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Found 3,903 results

  1. kathp

    totally math baffled!

    At three months I was averaging about 1000 calories (that's where I am now, too, at 4 months). I can't remember where I was at 6 weeks, sorry. However, I was hitting my Protein. I had trouble with working out if I didn't have protein before I worked out and a snack after. I would get dizzy. My nutritionist and the exercise physiologist both said if you don't have time to eat properly yet have time to work out like a fiend, you're out of balance: 80% nutrition and 20% working out. So, are you hitting your protein and Fluid goals? That will make as much difference as the workout. Unless you're craving the workout. I'm working out about three times a week, doing cross-training/circuit type stuff (cardio and weights in the same workout) and have been doing OK with the weight loss. I'm sort of stalled now, but I'm not tracking my food and that's the bigger issue. Kathy
  2. it's the infamous "three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for it, you will literally find over 15,000 posts on it. Almost everyone has that. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Your weight loss WILL start up again. And just so you know, you're likely to go through several of these on your journey.
  3. leeann71


    Almost all have hit the stall at two or three weeks out. You body is just catching up. Take your measurements during this time and I bet you are loosing inches. Keep positive the weight will start coming off again. Put the scales away.
  4. Three months and 46 lbs down and stalled at 172 lbs. Been here for two weeks. Stepped up exercise and cut back calories. Just have to ride it out I guess. Wonder how long.
  5. InfiniteButterfly

    Stall @ week 3? Seems to soon for that?

    I just pushed past the dread "three week stall" (which actually hit around 2 weeks out for me, and lasted maybe 10 days?) I knew it was coming (having seen so many posting about it on here), but it's still frustrating to experience, especially when you're doing everything right. My stall broke when I managed to boost my calories slightly for the day. I went from around 400 to 550-600, and that seemed to kick my losing back into gear.
  6. TheCurvyJones

    Help I need advice!

    There is normally a stall around week three or so and you will stall-- I call them PAUSES, actually--- now and again throughout your journey. I read somewhere that we don't lose pounds and inches at the same time. While you're 'pausing', you're probably dropping inches from all over. Your body needs some time to adjust itself. You just dropped 30 lbs. It can't keep going like that without some kind of recovery. Push through the break, stay on food and keep advancing your diet. Focus on Proteins and get in your Water. It will pick back up!
  7. I'm having the same issue, and we're far from alone. There are a number of posts on here about the stall that often occurs three or four weeks after surgery. I don't pretend to understand it, but I'm enduring it and hoping it ends soon!
  8. nsquared


    The three week stall is so common. I am sure there are threads on this forum and others devoted to nothing else. I did not have it (and I was expecting to), but based on what I have seen, I might be in the minority. Folks say to simply stay on track with your program and it will break. You are so early post-op it is not anything anything you did or didn't do. It is your body adjusting.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl


    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. If you intend to lose a lot of weight you will experience stalls. Most people experience their first stall about three weeks after surgery. Follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. Exercise. Stay off the scale. If the numbers in the scale are going to dictate how you feel, then I recommend you weigh no more than once a week (or even less often). Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  10. It sounds like you got hit with a double whammy - the dreaded week three stall and your period. Relax, there is nothing you can do about it. Stick to your plan, hide the scale, and drink more Water if you can. I just went through this about 2-3 weeks ago. The scale has started moving for me again, not quite as fast though.
  11. I was lucky enough to have two doctor's appointments this week - my three month follow up with my local bariatric doctor and my PCP. I lamented to my bariatric doctor about my stall. How I haven't lost anything in the past 18 days. I was kind of whiney about it. She just looked at me like I grew a 2nd head. She said, "You're going great. You've lost a total of 50 pounds. What was your expectation?" I got to thinking about that - really, what number was going to make me happy? If it was 53 pounds would I automatically to over the happy side? What about 63 pounds, is that the magic number? She pointed out all the good things going on - lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, my ability to walk seemingly forever pain-free, my increased energy level, etc. All good stuff, right? So why am I so hard on myself about the number on the scale. She asked how often I'm weighing - I'm back to weighing every day. She told me to stop that, but I weighed again today. The best thing she said about my weight was this - "If you graph your weight loss, the line won't be linear, it's going to be more of stair step." And you know, she's right. I graphed my weight loss to date and it looks like stair steps. This morning I went to my PCP whom I haven't seen since late-October, about 2 weeks before surgery. Her jaw dropped when she saw me. She cannot believe the difference in my appearance. Then we started going over the labs and she was amazed. She actually said "You are glowing! You look happy. Your eyes are clear and bright. The transformation is amazing." Sometimes we get so hard on ourselves because we're not losing a the rate in which we think we should. "I'm a slow loser!" "So-and-so is losing so much faster than me!" We need to STOP! This is marathon, not a sprint. I didn't get to 256 pounds overnight, I'm certainly not going to lose it overnight. Sometimes it's good to step back and look at things from a different angle.
  12. Creekimp13


    MANY people have a bit of a stall when transitioning from pureed food to solid food when they're about three weeks out. Google "Bariatric Surgery Three Week Stall". It's super common, and super disheartening. But don't be overly concerned! It's normal and if it happens, you're not necessarily doing anything wrong. Our bodies have amazing defense mechanisms developed over thousands of years to prevent starvation. When our calories suddenly dip very low we hormonally and metabolically adjust to maintain our weight as much as we can....so...ya know...we don't starve to death. And yes, this defense mechanism SUCKS for weight loss. But the good news...is that if we stay the course....and stick to our plans consistently...eventually, we do overcome it and the scale starts moving again. I promise. Dthomas....if you're not exceding your calorie goal, if you're journaling what you eat and choosing good food...your mind IS right. Your body is just throwing you a curve ball as a defense against starvation. It's temporary! Stick to your eating plan. Have patience. And have realistic expectations. Most folks are not going to have the 50 pound losses you see on My 600 Pound Life in a few weeks. Also...losing a job and the financial crunch it brings... can be really discouraging and depressing. Exercise really will help you, even if it's just walking a few miles a day. Hang in there. It gets better.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    2 weeks no weight loss

    Many people don't show an initial loss on the scale because of IV fluids and swelling post-op. Have you talked to your NUT? Did your surgeon or NUT express any concern when you had your post-op follow-up? If not, I you are probably doing fine. Almost everyone hits a stall about three weeks post op. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, take your Vitamins and supplements as directed, and exercise. Even though you are getting 70 grams of protein, your calories are very low. You should do better once you are able to get in more calories. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Thomas CPA


    Stalls happen and gaining a pound here and there once in a while happens. I went up three pounds then started down again. I have lost a whopping 1 1/2 pound in the last three weeks. Sometimes upping the calories gets you out of starvation mode then drop the calories and you lose some weight. Hang in there, you will break the stall soon enough.
  15. I just got out of the dreaded 3 week stall and it was brutal. I was almost at tears most of the time and it took its toll on me but when I broke it I realized that I was being pretty silly about the whole thing. I would of never lost even close to this much weight without the surgery so I was worried about losing what? ....Three maybe four pounds? If you are truly concerned about it though. Which I was I went back to basics. I went back on the liquid diet. Made sure if anything I got in 50g of protein and 90% of my water. If you choose to eat the pureed stuff just watch for sodium in foods it can tend to hold the water and also vamp up your work out a lil. I broke my stall in about 2 days of doing this. Good luck and don't worry your body does need time for adjustments and you will start to lose again real soon. Good luck!
  16. Kapoorvilla

    3 weeks post-op

    Hi everyone, I wanted to report back the scale is moving again. I started trying to get at least 1000 calories and eatting every three hours. I make sure I get my Protein but be sure it is not just protein. I am on to regular foods so I am trying to work the fruit and veggie back in. I am also drinking my 64 oz of Fluid. I was in a stall for a solid two weeks at 260/261 and today I wake at 258.6. I don't know what part of that made the stall end or if it just did so in spite of what I did but YAY the scale moved! I just want to share hope it works for you guys!
  17. One stall at three weeks for one week. I should call my surgeon but through all of my issues all he's said is "You're doing great! I think you're going to be one of the lucky ones to lose all of your excess weight." and shrug his shoulders otherwise. Let's say I'm not optimistic he'll be helpful.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    New someone to tell me this is okay.

    None of us lose weight at a constant or steady rate. Right after surgery you are swollen, healing, and full of fluids from the IV. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. If you intend to lose a lot of weight you will experience periodic stalls. Just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall.
  19. Sammi_Katt

    9 weeks post-op

    I try to remind myself to only weigh in every week (every Monday) so I don't get too obsessed with numbers. I'm five weeks post op and seeing a huge difference in my clothing size (I don't see it in the mirror or anything, but photos are showing me that I HAVE indeed made a dent). I'm eating good protein now, too. I went three weeks without food because my gallbladder tried to murder me and stalled out during that, but I'm back to actually losing.
  20. LipstickLady

    I'm not sure if I'm im in a stall.

    A stall is three weeks of no scale movement -- up or down. You're certainly not in a stall. One to two pounds a week is good, one or two a day? Celebrate!!
  21. redmeg8

    3 weeks out

    Phew! I'm so glad to see that week three is known as a stall week, because I'm totally there too. Today, I decided to put the scale away for a little while... for my own mental well-being.
  22. Jessee3897

    3 weeks out

    In going on week five and can attest to the three week stall. I started upping my protein and added in walking and by the middle of week four I was losing again.
  23. Yes. I have been using Genepro to break a weight loss stall that began about 8-9 weeks post-op and continued through to 11 weeks. I'd still be in it had I not changed what I was doing. I came up with the solution described below to break my stall/slowed down weight loss as I was thinking about the days right after my surgery. My surgeon has her patients on clear liquids for 14, yes, 14 days!!!!! following surgery. No protein, no vitamins.....ONLY CLEAR LIQUIDS and medications for 14 days. I lost a pound or two a day on the regimen. Since my weight loss had drastically slowed, I was significantly behind on the amount of weight I am expected to lose by my next surgeon appointment and decided I would go back to post-surgery basics, but with protein, meds and vitamins added. I began this regimen on Thursday, March 14th, weighing 219lb. Today, I weighed in at 210 pounds. Here is what I do: I take three 16 ounce bottles of water and to them I add 1 scoop Genepro, which is flavorless, 30g protein and only 60 calories. You can drink it plain or flavor it however you,d like, just don't add calories more than 20, perhaps, with whatever you choose. I add sugar free decaffeinated ice tea powder to mine. These three bottles become my "meals" for the day, breakfast, lunch, supper, giving me 90g protein for the day and only 180 calories. In between these "meals" I drink another 16 ounce bottle of water, giving me a total 96 oz water for the day. Additionally, I take all my meds and vitamins as I am supposed to throughout the day. Once I reach 209 pounds I will be at the bare minimum of where my surgeon expects her patients to be at 3 months post-op, which puts me at the 50th percentile. I plan on continuing this regimen for the entire 14 days in order to get as near to 201 by the end on March, early April, which will put me in the 75th percentile, which is a MUCH better place to be. Anything below the 50th percentile is considered to be a weight loss surgery patient failure. This info is taken from a Duke University study conducted to discover early weight loss predictors for success or failure among weight loss surgery patients. I explain this study and provide links in the video I've posted here in my status update on Bariatric Pal. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. :-)
  24. Hello there! Thank you and Congratulations on your surgery date! You are going to be sooo happy!! I remember pre-op, I was on the liquid diet for 7 days, and it was hard at first, but by day 5 I was getting excited that my surgery was almost here and wasn't hungry any more. I am doing really well post-op - thank goodness. I am a little sore now and then, or if I move too quick in an odd position then I feel a little pinch, but other then that I am good. I am waiting to see if I experience the dreaded three week stall, but the truth I am not really dreading it if I do. I already feel so much better, and have lost 32 lbs in the last 26 days, that if I have to wait a minute for my body to catch up, then it's worth it. Are you excited? Are you nervous? Temecula is really nice - Wine Country!!
  25. quilter

    3 weeks out and hungry

    I'm three weeks out tomorrow and I'm on pureed foods. I'm following exactly my Dr's directions and today I was starving. Plus my weight loss has stalled. At this point I could cry

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