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Found 738 results

  1. T.Whitaker


    What's the best low sugar alcoholic beverages to enjoy???
  2. My hubby has a bypass. Half a glass of wine, and he is drunk. Is this true for sleeves as well?
  3. callchrissy

    Tips On Alcohol...

    So I had my surgery on October 21st. I am just over 3 weeks out. I am not planning on drinking anything until 8 weeks out and that would be ocasionaly/socially but I just want to know what peoples tolerances are? During my pre op class they say u get drunk off of A LOT less alcohol and need to be careful. So I'd like to see about how much people are drinking before you become tipsy?
  4. So, just got banded last Friday and I'm trying to stick to pureed foods. It's very hard since it seems like my stomach can tolerate big portions and I'm feeling good, but extremely hungry. Can anyone tell me if it is ok to have a glass of wine already? How about smoking?
  5. Next weekend I have an annual girls weekend at the lake. Yes, this includes alcoholic beverages. Maybe a few. Before surgery the only thing I drank was beer. Has anyone had beer post surgery? I'm afraid of the carbonation. Any other beverage options? I'm not a wine drinker.
  6. ABomb


    Hello all. I am 52 and had my sleeve surgery on September 1. I am down 60 pounds from my first consultation appointment. I seem to be a bit stuck but really it's probably my fault. I am not working out as often and getting back in to some bad habits. I have 29 more pounds to go. I am drinking adult beverages again and having no adverse effects. I know it's empty calories but old habits die hard. Trying to stick to a vodka and crystal lite but sometimes wine sneaks in. Anyone know what the evils of alcohol are after this surgery besides slowed down weight loss? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. So, I am finding it super hard now that it is summer and everything revolves around sitting in the sun with a cocktail. I am 26 and I love to mingle..... If anyone cares to know what I have been drinking it usually consists of Firefly's sweet tea vodka with water and lemons.... And today I found a new flavor fav which was stoli blueberry vodka with water and I used half a packet of propel's sugar free raspberry lemonade and seriously it was great. I don't drink beer or soda, but when I do drink with my friends I try to stick to sugar free drinks w/ whatever vodka... (What do you drink?!?) I probably sound like a major alcoholic! I do find I'm slowllllllly loosing weight.... Shame on me!
  8. Hi guys. I would like to know if after sleeve we can drink wine or other alcoholic beverages. I think I will not eat and drink anything interesting for a long time after the surgery, but after some months can I think to go a party and have a drink for a toast? (e.g. Wedding, birthday, various celebration...)
  9. britt2415


    Just wondering what everyones docs said about drinking alcohol?! I was never given a specific timeframe, so just wondering when its safe...
  10. I am new to this lap-band thing...I have my first appointment with my surgeon next month..I have been on this site for almost 2weeks and have heard everything about this program, what to eat, what to do and not to do:lol:...What about alcohol, wine and beer???? Is that a no-no??????
  11. LovinMe2013


    I know we shouldn't drink, but what is the best thing to drink should the occasion arise? I've had Skinny Girl Margarita & Wine....both still have alot of calories.
  12. jsemmig


    I'm sure the answer is no but I forgot to ask the dietician if I'm allowed to have alcohol during my 2 week pre op liquid diet that I started today. Do any of you know?
  13. I'm not a drinker but normally I'll have a glass of wine or martini on my birthday or special occasions (so about 8 glass of alcoholic beverages for the year). My surgery date is April 19 & I celebrate my 30th bday in June. Also my brother getting married in Jamaica (island) in August & I'll be attending. Read a diary entry online that after bariatric surgery no alcohol for one year. It's Saturday so my nutritionist is not in office. Is it true? Did your surgeon or nutritionist said that no alcohol for one year? Thanks Sent from my SM-G925T using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Last night I had alcohol for the first time since August. I was cleared to have alcohol in Feb. but didnt really have an occasion to. I had staight raspberry vodka (mini bottles) and i took little sips of it with my peach Crystal Light. Over the course of 3-1/2 hours I had two mini bottles. I was pleasantly buzzed- not drunk (I was at a charity bowling event). I felt totally sober driving home after coffee and a piece if a protein bar...it was all good! yaaa! I was scared but it was fine!
  15. Saw this on Yahoo and I have to say, it's true for me. I can drink WAAAYYY more than before my surgery and I tend to find myself drinking daily, instead of socially. Need to change that asap, which I will. "Weight-Loss Surgery Increases Risk of Alcohol Addiction" Andrew Kahn was only a social drinker before his weight-loss surgery. He never imagined he would develop problems with alcohol because he had bariatric surgery. But he did. The 61-year-old from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who had his gastric bypass surgery in 2003, eventually developed alcoholism and was treated at a rehabilitation facility for his addiction. "I never had any guidance or education about that," said Kahn. "If I was given the choice between being obese and becoming an alcoholic, I would have thought about [my decision] more." The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric surgery estimates that approximately 72 million people are obese in the United States and 200,000 people have bariatric surgery each year. Kahn's alcohol addiction may not be a unique result of gastric bypass surgery. New research suggests that having Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, where the size of the stomach is reduced and the intestine is shortened, thus limiting how much a person can eat, can increase the risk of alcohol-use disorders. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, adds to mounting evidence of a link between have the popular gastric bypass surgery and the symptoms of alcohol-use disorders. Before the surgery, the nearly 2000 study participants completed a survey developed by the World Health Organization that is used to identify symptoms of alcohol abuse. The patients then completed the survey one and two years after their weight-loss surgery. The study found 7 percent of patients who had gastric bypass reported symptoms of alcohol use disorders prior to surgery. The second year after surgery, 10.7 percent of patients were reporting symptoms. The findings were published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. "There have been previous studies that show there is a change in alcohol sensitivity in gastric bypass," Wendy King, a research assistant professor in the department of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and the study's lead author. King's study is the first to show that with this increased sensitivity there is also an increased risk of alcohol use disorders (AUD), the term used to describe alcohol abuse and dependence. Dr. Mitchell Roslin, a bariatric surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said the link between gastric bypass surgery and increased alcohol use has been attributed before to the shifting addiction theory and that this is false. The shifting addiction theory is that if a person has an impulsive drive to eat and the ability to eat large amounts of food is taken away, then he will shift his addiction to another addictive substance, like drugs or alcohol. "A gastric bypass patient has a small pouch [for a stomach] so alcohol goes straight into the intestine and is absorbed rapidly," said Roslin. "When it is absorbed rapidly, there is a high peak and rapid fall." The higher absorption rate makes alcohol more addictive, he added. Indeed, before his surgery, Kahn would have two drinks, then feel sleepy and go to bed. After the surgery, he said he felt the alcohol would go through his system faster, which allowed him to drink more. "It wears off so quickly so you can keep going and going," said Kahn. Gastric bypass is the most commonly performed bariatric surgery in the United States and represents 70 percent of all surgeries performed during the study. Laparoscopic gastric banding, where an adjustable band in placed around a patient's stomach and limits how much food the stomach can hold, did not have an associated risk with increases in alcohol problems. King said this is to be expected as gastric banding does not change the anatomy and thus the metabolism of alcohol like gastric bypass does. The study also found that the increase in alcohol-use disorders was not seen until the second post-operative year as opposed to the first year after surgery. "This emphasizes that continuing education about alcohol use is needed until the second year after surgery. With follow up [patients] need to hear about consumption and what is appropriate," said King. Dr. Leslie Heinberg, the Director of Behavioral Services for the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute of the Cleveland Clinic, thinks these increases are causes for caution more so than concern. Patients should be educated before their surgery about the changes that will occur in how they will absorb and metabolize alcohol. "Given that the increased rates of alcohol use disorders post-operatively are equivalent to what is seen in the general population, it shouldn't be a reason to avoid a life-saving procedure," said Heinberg. "Rather, it points to the importance of education, informed consent and continued monitoring." King said her study highlights one of the risks of the surgery but it is important for patients to take in context all of benefits and risks and work with doctors to determine what is the best option for them. "Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment we have for obesity. It would be shame if people walked away thinking gastric bypass was a bad procedure based on this [study]," said King. Andrew Kahn said that he did not have the opportunity to know that alcohol addiction may occur after his surgery and he wants other patients to be informed about these risks. He initially lost over 70 pounds after his surgery, but in the six months he was heavily drinking, he gained 35 of those pounds back and became depressed. He eventually attended a detoxification program and has been sober since 2010. Kahn said he would not have had an alcohol problem if he did not have gastric bypass. Still, he wouldn't have traded in the surgery if given a second chance. "Gastric bypass saved my life," he said. http://news.yahoo.com/weight-loss-surgery-increases-risk-alcohol-addiction-003820087--abc-news-health.html
  16. HI! I am going to a reception this weekend and am wanting to have a glass of wine or non-carbonated alcoholic beverage. I feel great, am losing but unsure of trying this. I am almost 2 months post op. Thoughts?.......Thanks!
  17. Hi, I am getting ready for my Plication next Wednesday with Doctor Corvala in Tijuana and I am very excited. I read through all these posts to get ideas and help and I have noticed several people mention drinking wine or cocktails. I would have thought with your stomach being so much smaller that you'd be unable to drink much? Is this correct? I am just wondering if it's even worthwhile having a drink once you've had this done since you have such a small capacity. Anyway any comments would be appreciated.
  18. What kind of alcoholic beverages do you guys order at bars that are low sugar/no carbonation? Is it appropriate to bring sugar free crystal light packets into a bar to mix with vodka? Or is that ride?
  19. What are they????
  20. Okay, I know this may sound like a stupid question but... My surgery is Monday and tonight is my sisters birthday. Does anyone know if it would be okay to have just ONE drink? I was thinking maybe even just water with a little vodka in it?
  21. MissTiffany203

    Alcohol ..

    I'm about 5 months post op... My 21st birthday is in 6 months which will make it 11 months post op & for my 21st birthday of course I want to go out & have a drink. What drinks settle good? & you haven't had problems with? Just need opinions on drinks.. To the ppl that have negative comments don't try it with me...
  22. Hello, I wanted to ask about the rules and experiences with people who are sleeved and drinking alcohol. I am planning to get sleeved. I am a social drinker and drink about 2-3 times a month and typically drink 4 glasses of wine or 3 to 4 cocktails. I understand alcohol is empty calories. Could drinking alcohol on occasion hurt the sleeve? How long until after you ate sleeved can you drink? Thanks!!!
  23. pinkadot07

    Beer and Alcohol post-op

    Hello all, So I have heard a lot of conflicting things about alcohol after surgery. I am almost two years out now and doing great, but I've alwasy had the lingering question about drinking... I am not a drinker at all. I never drink in my day to day live. I am on vacation right now though in europe and am supposed to go to Brussels in a few days. Naturally I want to try the beer there (I have never had beer) BUT it's carbonated so is it a no no? I used to drink soda all the time and was told after surgery we cant deal with the bubbles so I gave it up and haven't touched it since. Please let me know if I should just stay away or if it would be ok... Random, but what drinks are good in general? that you can handle after surgery? It might be kindof hard to order specialized drinks here....ideas? Thanks.
  24. FarmerE


    I'll be four weeks out from surgery but I was wondering about alcohol intake.... The academy is holding a DWI Detection Course and are asking for volunteers to be drinkers. It's a controlled environment and will steadily increase drinks (no shots). Would I be able to handle it for one day? Anyone's thoughts?
  25. Have a friend having surgery tomorrow. They had three alcoholic drinks yesterday. Will this cause any major complications

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