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Found 17,501 results

  1. koreabandster


    So recently I've been pretty hard on myself. My weight loss has been very slow over the last few months (mainly because I don't have much restriction and I'm not doing enough exercise). I live and work in Seoul, South Korea and Koreans don't really recognise changes even if those changes are pretty drastic. So I haven't had many people compliment me. That was up until this week that is. This week I've had seven different people compliment me about my weight loss. Saying I look so slim and asking how I've done it. It's such a great feeling and has really motivated me to keep going until my goal. In addition to this I've met and fallen for a great man. It's early days but I never though I would meet someone like him. He's very special and we have so much fun when we are together. He makes me smile a lot. Before my surgery I always dreamed of meeting a man like him. It also helps that he's really healthy and fit so we get out and do active stuff at the weekend like mountain climbing, hiking and biking. He also cooks me amazing, healthy meals (and I secretly think he loves it that I give him half my food!). I'd say that this is my biggest NSV! Life is good and I'm happy. Here I am at 215lbs on the right. And down to 160!
  2. luvinke

    OMG! I got felt up!

    Congrats on the NSV, your stats look good. Keep up the good work!
  3. juliegeraci

    OMG! I got felt up!

    Great NSV. You sound like me. I am only 5'8" but my goal weight is 200. Weight Watchers puts me at 165 which is too thin for me. Hope you reach your goal!
  4. Road Queen

    NSV - Shirts

    I have been struggling with minimal weight loss and what I thought was only a few inches lately but I guess I've been measuring the wrong places. I put on a v neck top today and I looked like a hooker. The V was very low. Then I tried a tank top that I wore about a month ago. It was looking big too. Obviously my shoulders and upper chest are reducing more than I though. I just hope the double chin is going away too!! wonder how I can measure that??!!
  5. sp1587

    Nsv! And I Needed It!

    So, lately I've been bummed and stuck on a plateau around 50lbs loss, but today during my couch to 5k I ran and enjoyed it! Never thought I would jog for almost 20 minutes and be happy about it!
  6. Juliat


    There is this one guy in my office that makes me blush. You know the one; ultra good looking, nice, suave, the whole package. Anyway, he's been commenting on my weight loss for the last couple of weeks. Well yesterday, I was walking in a door as he was walking out. He stopped as he was walking out and was like 'Hi Julia' as I was walking away to my desk. He didn't just walk out quickly, he paused for a minute. I think he was checking out my fanny :blushing: I just said hi and kept walking. It's nice to have the fellas take notice again. J.
  7. I believe I’m ready. I’ve done some serious soul searching. I know some of the reasons I’ve been holding on to my armor of fat. At least, I think I know. A big thank-you to everyone here for helping me along this journey. I’ve read almost everything posted since October, and that is sure a lot! J Most of it has been very thought provoking for me. I hope I’ve been able to add to the quality of the board, and not just created a lot of useless noise! The before-and-after pix are such an inspiration, as is the NSV thread. The results y’all have shared amaze me and give me hope. I need all the hope I can get. You see, I am still in the camp where I don’t quite believe that this band will actually help me. I have tried just about everything, but I only end up fatter than ever. I worry that it won’t work for me. I know that the band is only a tool, and not magic. I know I still have lots of hard work ahead of me. I believe I’ve set a realistic goal for myself; I want to end up a pants size of 12, and end up around 170 pounds. So, that’s just shy of 100 pounds, and a full 10 sizes. My first NSV goal is to nicely fit into a desk at school, not feel like a sausage squeezed into the desk… Food and exercise: I’ve examined my relationship to food, and I’ve discovered why I HAVE to have a house full of food even if I never ever eat it. I know most of the foods that trigger a binge. I have learned a lot about some of the various eating disorders. I’m learning that even thin people think they are fat and are made miserable by that. I’m practicing chewing everything to mush…. I even masticate in public! However, I’m a little worried about not drinking with meals though because I find some foods too dry to swallow without the added benefit of a sip of water. Because I’m currently recovering from a severe asthma episode that lasted for several months, I’m slowly getting back to where I was physically. I actually took the stairs yesterday without even thinking about it! Sure I was winded when reached the next floor, but I was exhilarated at the same time. It sucks being limited to “as tolerated” especially when I am still not tolerating as much as I was before this episode started in November. But one of my goals is to get my black belt in Tae Kwon Do before I graduate, and I know what that work will require. Aftercare: All aftercare will be taken care of in Seattle, which is groovy with me because it means I can write off trips home. And any excuse to go home is a good one. Okay, well, almost any excuse…
  8. So I bought a cute pair of jeans on clearance a few weeks ago in hopes of being able to wear them a few weeks post-op. Wellll, I tried 'em on this morning on a whim and THEY FIT!!! wOoooot! Surgery is Monday. Can.Not.Wait.
  9. I started this journey at 330 lbs and wearing a size 28 pant that were tight. Happy to say that I now can wear 22's!! and 18/20 top!
  10. [ATTACH]45060[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]45061[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]45062[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]45063[/ATTACH] The 1st one...those pants were too tight 4 weeks ago! 2. My hair is getting so long from the healthy life style! !! 3. What I look like today 4. What I looked like 4 weeks ago
  11. paula

    Hey Check Me Out!

    WOW!!! What a great NSV. Who the heck cares what the scales say when you have something like that happen.
  12. DeLarla

    New Buffet

    My neighbor got jealous and bought a motorcycle so he could join us. Now he blames it all on me for getting him hooked. Oops. So Chris, CJ and I went out to dinner, then cruised the Strip on our bikes. And the biggest NSV in the world... I GOT FLIRTED WITH BY A WHOLE CAR OF GUYS! I was at a red light alone on my bike (CJ & Chris yapping a few yards behind me) and a taxi full of young cuties were asking me to rev my engine for them! Chris noticed I was getting flirted with and zoomed up to ruin my fun. Jeolous husband is a fun NSV! Then we picked up Chloe, and she snuggled in the recliner with me eating junk food and watching a scary movie. She spent the night and is still sleeping, and she's helping me take Sachi and Milo to the vet for shots. The rest of the weekend is up in the air, but it's gonna involve motorcycles and spending money we don't have. Next weekend Chris and I, along with friends, Darren & Tina, are going on a road trip to California. Chris & Darren are riding their motorcycles.... AND THIS JUST IN... Penni, Chris is finishing the trailor so I can bring my bike on the back of my truck. We'll park the trailer in Lance's culdesac (I hope.) I'm tired of figuring stuff out so I'm leaving it up to Chris.
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    My jean callous is gone!

    WOOO HOOOO! This has got to be on the top 10 NSV!! WOO HOO, congrats to you!
  14. juliegeraci

    Another NSV...

    Great NSV. Totally cool that you can fit the average towel now!
  15. Okay, this is the "FOREVER" part coming to bite you. Bear in mind, this is advice from an unbanded person who has gained 30 pounds since October - WAAAHHH!!! My advice to us both... lol 1. This is NOT a diet - this really really really really is FOREVER. Our eating habits will have to change forever. 2. In the end, our lifestyle changes canNOT be about losing weight - because once we have lost the weight, there will be no motivation to continue with our healthy habits. At some point, we will no longer have the scale moving downward to motivate us. And we certainly don't want to wait for the scale to move UPWARD(:eek!) to regain motivation! (Trust me on THIS one!!! lol) So... this journey HAS to be about HEALTH. Seriously. Losing weight is secondary to this journey. 3. Take 15 minutes to really think about all you have accomplished, seperate from the scale. Review all of those NSVs. Feel the regained health of your body. Realize that you NEVER, EVER want to give that up. NEVER. Admit to yourself that you are WORTH being healthy. 4. Recommit to your health in baby steps. Set one goal for each day. Make it a small, easily attainable goal so that you can experience the success. Add slowly to that goal until you are at the max for that particular health-breeding habit. For example, if your main goal is to drink a gallon of Water each day, and you haven't been drinking any, start with a mini-goal of a quart. Slowly add to that each day until you get to your gallon. Once that habit is reset, start working towards your next goal. Suppose it's walking. Maybe you want to walk a minimum of 30 minutes each day. So day 1 your goal is to walk 10 minutes. Do that successfully for a couple of days, and then add another 5 minutes. 5. Remember that you do NOT have to fix everything in one day!! This is for the rest of your life! Be gentle with yourself, start your positive habits small, and build on them. 6. Focus on what you WANT to do, not what you DON'T want to do. Don't focus on NOT eating something less nutritious - focus on eating MORE nutritious foods. Don't deny yourself anything - just make your more healthy food choices FIRST - always promise yourself (and keep the promise!!) that you can have whatever you want (IF you still want it) after you've had your health building food(s). 7. Continue seeking and offering support! Good luck, and I know you can do this. Sometimes we all need a little rest - there is nothing wrong with that. But you don't want to neglect your health for too long (like I have!) xxoo
  16. Life has gotten in the way the last 2 months. I was unable to take care of me the way I was supposed. Not exercising, not enough Protein all sorts of things. I gained 8lbs. Now 3 weeks ago I was sitting here crying feeling like a failure. I'm back on track in the last 3 weeks. walking 3 miles a day, getting my protein and Water. I have lost those 8lbs. I haven't had a fill in two months.I go for one tomorrow. There will be no great loss, but no gain and I realized I'm good with that. I can't beat myself up for no being able to take care of myself (I was the primary care giver for my MIL the last 3 months and she passed a month ago). I've lost 60lbs since surgery in November. One hundred total since last May. When I think of it that way I'm pretty proud of how far I have come in the last year. So now onto the NSV. I can ride my bike without the seat hurting my rearend. Pretty happy about that. I haven't been able to do that in about 3 years. So all in all a good week for me. Thanks for listening.
  17. Hey Guys!!! It's been 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days since I was sleeved... I thought it was cool... the whole 333 thing.. anyway, I just wanted to share where I am right now.. I'm not losing tons of weight very quickly, however, I am losing inches, inhibitions and immature people's info!!! I'll make a different post about my NSVs to date and my trip home to Mississippi last week... This post is long enough.. But these are my stats so far.... Weight- HW: 382 DOS: 360 CW: 325ish and falling Clothing size- 30/32- 4X , size 11W shoe (pre-sleeve) 28/30 -3X/4X, size 11W shoe (day of surgery) 22/24-2X and falling, size 101/2 W (Currently) The Girls- 48DD (pre- sleeve) 46D (day of surgery) 44C (currently) Physical Ability- no stairs, little exercise, too painful (pre-sleeve) walking a mile w/ pain during the last .25 mile (near surgery day) 7 miles on recumbant bike, 2-mile walk, 3 flights of stairs w/ NO PAIN (currently!!!) Confidence Level- Party Participant, fun girl (pre-sleeve) LIFE OF THE PARTY!!! (currently) LOL.... I love SLEEVINA!!! She's helped me change my life and starting unearthing the REAL me... the me who was trapped by food and fat w/ seemingly no way out!! My sleeve has provided me w/ a very clear and well-defined road map to weight loss and a healthy life... I wouldn't change it for the WORLD... I am embracing and enjoying my journey!!!
  18. liannatx

    A couple of random NSVs

    gowalking, I love this type of NSV! @DjmohrI, I love the fact that your husband James calls you Bartles : )
  19. blossom

    A good phase on my banding journey

    Nancy, you are a true inspiration!!! Congratulations on your loss and nsv's!
  20. So today was the day Patty and I had set aside to do our Christmas shopping. Well, HER Christmas shopping. I don't have any family to speak of, so all I buy for is her. But she has lots of family, and they are on their best behaviour right now, too. Her family gives presents that are to die for. We were out shopping, her in her Amigo thing with a basket, and me walking beside her. We have division of labor, she tells me what to get and then I put it in the cart. It's her job to decide what we're buying for her side, and while we're in the stores I pick up necessities. I bought dog food. Got a great deal on fifty pounds. When we got home I had to carry all this stuff in the house. Sure was a lot of stuff! I carried the fifty pound bag of dogfood in last. About halfway up the steps I realized this is about the same amount of weight as I had lost. Hmmmmmm. Boy was it HEAVY! I realized I still have a couple more of those bags around my middle. No wonder I was tired, no wonder my knees hurt. No wonder I couldn't sleep. That sure put things into perspective for me. So try this the next time you're worried that it's not coming off fast enough, get something that weighs about what you've lost and carry it around for awhile. You will develop a healthy respect for what you've already accomplished. Now, I've gotta go rest. The stores are murder this time of year.
  21. New Hope

    NSV-new, smaller clothes!

    Now that's one of the very best NSVs!!!!!
  22. princess_n_thep

    Different scales...different weight....

    Take the one that says the lowest, then get on that one only during your "woman week". Seriously though, you are putting too much emphasis on the actual number. Pounds and numbers really and truly do not matter as much as leaning, toning and inches. The feel and fit of your clothing matters. If you are replacing fat with muscle then you might not see a huge dip in the scales. Don't worry so much about the pounds and numbers, just about how you are feeling and other nsv's.
  23. gentlespirit

    My first NSV's

    What a super NSV! Congratulations!! Emily
  24. I am a type II Diabetic. Without meds my blood sugar is in the 300's. With meds my fasting is about 190...which is still to high for fasting. Before I decided to have the surgery I was put on three different blood sugar meds and that was my breaking point. Well - I have to report that I have been checking my sugars religiously all week. I have not been taking any meds and my fasting runs 85-109 in the morning!!!!! It hasn't been that low in 10 years even with meds!
  25. beachgirl

    Christmas NSV

    Every year at Christmas just like everyone else we have the same things. Tonight after not eating anything all day except for ceral I went to my Mom and Dad's for our annual Christmas Eve dinner. There was Turkey, dressing, ham, sweet potatoes, corn, mashed potatoes, vegall casserole, mac and cheese, greenbeans, slaw, hasbrown casserole, pies, cakes, puddings, salads, everything, and since this is my first Christmas with my band this is what I ate: 1 small piece of ham 1 bite of vegall casserole 1/2 piece of chocolate pie I could have never done this before but just wasn't hungry. I thank God for my band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
