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Found 15 results

  1. There has been quite a bit of negativity on here lately, I do agree to that. I myself have a lot of weight to lose you can see by looking at my ticker. I started at 419 lbs and I am down to 407 from being on a diet for my insurance. I haven't had the surgery yet but I plan to be banded in November. Bypass may be the decision for some but in the long run, and short run, it's a lot more dangerous than lapband. With bypass they reroute your stomach and intestines, you have dumping syndrome, you pretty much can't have suger anymore, your hair falls out, you can bleed out, mortality rates are higher, longer hospital stay, longer recovery, you can gain it all back, your insides are all cut up etc. With lapband, it controls your portions, makes you full quicker, it can be adjusted loose or tighter, shorter hospital stay, shorter recovery time, no dumping syndrome or less likely to get it, less likely to have hair fall out, you can still have sugar, less likely to have internal problems, less chance of mortality etc. If you happen to gain weight back you can go have it reajusted so you are more satisfied again, and it's a lot easier to reverse, and cheaper etc. As for working hard. You have to have willpower, exercise, and try to eat right no matter what type of surgery you have. I have seen people have bypass and gain everything back but I've also seen people with lapband gain everything back, then they go get a fill and adjusted and start losing again. The band is a tool placed inside of you to help curb your appetite, if you eat the wrong kinds of foods such as sliders (chocolate chips etc) you will get hungry quicker and probably eat too much and gain weight. If you eat foods rich in Protein they will fill up your pouch and should work considerably in making you not hungry for an extended period of time. Either way with everyone it's different. No matter which surgery you choose I wish you luck and I hope all of the negativity on the forum lately hasn't scared you off. Try to find the positive threads too, because lapband has worked for many many people some have lost over 200 lbs and are still losing! All in all there are going to be failures, and they're are going to be successes. There's always a possibility for problems too and that always needs to be in the back of your mind. If you feel something is wrong call your doc etc. You can always come on here for help, or encouragement whatever it may be. We are all here to help one another in these journeys we are taking in order to be healthier and happier. I wish you lots of luck and hope to hear more from you soon. Don't be discouraged, just keep looking up info, talk to your doctors, and keep a positive attitude. The answer will come to you.:tongue2:
  2. Dream4tc

    FInally taking the plunge

    @@auntitraci Welcome! So glad you joined us! 20 yrs is a long time! Congratulations on taking the leap of faith. These forums are full of support and knowledge. You should also come join our official November Bypass thread! We would love to have you with us, the more the merrier! Do you have a date set in mind for Nov?
  3. mousecat88

    November Bypassers!!

    BY THE WAY: We have a Facebook support group for November Bypass Patients! Search for "Bypass'ing in November" on Facebook!
  4. Hop_Scotch

    Surgery Nerves

    Hi and welcome You are not far off at all, no wonder you are a little nervous and excited. There are a couple of November threads you may like to participate it, hopefully the search link below will bring up some threads for you. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=november bypass
  5. xxtrinaxx

    November Bypass?

    Surgery scheduled today!! November 5th! Haven’t decided if excited or nervous!! Lol Does anyone want to start a private group for November Bypass?
  6. Hi! I had a gastric bypass here in Houston, TX back in November of 2015 - on the 24th to be exact! A day before Thanksgiving! I didn't see a running post for November Bypassers so if you know of one, please send me the link so I can see others' progress! Can you list your starting weight, your loss a few months later, and your loss right now in July 2016? Curious how we all are doing! I know each of us will be different depending on a lot of factors, but I'd love to see if we are similar too! Me - I'm 41 years old, mom of 3 - had a FT job Weighed 234 on Nov 24th, 2015 Weighed 200 on March 5th, 2016 Weight 169.6 today, July 1st, 2016. My goal is 135 but I'm only 5'1'' so it really should be 115 but I don't want to get crazy! Has anyone gone back to any old eating habits? I used to drink a zillion sodas.... now when I drink one, the bubbles taste funny so I don't like it and don't drink them. I drink a lot of iced tea and flavored waters - no bubbles. Kind of boring, wish I had more options. Tried to have a small bowl of vanilla ice cream and was very sick for 2 hours after so never ate that again! I'm JUST NOW tolerating greens for salads. I am about 7 months out from surgery now with 65lbs lost. No exercising yet as I have scoliosis and a lower back disc bulge I'm getting PT for - via a pool therapy. Hoping to feel better soon so I can work out and get rid of the flappy skin hanging around! Anyone else want to share experiences? I'd love to connect! Thanks!! Shann
  7. ARCarnes

    November Bypassers!!

    Hi All - my surgery is Monday, November 5th. I have been so hyped About this since starting - but the closer to surgery date I get, the more nervous I get! The 3 week pre-op diet has been ok - not to bad, so I’m hoping the rest will go ok! Good luck to all the November bypassers!! Anyone recently post-op that wants to share how it went!
  8. GettinSkinnywithit

    November Bypassers!!

    Surgery yesterday and doing better today. Last night sucked. Couldn’t sleep at all. I think I slept for an hour then no more then 5-10 minutes. Every time I’d fall asleep my o2 levels dropped and the alarm would jolt me awake. Barium swallow this morning showed no issues so reward is ice chips - so good after going 36 hours nothing to drink. Bring petroleum free chap stick! Life saver those hours. Good luck to future November bypassers!
  9. Can we just start a thread for us November bypassers? Mine is November 1st! Please feel free to spill your guts over your fears and excitements! I'd love to have the support knowing we're doing this together, even if we are physically far away. I have 150lbs to lose and I am anxious to see those pounds go! My goal is to reach my goal weight within 24 months. I know it can happen much sooner than that, but I want to give myself a far out goal-date so I don't get too upset if it doesn't come off as fast as I hope. I hope to spend my 32nd birthday at 140lbs! My birthday is November 24th, so this is the best 30th birthday present I could give myself.
  10. mousecat88

    November Bypass?

    I think FB group for November bypassers would be great!
  11. GettinSkinnywithit

    November Bypassers!!

    How are all the November bypassers doing?
  12. Frustr8

    October Bypass

    And I bet The November Bypass group will be glad to have YOU!
  13. I’m scheduled for my surgery November 7th, and it’s starting to feel real. I’m having a lap band to bypass revision and only taking one week off from work (nine days counting the weekend). A little worried about just a week. Anyone else in November?
  14. Ok, who is excited? I know I am! I will tell you a little bit about me. I was banded in 2011, lost 80 pounds but developed complications and had to have it removed just 3 weeks ago. I am still overweight, never reached goal. I decided to revise to bypass which is a scary thing for me. My insurance company and my surgeon wants me to wait 3 months before revision to bypass mainly to heal from my recent band, scar tissue and port removal. I also have been on a physician supervised diet since April. My NUT and Psych appt are Oct 2nd. Once they have that, they can submit. I have a tentative date of November 13th or 16th. My surgeon is ok with either date. What is really weird, is that I was banded around that time back in 2011. I am looking forward to meeting others who will be going through this at the same time, and to support each other
  15. Frustr8

    October 2018 Sleevers

    @IrishGal21 started one a month ago or you could hang also with the November Bypassers ,at October 30 you are kind of" on the cusp" of them, I'm sure they both would be tickled to have you. it is nice to have someone to share things with!

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