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  1. I’ve had a few issues with vomiting when I eat solids. Usually it’s because I made a mistake and swallowed before I chewed or I took too big of a bite. If I concentrate and take it slow I do pretty good. After I vomit though I find I have to do liquids again for a couple meals because I’ve aggravated everything so. If I try solids again soon after I was sick then I’m just sick again. I feel like this will work itself out as I adjust to slowing down and and chewing each small bite 20-25x. A work in progress for sure! I’m definitely getting better at not drinking for 30 min to an hour after eating. I made the mistake of trying to take a drink when I have that stuck feeling and everytime it ends badly. My next post-op appt isn’t until April 11th. I hit the three week stall last week and have only lost a pound all week. I’m hoping before my appt I get past it and start losing again.
  2. I am three years post op and I can drink while eating but I don’t recommend it. For one, I’m pretty confident my pouch was left bigger than most since I was always able to eat more than expected from day one. For two, I gained my weight back and this could have contributed. I am thinking I am doing a revision and the PA reminded me I should be doing all those things such as the 30:30:30 (30 before and after with no water and take at least 30 minutes to eat your meal). They haven’t checked it yet but if it is possible to stretch the sleeve in any way, I worry that I have stretched mine. Regardless, he explained that the purpose of not doing both even once you have room is because the liquid flushes the food through your system quicker so you don’t feel full as long. In terms of the size bites you can take they will gradually increase BUT, ideally you will still stay with “normal” sized bites but with time in between so that full signal can get to your brain. Hopefully others can Learn from my mistakes. Apparently they make these rules for a reason 😔
  3. Hi there wondering how everyone is doing???? Current weight is 142 5”3 I eat every 2-3 hrs snack and have three bigger meals which is breakfast lunch and dinner. Still could only have about 5-7 spoon fool of the larger meals. Rice does not agree with me I figure it may never. Alcohol hits me super fast so I have to be very careful!
  4. ShooterInTheSix

    Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?

    I had my surgery on Sept 14. I'd lost 20lbs during my two week pre-op liquid diet, and another 22lbs up to Oct 19 (5 weeks post-op) and had no change the next week and this week actually gained three pounds. Not impressed!
  5. catwoman7

    Addictive Energy with No Release?!

    I cant' really speak to any of this having never been through it, and not being a medical person or counselor, but the 75 lbs - if you've lost 75 lbs since September, I'm sure you look different. It's sometimes hard to tell from month to month by looking at yourself in the mirror, so I had my husband take pictures of me - all four sides (front, back, left side, right side) - every month on the date of my surgery (in my case, the 3rd of every month). We did this every month until I hit maintenance 20 months later. It wasn't always easy to tell from one month to the next, but if I compared pictures to those taken three or four months earlier - yep - big difference!
  6. summerseeker

    Bouncing weight loss for past week??

    Nope you didn't ruin anything. Your journey will be all ups and downs and it is really best to get used to it. Throw in lots of stalls and you will be worrying like crazy if you don't believe your teams advice. You should be in a calorie deficit. Once you are on real whole foods as against puree your restriction will kick in big time. Then you will be on reduced calories again because you just can not eat much. You could have gained three pounds because of a few reasons. Have you been eating salty foods, Having a really stressful time, Have a full bowel or is it just the time of the month.
  7. Arabesque

    Is there a standard guideline?

    No there is no norm or standard plan for before or after surgery. Much like there is no standard for how you will recover, how much weight you’ll lose, what ‘fun’ side effects you’ll experience, etc. There’s just generalisations & averages. There will be similarities across plans & differences. Like in the pre surgery eating plan. Some don’t have any. Some do three shakes a day while others do two shakes & one meal. Me I had to do keto. Same with the post surgery stages. Differences can be around how long each stage is or even what foods you can or can’t have at each stage. For example potatoes are allowed on many plans but were a big no in my plan. I do know my surgeon adjusts his plan depending on the individual patient & their specific needs & situation. My friend who saw him was on the 2 shakes one meal plan. Her friend, also same surgeon was all shakes. Our ages, starting weight & general health were different. It’s why we say it’s always best to follow the plan you were given and if you are having difficulties to contact your team to see if & how you can tweak it to better suit you & your needs & experiences.
  8. Were you given a diet & list of what you can & cannot drink/eat before & post surgery? If you didn’t ask for one. It’s really important to follow the plan you’re given. Surgeons can have different plans with different requirements. For example the pre surgery diet could be three protein shakes a day, or it might be 4 shakes a day. It could be two shakes & one meal of meat & vegetables (low fat, low carbs). Some even specify what brand of shakes to drink. I was on keto so lots of differences. Generally post surgery it’s protein shakes, bone broths, cream soups, consumes so protein, protein, protein. Some are allowed sugar free jello but again you should follow your surgeon’s plan. All the best.
  9. Felicia1288

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Oh my gosh @MLC3409 why the 360 with the doctor? And I don't blame you with the food because this is very hard work (especially for myself with a husband and three kids). Did he find something wrong yesterday? Is he going to keep the surgery date? (I think you said yes) and they wouldn't be ordering meds without telling you. Keep on plugging along!! And remember the why and keep telling yourself that...Reach out whenever...my problem is I am also looking at stuff for the purees stage and so on lol because I want time to fly by. I been adding "bullion" to my broth as a treat.
  10. NickelChip

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I didn't have a formal list, but about a week or two before I started the liquid diet, I did make some plans to go out to eat at favorite restaurants. I ordered a particularly rich meal at a local Italian place that I love, and at one place I split a bunch of appetizers (all fried, naturally). I also had a couple of big breakfasts at diners because I love diner food. Oh, and I accidentally ordered a Wendy's Baconator hamburger, which is three meat patties and a ton of bacon. I say accidentally because I'm not a person who goes to Wendy's on the regular, so I had no idea of the menu and had to make a quick decision because I was in the drive-thru. A burger with bacon sounded nice. I had no idea it was the size of a house! It was the only thing I ate all day, but I was laughing when I unwrapped it because I knew I would not be ordering another of these in the future! My only advice is not to let your "last meal" turn into a month of "last meals." Allow yourself a limited amount of time. You can do a lot of damage in a month!
  11. Arabesque

    Blood work

    I was every three months from my surgeon but my GP was also getting one in between for the first year & then was happy to review the surgeon’s requests. At two years it was just the three months from my surgeon’s colleague who does his follow ups. When I reached three years it became every 6 months. I didn’t & don’t mind getting so many as it’s been informative to track my levels but also allowed the doctors to pick up fluctuation trends (like my vitamin D dropping in winter) & my protein malabsorption issue which began at 2 years after my gall was removed. I expect I’ll always have regular tests (1 or 2 a year) because of the protein issue.
  12. olivialittle55

    Adding Fruit

    I couldn't eat fruit for the first three weeks, although I was told I could eat it after a week. I don’t know how to do it correctly, but it seems that some doctors themselves don’t know.
  13. I am currently three years post sleeve sitting ten pounds heavier than when I stared contemplating the SADI revision surgery. I am pretty hopeful and excited this time though. I am already eating better, exhaustively researching the procedure and the future diet. Finally I found a therapist that specializes in disordered eating near me who is taking new patients. It wouldn’t be possible without telehealth because she’s a couple hours away (something positive that came from COVID). Within 15 minutes tonight we discussed my mental health, medications, medical history, potential surgery, a change in the dietician and touched on some of my emotional eating concerns. She thinks she can help me and she asked me to think about it and talk it over with my current therapist and if we agree it’s a good idea she wants me to sign a release so that she and my therapist can work together. I feel so excited and hopeful that this is going to make all the difference this time. I am curious how long the process usually takes. I’m hoping I will have a pretty good idea of how much help I need and know whether I am ready to move forward by the time my surgery date rolls around.
  14. Because our stomachs are smaller it stands to reason that we have less enzymes to do our digestive process. About three months after surgery I was having pains when digesting and was having difficulty when going to the bathroom. My husband got me a bottle of digestive enzymes and it took no time to feel the difference. Unlike probiotics which can make my stomach hurt, I can take those before or after a meal and it is like magic. Just wanted to share for some of you who may be having trouble. It worked for me and I still use them as needed over a year out. Hope some of you can find this helpful.
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Wow four weeks! I thought the three I did sucked, I feel for you. Just keep telling yourself one more hour, one more day towards getting the healthy thinner body you want, need and deserve! My husband did the same thing for me..lol still does. Just remember you CAN do this, its just a small blip on your new journey and the results will be worth it. I added no sodium clear broth packets to my fatty liver reduction diet which helped, it was "hot soup" with flavor and 5 calories and was helping with water intake. Could have as much as I wanted and it wasn't plain water or another protein drink! https://www.amazon.com/Hormel-Chicken-Bouillon-Sodium-Packets/dp/B0077DMWO0/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=2OTVXLTYW0OD9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lQfKYERXvAhUropfp5TcloiXDN09ZoegzxDIPbqvPsdG2SFel1Y2bZSDa-edU5IODMVLcTFZN7J_gN1J76UWRJ5alR_86je9RVJ7FT5B8fLCIu-Gu7R1P9CR4QwfZLXQSmYDC2T6w1YEIitQSLjlj6dtcWr9e9jsWqXzvU0vEStk6z7EO14TcHw9L8V52hbuymxrnf7R0fRn-6u0Hfi7Zg6T2nbJ6hPrQT4cjccBJc3kbDGnNXGQ3wuSN1klYubiT2jVe3qUR5qmQ2XYpBGvIOL9iJQXcem-L96snZm7jSE._KgKbU2PA1ogwJ3vncdpxEFEDsXdAL0MfVmhXtWkCx8&dib_tag=se&keywords=kosher+chicken+bouillon&qid=1708370322&sprefix=Kosher+chicken+%2Caps%2C260&sr=8-5
  16. I'm scheduled for sleeve surgery in three days, and I'm experiencing serious cold feet. I'm a 44-year-old male, 5'9" tall, weighing 270 pounds. I've struggled with yo-yo dieting for over 21 years, with my highest weight being 280 pounds and my lowest 198 pounds. I've had success with intermittent fasting and restricted calorie intake, but I've regained the weight. I suffer from mild sleep apnea, which causes heavy snoring and comes with its challenges. Thankfully, I don't have any other health problems, and I take medication that contributes to weight gain, though I doubt they'd make me fatter the 270 pounds than I am now; they just make it harder to lose weight. I'm feeling uncertain about the necessity of the surgery since I'm not extremely heavy and overall healthy. I'm also worried about only being able to eat small quantities in one sitting, and the idea of changing my body scares me. Yet Im also excited to get this option available
  17. catwoman7

    So...it's happening!

    I must be in the minority - I didn't mind the puree stage at all - especially after a few weeks (before and after surgery) of just drinking fluids! It was great to eat real food - even if it was pureed. I remember eating a lot of Greek yogurt, hummus, refried beans - I also pureed spanakopita (which I made without the phyllo) a couple of times, as I recall (I must have added something to get it going in the blender - some milk, maybe? Can't remember). I had surgery at age 55 (that was nine years ago) but fortunately, unlike summerseeker, I didn't deal with any hormone issues. I did have off and on "buyer's remorse" the first two or three weeks, though ("what in the hell did I just do?" "Why could have I tried dieting one last time?"). All that will pass and you'll be so glad you did it. p.s. I used my blender a lot during the puree stage. I already had a standard-sized one, but I ordered one that had both a standard-sized pitcher and a small pitcher, since I figured I'd use the small one a lot more (and I did). I think it's a lot easier nowadays to find small blenders. But like someone else said, you can always order one afterward, too.
  18. Thanks all for your support, it's seems silly to write to you all as relative strangers, but apart from my partner I haven't disclosed my surgery to anyone so you folks are "my people" right now!. I'm slightly less cold this evening and had a blood test at lunch time ... (I'm not a doctor but I do work in the healthcare field and I'm actually at an EU medical conference here so got a collègue to write me a script for one). the results are through and, I am as I thought very anemic, so much so that I have an iron infusion booked for tomorrow ( Amen to the pan european health insurance system!!) . And @LisaCaryl you also hit the spot - I have low blood pressure too - but thats not that unusual for me - doctor I spoke to said I should try and rest up a bit and take things easy. (Sort of made me laugh because after full days of conf here I have zooms late evening with my US teams because of the time difference and also found out yesterday that I get back to Paris and then after one night have to go straight to the UK for a week for more meetings ... in my 3 months (90 days) since surgery I've had a total of 23 nights at home .... C'est la vie ) I have tomorrow and Friday to get through and then my partner is flying out for the weekend and we'll go to the islands where I hope I'll have more sun! I'll layer up the best I can and will deffo see if when I'm in the US I can get some more thermal wear just in case I'm still feeling chilly , @RonHall908 @Noelle74 I'm sure I'll find a Parisian way to rock a hunting style! Or I could just go for a classic Elisabeth II look The issue I have at the moment is work attire - I have to sort of dress "smart" and because I've lost weight so quickly in the last three months ( My three month "surgerversary" is tomorrow) I've gone from a european size 44 (US size 14 / UK 16 / Aus 18) to a european size 38 ( US size 8/UK 10/ Aus 12) I'm relying on wrap dresses and cardigans with tights that just aren't cutting it warmth wize. I have to upgrade my sheer tights to woollen ones and get some thermal t-shirts to wear under my dresses as per @Briss72 suggestion ( congrats at getting under 100kg @Briss72 and I'll for sure stock up on some handwarmers for my pockets). I have a free morning tomorrow after my infusion and will see what I can buy without spending too much money as I'm still loosing weight pretty in a pretty linear way and hope it will continue for another few months so don't want to spend much on temporary clothes! Here is my weight chart (in Kg) since surgery which I'm very happy with so far... and even with all the being cold and a bit miserable, I know this was the best choice for me and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat and regret not booking surgery earlier! The first drop from 95-91 was my presurgery diet and just after surgery my weight went up ... but it's being going down steady since - I'm just on the brink of having a normal BMI - green zone! Now that was a very long post! Once again, thanks for everyones support, and sorry for being a bit of a negative nancy from time to time!
  19. Arabesque

    TMI Poop Talk

    Day three I had diarrhoea - single event, dark, smelly occurred without warning. Then it was another couple of days I think. Initially I only went about every two day but if I went for three days I’d take a stool softener to keep on top of it. From purées I think I added a soluble fibre. Don’t be surprised if you only go every couple of days for the first couple of months & what you pass is much smaller than what you’re used to. You’re not eating much to excrete. Also at the moment the strong opioid pain meds will can make you constipated too.
  20. Arabesque

    I need help

    Has anything changed? New medication? Lifestyle change? Has a little complacency slipped in? Not as active? You’ve been through Thanksgiving & Christmas recently could they have contributed? Go back to tracking your food & fluids to check you’re meeting goals. Go back to how you were eating before you reached your lowest weight in regards to portion sizes, calories, macros, etc. Protein first, then vegetables & finally only if you’re able any carbs you’re allowed. Check in with your dietician to ensure you’re not missing something. Remember not everyone reaches their goal. The average weightloss at the three year mark is 65% of the weight you would need to lose to put you in a healthier range. You’ve got this.
  21. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Day 5 out of 14 on the pre-op diet and I've settled into somewhat of a routine. I do a Bariatric Fusion cappuccino shake at breakfast with a 20 oz decaf tea that has 1/2 cup Fairlife milk and a scoop of collagen in it. Oikos triple zero yogurt for a mid-morning snack. Bariatric Fusion chicken soup shake for lunch. Jello for snack. 2 scoops Syntrax Nectar unflavored powder in one cup of Pacific Foods tomato basil soup for dinner. Jello for dessert. Sometimes a Good Night protein hot cocoa before bed if I'm hungry. I also take my chewable Celebrate One 45 vitamin, 3 celebrate calcium chews, 2 scoops of Benefiber, Vitagut liquid probiotic, and a liquid omega 3. Believe it or not, all of those supplements add 160 calories and 14g carb to my day! I also drink three 32oz waters with a sugar free flavor packet in each. Total average daily macros: 850 calories, 105g protein, 11g fat, 50g carb Weight loss so far: 7lbs
  22. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yea I am at week two going on week three i misunderstood my diet and was eating soft foods a week early lol but I do find it hard to swallow the most annoying part is not being able to drink water comfortably really anything ive tried hot drinks and for some reason its better for me to take warm drinks. I got sugar free hot cocoa bc its been cold so far so good also caffeine free spearmint tea has been great. I’m down 16 lbs so far im hoping for a good 10/12 lbs moving forward per month but we shall see! I’m going to start my walking routine tomorrow and im excited for that. Happy loosing 🥰
  23. Sorry to hear what you have gone through and are still going through. I know exactly how you feel about wondering if the surgery has been worth it, I wondered the same for many months after mine but I can now say 10 months later that I see the light and know I could not have lost the weight I have done so far without the surgery and I can now finally feel the benefits. I have posted about it before on the forum but a recap to show you how s**t things can go..... I had my surgery 4th July 2023 and suffered severe pancreatitis brought on by the surgery (iatrogenic according to the medical reports) which resulted in me having a drainage tube fitted to my belly area and being hospitalised for one month. Three days after being released I collapsed at home and had to return to hospital via ambulance. There it was discovered that I had a leak in the stomach where the sutures hadn't sealed. I spent a further two weeks in hospital where I had to get clips put in to close the hole/leak. I then lasted 13 days at home before becoming ill again. I went in for a gastroscopy to check on the clips and turned out the clips did not do their job and I had leak back plus two abscesses (1 on stomach, 1 on pancreas). Spent a further three weeks in hospital on a feeding tube before getting all clear to go home after another round of clips were put in and passed their tests. Next time I lasted 15 days at home before having to be readmitted for another month! I never felt fully better but wasn't sure if that was just me recovering from all the trauma or still symptoms. I had a blood test one morning and that afternoon got a call to say I was to come back to the hospital immediately as my CRP was 180. Turned out the hole had opened again and I had an infection. Was put on a feeding tube again for the month and had a drainage tube fitted to my back, had so many different medications, a transfusion, tests etc it was exhausting. I was then sent to a hospital in Belgium to have a tube/coil like thing inserted in my stomach help the hole heal. I was finally released from hospital November 1st 2023. Like you I couldn't do things, I couldn't even stand at the kitchen counter to chop veg without feeling like I was going to collapse. The effort of having a shower and getting dressed some days was too much for me and it took me many months to get to my energy up to more than being able to something small each day. It is really only since mid-February that I can say my energy improved. My weight loss was also slow when in hospital as they were pumping me full of nutrition (via the feeding tubes) but it sped up once I was at home. I had the tube in my stomach removed three weeks ago and had another round of tests to make sure that the hole had healed and I have passed with flying colours. So far so good, no pain or discomfort which is such an improvement. The only thing I suffer with now is a bit of reflux and occasional terrible exhaustion. I was out for dinner on Sunday night and almost collapsed at the table the exhaustion came on so suddenly but I was ok a while later. I don't let it stop me, I have so much more energy than pre-op but I just know I have to pace myself and rest when I can. Basically, I just want to let you know that after all of the above that I have been through I now feel the relief of the surgery and the weight loss. I am now at the weight target the surgeon set for me, 75kg, though I will aim for a bit more and I no longer cry myself to sleep with pain or stress or the fear to make plans for the future. It has taken 10 months for me to get here, I am at the stage now that probably those who have a successful surgery would have been at months ago with their recovery from the op and getting back to a 'normal' life. I am going to see a psychologist through my hospital service for the medical trauma which has helped me as well. Do make sure that you go to the hospital if your symptoms worsen, or don't improve, and ask the doctors to check your levels just to be sure that there is no infection still there etc. Rest when you can, I don't know your situation but if you don't have to get up and go out during the day for work/kids/shopping etc. then don't, just take the time to heal and recover. Also ask for help if and when you need it and also say no to things that you may not want to do if you don't feel up for it - being a control freak these are things I am trying to learn to do.
  24. Hello, all. I have been happily using soft-chew multi-vitamins from Bariatric Pal for the last four years. I live in Australia and shipping has always been expensive but manageable. I just placed an order for more vitamins and three types of protein snacks, and the cheapest shipping option was US$ 225! That is way more than usual--and more than I'm willing to pay. Can anyone recommend a comparable product that is available on Amazon? Thanks!
  25. Spinoza

    Protein post op

    I would second the idea of trying warm liquids - I found it much easier to hit my fluid targets this way. Have you thought about VLCD-type soups? They are high protein (because they're intended to contain a whole day's requirement in 3 servings). Alternatively greek yoghurt/skyr or protein yoghurts? One tub of the latter has 20g protein and I could usually manage one in two or three sittings at your stage. I also quite enjoyed the pureed food phase, although there's no way I would have come anywhere close to my protein goals on the volume I could manage a month post op. There are so many things to juggle with your new stomach. The first few weeks can be difficult, and we worry about everything at the start. I think you'll relax into it and be absolutely fine. Keep trying your best and asking for advice - there are so many people here with loads of experience to share.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
