I needed to eat & what I could actually physically eat & I was subconsciously ignoring where my body wanted to be. Enjoy the ride and only worry if your surgeon and doctors aren’t happy.
  5. Hey all, does anyone have any tips on the regrowth? I had my surgery 16 months again and it feels like it's taking forever to be healthy again and to grow. It looks brittle and thin with some breakage. I know I need to up my protein and water, has anyone taken anything to help it? I'm taking Collagen, but I don't think it's helping anymore. I have different lengths closest to my hairline. Part of it I believe is from the surgery and the other part I know it's from Lightening my fringe in August. Now the hormonal acne. Wow, that started in January. I've never had this bad of acne before and it's pretty painful. It'll come, stay like a week one or two will go away and come back and repeat the process. Annoying. I know the hormones change after surgery, but I wasn't expecting hormonal acne 😄
  6. Thank you!!! I guess I'll just ride it out and see where it takes me. I honestly didn't think about the regain later on, so maybe it's not a bad thing if I go 10 or even 12 pounds below my goal weight. Thanks for the advice and suggestions!!! Much appreciated
  7. With almost everyone I've encountered who lost a lot of weight rapidly and may have looked "too thin" for a while, it's a temporary thing, just until the body has the chance to shift fat around to different places and even everything out, which it doesn't necessarily do during the weight loss phase. Plus, it's an initial shock when you're used to seeing someone (including yourself in the mirror) look one way and now they are very different and it's jarring. I know within a year at the most after my brother had VSG and went from 300+ lbs to around 150 lbs (which was very skinny because he's 6ft tall), his appearance went from shockingly skinny to totally normal and healthy, even though his weight didn't go up during that time. Within another year after that, he'd gained several pounds and was at a weight he maintained for several years after that. It was all just part of the process.
  8. I'd personally let it continue. Most of us have a rebound gain after we hit bottom - 10-20 lbs is pretty common, usually during year 3. Some people even gain more. I purposely went below my goal to account for it, and I'm really glad I did, because yep - I put on 20 lbs during year 3 (have put on about 10 more since then, which I am NOT happy about...) and yep - I looked way too skinny at my lowest weight (esp in my face), but my fat shifted around after awhile and I looked much better. Then the gain started...I sure as heck don't look too skinny now!
  9. I thought about that. I just worry I'll start looking too skinny an sickly. That happens if my weight goes too low. Maybe I'll go 2 weeks and then weigh and see what it looks like.
  10. Don't question it.. it is tough and it sucks but remember why you are doing this. If it helps you feel better, somewhere is out there starving with you..! My surgery is MONDAY. And I lost 13pds so far with this preop diet... you can do it!!!! My stomach is growling and I just think about being healthy for myself and my family.
  11. Happy 10 day post-op! Im sorry to hear about your belly button discharge- do you have an incision close to it that caused it? I am also about 3 weeks liquid phase including pre-op. Im so sick of it. My fluid intake for water/sugar free gatorade is okay. I’m no where near 1.5 L a day but its slowly getting better and im definitely drinking more now than I was the first two days. Did you develop an intolerance to lactose after your surgery?
  12. Hi! I just got sleeved on June 7th and am a little over a week post-op! I was very nervous because I had never been under general anesthesia so I had an irrational fear that it wouldn’t work on me, lol. The surgery went very well and the recovery is not as bad as I thought! The worst part were the gas pains that lasted about 3 days, but I feel significantly better now. My one tip: get a heating pad!!! Good luck to everyone! If anyone got sleeved on the same day as me/around the same time lmk, I would love some bari-buddy twins :)
  13. I'm sorry about the stalls. No matter how much we know they will happen, it doesn't make it any easier. I know in the past, the closer I got to my goal weight, the slower it would come off. @BlueParis this could be the case with you? How are things feeling... your body? Your clothes? My dietician told me that these things will continue to change even during stalls.
  14. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

    August surgeries?

    I am also looking into August surgery. They have the 26th held for me until I see my pcp and get cleared from her. So far I have completed the psych part and labs. I have my clearance appointment with my pcp in July and still need to do a chest xray and ekg. It's getting realer all the time. I'm very nervous and anxious about it. Surgery was my last resort.
  15. out with the gals last night...had margaritas with a side of guacamole and chips for dinner omg. i kept meaning to order a proper entree, but just didn't get around to it so just ate the leftover chips and guac that was on the table... the margaritas alone were like 800 cals! so warning to those drinking mixed drinks during weight loss phase! keep your calorie counts in mind! one of my margaritas!
  16. i say just keep doing what you are doing, if it feels good and natural to you. i can almost guarantee you that you will NOT wither away and die. so long as you are not in any danger zones (based on labs and your doc's opinion), then you should be golden. just ride the ride and see where you end up. you will most likely gain a bit after you hit bottom, so a cushion is always good. the fear of losing too much weight is a very, very common feeling in our demographic. very, very few actually prove that their worries were warranted long term. i've only known of exactly 1 person (if any!) on this forum for the almost 6 years i've been on here that had an almost-serious issue with ongoing weight loss..but i suspect it was mostly mental vs. physical. i myself had a mini panic for a month or so after reaching goal. and like everyone else, it eventually became a non-issue. i weigh less now that at that time when i was panicking, and in no way do i think i am too skinny today...nor do the people who told me i was waaaaaay to skinny at 127 lbs. now they tell me i'm super hot at 118 lbs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ good luck!
  17. I have a feeling if your body is happy and healthy at 190, you will eventually end up at 190. But you may need to go lower first before you bounce back up. Or you may go lower and change your mind about where you want to end up. Maybe just focus on eating healthy foods, doing your usual exercises, and how you feel physically with health and energy right now instead of worrying about the number on the scale for the next few months? A lot of this last stage is just temporary transition that you have to let yourself get through to reach the final stopping point, wherever that happens to be for you, and I'm not sure it's all that easy to control, like flipping a start or stop switch. You'll end up in a good place eventually!
  18. Parmida

    Florida Medically Needy Medicaid- help!

    I have recently approved for medically needy program by medicaid, I am clueless about hat to do to start, I live in Miami FL, can any one help me where to start?
  19. i wasn't paying for my REQUIRED nutritionist appointments. my whole WLS was covered by provincial insurance and it was just something i was told i had to do, so i did. all my NUT appointments were on the same days/times as my followups with my surgeon and lab appointments so it wasn't too much of an inconvenience since i was already there...just annoying really. i saw my nutritionist for about 15 or so appts over 5 years. once my surgeon follow ups were done, so were my NUTs (thank goodness!). didn't even occur to me that i should just skip these appts!
  20. My Gosh! Look at how far you have come. Seriously, it's AMAZING! To second what everyone else has said, it sounds like you have your sh*t together here. You're on it. You ARE kicking butt and taking names. You're tearing it up. Why on earth would she tell you to change things? You sound like the poster child for success stories. I do understand following orders, but I also understand that no one knows you better than you. What you are doing is working beautifully. Please don't feel discouraged. You should feel proud and amazing of what you have done. Working out that much has to make you feel so great and you DO need fuel for that. Sometimes I think dieticians may be afraid of the "slippery slope" of things and forewarn us about things that might never apply to us. Like others have said, she tells you what she "has to" but again, what you are doing is clearly working! You have to find your own path and find a way to make this life change work for you, permanently. It's not her life. Trust in yourself and enjoy your progress. You have so much to be proud of.
  21. SecretAgentDD

    A 2nd Chance at Life

    Thanks for sharing your story. I was already sure I wanted to do this, but you made me feel even better about this decision. I look forward to seeing more updates from you UnknownJorge and hearing how things are going.
  22. SecretAgentDD

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    As far as getting ready: I've got a binder my doctor gave to me. It has basically all the information that I should need going forward. I do look at it periodically to refresh my memory about what is expected of me. For the dietary changes and stages, I write everything I need to stop/start on a calendar. For example: I need to stop drinking coffee and need to taper off to avoid headaches. I am also weaning myself off carbonated water and need reminders. I'm struggling with a few things such as taking small bites, so I like to put reminders in my calendar so i have to see them every day. I'm also changing my vitamins over to different brands and also needed reminders for that as well. (I'm forgetful!) I've made a list of the things I need to buy such as different kinds of protein powder, unjury protein, chewable vitamins, calcium chews, small utensils, small plates, a drink blender, etc. I've made a list of things to pack for the hospital (thanks to several threads here on this website, I have a list going). As I purchase them, I mark them off. Along those lines, I have fairly good ideas of the types of things I will be eating in each dietary stage so that I can plan ahead for grocery shopping when I get to that point. I purchased several books off amazon that were used, and very inexpensive. Things like bariatric cookbooks and bariatric mindset success books. I do try to read a little bit each day and then journal about what I read. I drive a lot for work so I have plenty of time to listen to podcasts. There are several that I enjoy that I feel are science-based, supportive and informative. I've learned many things from these podcasts about bariatrics. They're free and it's easy to just put one on a few times a week. Besides bariatricpal, I am trying to avoid other websites that deal with bariatrics at this point. It felt overwhelming and felt like I kept going down a rabbit hole of horror stories and it was not helping with my anxiety. There is one person on youtube that I enjoy watching because she's many years out and is very inspiring. Now that I have a date for surgery, this all feels very real and scary. I am trying to not give into the fear too much and remember why I am here at this decision. I need to take charge of my health. I have ONE precious life. I want to live the rest of my life in the best health that I can. I've tried desperately since I was about 20 (in my late 40's now) to lose the weight and keep it off. I've had high blood pressure for 15 years and no matter what I do, It continues to be an issue for me. I've been warned that I am pre-diabetic and likely someday soon that will catch up to me and I'll officially be diabetic. I cannot do this on my own and maintain it. It's that simple. This is my second chance and I will not turn back. This is honestly a story about saving my own life by asking for help. I hope this helps.
  23. I think in the last 2 years I talked to my nutritionist 3 times. And that was because I had to. It was included with the surgeries and she worked in my surgeon's office. She's nice and helped me come up with some cool recipes, but that's really it. I stayed mostly within the surgeon's dietary recommendations, but as time went on, I learned what my body likes and dislikes. For example, I'm extremely sensitive to carbs but not at all to sugar. I still stay away from sugar for the most part, but I'm not afraid of it like I was. I won't turn something away if it has sugar, but I typically go sugar free as much as I can. As for carbs, I use to do keto, so I was ok with low carb meals (I would have maybe 60-80 carbs per day). Now, though, I can't have more than 25 without feeling sick. On heavy workout days, I tend to go higher (45-50) but I pay for it because, again, I'm SUPER sensitive to them now. I respond well to high protein, moderate healthy fats, and high fiber foods. I'd say just do what you're doing, ignore the nutritionist, and keep kicking ass and taking names. You're doing AWESOME, so don't worry about the rest of it.
  24. Why pay good money to see the NUT is that's how you feel about them (although I am guessing you no longer go)? I stopped after my 3rd or 4 th appointment after I realised, she wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know. To The OP if you're not happy with what she is telling you and you are doing well on your own don't waste your money or time on appointments you don't need.
  25. I'm ~3 years in after revision to RNY, My normal is about 4 to 6 oz of food, depending on what it is. I have to eat slow, chew well, listen to my fullness signs, otherwise I'll get the foamies. I drink up to the point of eating, but don't drink anything at least an hour later. Most of the time much longer. I never had a formal exercise routine, but I live an active lifestyle.

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