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Found 1,237 results

  1. Isobella

    [2] 3 Week Stall, @#$%!

    I am officially 3 weeks post op, and have not lost any weight for the past week, whereas I was losing a couple of pounds consistently each day for the first week. The first two or three days of this stall I experienced in complete denial. It's water weight, I would think to myself. Day six and seven of my stall brought me to google searches for answers. I've read countless reasons as to why I am possibly stalling, the following being more believable (at least to me) than others: It is a normal bodily response to drastic water loss and decreased caloric intake Your body is storing every bit of calorie you take in to burn for the healing process for your surgery, instead of burning actual fat itself My searches also brought me various methods, or "tricks" people used to break them from the vicious three week stall: Take in 200 more calories a day Increase physical activity Get one more hour of sleep each night Make sure you are drinking 2 liters of water every day, and 70-120 g of protein I have yet to be cleared safe by my surgeon to hit the gym just yet because at this point, I am taking in so little calories each day (300 to 500) that I would be so dangerously exhausted. As for increasing my caloric intake, I will have to do it in the form of protein shakes. I am still on a full liquid diet (thick liquids), so solids are out of the question for me. I also finally brought myself to sign up for a gym membership for the first time in three years. I work three days a week which leaves me 4 days of nothing but free time. Hopefully this will allow me to get back into a steady routine for the next year. At least I'd better get in there regularly! For one year of membership, it cost me $459 total but with no monthly payments. I'd be lying if I said I'm not excited about going to the gym. I vaguely remember the feeling of my body after a seriously intense workout. How I somehow just felt "light", and my limbs ached and felt like jell-o because I pushed myself harder than the last time. I also felt stronger. Anyways, I hope this week three stall breaks soon.
  2. Kayrae1982

    Who Else Is Not Losing?

    I'm at the "three week stall" it sucks. And I'm not sure what to eat to get out of it. I heard to eat more, but wow it's hard to eat what I am now lol. Hopefully it won't last long. I've lost 19lbs so far which I'm so thankful for but ready for the rest to come off!
  3. Babbs

    Longest stall?

    6 weeks at 6 months out. This is probably your first (The Dreaded Three Week Stall that most get) and it won't be your last. Just keep getting your protien, fluids, stay low carb and move a little and it will pass. Stalls still suck, though
  4. Introversion

    Weight loss stall... 18 days post op

    Yes, it is as common as a full moon. Look up the "three week stall" or "third week stall." This infamous stall happens to many bariatric surgery patients sometime between the second and fourth postoperative weeks. It usually occurs around week 3; hence, it is called the "three week stall."
  5. blizair09

    The Stall...

    Google "three week stall." That is what is happening. Just stick to your plan and the weight will come off. Nothing about post-op weight loss is linear. It is full of periods of loss, followed by longer periods of stall. That is just part of the process. Also, it is slow. I started my six month insurance-required diet program at 397 pounds, and weighed 298 pounds on surgery day. Even at that size, my loss in the first four weeks post-op was far from "dramatic." But I have followed my plan religiously every single day, kept my carbs below 20 every single day, tracked everything I put in my body every single day, and even with the countless stalls, I have lost 205 pounds and am 12 pounds from goal at 9 months post-op. Put the scale away if it bothers you and keep focused on what is important. Good luck!
  6. You won't lose weight every single day. And weight loss stalls happen. The three week stall is very common. I've had several stalls over my journey and the longest one lasted 23 days (that was in month 3), in fact I just got over a two week stall yesterday as I finally lost another pound. Also, since you're exercising you may put on muscle which weighs more than fat so it may not look like you're losing weight when you weigh yourself, but if you take measurements you'll be able to tell the difference with that. Try not to stress yourself out during stalls because the stress can prolong them (almost impossible to do, I know).
  7. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    do a search on the "three week stall". Happens to almost everyone. Stick to your plan and the stall will eventually break. I promise.
  8. How much mayo? I stuck with no-fat or very low fat protein. Even in maintenance, I eat very low fat except for treats. I ate only a couple of bites of veggies with meals because I haf a hard time getting the protein in. But unless you are eating a lot of mayo and peas, it's probably just the dreaded three week stall. Lynda
  9. It's normal to stall around that time. Your body is just playing catch up. It's so normal actually, I'm kind of surprised nobody warned you about it. Either search here or Google "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" and you will see it happens to 98% of us. You're doing just fine. As a matter of fact, you're even a little ahead of the game with what you've lost so far. Keep doing what you're doing and the stall will pass.
  10. TheWigster

    Week 3 Post-Op No weight loss...

    I understand about the stalls. I was in a three week stall 4 weeks post op and I am happy to report that over the last two days the scale is finally moving down again! I had been off my blood pressure meds since the surgery and it had been normal. Then all of a sudden my blood pressure went up again. I took my BP meds two days in a row and that seemed to have kick started the weight loss. I am sure I was retaining fluids of some sort. My BP is back to normal again and the scale is moving. I also upped my Protein and exercise; that probably had a lot to do with it too. Hang in there. I understand about the frustration. I had convinced myself that I was doing something wrong and that I was going to fail at this too. It's all a head game. Your body is adjusting and will move when it's time. Good luck and stay positive.
  11. I'm eight weeks post-op and have hit my second stall. Totally hit that three week stall like everyone else, it lasted 10 days for me. I'm on day 13 of this current stall. It seems since surgery I have more stall days than loss days. Anyone else hit their second, third, tenth stall? If so can you please share your story so I can feel better? I've lost 22 pounds since surgery so I'm very happy and proud of myself! And just so everyone knows I eat around 800 - 900 calories a day (I'm 5'8"), exercise is here and there and I get about 80 g of Protein a day. I may not exercise everyday but I'm an active person. Thanks everyone for your comments or suggestions!!!
  12. Dragonsmate, good for you! Now, when you hit the three week stall, don't get into a tizzy.....
  13. StacieLee

    May 9th-13th sleevers

    I was sleeved on 5/2 and my doctor put me into soft foods...I prefer Protein shakes too so I have one in the morning for Breakfast. For about a week and a half I've been in the dreaded three-week stall...it is awful! After seeing 27 lbs melt away and now the scale staying still...it's driving me crazy...I made my husband hide the scale!
  14. catwoman7

    Stalled and stuck

    I can't speak to the vomiting - that's a question for your surgeon. But as for the others - yes, it's likely the infamous three-week stall, and yes - constipation is a chronic problem for many of us. Just try to keep on top of it. Some of us take Miralax every day, some take magnesium, some use stool softeners, some drink Smooth Move tea, some use some combination of things. Just figure out what works for you and keep on it.
  15. Serengirl

    Minimal Weight loss

    The three week stall is a real thing. Perhaps your holding onto water weight? have you not lost anything?
  16. And here I was self-flagellating because I thought I must be either eating too much or too little or just generally have a body that doesn't want to lose weight. I'd never heard of the three week stall, but I'm in the midst of it. I'm 4wks post op tomorrow and I've fluctuated between losing and gaining a kilo in the last fortnight. That said, I do notice tiny changes in my body ie my sports crop top that was once nearly cutting me in two is now comfortable bordering on being too loose. I'm glad I kept scrolling through this and thank you to the original poster for posting this!!! I just hope my body gets a grip on itself and starts to pull the finger out. I've ramped up my cardio and plan to start weights this weekend (baby weights, not Arnie weights!!!). You all have given me hope that I'm not going to stay this weight. Yay! Cheers RozzieJ
  17. LOL! That's exactly what "they" do call it: the dreaded three week stall. You can google it: dreaded three week stall You can also use this board's search function to find posts about the dreaded three week stall. People have been doing WLS a long time. Eventually, most of us all discover the same things.
  18. Quite possibly more than calories, is what those calories are (what is your average calorie count these days?) Since you are already taking B12, that's not likely it (B12 is more of an RNY thing than a VSG thing, but some can be intrinsically low it irrespective, or just diet is low in it for now, though most multivitamins have enough to do the job.) Overly low carbohydrates are frequently a cause of low energy in the absence of other anemia indicators, as that is where our quick energy comes from. It is what helps us chase down that antelope for dinner, or quickly climb a tree to avoid being a lion's dinner (hoping it's not a leopard chasing us!) We typically burn off our glycogen reserves (basically stored carb, held mostly in the muscle tissues) and the water that keeps it in solution first,, usually in the first couple of weeks or so, and then pause while we start to access our fat reserves to rebuild the glycogen back to a functional level - hence the typical rapid weight loss followed by the "three week stall". You may well still be trying to rebuild your glycogen stores to get you that everyday energy that you are expecting. I have seen some programs that specifically want their patients to do a bit of lightweight "carb loading" after surgery to counter this problem - things like oatmeal, cream of wheat, sloppy mashed potatoes, unsweetened apple sauce, watered down fruit juice, etc. I never had consistent energy problems as you describe, though I did run out of gas more quickly for a while - afternoon naps in the first 2-3 weeks were common and my bedtime shifted an hour or so earlier (my circadian rhythm has stayed shifted by an hour or so ever since - about an hour earlier to bed and hour earlier to get up,) but even within the first week I was outpacing my wife on our walks (granted, not a real high bar, but still....) I was back at the gym within the first 2-3 weeks, mostly to keep my wife in the habit, I basically just walked on the treadmill or did some gentle bike or elliptical work to explore range of motion, but moderate energy was there. I was up into the 900-1000 calorie range within the first couple of weeks, and the doc was adding more veg to the diet as my protein was satisfactory at 90+. I wasn't specifically carb loading, but neither was I avoiding them - just eating as healthy as possible within the limitations. Later, however, after about four months I was running into an energy wall after about an hour in the pool, and after consulting with the RD on it and added some complex carb ahead of my gym time, I found that a simple piece of toast made all the difference in breaking through that wall. So simple things can make a difference.
  19. Creekimp13


    MANY people have a bit of a stall when transitioning from pureed food to solid food when they're about three weeks out. Google "Bariatric Surgery Three Week Stall". It's super common, and super disheartening. But don't be overly concerned! It's normal and if it happens, you're not necessarily doing anything wrong. Our bodies have amazing defense mechanisms developed over thousands of years to prevent starvation. When our calories suddenly dip very low we hormonally and metabolically adjust to maintain our weight as much as we can....so...ya know...we don't starve to death. And yes, this defense mechanism SUCKS for weight loss. But the good news...is that if we stay the course....and stick to our plans consistently...eventually, we do overcome it and the scale starts moving again. I promise. Dthomas....if you're not exceding your calorie goal, if you're journaling what you eat and choosing good food...your mind IS right. Your body is just throwing you a curve ball as a defense against starvation. It's temporary! Stick to your eating plan. Have patience. And have realistic expectations. Most folks are not going to have the 50 pound losses you see on My 600 Pound Life in a few weeks. Also...losing a job and the financial crunch it brings... can be really discouraging and depressing. Exercise really will help you, even if it's just walking a few miles a day. Hang in there. It gets better.
  20. Hop_Scotch

    Not losing weight

    Sounds like you are in the three week stall that lot of people experience for up to two to three weeks. As we go through the food stages and probably increase our calorie intake a little, our bodies take time to adjust. If you are concerned speak to your dietician, make sure you are keeping a food journal and are eating the food volumes and type of foods in your guidelines. Also make sure you are getting sufficient non calorie fluids. Keep calm, it will come.
  21. Oh, Neva, Everyone hits that three week stall. Yours may have come early since you have a lower BMI than a lot of us. Just keep looking for those NSVs and the SVs will follow right along! You're doing great!!!
  22. catwoman7

    Post Surgery weight loss

    the three-week stall usually lasts a week or two, but I've known of a couple of people who had it last for 3.5 weeks. Mine lasted for two weeks and after it broke, I settled into a pattern like you described - a half pound to a pound a day. I lost at that rate for the first six or seven months, then it slowed down even more (actually, after the first month or two, it was more like a half pound a day, if that...). It adds up over time, though. I've lost a total of 236 lbs. Just stick to your program and be patient and the weight will come off..
  23. vincereautmori

    Weight loss has stopped - HELP !

    Ditto, three week stall, it's your body adjusting to all the changes. Mine lasted 2 weeks, but haven't hit any since.
  24. catwoman7

    Weight loss Timetable/Stall

    unless you're the size of one of the participants on "My 600 lb Life", your weight loss is normal. I lost 16 lbs the first month. Many of us (probably most) lost somewhere between 15-25 lbs the first month. Stalls along the way are also very normal, the first one usually occurring within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery (often the 3rd week, which is why we call it "the three week stall"). I have mixed feelings about "My 600 lb Life" because I think it gives a lot of WLS patients unrealistic expectations. Starting BMI is one of the factors that influence your rate of weight loss, and the people on that show tend to start out at MUCH higher BMI's than your average WLS patient. As long as your weight is trending down, relax. I was a "slow loser" from the get-go, and I lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs.
  25. Maxthecat

    Post Surgery weight loss

    It took a good week for all the extra fluids to wash out. Then I lost 16lbs the next week. Now I am at the dreaded three week stall.

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