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Found 1,237 results

  1. Betty1971

    Post Op Diet - Week 3 of Liquid Diet

    First of all do not panic. You are in the famous three week stall, it can come anytime but week three is the famous "three week stall" you can google it. You cannot work your way out of it, it just happens and your not doing anything at all wrong, it will pass. Second, I found that warm things were much better for me that cold or even sweet things. But remember this is just a stage, it will pass super quick and before you know it you will be on to the next stage and this will just be a memory. Try not to hurry on to the next stage, you may feel ready and you may be healed up on the outside but you cannot see the incisions or the surgical sites on the inside and you just had major surgery. Its important to let that stuff heal the way it needs to. Proper healing is very important for long term success!! So just go with the misery of the full liquids for the time and choke down the soups and the protein shakes until you get the go ahead to move on to the next stage and before you know it you will be eating regular foods (at a much smaller portion) Try drinking a warm bone broth when you think your hungry, they are high in protein and will fill you up and count towards protein and liquid. They also will leave you feeling full longer than a regular broth
  2. MariaC6

    Finally in Onederland!! 🎉

    Finally broke my three week stall and had a 3 lb weight loss. 187 on the scale today. Woot woot! And I had two Christmas cookies yesterday- what a mind game. I’d did make a conscious effort to get my 64 ounces of water this week. I’m 15 weeks out and I am at about 900-1200 calories a day and I get at least 45 minutes of exercise 6 days a week (I use a Peloton bike). For those on a stall, listen to what everyone else has said and stay the course.
  3. Blue Crystal

    Why do I feel guilty?

    I’m six weeks post-op and had the three week stall as well. Mine lasted for about a week. Also, I wasn’t given any specific goals by my surgeon and dietician except for liquids and protein. But, they did specify to eat 5-6 small meals per day.
  4. catwoman7

    Why do I feel guilty?

    it's the infamous three-week stall - right on schedule!
  5. Let's see, a few things: 1. You may have a few uncomfortable days when you're wondering what you got yourself into. Don't worry, it gets better quickly. 2. Being "full" will feel different after surgery and you'll want to learn to recognize that feeling quickly. Overeating or eating too fast after surgery makes you REALLY miserable. 3. You'll only be able to eat a tiny amount at first. Just getting enough water and protein in will be tough. Don't worry, you'll be able to eat more soon. 4. Stick as closely as you can to the eating plan your bariatric team gives you. 5. About a month after surgery, you might stop losing weight. It happens to almost everyone and it's called the "three-week stall" here on the forum. Don't worry, you'll start losing again. 6. Don't buy a lot of clothes as you start losing weight. You'll be blowing through sizes really quickly. Just get a few inexpensive pieces until you know what size you are eventually going to be. 7. Don't compare your progress to other people. We have a different metabolism, dieting history, lifestyle, etc. Some people will lose faster than you and some slower. It's all good. 8. You will definitely reach a point when you can have your favorite foods again, although likely in small portions and not very often. Some things might taste different after surgery. Just a few tips! Hope all goes well with your surgery. 🤗
  6. catwoman7

    BIG DEAL!🥴

    it's the infamous three week stall. Almost all of us go through it. It's not always the third week (but it is for most of us) - but at some point within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, almost all of us go through our first major stall. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Didn't lose a lb. Then during week 4, the stall finally broke and I lost like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just continue to follow your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to - and know that it WILL break! And also know that you'll likely hit these several times during your journey. It's all part of the game...
  7. catwoman7

    3 week stall

    yep - it's the infamous three-week stall - right on schedule!
  8. catwoman7

    Post Sleeve Question

    yep - it's the infamous three week stall. Happens to almost everyone (it's usually, but not always, the third week. But sometime within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, pretty much everyone has their first major stall. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks). If you do a search on this site, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding! Just stick to your plan and stay off your scale if you have to. The weight loss WILL start up again...
  9. Hop_Scotch

    14 days after WLS

    Don't have a lot of information about you, it would be helpful if you filled in your profile...hightest weight, surgery day weight, current weight, height...all this gives context to your post and helps us to tailor a response to you. So if I understand correctly its been about four days since you have lost scale weight, but in the 10 days before that you've lost 13lb??? That's great and above average for the stage you are at. There will be weight loss stalls along the way, one of the major ones is the three week stall (though for some this can happen before three weeks and for others well after). Please take the time to fill in your details.
  10. Hop_Scotch

    Post Sleeve Question

    You are doing great so far. Stalls are very normal, google weight loss surgery three week stall, though yours is four weeks (the three week stall can become four or five week stall). Your body is taking time to adjust to the varous food stages plus the recent 'big' losses. You are doing great, keep doing what you are doing. Some stalls can last a few weeks, some are longer, some stalls are shorter. If yours lasts beyond a few weeks (and assuming you are following your post op guidelines), you may want to check in with your surgeon or dietician.
  11. You're doing great! You've actually lost MORE than average for the first month after surgery, especially considering that you started with a BMI on the low end. Stalls in the first month are extremely common -- we call it the "three week stall" because it usually happens around 3 weeks post-op. There are a lot of superstitions around how to end a stall, but the reality is that a stall is just your body catching up to the changes, and all you can do is be patient and stick with your program. Don't worry; it happens to almost all of us. I know you probably waited a long time to get this surgery and you're ready to be skinny, but it takes time. Congrats on your success so far!
  12. Latrell

    6 weeks post Sleeve surgery

    Just wanted to give you guys an update. The weight loss has started up again. At the time I wrote this I was 308. I am now 294. I also drank some Smooth Move tea. The three week stall is real! For those going through it just be patient stick to your plan and don’t give up!
  13. Latrell

    Stopped Losing Weight

    Just wanted to give you guys an update. The weight loss has started up again. At the time I wrote this I was 308. I am now 294. I also drank some Smooth Move tea. The three week stall is real! For those going through it just be patient stick to your plan and don’t give up!
  14. First of all, 12 pounds in 3 weeks is right on target, so you're doing fine! Many people gain weight immediately after surgery because of all the IV fluids, which can skew your early results. Many people have a stall in the first month (commonly referred to as the "three week stall" because it often starts right around week 3, but that varies from one person to the next). If you follow your surgeon's plan, you WILL lose weight. I know it's hard to be patient, but you have to be. What did your surgeon say about exercise? Some surgeons actually discourage strenuous exercise in the beginning because, as you've discovered, you don't have enough energy while you're eating so little. Are you walking at all? It is good to walk a little, even if it's just around the house or up and down the street, but you don't need to be going to the gym or anything at this point. Did you exercise regularly before surgery? If not, you'll probably need to start slowly.
  15. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    almost everyone has their first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery. It usually happens during week 3 (thus we refer to it as "the three week stall"), but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will start up again. btw - if you search this site for posts on the three week stall, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it. And I'm NOT kidding. It happens to almost everyone.
  16. it's the infamous "three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for it, you will literally find over 15,000 posts on it. Almost everyone has that. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Your weight loss WILL start up again. And just so you know, you're likely to go through several of these on your journey.
  17. you're in the three-week stall. Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. as for the 2 lb bump up, if you've been following your plan, that's not a true weight gain. Could be water retention or constipation. Or maybe a hormone-related gain. Just give it a couple of days.
  18. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Stalls almost 4 weeks post op

    we call that the three-week stall, and it happens to almost everyone. If you do a search on this site, you'll find literally over 15,000 posts on it. just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. You'll hit a few more of these along the way, but like with you, the first one usually hits within the first month or so after surgery.
  19. RickM


    800 kcal per day is a very typical number and consistent with good weight loss. Our loss tends to be heavily forward loaded with a lot of water weight loss early on - your loss rate should be slowing right about now (do a search for the "three week stall") as your body pauses to catch up. As a reference, I lost 32lb the first month, and then 15 each of the next two months, so things do slow down. (What is happening is that your body, when it goes into a big caloric deficit as it does immediately after your WLS, starts drawing of your body's glycogen reserves - basically stored carbohydrate - which takes a lot of water to stay in solution. So your body is throwing off a lot of water as it burns the glycogen. Then, when that runs out (after 2-3 weeks typically) the body has to start drawing on its stored fat (which is what we want!) but it can take a few days (or weeks for some) for the body to shift gears to do that, so don't panic if your loss suddenly stops for a while. Also, your loss rate will be lower once you start burning your fat reserves, as the fat burns more slowly than the glycogen. The glycogen burn may also be why you are feeling a bit weak and tired, as that is your quick response energy store, and you are running low. Try working in a little more carbohydrate - oat meal, cream of wheat, unsweetened apple sauce are common - to help keep those levels up a bit more. In theory, our body is supposed to burn our excess fat to make glycogen, but that doesn't always happen as quickly as we need it (this is why marathoners will "carb load" with a lot of bread and pasta the day before an event - to make sure their glycogen levels are as high as possible before they go burning it all off the next day - we don't need to go that far, but the same principle applies.) Overall, it looks like your are doing great, and I wouldn't worry about losing too fast until you are within maybe five kilos of your goal weight - if you get there withing six months, then you may need to slow things down so that you don't overshoot the mark too far; otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it. (And yes, my doc's RN also told me to cut back the exercise because I was losing too fast - but that was at six months, and about 10 lb from goal weight, and while I wasn't inclined to cut back on what is my normal maintenance level of exercise, I did start ramping up the calories to start slowing things down.)
  20. catwoman7

    Stopped Losing Weight

    that's really bizarre that your surgeon doesn't know about the three week stall. Pretty much everyone has that. I was told about it in my pre-op classes.
  21. almost everyone has their first major stall within the first month or so of surgery. We call it the "three week stall", but it's not always the third week. Do a search on it on this site - you'll find over 15,000 posts on it. It'll last about 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. As long as you stick to your program, your weight loss WILL start up again...
  22. catwoman7

    Stopped Losing Weight

    you're probably in the infamous three-week stall, as a couple of others suggested. Those typically last 1-3 weeks. Nothing you can do other than stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you need to. As long as you follow your surgeon's plan, the weight loss WILL start up again. as for worrying that you're eating too much, stick to what you're supposed to eat. You likely had some nerves cut during surgery, so your stomach isn't talking to your brain just yet. Thus, you're unlikely to experience a "full" feeling for awhile. Also, for many of us, "full" feels different than it did before surgery, and it can take awhile to recognize the new "full" cues. So you need to follow your plan rather than your brain for awhile. Weigh/measure and log your food - and stick to the plan.
  23. NovaLuna

    Stopped Losing Weight

    Considering your surgery date I'm guessing you're likely in the three week stall. It's VERY common! Also, during stalls weight can go up a bit by a pound or three and bounce back and forth before your weight loss kicks back in. Just my own experiance anyway... my longest stall was 27 days. I also had one that lasted 23 days. Your body sometimes takes a while to get used to the changes and will stall you on occasion. I've had so many stalls I lost count... but, I've still lost 106 pounds in the 9 months since my surgery so you do get past it. Just continue eating like you're supposed to and try not to stress yourself out about it (almost impossible, I know)
  24. I broke the three-week stall. I tried to stay positive, but I'll admit, I was concerned. I weighed in a few weeks ago at 230, then 228 (yes, I weigh every day), and it went back up. I was back to 232ish and it stuck there for about a week. That was frustrating. I'll admit that this coincided with me pushing my limits as I tried to introduce more normal foods into my diet. I am happy to report the past three days, the scale has started moving again and I hit 224.8 (HW 284) this morning. I'm happy with where I am so far and feel like I'm heading in the right direction. I am also thankful for the advice on this forum, so when I hit the stall, I was more patient than I otherwise would be, since I knew what to expect.
  25. catwoman7

    Feeling frustrated at week 3

    it's the three week stall. Almost all of us have our first major stall sometime during the first 3-6 weeks after surgery, and it's usually the third week (hence, the name). If you do a search for three week stall on this site, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will start up again. Stalls usually last 1-2 weeks, but occasionally longer. Stay off your scale if you need to and know that it'll eventually break.

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